PAGE TWO NEW3 THE DAILY "G'lANELLE" STYLE CREATIONS BY GAfiNOX & LACHAPELLE Spring and War. . . i Snappiest lines, styled by New York Style Show' in biege, brown, blue and. black. Step In Pumps in crushed kid, gaberdine and suede. Finest line in its price field in Canada. Most stylos, priced $5.85 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. I'KINCE KUPEUT, UKITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULL EN, PRESIDENT G. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion 25 Classified Advertisements, per void, per Insertion 02 DAILY EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1942. EDITORIAL Mav is here and summer looms in the northern nart of the world. These are the days when we may expect new developments in the war. Mighty events may be impending. We may anticipate surprises and shocks. But we need not be fearful that they are all going to turn out badly for us. There will be good news as well as bad. . We have suffered heavy losses. We have some critical situations on our hands right now. But, taking it by and large, there are many reasons to believe that, in a general way at least we have come through a good deal of the worst of it. Although we may be called upon to make sacrifices and change our ways, the scales should be about to turn in our favor. It might be safe to risk the opinion that blitz warfare and war of nerves are elements of the enemy's technique that are wearing out their effectiveness. There may be some terrible things yet and we in this favored land, which suffered little enough from the war, may feel it more keenly soon but there seems to be good reason for the belief that our turn is coming. Not a few feel that the enemy on all fronts has shot bis bolt or has nearly done so and that, while there may still be some real unpleasantness for us, we should soon be taking the offensive and the ascendancy. What is more, the enemy himself seems to be com-' mencing to really worry. There may be some propaganda designed to lull us in some of the things we hear. We should not be deluded by everything we hear along the line of trouble within the enemy's own camp for, if there were, he would undoubtedly be trying to conceal it. Wre can at least, however, hearten ourselves with the belief that the war is hitting the enemy just as hard as it is our side and that, if worse things come, we are now in much better shape to "take it" and win through than we were before. So, with high courage and firm resolve, let summer and the long days come. Settling War Problems ... Those of us who recall the last war can remember how m its third year public feeling here in Canada was running much the same as it is today in regard to the mobilization of our manpower and our resources Men were being button-holed on the streets 'and asked, if they were not in uniform, why they were not 1 here has not been very much of that sort of thing at least in Prince Rupert this war. Yet many people are thinking and, undoubtedly, there is much soul-searching rherc are many things to becloud the personal issue as to whether personally we are doing all that we might do Are we personally "all out" for victory? If not, what i-: stopping us? Is it because we do not want to change localise we want to go on being comfortable, doing' the things we want to do, because the other fellow is not doing his part and we know it because what? Fortunately, the .government is now in an undisputed position to settle a Jot of the question which, for variouF reasons, individuals may not have been settling for themselves as their conscience might dictate. By exercising fully and fairly the mandate which it was so unmistakeabjy given last week, the government can push along the war effort efficiently, effectively and m a way that none can validly complain about. ' Meeting Of Searchlight Auxiliary An overseas parcel each month to twenty-six men of the Searchlight Battery is the wry worthy aim of this band of women who form the local Searchlights' Auxiliary. Many methods to earn money to keep these parcel going in a steady flow have been adopted. A raffle of an eiderdown on May 20, the drawing to be held at the 'Y' rooms is the current money raiser. All those who contribute to this fund will have the happiness and satisfaction of knowing that they are really doing something to help the boy overseas. That these lads are appreciative of this help is very apparent in the following extract from letters of thank they have sent to the Auxiliary , 'Cigarettes are hard to get over here. Thanks for sending." Nesbitt. j "Thank you most kindly for the parcel received. The other boys received theirs all right and may I !also thank you for theirs if they happen to be a little slack in answering. Sure is nice to know we are still thought of by our friends." R. Sewell, Sergeant, j "Thanks tor lovely parcel it was a very delightful surprise." D. Lindsay. "Thanks a million." L. Bdr. Pois-sant. "I Just came back from seven days leave to find a parcel waiting for me It arrived In very good condition. I thank you and all the W. A. very much." Trpr. F Hill-Tout i "Parcel received, many thanks. Greetings from us all." Winder. The next meeting of tbe Searchlights Auxiliary will be held In the Ladies' Quiet Room at the "Y" on Mav 18. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday 55. Catala 1:30 pjn. Thursday S5. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday 5. Princeas Adelaide 10 p.m S5. Cardena 10:30 pjn. May 8 and 19 - - a.m. 35 Prineeas Louise p.m. From Vancouver Sunday S5. Catala pjn Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. Friday S5. Prince George 10:00 ajn. S5. Princess Adelaide pjn. S5. Cardena p.m. May 14 and 38 SS. Princess Louise a.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday S5. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday SS Prince Rupert 3:00 p.m.j From Stewart and Premier mesaay s.s. catala a.m. Saturday S5. Prince George 7 p.m. For Naas Kiver and Port Simpson Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m ! From Naas Kiver and Pt. Simpson Tuesday S5. Catala a.m. For Ocean Falls Thursday S5. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday S5. Princess Adelaide I0;0a pjn. From Ocean Falls-Wednesday 85. Prince , Rupert io am. Friday-55. Prince George 10 a.m. TWO COTTAfiES FOK SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL G O L D THE SEAL OF QUALITY 2 t: Sj)mjp'$ Salmon ? o IE !A 1 L Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spread Spiepd Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Interservices Bowling Close With Seal Cove No. 1 a ad Antl-Aireraft No, 2 tied for fin place honors In the standing Mid 6eal Cove No. 1 and Dry Daek deadlocked only one point behind, It is an interesting contest indeed In the Interservices Bowling League. Medicals are only one paint behind the runners-up but they seem to be weakening. Ftwilters. who entered three teams, have been gumming up the works lately by regularly defaulting their games. W L PU. Seal Cove No. 2 IS 3 1$ AntlAircraft 9Sa. 2 1( 3 IS Seal Cave No. 1 M 4 14 Dry Dock 14 4 14 Medicals It 5 13 Engineers M 8 10 Navy 9 9 9 AntlAlreratt No. 1 8 16 8 Area Headeuaiten 7 11 7 Fusllfers Na. 2 v. 2 M 2 FusHlefs Ne. 1 1 17 1 Fusiliers No. 3 - - 0 Badminton Match 0 V Was Successful Comiirtitlun At K. of C. Hut Wa F.iijuyahlr and lntcrrtlne On Saturday evening the Knights of Columbus held an Amesfean badminton tournament which proved to be very enjoyable and interesting. There were six couples in play. It is hoped that more badminton enthusiasts in the armed facet will enter in the next tournament which will be heJd in the near future. The winners Saturday wve Mary Astoria aatf Alf Ball. BdamiUm Fu- ! allien, with 55 points. Ruruwrs-up I for second place were Detphtne Balagno and Kay OttteVJ with paints and Thetma Dsanw and Jerry Hanson, Antl-Aircraft Battery, with 44 points. ' William Schrtaberg Is on a boat-( ness trip to fttewart, having sailed 'for the north on the Catala yes terday morning. YOUR faithful COL nicyclc that has been jour reliable Jiicans of personal transportation may, anytime now, Ucomc your only mean of convenient transportation so -look after it keep it iVgood repair oil it frequently and ride it in a "bicycle-conscious" manner. And, in your effort to keep it in repair, don't be extravagant in discarding old parts parts arc scarce as many of the materials from which parts arc made have gone to war. If your saddle seems to be "shot" look it over carefully, maybe a nut here and a rivet there will put it in usable condition again. Or if a wheel seems beyond repair, take it to your CCM. dealer you will be surprised how he can straighten it and, with the help of a few new spokes, make it as true as new. And so on with every part of your C. C. M. BICYCLES Arc Sold IJy MCRAE BROS- LTD- Sold on the usual Monthly Payment plan Whifflets From The Waterfront Sam Simpson ' ditm cannery at Massett. Queen Charlotte Islands. Is working full blast these days, according to word received from the Islands. Between four hundred ! and five hundted arc being packed daHf, vmk In h farmery as wM as tim digging tiperattQos on the North Beach kuhm employment to many people. Practically all the natives who are able te are worMng . There Is a Ma4 supply of clams. The Armour Salvage tug Ilyak . has arrtMd in part with Mud at ' loads of lumber for the Ryan Oon- , struetion Company. I The Armour Ushraas tag Sen Wave has arrived la port afttr a ; slating the tug Cape Scott wtth a log raft. ! The tog twin Dear lc In with a acou- load of marhlntry. Advertise In The Dally News "TV. TonlKi; from report-' .ri lm.' ,0r V Ht H Catala , On Vui.. ... 41 Card. n t , le Van, ,,, ure Chsrluti, I'ull Informs o, T ... and Uttnn : - NK J. SKIV t 1'f'nce liaarrt Ar bicycle keep it in good order and let your dealer hdp you to keep it on the road, using your present pan and accessories w here possible. Tor those people who arc engaged in war work of any kind, and who do net now own a bicycle, Ware arc still some new C .C M. Hicyclcj avajlablc, in spite of bicycle material supply having been reduced, therefore, our output of I .ucv -! ct curtailed accordingly. The fact tlut the high standard of quality of CCM Hicydes and the accuracy with which they arc made has been in no way impaired and will not be, increases our difficulty of production. Hut the war won't list forever and CCM. Hicyclcs, which have been built to high standartls of quality for over 40 years, will continue to be built when "Peace breaks out again." Sec your CCM. dealer about putting your bicvik: in shape for the season, or, if you arc a war worker, ask him if he can supply you with a new C C M that you may ride to and from your work. r f M. BICYCLES I Paris arcn i , nnr mtcnatirius uiiu m Sale at GORDON'S HARDWARE