DAILY EDITION c Good News For Newspapers . . . ORDER THE BEER THAT GIVES YOU MORE Phone 6$1 for Free Delivery CAPILANO BREWING CO. LTD.. VANCOUVER, B.C. This advertisers:.- ;s not p .sbii.-r.cd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULL EN, PRESIDENT G. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR PAQE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY. Ator.- By n cidotlvc brewlnj proem wt conrc, tf viUl vlu la tx cwtf'i y ctit s!v yoa COMPLETE bei th Rnert btr yoa tvtt Ustcd. "IN B.C. IPS V.C" THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1942 EDITORIAL Announcement that the "Vyartime Prices and Trade Board had removed the overall price ceiling from Canadian and imported newspapers, magazines and periodical publications in general will be welcome news for the newspapers at least. For various reasons, the newspapers have had cause to be alarmed at the effect the war has been having on their revenues, particularly those derived from advertising. True the war has greatly increased reader interest and the circulation of the most of newspapers, including the Daily News, is much expanded when compared with a year or so ago. We are rendering a more valued function than before. Yet wTe were unable, if we desired to, to demand a price commensurate with the value of the service. The lifting of the ceiling will leave the press free to adjust rates and safeguard its revenues at least as far as circulation is concerned. The government, in abolishing the ceiling, recognizes the necessity of the newspapers doing something about bolsterng up revenues in view of increasing coSjis, Advertis ceiling regula It might rates were already exempt from price ion- : : ''i i )e mentioned in passing that newspaper rates in Prince Rupert-both for circulation and adver tising are ridiculously low. Now the newspapers will be able to do something more than just think about the necessity of boosting their prices in these days of mounting costs. Step Into Fall With RTT SHOES We can think of no better way to spruce up for fall than to order a pair of Hartts Scotch Grain, Calf or Kid Shoes In the finest fitting lasts made in Canada. Try a pair and be convinced. IIARTTS FOR QUALITY "MOSCO" WONDER CORN CURE Family shoe store ltD. IV1SIT 1 OF GOVERNOR Fred Jones of Spokane Heard Kotarians in Course of Official Tour By edmjJkte downfall of WUfltaftan Sfevefnajento wfrteh wetfd remote, ifce rights of association, free speech and other privUiges which had come to be regarded as Inherent to a way of living. There could be no question of the outcome. White vHnrrtn ot the war mast . be the first consideration. It was fitting to think of what soft of a, wortd there would - - - be alter ifte EDMONTONS WIN FIRST Kaien Hardware Trophy Uaehall Series Under Way Dodge, m The Edmontons won the first Whittaker. ame ame in in the uu rjaseoaii usweinui piay-ou imyuu w- - M fl M . tt M 34 Learue W. Z 1 . .. w . ... 64 54 48 .. 49 L, 38 4B M Ot 68 79 1 n L. 41 SI M St 86 66 73 83 Pet. m .a JM .461 471 .487 .400 JOS Pet. m S6S 312 Edmontons will be all out for a rletory and the Kalen Hardware trophy. However, the Dry Dock l Is determined to make It go three games. The line-up: Itfmoiitoni AH K II PO A E The Prince Rupert Rotary Cfebwar. 1 he Rotary Club could .. !rte for KateB Hariwar trfepH MfIjSUf,n' H received an olflekU vtitt at a d- J m? a PiU m post-War reco- : tn) i,. tdutP(1 Darker, e ... . . . t - iJt. 4 a ...kU m " w a. ner meeting iai nigm irwn m wuwnm aim wun wit- n nlrl to iv(. district governor. Fred K. Joriea of I better pltte i wWWi to IW. TIN? u" Tl a.. Spokane. He brought an nterest-ing message to the club with some suggestions as to useful activity In war time, and the ensuing peace time. President Oeerge C. Ml tit hell was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members with a few guests. It was not his first visit to Prfhce Rupert, Mr. J tne said, but organization, in the speaker's op inion, need not hold aloof from . jniroverslal subjects of Import ant public movement even such as J make decisions but U was juHitll "f "L. , . 1- ,t. b.,rair nromw iw w m . NWneftn. ri The Fusiliers chanced P to wyau. cj runs In the first Inning to take Koran;. If he lead. Pitcher Johnston, on the Johnston, p ubber for the Fusiliers, had ine Dockers swinging hard at hli Total ...... . SkuV in mTk the Dry Dk suddenly came to a Her lb 5 I their decisions 'Br and tied the ball game uo at I. lUUver-tao. 3b 5 0 Mr jone. .ur.MtMl that Rotarvi .Vny. who relieved Hit- ArHft. If S I ihad greau7 r oUl pay sonTe atterHlon to to -cond inning, pve Mclntyre. e seventh to the 4 0 Ih put Since last he was In this city andyoongef generation and rU view. .' " Hofjb Pointers head S to i. ef 4 0 he! classification i he wa. quite amaaed at what Attendance and FlmjMidKjn, had seen here. The war was brtr,-; were also diKussed by Mr. Jones- nlnU - J nary took orer nd the Dfl- rf 3 1 who decrlbed QMey. - Ing Canada and the United States Rotary as simply montons literally had a new aaf . Kitchen, 0 0 even closer together. Every trip adaption or the Golden Rule which p he made to Canada the deeer be- j he urged members to practise as "-Tint "" to oraetteaUy put Milsney. p -.. 3 0 -ame Wi respect for his Canadian: rllTtduaU " wmmr on wury. P friends. H? referred to the inter- In the course of the meeting, started a determined rafly in the nation uhase of this particular i the president conveyed birthday half of the ninth, but could Total . 34 5 lotary district vitilch now con Speaking on more Intimate Rot ary themes. Mr. Jones said that the objective of Rotary was mainly the foarterin? of good for community, nation and the world, development of friendships and personal contacts being merely incidental. The district governor suggested as one useful activity of a club! situated such as Prince Rupert miejit carry oat was the paying of attention to young men of the services and assisting In making their lot more pleasant. Many of 1 these young men were a long way from home, were lonesome and I craved hospitality. Mr. Jones pro- posed a war activities committee in the club. ! treetinei to Norman Watt. J. J. push across thee ran. Olof Hanson was the War Savings the Queen's Fund. the winne; of Certificate for Bayeball Scores National Lea(ue Philadelphia 3-6. Chicago 2-3. New York 11.. CmcinnaU 2. Brooklyn 1. St Leob 2. American Leaiue Chidago 5. New York 3. Cleveland 1. Boston 4. Detroit 1-4. Philadelphia 9-2. (Only games). New York Boston AUSTRALIA'S BARLEY St. Louis Australia's carry over of barley , Cleveland at the end of the year will be 5.- Detroit Baseball Standinns Brooklyn W. Louis New York . CtnctBBat National Boston PhfJbdeJpnla ' American "We have to win this war." said 500.000 bushel and grower are Cbleafo the speaker "no matter what the being told to restrict their acre- Washington cost may be." There must be a age. Philadelphia League W. ...... 14 surnmary 44 9 20 27 11 1 Tttree stated of 93 clubs, the latest of Little and Fred Seadden. Visitors; The second game of the series Dodee: two base hits jrhlch he was about to inaugurate were R S. Oretg. Olof Hanson M. at Kodlak. Alaska. i P-. c H. Orme and O. A. Hunter. 8 0 base v. Kocmuk will be played on Sunday and the WMttaker. Dodoe. Ashcroft H..w Johnston; struck out: by Burv by Mtlaney 3. by Johnxlon base on ball: off J oh rut uu S My 1. off Dury 3. left basea: iJumOntOn IS. Dry Do. k hit by pitcher: Wyatt anc. W Mod by Mllanejr . Umpire: Detii: scorer H MacKemde. Score by innings: R II Bmon tom . 200 00U 10 9 2 Dry Dork COO WW 003 S 8 Johnston and Barker Hit' 1. Milaney 9. Bury and M T tyre. II OVAL NORM EG I AN Crown Prince OVav hesr V, -. TO HELP YOU SAFEGUARD YOUR WAR SECURITIES You have made a patriotic investment in Victory Bonds ... or War Loan Bonds . . . or War Savings Certificates . . . perhaps all three ... to help your country in the war . . . and to help assure your after-war future. To enable you to preserve your war securities from danger of loss by fire or theft, Canada's Chartered Banks offer a safekeeping service. Here are the details: VICTORY BONDS and WAR LOAN BONDS Take them to your bank ... to any branch of any chartered bank ... the bank will put them into safekeeping for you, will clip your coupons when the interest falls due, and will deposit the money to your name ... If you haven't a bank account you can authorize the bank to open one for your convenience. The total charge for this service and safekeeping It only 25 cents a year on bonds (no matter how many) up to $250 . . . one-lenth of one per cenf on amounts over $250. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES You can lodge them also with your bank . . . which will take them into safekeeping and for just one small charge cover the whole of the time (or any part of it) from purchase to maturity. Here is all it will cost you not just for one year but for lYi years: For a J 5.00 certificate $0.10 For a $ 10.00 certificate is For a $ 25.00' certificate . 20 ' For a 50.00 certificate. .' ,25 For a $100.00 certificate , 50 ... For a $500.00 certificate 1.00 THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA i ! Si I I MEN, BlUifi GtUtTn BlADfSlfcl ARE TOPS' FOR fASYSMML TRUB! YOU Gfl" BETTER LQQKIH& SHAVES... FASm ABSOLUTELY ! AHD BLUE GILLETTE BLA0U AST LONGER . . SAYi I YOU MONEY! Imp : MM I! -v- 4M throne Of Nasi -occupied Nonta . .451 was born July 2, 1901. married ' .398 Prince Martha of Sweden duuh-211 ter of prince Charles Start enjoyin; Dm most comforliku shaves ' of your Ut 1 steel dismond-UtM for hardness, B si Gillette Blsdrt hit the sharpest edieimf honed ... five imoctV er. speedier shstrii and more ot thtmye blade! They fit brttis share better slwiri miiM ill 11 m . a ana G 0 L D S E i A L THE SEAL OF QUALITY ri m - l ' 1 wt nn s V - , 1 Hcrrinjc in Tomato br:tt Sandwich Sprfi Spiced Salr3a Smoked Salmon Bloater . .asl SERVICES TO Vancouve r, Vlctorls snd W .,! .nd N Quern Charlotte IsU- Full Information, Tl'1' and KeserTallsm Pit an'K 1. SKIN1 Prince ICuprrt A,n' phone'" jniru nft. "The Home of Good Shoes TT FOR QUICK RESULTS HEWS WANT ADD-