TtSDAV AVQVS? 27. 1012 THE DAILY NEWS "BONCI BONC1 . . . Come tad get Itf Whst istler sound I Especially when there's the K ous furour to tUrt cfl the dtr. And a t w of Keliott'f Cera FUket, with jnSk and t : ct;:tw.t"nefledfood entrtTtoo... r caf:i)faunce,ww;aoTer j'Amiieii t. people eywhtre vote for the Self- -trr' Bretklirt. Get some KIkct'l Corn F :lr-; todT t Comet in two conrenient sizes. Mzlo by Kellofc's in London, Cinsd. THE "SElF.STArTER" BREAKFASTI COUPONS :rr rtdl available with each r: h purchase in our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and Jet us eiplal this gift .j them. MUSSALLEM'S ic Economy Store W":cre Dollars Dollars Hare Hare More ". I'.KVMf AT I.II((1K ACT" ! jilon far Cmn ! T 3 Xtr nt IWf lUrm-r -JiT jto ttmt on t sAMDlmr. AO 1 Uw ' .-mat, to H&T six - ' BttRl tor c.intot to JJ"-T Mo. S7M. . .4 orr-ioiM tvac part Imcmn m vhr Ooro-niMwt ttv nnt of Ett auw. lo it Ktipati Provlncr 4 Bri-f jwn l Undu Ofrrib- Ti rM .IS I tttd I0Mrtrl : Nine l) fioctton Owe I' M Prto Rupnrt tnd . ' 8r 1 Ruprt -; rr.n Rtqirt Br A .- M AD 142 MUVt HOTB1 J.IM1TO. New and Used FURNITURE - Lop-g-ing Jacks, speci-: '! priced. 1 Typewriter, at $11.50 1 ,f)0 Gallon Water Tank aid Heater, just like new, at Snap Price. o New Studio Couches. Can be made into a double bed. At Low Prices. i B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue . . . . t ) sriinnLSPPPMRs h i A ! kinds except Text Books jj at the VARIETY STORE :::' rBTirriii'T:rsr!;T' f Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 037 15 A DM I.N I STRATI VE VAKI ETY Cuba recently had nine president In seven years. J We never close ? Phone Red 392 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates "5c up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. I'bone 281 P.O. Bos 196 .11 laraiBmiarBiaiatiiiBiitaiBi NATIONAL 2 p,an i Messenger Service js Call it . We Haul it Cents" ' JU'.O. Bos 575 Phones 11-19 ! '..V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.V.V LOCAL NEWS NOTES A With the co-operation of Fred Adams and the construction mpertntendent. the United 6er- Organisation is assembling wood useful for kindling wood in the vacant ground opposite the Catholic Church. The people of the community are In vited to come up and take what they need with oat charge. Engagement I Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgkinson an-inounce the engagement of their eWst daughter, Doris, to Sydney iAnred, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Croxtord of this city. The jmarrlaa ge will take place shortly. CARD OF THANKS Bert Wooden of 34 Taxi announces his departure for Vancou ver in the near future. He wishes to thank all his friends for the palrcnage and co-operation given him in his 20 years' stay In Prince Rupert, and also wishes one and all a goodbye. (19?) Notice Ideal Cleaners, uill be Closed on Saturday, Aug. 29th, for Alterations. CKIKtEIIIIIirilllllllBUBLIIC n KWOXG SANG RING HOP KEE Chop Suey C12 7th AVE. WEST jj Open Today for Business m under new management All your patronage welcome B I'bone Red 217 , BfiiiraiiiiTivnr'vat savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bos 544 FKASEK STREET PRINCE RUPERT DUE TO WAR CONDITIONS Canada will now on. have to depend as never before on the output of her mines to fill the ever Increasing demands for coaL Much of this will have to be from Alberta mines, but this will be difficult if not Impossible If consumers wait, as In the past, for cold weather before taking delivery. Do your part lnj helping to avoid a serious sttuaUon, by fining your bin NOW and keeping It FULL. Stocks or Foothills Alberta, Bulkley Valley and Comox now on hand. PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. phone nri PHONE (K2 The Management of Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners Wishes to draw your attention to the fact that they are still giving 3 -DAY SERVICE ON ALL DRY CLEANING AddlUon to their staff of highly experienced operators from the south enables the Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners to give quickest possible time on. deUveries as wcU as highest standard of workmanship and quality cleaning. REMEMBER for your Dry Cleaning Phone the Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners, 118 or S They will call and deliver. No waiting. No delay. When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 13 Zl.llonr Service at IletuUr Kates Col A Mrs. Jean B. Rlvett announce that she will be taking no music pupils this season. The Dibb Printing Co. announces they are not handling school sup pile this year. tf) naroia iioagson and Ralph An derson are sailing Saturday night for Vancouver. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eastman returned to the city yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. E. V. Whiting, local employment and selective service officer, is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver on official business. A BASKETBALL meeting will be1 held in the Y.M.OA., Friday, Aug. 28, at 7:30 pjn. All those Interested ' please attend. a 2eq Farewell Party Given By Mother Mrs. P. I. Palmer Entertains, For Her Daughter, Mrs. Robert Uoyt Mrs. P I. Palmer, Fourth Avenue East, was the hottest last evening at a farewell party for her daughter, Mrs. Robert Hoyt, the former Mist Owen Palmer, who will be leaving next Monday for Oakland. California, to take up require. The rodms were tastefully decor ated with seasonal flowers and the evening was pleasantly spent by a number of friends. Delirious refreshments were served. flhncuhcetneHtA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word George McLeod. William Gartefl' Lrthcran Tea and Tom Richardson were each and Homecooklng Sale. Aug. '29. lined $25. with option of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police LHtle Norway Tea, Sept. 12. court for drunkenness. Oddfellows' Ball, Sept. 25 by in- JOHNBECG IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY fff5 0Vl? 100 nm MTUMi". MATURED tHtt I0IUE0 IN SCCTUNC) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here Is your chance to try the latest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAH Cor. 6th and Fulton" Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 913 for Appointments Classified Ads. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale at WANTED 863 Borden Street. 199 FOR SALE Fully equipped troller. Spacious and well finished fo-csle. makes good living quarters for couple. Apply May Belle, Fishermen's Wharf or Box 336 Daily News. (200 FOR SALE J. J. Taylgr safe, lb inches by 36 inches Inside. Apply Box 337. Dally News. (201) FOR SALE 1939 Mercury coupe sedah, like new, with excellent tires, less than 18,000 miles. Can be seen at 133 Fifth Avenue West. Owner. (204) SIX room house, three bedrooms, furnace, excellent condition. Cash or terms. 871 Summit Ave. Blue 830. (202) HOUSE for sale or rent. 4 rooms, 7 acres ground. On main highway, 1 mile from post office, store and station. Write James Mallen, WANTED Furnished or semi- furnished suite or house near high school, suitable for two couples. Permanent. Phone Blue 278. WANTED By naval officer and wife, small house or apartment, furnished or partly furnished. Phone Green 811. (199) WANTED One or two furnished rooms by married couple; no children. Phone Mr. Debilly, 643. '204 WANTED For refined business girl and soldier husband, bed-sitting room with housekeeping privileges. Box 335 Daily News. (200)1 ... hiiiil'H r-. .U..J ..... It...... or girls willing to learn. Smiles Cafe, Cow Bay. (204) WANTED Two dishwashers, $2.25 per day and board. Apply Commodore Cafe. (199) Hazelton, B.C. IwANTED-Olrl or Boy Messengers, for SALE Sealed tenders will be ! age 16-18; must have bicycles. received by the undersigned up I $50 per month and bonus. Cana-untll noon of Tuesday. Septem-1 dlan National Telegraphs. (201) ber 1st, 1942, for the purchase of ' Lot 1718, Range 5, Coast District, I situate at Remo and containing. WANTED Four-roomed suite or house, unfurnished. Black 937. 128 acres, on which is a smau WANTED Small breed spaniel stand of mercnantaoie spruce, pup Phone Biack 625. (196) cedar and hemlock. Terms: 1 . Ktrirtlv Cash Hiehest or anv HELP WANTED, Male or female. tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, administrator of the estate of Thomas D. Laird, deceased. Prince Rupert, B.C., August 17th, 1942. LOST LOST Black and Spaniel. Harborln; prosecution. Norman white Sprlngew g will result lnj A. Watt, (199) LOST Oold locket on chain. Finder please return to Dally News Office. Central Hotel. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and Board for 2 couples or 2 men. Apply 1543 Overlook St, FOR RENT (201) ROOM and Board for man shar- lne. 718 Fraser Street. (195) ROOM and board for man. Apply 513 Herman St. (203) ROOM For Rent, 1009 3rd Ave. Call after 5:00 pan. (199) Make the most of your Tea.. fi i f mil! OALAUA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED i sun im.ibiijbtck m mi k:uzkzz.mix:kzkz mz mini. n . GIRLS' OXFORDS Girls' Hewetson and Chums Black or Brown School Oxfords, built for comfort and wear. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES Boys' and Youths 6choolOxf ords and Boots at moderate prices. For that pair of Children's Shoes and Overshoes, call in at the HOUSEHOLD NEEDS .1 WAM BOYS & GIRLS SCHOOL SHOES Fashion Footwear TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. 15c . 2 oz. 25c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS : 1 oz. 20c 2 oz. 35c FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 oz. 25c 2 oz. 45c CASTOR OIL 4 oz. 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 25c 8 oz. 90c CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 50c EPSOM SALTS, tins 4 oz. 10c 16 oz. 25c BORACIC ACID, tins 2 oz. 15c 4 oz ' 25c SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE. Ormes ltd. "Jiie Pioneer DruqgUts THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 85 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 pjn. ! Xcxt to Dollar Store Phone Red 321 5 BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 5 tumi i:i mi mini irKxiTixi tms mjxzmzmxm-mimimi m i mi mzmxu. w f B 5qKKH0HKHJCHKKJKKK1HJ 1KHWKWKKKKHJOMKH3 OTKHKKKJO For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE S PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT g OOiMOMeKi0HOWDOKtKXHXKKKXHXH j NOW IS THE TIME- fGlve us an order right away for the amount of coal you your requirements now or as supplies arrive. It Is Important that you should lay In your coal supply this summer as It Is almost certain that the dealers will not be able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO BUY YOUR COAL EARLY (It la also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 11 OR 117 If you have something to sell, a classified advertise ment in this paper will soon let you Know u mere la a buyer, in the city, . , i V ,'J