-DAY. MAY 5. mi fHS Daily NE773 BLACKHEADS Mlli wit 4 ura lurttojd. Ut ! ,' f rutM ln Mr dm "fj; Allan Cardan of Stewart, ici.dlng a few days in the by the Catala yester- K.i.g nil Iicr return home. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. l-lmnr 37 P.O. Ilux 51 1 FRASER STREET I'KINCK RUPERT Hll.Kl.llY VALLEY BUTTER S Arrivrs lreh Every Week f W believe In featuring It i 3 helping our up-river i Try It once and we x i ure you will wan; no . sr lis ircsnnexs ana c - y Is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river I VEGETABLES whenever pos- MUSSALLEM'S ?: Economy Store j; V":;cre Dollars Have More Cent" P.O. Ho 55 Phone 18-18 .........-."..."..."..v.v Lome Cornell i PAINTER AND INTLUIOH DECORATOR Phone Itlue 143 AMALGAMATED 111 .'ILDINfi WORKERS or CANADA I'rlnre Rupert, lUS. MinitOPOLt: IIAI.L i! very fourth Sunday : r month at 2 pjn. V.j 1 Shipwrights. Joiners, Bc.t Builders and Caulkers. C :i No. 2 Painter. Paper-H"crs and Decorators. Krrrrtary: I'lione Mut 113, P.O. Box 1115 MEN'S SUITS 1-ailirv and (lent' Spring Suits Military lUdgr and ImJgnlas M. T. LEE, Tailor Ml. I tot 975 Plum.? Gr. 9C0 Furniture KITCHEN CHAIRS r : :i Hardw.KKi Kilrh- up CAMERAS 1 - iin V MATTRESSES 4 ) t 'o:. M.ittress. S2.95 S12.00 LAMPS 'j Table Lamps QC f 3 Up CHESTERFIELDS 6 Cbe terfields in the latest mid latest patterns B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue Rev. T. C. Colwell. United Church pastor at Port 81mpson, arrived In the city on the Catala this morning and win be here until Thursday night when he will sail on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to attend the British Columbia Con-lerenoe. Judgment for the plaintiff by default has been rendered In County Court In the case of Cora E. Black v. J. R. Reld. The action wai for $234 .'5. W. O. Fulton was counsel for the plaintiff. There was no appearance for the CARD OF JTHANKS Mrs. A. Carmtchael wishes to thank al her many friends of Usk and elsewhere for the many lovely floral tributes, and kindness and sympathy extended during her recent bereavement CUSSIHEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Ranee with oil burner $20. Phone Rod 890. 724 7th Avenue West. 110) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite. I bedroom suite, bed. range, rugs, couch, dishes etc. Blue 388. (105) FOR SALE 1028 Model -A Tudor . Sedan, five good Mres. Cash $125 Apply Box 262 Dally News. tl FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 Urge No. 30 Cow Bay. 6 room house at tents. FOR RENT (108 Apply 10S FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Almost new deep sen trailer 36 feet long, lOVfc foot beam. 5i feet deep. 9 tons reftster, 52 hp. Grey Mtr-Ine engine. Fully equipped and readf to go. Boat now at Alert Bay. Prke $2,500 cash or secured terms. Apply Box 260. Dally News. 106l FDR RENT Room, suitable for lady or genUaman. 234 frih Av- enve Weft. uuej FOR RJBWT Large double bed room suitable for two gentlemen 345 Fifth Ave E (1051 POR Rrr Heated Space suitable for offices. Dybhavn & Hanson. Ltd. M08) wanted' WANTED To rent, furnished, one or two housekeeping rooms by reliable couple. Phone Red 878. (110) WANTED- Truck Driver for permanent position. Apply Ranee A; Hard v. 106t YOUNG Man desires position Immediately as bookkeeper; excellent reference. Apply Box 261. Dally News. 10S) WANTED- Experienced girl or woman for boarding house. Phone Red 970. 106) WANTED- -House-keeping room or o apartment for young Phone Green 830. HELP WANTED couple. 5 (106) g LOCAL NEWS NOTES Gordon Gosse came north from i J. E. Ormhelm, local fur dealer Vancouver to Queen Charlotte City j is orf a business trip to the Naas on the Camosun at the end of the week. Norman Nelson returned to the city, on the Camosur yesterday from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on cannery business. Mrs. E. C Stevens returned to her home at Skldegate on the Camosun at the end of the week af-tr a trip t Vancouver. Miss Dorrltt Pullen, following a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Prince George Saturday night on her return to Vancouver. AThere will be a meeting of the CNHA Tennis Club, ladles wait ing room, CNJL station at 3 pm.. Thursday. May 7. 106) J. B. Scott, forest ranger for the Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived in tne city on the Camosun yes- 1 terday from the Islands, being here ' ..ffi.i.i i i Mrs. Pearson returned to her home at Massett on the Camosun Sunday after a three-months' visit at Esquimau where her husband is In the naval servi:e. Father Racettl, local priest of the Raman Catholic Church, returned to the city on the Camo sun yesterday from a trip to ihe Queen Charlotte Islands on ecclesi astical duties. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rennle i Dod Cnv 1400 Cah Annlv !of Port Clements are paying a 1042 Ninth But or Phone Red ! brief visit to the city. The arrived 599 from the Queen Charlotte Islands en the Camun yesterday and wtU be returning home tonight. George Price and Brian White., the latter a small boy, arrived in the city on the Camrtun yester day from Massett. Both have bro ken legs and came here to enter the Prince Rupert General Hospital for treatment. NOTICE Commencing May 1st we will not receive any telephone orders before 8 am. and after 6 pjn. nor on Thursday half holidays, Sundays or Holidays. CUIUS MILL BAKERY. Chamber of Commerce that a campaign be instituted through retail outlet for Ihe sale of war savings certificates was received at last night's meeting of the local chamber. The matter vas referred to the retail trade oommlt-tee with a view to looking Into the pMcibinty of local organisation of such sales. A new organization known as the Navy and Air Force Woman's JClub was recently formed at the Y.W.OA. Hostess Hut. The election of officers took place This club will work to render service and entertainment to the men of the Navy and Air Force River, having, sailed for Arrandale on the Catala yesterday morning. Mrs. John R. Morgan Is paying a visit to Tien, Queen Charlotte Islands, having travelled north from the Huxley Island camp of the J. R. Morgan Logging Co. on the Camosun at the end of the week. Robert Mallory, son of the late A. R. Mallory and Mrs. Mallory of Port Clements, arrived In the city on the Camosun yesterday and proceeded East by the evening train. He has Joined up wHh the artillery. Dr. D. R. T. MiOoll of Queen Charlotte City arrived In the city on the Camosun yesterday from the Islands, coming over to meet Mrs. McColl and family who have been on a trip to Ottawa. They will be leaving by the Camosun tonight on their return home to the Islands. Correspondence in regard to export permit regulations and war manufacturing activities of the Ford Motor Co. of Canada was presented at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commence last night and duly filed. J. J. Utile, general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., will be the speaker at the recular weekly luncheon of I W. O. Reyner left on last night's train after arriving in the city on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Adams and fam ily sailed by the Catala this after noon for Vancouver. Miss G. Oillls sailed by the Ca tala this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Paul Humphrey, from Ketchikan, Was a passanger leaving on last evening's train for Columbus, Ohio. G. G. Fife, H. a. Cove, O: F. Wagner and H. Carlson were passengers on the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver. Miss E. Pettlgrew and' Miss Halgh were passengers on the ss. Catala this afternoon sailing for Vancouver. the Prince Rupert Oyro Club on- Wednesday of this week. He wU J A letter Irom Hon. H. G. Perry. ' discuss ARS1. matters, being chair- jibalrman of the special committee j man of the local civilian pro tec- of the Legislature on post-war re- ; tion committee. habilitatlon, asking for co-opera- ; j tlon In connection with the inves- j Advance copy ef a chart which j tlgations and studies of the com- will appear in the magazine "Ca- ( mittee, was read at the regular nadian Business" dealing with the monthly meeting of the Prince Ru-computatton ' of cost of Hving bon-1 pert Chamber of Commerce last uses was enclosed in a letter to ' night 'and filed. ' the Prince Rupert Chamber of ; j ) Commerce read at last night's i J meeting and was referred to the legislative committee. The necessity of playgrounds fpr children In the new Rushbroek Heights residential section Is be ing brought to the. attention of Wartime Housinc by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. &c- A suggestion from the Canadian Uve having been approved by the Chamber at its regular monthly meeting last night. ATime Nowl House Spring Cleaning? For Years you have been throwing everything Into the basement; articles for which you have no use. We know hundreds of people who will buy what you dispose of. Stoves, beds, table, chairs, doors, windows, tools and hundreds of articles to numerous to mention. We give you our best cash offers, or In trade for home requirements. It Is Important to you. It Is to us. Our phone number Green 916. Ello Furniture Store Ihlrd Avenue. lm 2 V S o a -Jo HELP WANTED Labourers and'g mill workers wanted at Ocean g Falls Apply office M. T. Lee. 'g Tailor. 303ti Third Avenue. Ig hoXuT ArnTooM I FURNISHED Room and Board for g working man or woman. 718 g Fraser St. ,g LOST LOST Keys In black leather case. Phone Blue 801. 109) MURESCO MURESCOl I FOR WALL AND CEILIN.O DECORATION, , j Lovely Soft Finish Economical, Easy and Practical Eighteen Beautiful Tints At the Old Prices Pktr 75c 1-2 Pkg 10c GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 McBRIDE STREET ooooooooooocKiooow&ooaoaoooco mi i IP rrill? TAII T.''l BILL IS UNDER COVER A. Lannlng and A. C. Lumsden will sail by the Camosun this ev-tnlng enroute to Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. There was a house of about five hundred in attendance for the inauguration "by the Capitol Theatre of the new Sunday midnight show feature. The picture was "East of the River" with Bfenda Marshall I and John Garfield. I 1 Bruce Deildal, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Deildal, arrived home , on the Catala Sunday night from j his studies at the University of ! British Columbia in Vancouver. He has been accepted ior enlistment in air crew of the Royal Canadian Air Force and will report at Edmonton manning depot on ,July 6. Ultra-Violet Ray Lamp Here The office of Dr. Joseph T. resident mining engineer, has Just been supplied with one of the most modern ultra violet ray lamps for use in connection with ' the identification of mineral, par- , ticularly tungsten in the form of Gcheelite, which is now much in demand for use in war industries. Samples of ore can he .sent in on one day with results available the next Obtaining of the new equipment will be of Interest to prospectors. It is part of the all out war effort policy of the Department of Mines. rfhHcuHcetneHtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday, Hotel. W. A. Can. Legion Spring Sale, May 6. 22. Presbyterian Choir Tea. May 20. I. Q. O. FV ictorla Day Ball. May Little Norway Tea May 21. Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home, May 28. Red Cross Tea. June 3. Parent Teachers' Tea. Oddfellows' Hall. June 5. Hill 60 Tea June 17. OVERWAITEA CO. FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS FIRST GKADE BUTTER 3 lbs, ..I::.;'., QUAKER OATS 01 &X p Large Pkt LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 bars UP-RIVER EGGS strictly fresh, doz. niONE 8tt $1.17 34c PORK ti BEANS OCp GREEN BEANS 1 JLJi Qp 16 oz. tins. 3 for 2 tins STRAWBERRIES AUV "iOp CHOICE PEACHES OCp 16 oz per tin 28 oz. tin SNOW WHITE a ffp COFFEE do Qf TISSUE 4 large rolls per lb NO. 1 BONELESS PICNIC OQp SHOULDERS Special, per lb JELLY POWDERS PURE LARD 25C each 2 lbs CLASSIC CLEANSER ftp TOMATO JUICE 0!Tp per tin 10 oz., 4 tins SELF SEAL Qp APPLE JUICE- OOn ENVELOPES, 2 pktsxu 48 oz. tins OVx RITZ BISCUITS -ISp HANDY SODAS QQp xOK OJi per Pkt 40 oz. box 25c NEW POTATOES OO GINGER SNAPS QCn 5 lbs 2 lbs CHOICE PEAS 9Qp SPORK 9Qp sieve 5. 2 tins per tin Pure STRAWBERRY ffOp CUSTARD POWDER Qp JAM 4 lb. tin Birds, per pkt RICE KRISPIES OCn LARGE ORANGES QQp OOV 2 pkts. per dozen Come Down and See Our Other Grocery and Veeetahle Specials Displayed in Our Window A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY WHITE WOOD FURNITURE Large Office Desks with six drawers 317 50 each Large Chiffoniers Q1Q 0 OJ.O.DU each. $10.50 and CeiUng Drying Racks ff A complete with cord and pulleys Book Cases and other items PHONE "5 327 THIRD AVENUE S o 2 Mrs. Smith is closing out the FLOWER SHOP in the Brooksbank o o Building owing to ill health. o SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ENGLISH CHINA, CANADIAN POT- S TERY. PLANTS, SEEDS, ONION SETS, LAWN SEEDS, FERTIL- IZER ETC. o Fixtures, fittings, scales, show cases, cash register, shelves etc. g BUY EARLY TO SECURE BARGAINS g "Heat Waves Roll From Foothills Coal" I OOTIIILLLS ALBERTA BULKLEY VALLEY COMOX-WELLINGTON COAL PHILP0TT, EVITT & GO. LTD. PHONE 0.-l We wish to thank our customers for the help glveh by -theh-Drder-B' day inadvanceoJdelivery. It Is our wish at all times to give the maximum service economically possible, by your continued co-operation this can be done. The time will soon be here when it will be good business for those with storage space to put In a stock of coal for future use. as during the rush months both mines and dealers are taxed beyond their capacity. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. BY WESTOVEK rilONE 052 Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING HE IT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In rull charge. As Charlie" has many years experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone (ill) . Suits Pressed by 8team While You Walt. foe