PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 64 Days For You Make The 365th Day (Sunday May H)th) FOR HER Mother's Day Suggestions Wc Will Pay the Postage an All Out of Town Gifts Kayscr Hosiery Dainty Slips Fancy Nightgowns House Coats Dathrohes Handkerchiefs Clias. Dodimcatl Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engravine VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for line China, Diiinerware, Classes, Baggage and Novrllirs. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Purses Cloves Stylish Dresses Smart Coats Wool Sweaters Umhrellas eMcuSmMd I Mail Order!) Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE Next to lleillironcr's Phone BLUE 907 NEXT SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY Send Her a beautiful card. We have the finest sclec-. lion Made in Canada cards by Coutts Canadian Card Specialists. MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 5c to 50c BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local IJulchers. NO WASTE READY TO CC-OK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT (). Ltd "UI1,S, COLUMBIA building projects (Continued From Page Oiu-) it. On. the amendment for reference to a committee being put. It was defeated on a vote of eight to thirteen, the motion to approve the permit to KlUas U ChrUto-pher then being passed. New Theatre Under the heading f new ncss. D. o. Borland Players - Canadian Corporation, endorsatlon of an application for priority permit to bulM a new theatre. Mr. Borland explained in .Prince Rupert. The .outcome had been that he had made certain arrangements whereby a theatre of not less than eight hundred seats would be built, providing entertainment primarily for the armed services at a price within their means but also being available for civilian patronage. A site (Third Avenue and First Street) had been selected and ar-j rangements had been made for' equipment. Mr. Borland submitted! that his company, in business here for fifteen years and already liav-lng taken preliminary steps, was In the .best position to meet the situation and was entitled to support in its application for a permit. It was moved by Tneo Col-lart, seconded by Bert Morgan, that the Famous Players application be approved. W. J. Scott and T. J. Williams moved an ar;md-ment to refer the matter to a committee which would consider various applications and then make a decision as to the one meriting support of the Chamber. Alter some discussion, in the course of which there was talk about the failure or otherwise of he Chamber to make a stand under certain circumstances, the amendment was defeated 8 tr :o and the motion endorsing the Famous Players application endom-d. the .decision being wired direct to the priorities board at Mr. norland's suggestion. Liquor Situation In Prince Rupert Chanihrr of Commerce Hears From Attorney General in Regard To .Matter Hon. R. L. Maitland. attorney-general, writing to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the monthly meeting last night, acknowledged receipt of the Chamber's endorsatlon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club regarding the liquor situation In Prince Rupert Mr. Maitland said that repreen- tatlons had also been received 'n fi4hp- organizations. Complaints had been laid before W. F. Kennedy, chairman of the Liquor Control Board, and the military authorities. The Attorney Genera' gave assurance that every effor; would be made to see that the law was enforced. Already an increase in the size of the city police force had been arranged for. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROr. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 5c up 50 Rooms Hot 61 Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box l'JG J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone (ilO XsUBSTKtantai JICB.l SPJI iJU Ladies: CLEARANCE SALE In Silver Foxes, F u r Neckpieces and Fur Coats. Come In and look our stock over. Big discounts. GOLDBLOOM 'The Old Reliable" Kresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 THE DAILY NEWS IPort Simpson Celebration PORT SIMPSON. May 5: ThU Joshua McKay Is celebration troduced. chairman with Cecil Ran flnan- secretary and Joseph Morse treasurer. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. El Salter. Carlisle; Dr. Dun--an, T. R. McColl. Queen Charlotte City; II. M. Courc. Claxton; O. O. Fife. Vancouver; O. D. Ash-wood, Jr., Allison's Logging Camp. Q.C.I. TIMIII K Mt.; MiixiiN SnOr-t tnnJfn "U to" rwTtl by Uw DMriat Tjrettrr. Prince rtu(MK. not later than noon on the 33ml tejr uf Mv. 1942. tor the (punni of Llceix X30898 on DrMI QmvwI to out 070.000 leet cf Tr. Cntor tnl Hemkwk Two 1 2 1 jtots 1 be Allowed tor -fmorl of 4jmxr. Further (Mftkukm ,rf the Ghtef ftr-vrr. Vlotortn. U. C. the Drtc f-trlrr. Prtiire Itqpert. D C, rUJKjrr Ab-"rnefhy. Ocean tlil. D C. "GREAT GUNS" IHIGH WAGES ' FUNNY FILM Victoria Day To He Dulv Oloerved Laurel and Manly Come llerr At At Neighboring Village I Middle f Week In Really v Entertaining Picture . , I village lln,W?nlnf.frrf'i.r,1irari t.W tS popular comedians. reqacsie reqacsiea. an ' , ' .u , ki. n-ut, torr i "rmnt nnm" mid. behalf of ' liU I tompnny, Famous, -rtJ! rill!, ,h riav nnrt bUp UMk of ferin o the cnn of th dance In the evening. The cclc- Capitol Theatre here. In the pMt bratlon will really start on Satur- Laurel and Hardy comsdle have day. May 23. There Is expected to never had a real story but "Oreat nim" ha a ripflnIL hBlnntn that he had been called In by the R t Naas R1ver and else- and ending, military authorities and asked i.hcrc ; UmI and ,Urdy m ar. what could be done about Jie en-1 Qn Saturday afternoon my in thla picture. Edmund Mae- tertalnment of the armed forces ,. . . . tv-m , Ur.Mn evening a carnival and Jitney thing miserable for theoi D. O. Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre, in a letter to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- .merce last night, expressed will AND MINORS Chamber of Coinnicrve Disposed to I'avor Deferred Pay to Eliinl-nalc Demoralizing Effect i Upon Youth TrflrlffiioraIWng effect of hlfh wages being paid boys who are being dragged out of High School mi referred to at the meeting last night of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the suggestion was made that some scheme of deferred payment might be Instituted In their cow so that Mow-1 they will not be left an Irresoon- dance will be held. ever, they faU for lowly Sheila "e ana unprovided for ana rue The proceedings on Monday wilt Ryan, although handsome Dick upon the country after present start with a parade In the morn- Nelson already has the bituatlon conditions have pasted. The mating, the parade to be led by the well In hand. The pay-off brings 'ter was brought before the Cham-Port Simpson Concert Band. Then an unusual climax. Incidentally, ber by O. R. S. Blackaby who rnkt there will be children's sports fol- it Is all very amusing nd ' Oreat t was a well known fart that the lowed bv main events such as soft- Guns promises to be really en-! majority of such boys were not ball, basebill, football and water tertaintng with plenty of action sports. A novety dance in the Port and laughs. Slmoson Athletic Club Hal! in the Stan and Oliver, of course, hare saving their money but were falling down on the Installment ;of their Victory Bond purchases. eveninc will round out the day's their usual nitwit roMa with a lot it migm oe wu ir some tort ofi proceedings. !of novelties and new turns in- aucipune was appuec to uem such as was exercised on men in th serv'rM J. J. Utile agreed with Mr. Blackaby. mentioning that the payment of Alaska wages here In United State funds was also hav ing a demoralising effect, ingness to co-operate by providing) q- nior. ot Mr nik.hv . v . . jonoea oy Mr. uiue. it wa decided flight meeting on May 17 In con- to hare a committee go mt. the visit here of Pre-1 nection with the R vlew to formutal,n, sWent Carl J. Hambrn of Norway. I of MenHL a plan vkages to br Appre-lation of the Chamber to gubmltted to the Oonadton Cham- Mr. 1 soriana was expressra. ! vwr nt r,mm DAILY- NEWS WANT AOl HHINO RESt'LT8 PHONE W Your t MOTIILKS DAY CARDS AND (HITS t at the X I VAlUETY STORK OOOOCHSOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooo ? Knr niiirl ?nfn nnrl rnmforf nlilo TAVI RKIl VU'V. PHONE 235 DAY AND NKilll Special Price for LA OIKS' and CKNTS' NKW SI'UINti CLOTH INC S27.f)() and up. B. LAMB, Tailor rhone Black 787 302 Third Ave W. When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. De eii(labte TAXI bervice PHONE 13 Zl-H..ur Service al Regular Hale FOR YOUR FLOOR COVERING AT n.lO S YOU (J ITT (JREATER VALUES BETTER CHOICE 500 Square Yards Inlaid Linoleum 500 Square Yards Printed Linoleum 1.000 Square Yards Felt Bac Linoleum 75 Only Rugs-Jaspc. Printed Linoleum, Cotigelouna, Feltol, Sizes Pxl2. 9xl0'2. 9x9, 7',ix9 and 6x9. 18 Only Seamless Axmlnster Rugs, sizes 9x12, 9x10 9x9 6 9"x9. 200 Scatter Rugs Sizes 38x03, 27x54, 25x48, 15x27. Five Only-Complete full panel beds with the slat spring, and spring filled mattress. Sizes 4-0, 3-3. Regularly $02. Complete, $54. Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Dally News. .,4..4.4,4,444,44,4(4ii4i4 Green 916 OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DKMAND . . . GOOD SERVICE We ak your co-opcratlon. Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. Wc are. also advlwd that we shall not be able to replace tires for pur truck. In order to maintain; our policy of prompt service we akywH ta P,aW all foal orders nt Irait ONI' DAY BEFORE, DEIJVERY IS EXPECTED, Hy tlolnK thl, you will enable us to route our deliveries In the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 nold Flaten named this committee U assUt of Mr Ulaekaby. Mr Little and R M Wtiulow trr TUESDAY May CAPITOL fomplcf.- 'At 7 , I1M5INS Hll,MM)t mit J DAYS VOt!U i AVOIt.T,; STAN' LAUREL OIIVIU HARDY In Their Irn-lh it "GREAT GUNS" At 1.40. 3 40 , CXTIM ,Mulea'i,AVt,l!LS Mack larpcl il.('IU: TitAU.V Colored (arloin "I.KillTS on WOItl.ll NEWS tVIMs J. H. BULGER Optometrist Mother's Day Suggestions Ynnlley lavender Water Cc and Yanlley Hath Salts $z Ynnlley Hath Salts Tablet Yanlley Talcum l."c Yardley Dintting Powder Yanlley Lavender Soap, :'n Lucien Lelong Colognes Robin Hood $1.00 WhWpr Opening Night .... $1.50 Mon Ima' Wrwley'a Hath Soap, ,Tg Odors: Pino, Jasmine and Apple Tweed Toilet Water with Atomizer 5I.W MI ill 51,06 it- $1.50 Tweed Dusting Powder SH? Ormes Ltd. yi Pioneer Druqpiats THE REX.M.L h i ORE PIIOM.S II AM 'J Open Dally from 8 a.m. (Ill 10 p.m. Sunda) and Holiday from 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 P Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver: Thursday. 11:15 p.m. calling nt Oceun Falls ami r r Saturday. 11:15 pin.. cIIIiik ul Ocean Falls onl Prince Rupert to Ketchikan Wednesday, 11 p.m.; F' J l " To Stewart-Friday, 3 pin. Trains Leave Prince Rupert For the Fast: Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 0 pm. Alr-Condltioncd Sleeping and Dining Can For full Information, reservations, etc. "r 'll,e R. S. (IREKJ, CITY PASSENOEIl AOENT 528 Third Avenue phone 2C0 l,rlnff K"P" Agents for Trans-Cunada Air Lines Wanted -Raw Furs iS: RcpresentingHUDSON'S HAY COMFAN . .. r phone Ship to J. k. ORMHEIM. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, - Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9 Member of Audit Bureau of Clrculstloni