r re ace ot c br-r tr' in and conceded one of IU -c! - had been sunk and a hirriaft carrier damaged. :-.(dquartera said that tne F'K'.s loue In the first c. of battle starting 8un-:drd damage to two alr- rn'T.s ana a Daiuearup t uims lacked confirmation Washington Indicated -Member ' Japanese had attempted . r urc Botomon baea but so rAS LOST rvDfi n tir - For Skeena Service Organization ten of Interest saying that "our force i,8 their potkm In the An informal but InteresUnc talk nng enemy throat and niimKr nt matter i arising I Hon have inflicted heavy o tnc wr and lne rewnt ,,.1 on auacKing pnw tfon of Parliament at Ottawa more particularly with rcfercrie. ; idred mk to the weal Pl1nce nupert and district, was ops and ptanet battled g,ven by olof nanaon, MP. for ,?..paneae landing at Port RkeMul bjfore Uie Prince nupert i he southeast Up of New 0yro c,ub at the rfKUiar weekly e tioylnt an enemy trana- uuchn yesterday. six landing barge as outstanding Items In the -bably sinking a cruiser. (km of parliament, whkh Mr. Japanese thrust .ln lluw described as one of the a-c..t effort to get base for moct important In the btatyry of ante attack on AuUaJta Caid4: re lne 'Hebalc on the five hundred mile away, ,UWrtkn 0f compulsory overseas . the manpower plebiscite as against neremDtorv acUon by Parliament rt rrnn f i nn h,rn cou,d on,y have w111" (iVrKKllAKI) unlty. referred to a v Y LilDJ rkiis rhangf of aUltudc ln rP(tard to mat I Arm am tmnlld bv thf needy Befalls George Moody Ot Mf M th m,n. i on simpv)n um .- f Wfr 0, nnance had prewntea r Uie financing of a $2,000.- -r .... .h-T overboard of P hart not been t ebroeuy.a denting J"1 . , minrt Wed- few years ago there had been uuk - . to the extent of $?00.000,uoo. refe to the deleft Oetly. with Joe Sankey as- Mr. Hanson rrjd Prince Rupert Tues- veJonment of h U district par Uc afternoon for Massett. Early ularly ."'""ay of optimism today feeling dav morning while It was general . k EU had occasion to that the district was on deck. There was quite In permanenUy Into 1U o-n. avy sea and " he was swept; Speaking generally. Mr. Ilan-2... - .or that the nrlmary con- j; 1:0. inis w i....v- sv... - , , it CnM MnnHv .Moratlnn was to Win the WHr JCl -IIIHC Ull IMIK Mfli" ' . ..rl (r. .'''u lor a wiie on uie iuiiu" ' use of a searcniiini oui nr prai-n uw.-, uauv dlsaoDeared.Tnesiormy xne mcmu for Skcena era- it Hiri...i Hn nnv- nhiiiM the Importance of local '.orrtinatlon with the miUUry Tup Getty turned back to Prince authorities nuuiuuvivo ln ... regard to deIcn ... P :;:rr to report the tragedy. HALIBUT SALES Summary projects and plans which affect civilian Interests, ue nssurancc at Ottawa that It was ,the desire to cause as little d i- turbance In the local commun ty .. i u ,.-nc Hip desire as DOSSIDIC aim j . American -138000 pounds, 15.6c 0, tnc departments concerned to H:1 13i to 17.6c and 13c. r.ivi. local advice. C anadian --None. i Mr Hanson lauded the zeal ot American 'r, n n i.ircc and other local Eas:le 75.000 wounds. 15.Gc and i' i pninir ahead with the ling in Lake s , Ilt-IMJIU Sit v . . . rj I3r StnrniTP i nrnlivt In IhC faCC Hoover, 31,000 lwunds, 17.Cc andif niffipultles and I3( Atlln. tr ii'Di nersonally Quest, 32.000 pounds, 17.1c and .,, ',,. favor 0f the project and ite, Wlilz. L in., the Kovcrnmcnt wouW : iat an early date be able to give HUMP. CATFISH his approval to going ahead ac- WAU8AW. Ind. O) Leonard tlvcly with the unaeriawnb. f nrnxldrnt W. F. Stone ind fisherman on the side, figures I U the cliair at yesterdays luncn- Be Kot a fair return ln his ane-.rnti In the absence oi mw"- lii.'sko County. Kelly baited lo-lnch hook and sash cord vlth four pounds of raw beef and Bulled in a 68 pound channel cat-Bt'ih, one of the largest caught pereabouts ln recent years. I NAKED SCARECROWS lNDON, August 27: O) British Icnrccrows have gone nudist. They re out of fashion now because here no old clothes can be spared or them. his ! at the luncheon. line DENTISTS' NOTE JOHANNESBURG, August 27: h believed to O) be 500,000 years old, was found embedded ln rock at Stcrkfontcln Caves. The enamel was well Miss E. Johnson Is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Five Recruits Joining Up In Canadian Army Flve new recruits fop the Canadian Army have been enlisted during the past week and dispatched to district depot ln Vancouver. They arc D.E MacLnrcn, carpenter . . a-... L l" TY H nnrl rdsrnurnce-.rnncc uupcri; j. u. ivcjiuiu un very A. P. Reynolds. Fort Si. jamcs, ana A. J. ralmer and R. J. Crowe, Ocean Falls. LONGEST SERIAL The publication of the Holy Bible In weekly Instalments by the Mrur Era. weekly newspaper of Wawasce ln Kos- L. Rorlc. W. D. Lamble was a guir-arkcr. South Dakota, over a PROVlNblAL VICTOR, Local Temperature mm Stow Tomorrow (Standard Time) sT ides :' High 2:27 am 22.0 feet 14:57 pjn. 21.7 feet Low 8:49 ajn. 2.0 feet Mln. LUVr 8 ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:10 pjn. 22 feet BfOL XXXI No 109 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1942. PRICE- FIVE CENTS Big Russian? Counter Offc nsive Damage To Fleet In Solomon Islands Is Admitted By Japs Vashington Claims Thirteen Japanese Ships Hit Japs Essay New Landing On New Guinea TOKYO, Aug. 27 (CP) Tokyo headquarters ack-lowledged for the first time today that the Japanese leet had suffered damage in battle with "reinforcements if the United States Navy off the bolomon Islands. ' Tjrt.cen hours after Washington announced damaging )lcnv.i to at least thirteen Japanese warships, the Japan- HANSON AT General McNaughton Has No Intention Of Sitting Back Of Channel Ditch, He Says SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND, Aug. 27 (CP) General A. G. L. McNaughton', Canadian commander-in-chief, told a group of newsmen today that "if anyone thinks we are going to sit back of the ditch which is the Channel hejhas another think coining." General McNaughton was welcoming a group of visiting Canadian editors and said that the I Qraon s of Dieppe were still leing studied. He said that the raid had proved the alertness and cool ness under fire and absolute devotion to duty of Canada s young officers and the confidence the men have in them. UUU U J Canada: Three Years at War r-;:, '"!PRAIRIES DIG IN FOR BIGGER CROP; IN WAR INDUSTRY IN BIG WAY Golden West Has Made Contribution to Industrial Well as Agrarian Front in Thrte Years' War (This is one of a Canadian Press Dally Three Years at War) By DENT HODGSON (Canadian Press Staff Writer) WINNIPEG. Auir. 27 (CP) P COMMISSION W. O. Fulton, chairman. John Dybhavn and J. A. Lindsay, representing employers. Thomas Elliott and O. Henderson, representing labor. All of these will be notified officially from Ottawa next week. noriod of 22 years ana cignt months Is believed the" world's longest serial. UNBRANDED MAVERICKS The namo "maverick" applied to stray, unbranded cattle comes frnm R.imuel Maverick, a Texas (Series on Canada: as A large steel plant Is working on a secret device "for which no details can be given." Variety of Manufacture Large tiuantltles of military clothing and service equipment are produced. Typical Western in genuity Is displayed by one firm which, reconditioning old woollens and mixing the fibres with new wool, has made thousands of blankets for the army and air force. Despite this expansion. Western total war contracts at more than five per cent, and the West has called repeatedly for more. Some observers say Uie West's best bet Is to develop Industries subsidiary to agriculture, which would fit into post-war plans bet Germans Have Been Hurled Back On Moscow Front and Drive On Stalingrad Eased ' - mil i i-Tiiio BAN IS LIFTED LONDON Home Secretary Herbeit Morrison yesterday raised the ban on the Daily Worker newspaper. LAfIIIO IS BOMBED NEW DELHI Lashio, important Japanese base in Burma, has been heavily raided by Allied planes, large fires being; set and heavy damage done. CANADIANS HOME MONTREAL Sixty-nine Canadians diplomatic and trade representatives and missionaries arrived heie yesterday from New York, returning home from Japan after a long trip by way of Portuguese East Africa. They crossed the Atlantic on the Swedish ship Gripsholm. pdudrtgarrjnjgnd. , anpther jsuaJaTXiist. equipment for the armed forces is not the mam war "job assigned the Canadian West, but during the first three service and the iisley budget. The years of war the prairies have manned ail ever-widening memDcr juswnra u.c nun.... . SPP nr nr Cnn.if a s ru nstnn front. Agriculture remains the chief industry but the West 1 is determined to win dlstincUon VfTljni 7lfr,lrI1 0,ner than as me "bread-basket H IV! r I I lY VI r IN I 'f the Allies." Consequent adapta- tion to war work of a number of civilian plants and birth of new Industries is a factor of the prairies' three years at war. One Manitoba sheet metal pro- Fulton, Dybhavn, Lindsay, Elliott (ucer i3 turning out ammunlUon And Henderson Named trays, depth charge casings and aircraft refuelling tenders. Former lln.A.. I A IKavI a n we '""""J J uc114 "uw a" Annnlntm-nU haVP been COn- confirmed of the following mem- vlsory commission vice: ! a large source of guns, gun mount- and munitions A one-time bcrs of the local employment ad-'f Selective jer- aawniuij jj.imw m oar 'katchewan Is manufacturing gun- carriages. Large prairie chemical firms w.hlch in 1941 turned out more than $10,000,000 worth of 'explosives nearly double the West's 1940 output are expanding further. Airplane parts are being made In quantity ln plants which also assemble training craft for schools of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, and service the U I it r l i planes of the air schools. Here LQSt Weekl ne Manitoba firm, providing water-works materials for air fields and military camps, has worked Further Local and and Disttirt Disttirt .Men on CVery military project from the Pacific coast to the Great Lakes. NEW GAS REGULATIONS OTTAWA New rationing reg ulations to curtail the use of ' gasoline for pleasure driving are ex'pected. uuitiTA ic iwriiiii Canadian casualty list since Dieppe has been Issued. It contains 32 names, making the total to date 639 97 dead, 131 missing and the remainder wounded. smr LOSSES NEW YORK Two more Allied ships have been lost by enemy action a small Dutch merchantman and a medium-sized American freighter. HONOR FOR TRINCE LONDON Full military hon-crs will be accorded in death to the Duke or Kent, killed in an airplane crash In Scotland. There will be interment at Windsor Castle. A flight sergeant, sole survivor of the death plane, was found In a dazed condition wandering not far trom the wreck. He had suffered burns. KILLED IN INDIA BOMBAY Six more persons were killed when troops fired on mobs attempting to set fire to pioperty in anti-British IN MIDDLE EAST CAIRO New Zealanders have made a vigorous assault' upon the Axis forces In the El Alamcin sector. Heavy German and Italian movements arc going on. United States planes have bombed Axis shipping in Suda Bay, Crete. Appointed To High School Mrs. V. McDuffee Named To Staff, It Is Announced Today Mrs. V. McDuffee, whose hus- MnH u in thp Y.M.C.A. war ser- crs are not resting on mcir laureis. v,ces hpie has been appointed to None of tnc prairie provinces can tne teachinK stalf of Booth Mesv place Its proportion of Canada's orlal 1Ilgh sooi. CANADIANS AT WHITEHALL Eight Canadians are members of the British Parliament. ter V. L than WWII munitions plants. Take, and uttu loses none of - the food value i. 1 A 1 I . 4 ... LI. U .ni,Aal trs Infn (V I flnlnn CtclrotnAM Trend of Events is Brighter for Red Army Today Nazis Admit Growing Kesistance in Southern Section Of Long Front MOSCOW, Aug. 27 (CP) Russia's smashing coun ter-offensive on the Moscow front which already has hurled the Germans back 25 to 30 miles, liberating some GOO communities and causing heavy Nazi losses, is re flected in a brighter trend for the Red Army today. Moreover; Adolf Hitler's furious drive against Stalingrad appears to be at least temporarily checked as Red Army headquart- riy yi UTfXTl ers announce "we are holding the I I r IX IM I IM I enemy onslaught and wearing down his manpower." German field headquarters ad mit that Marshal Simeon Timo- aerial attack. The Germans acknowledge heavy Russian saults on the central front. RANGE HAS also as- I BIG BLASTS ast coast. England Bombed SALES OF BUSINESS PROPERTY Announcement was made at the City Hall today of the sale to I Douglas Frlzzell for $5090 of the property on Third Avenue occupied by Long Motors. Sale Is also announced of one of the lots, of the old Westholm BLOMFONETTN, August 27: 0) The Orange Free State has Its financial year with a sur UP CAFES shenko's armies have launched a bitter counter-offensive against New Bylaw Is Exhaustive Docu-Nazi position west of Stalingrad ment Deals Even With Status but assert they have been driven Of Restaurant Cat off with great losses under German All restaurants of Prince Rup- ,ert are to come under the close Russian bombers raided east and .... hn hp nrTT,Pf, .th northeast Germany last night and autnorlty to enforce tnelr baaf reached far the outsklrU of as as tcd under fuU con: DC.uu. vuuMUtriao.c uaxxiasc duj safeguarding tne pub. done despite Berlin claims to theilic nealth under a new byiaW contrary. r which was given . introductory 'readings this morning by City Commissioner IX, J. latheson In. lhls capacity as a cHy ' The bylaw Is a lengthy one and pertains to all details of premises, culinary methods, storage and pre- para tion of foods, washroom and arge Force of British Planes Over lavatory convenk;necs type and Channel Today Southeast tanir, nt ,,t.r,ciic Rvctm,n..' sterilization of dishes becomes 'compulsory. Restaurants shall bs LONDON. August 27: T Heavy free at all times from flies. Insects explosions from the French chan- and vermin. Food served to any ael coast shook the English Chan- person ln a restaurant and not lei southeast coast early this af-- consumed by him shall not there-ternoon after a large force of after be served in any form as lanes had crossed the Channel human food. Towels, glasses and German raiders again scattered cups for common use are banned, ncendlary bombs over parts of xhe physical condition of restaur-he East Anglian countryside in an ant employees will also come un-ipparent effort to destroy crops, der supervision. High explosive bombs were drop-j Even the restaurant cat is not fedln one town and killed three overlooked In the regulations for persons. one clause says that no live poultry An air battle was in progress to- or animals, except one cat. proper-lay high over the English south- iy cared for. shall be kept ln a restaurant and no animal, with the exception of the aforesaid cat, shall be fed ln a restaurant Where a condition exists which is considered ln the opinion of a food inspector to be a menace to public health such Inspector may order the closing of such restaurant until such condition has been remedied. Pole Drive On Skeena River Theatre site on Second Avenue to 0of Hanson, M.I, to Watch Move- the Grand Cafe Interests. SOUTH AFRICAN SURPLUS ment of Company Timber Assembly Yards to Olof Hanson, MP., who has been ln the city for the past few days (Will be leaving tomorrow for the Interior to watch the annual drive plus the first time In four years. of dQWn the skeena River During the past year revenue rosej the company's main booming more than $357,600. ground and assembly yard at Nash. ' ' (The timber Is driven down from FOR SOLDIER VOTERS I the Klsplox Into the Skeena and j represents the cut of several STOCKHOLM, August 27: 'montrts ln mat area, me output Swedish military authorities have this year will be as large as ever, prepared a handbook for dlstribu- and Is in demand principally for tion ln the armed forces contain- use ln connection with the war. Ing technical information regard- Poles are also being trupked out Ing county and city elections. of the woods to such assembly 'points as New Hazelton and Ter Percy Tinker Jr., spending the . . 'for example, the egg-drying Indus-1 Such plants are in operation at summer at Naramata on OKanagan race on the railway line? and Wlnnl- Lake, fell tiff a horse recently and Mrs. Nash and children and Mrs. rancner wnu . ' .. , ,h m rollarbone. He is Leland are leaving tonight for a ViU nnttlp DCCause ills lancil who jnjviuer uwt u ""iiicii nu . " Il3 W"1 " I ... . , , ' lnlrlncr 'making frrwl good rpPOVerV. recovery. on an Island. one-seventh the shipping space open at Edmonton. trip to Vancouver.