,rl I'l l J l . n M lir ill i sra i e V 0i:? r .1 Over Vichy S. PACIFIO '.lay after driving! nml and crossing, Waiting River. 070, apttal. a military Aiied Air forces forrefully at Jap-j.rj above Autralia u iolher enemy raid t. a communique Ir. Five Japanese by Allied fighters . batUe. The over- Mtc Jaiann down Valley towards Part br'ii headed off by winch went out to aerial assault on iiorcedliig with In- , and intensity. APT PARK A a JL IAS . TORPEDOED tl Knaai. II .11 1. It f """nil lllllinil v." w i (civl Mi.l,... II. wl.li. Uimlr --. .-.Mllllt-I l. OIl """" I rmn I mlcr llim IP!1CT0N. May 5: Can- li medlum-Aizrd un "1' i d. Clarke, former pastor ' ' United Church hero and if IK . . . . pas: lew years located in - rriurned to the city ni ' "r ;' Of thr upplf In nwnmo a w.n the Prince Rupert :!ASSAULT r"M . i-INf ii. Stullsart and fti.irh ha not (I flew over unoccupied w r Clermont- tod7. drop- um flares and . ..fleU Am&ie anU-alrcraf". j RUN OWN KEPT UP Name Are Targets Canadian Strike At Nazi Shi pi Olf Frisian Mrs LONDON, May 5: (CP) Great new Royal Air Torre bomhen, ranging as far as sis hundred miles over enemy territory, attacked the huge Skoda arm-ament work at riUen last nltlit for the fcecond lime in ten days struck in forre at Stuttgart, major manufacturing . tllj III IM Hill" Vj. ..j rt 'raided lotkT alnrrrinStf? 1 nled Xante. Day sween-i were Ir' ailrrf from llurtna resumed this afternoon ion rt Krint Checked North scores of flghtei swee ni t...i..ii, fnrriiinr ' nrrr the Straits towards it.. the U 1 . 1 1 M 1 1. V "I I 1 H " I - - - h I'ounded i French Coast. A Canadian 'demon Miuadron" I '. May 5: 0--Jp- 0r (ie coastal command hit two drd China's Yun- tip,, and scored a near miss on a iiiira in an mvi - tack on Nail supply vessels olf the Frisian Islands. The Luftwaffe attacked Nor- AFFAIRS s mrrrhantman and a should be of much value In future ant shin have been nfr the Atlantic Coast. ' State Navy IX-part-cunccd today, clghty- von. including Cana- landed landed at at Coco: Cocoik Flo m survivors from the n was Cnnt. John Park. I '.7 ! 9 1, n..rl n.yn Ul VUI1CUUVLT UlIU ll :? b: known nlnnerr master ni thr RritUh Columbia - h: r uvp orders to abandon e Wjs a former master of ;: Ctf...:n.slup Co. vessels. over $300,000 In sinking luna. rtii bills were paid, also bond maturities and interests and there were still a few Uiousands to spare. 1 The revised cltv traffic bylaw Is still lii the hands of T. W. Brown, nctlnc as solicitor for the city, il was reported last night at ,the rc- cular monthlv mectmg oi vm. Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-mrrrr. Mr. Brown has had cer tain points to tako up with the mil tnrV (III mr M llllt HODCS VU SlttS M J MM Vvw hnvi Ihn ibvlaw ready lor consia cratlon by the board at Its next meeting. , . TltAfil.DV NKAIt VKKNON VKILNON J. K. Montague, president of the Vernon lloard of Trade, and a companion are be lieved drowned in a lake near here. They had gone there by horseback, their horses being found. ' SWLDISil Sllll TAKEN NEW YOKK The Swedish American liner Gripsholtn has been taken aver by the United Slates Maritime Commis'fon which will use her at first for the repatriation of enemy dip Jjomalic representative hme to Europe. DROWNS AT ESSINGTON Edward Scott. 21 Year Old Native) of Simpson. lose His Life at J ' 111 Skeena Kiver Village Runt, i MwarH s-ntt 21 -vr.tr old native extreme of Port Simpson, who empioyr u"' ed In the city, fell overboard from a naJuial al lh Hnrt RfMUIBtan I'l his Proposal Keferred To Special Committee Ity Prince Itupcrl j Chamber of Commerce I t Members of the Prince Ituiiert' Chamber of erc l the wlch and Fastboume last night. meeting hut night, appeared to be . 'rnvnrablv rllsoosed towards a SUf-l in commenting on the announcement that this city would be reverting to municipal autonomy at the first of next year. "You should be able to elect competent' men to rim ihn rltv alone sound linos." F.xnrrieiiee learned In the past Mvln nriminlstratlon. Mr. Mathcson, statlnj tnai to return tn mavor and council was the logical thing to do, saia uiafc Ihn rllv wn.s now 111 good slwpC Flo- I fin.ninitu it imrt n surnlU3 of iliiuiiviuuj. " taeslion from the Canadian Cham-i . . H .I--, r I I t. bor oi uommcrcc hbi icuraw income tax might be collected at the source as was the national de- tax. However. It was dteld-refer the matter to the fln- nnr committee to so Into the , , , rt ' working of such a plan in mtre Clly Commissioner Agiees That, advantage of collk- Krlurn of .Mayor and Aldermen Is logical Thl..K Here Now m thgl worke,B jwho now escaie paying Incomj Ttiere Is no reason In Uie world tax would not be able to do so. now wny uic cny oi mute Hubert should not elect a mayor and aldermen and carry on its own affairs without reference to Vlc-fiirin niv Commissioner U. J. Matlirson Uild the Prince Hiiiwrt Chamber of Commerce last night Graduate Nurses Are In Session iMiss 1'rleslly Reports On Annual .Meeting of Provincial Association in Victoria The regular monUily mccUng of the Prince Rupert branch of the Graduate Nurses' Association ol British Columbia was held last night at the Nurses' Home with Miss Jeanettc Foster RJN.. the president. In the chair. The feature of the evening was a report by miss E. D. rriestly R.N on the recent annual meeting of the British Co- Dies (i A, McNICIIOIX -zi f-.v ul f- Wi. ! air. with : f reKret of th s'.idrirn V ' iuvcr it 11:30 last night oi o A MiNsmijli, formrr tenrral p.t.v :iu:rr (" f'ir thr Sunday! Canadian National U- and fkU about 2 o'clock for in the . , days morntnf and was drowned. Dras-' many y.-ar King operations have since been one of the ra.lway; c nmny s under way but so far the body has most prominent and SK!m!.,r 0f- I . w- r the company s service an since of the tragedy to city. ScotL who was naylmi a weeK-.u" icwum h" vk.n ttt ml Esslnctun. was vcr. He paid his last visit to 141V BWlWi vaW F" ' i i Mttle Long Lac nmtr ua nuintnaii. Vancouver Orandvicw Bralorne Cariboo Quart Hedley Mascot Pend Oreille Pioneer , Premier . - Privateer r Reno - Sheep Creek Oils Caltnont c & a Home Royal Canadian Toronto IlealUe Central Pat. Cons. Sinrltcrs Hardrock McLeod Cockshutt Madsen Red Lake . McKenzie Red Lake Moneta PJcklc Crow (Nieholl is survived by his aged ssitti II i mother and two sons Allar. and Pln high LOlleCtinff InCOme I Frank. They will have the deep I I mmnathii nt tnanv Inr.tl frWiris rrt 1 . V. n ... , lax At Its Source TODAY'S 5TOCKS (Courtoqr 8. D. Johnston Oo.) 6.75 1.06 .25 1.12 1.40 .41 .38 .03 .69 .11 .81 2.43 .03 1 .81 37.75 .35 Kerr Addison 1... .45 iK) 1.09 .33 .53 0 1.40 Preston East Dome 1.74 San Antonio 1.42 Shrriitt oordon 69 County Court List .Is Rather Light lUIIl U Wi uiuuuaiv u-u v" i ' The Countv Court list for the llOIl 111 VlUVlMia. - . ..... n.-i,i nnmrr nrrsidrnt i monui of May. as presented to and secretary respectively, who are J Judge W. E. Fisher when Court leaving the city shortly, icnaerca.wtw m n-Kuiur uiuhwuj s'un their resignations. Refreshments lyesieraay, cohsisipu oi uui one were served. 21 T V?.w acUon . mcn wrri wns received In the city iki. mmiiini? of the safe arrival in Vancouver yesterday of H. r . Pul- lcn who was taken soum ior iur-thec treatment at the hands of .uiidj! Mr. Pullen is now a pa- oyyv""" -.'.-" ,.... ,.j Dn- tient at me rnvaws nar Sclvlg for $194.13 lu connec tion with a promissory note. Settling of the date for tho case was laid over. V. O. Fulton Is counsel for the plaintiff and T. W. Brown for defendant Tlio only other business before .. . Vancouver General' the court yesterday was In the 1011 Ol . - iU aDDllcatloris for . Hospital after navmg whwwu the trip very well. form of four na turallzatlon which were approved. Action Taken To Forestall Japanese Move Against Base Island Of Strategic Value Better At t Hong Kong i .nine conditions still remain far frim satisfactory" Fore- ign Secretary Anthony Eden old the House of Commons 'oday. BUILDING PROJECTS ENDORSED not been recovered. Indian Aent, - James Oillett was at Port Ewlng- retired last summer the afte of (:ii.inilrr of Commerce flacks Ap-.1 . .v,. iim. nnd k...h bmuiht ,rH word ' slxtv-ftve sixty-five vcars years from'.thi- from'.tho railway railway! rliralions plications Fm' For Federal Federal Ter Ter- mlW for Store-Apartment And Theatre candid at Umes. the Prince Rup ert Chamber of Commerce, at Its regular monthly dinner meeting last niRht, decided to endow ap-plicaUons being- made to the federal priorities board by Famous-Players Canadian Corporation for the erection of a new theatre in Prlnrp Rnnert and hv Killas & i Christopher for the building of a 14 'combined business and apart ment block. In each case amend ments that the applications be referred to committees were rejected on majority votes after which motions concurring In the appll-caUons were passed by the The matter of the proposed Kil las k Chrlstoohcr building on Third Avenue across from the Post; Office came up first. It was ex plained how permission had been refused for a building which would have consisted of stores and offices. Now the plans had been changed whereby the two-itorey 50 by 100 foot building would include eight apartments, ihr rost of construction being es timated at about $35,000. Further I there would be mass concrete walls of twelve-inch thlcicness whereby much of the steel reln- fnrrtnt? would loc eliminated, it was further explained that Killas & Christopher had purcnasec mis property from the city on the explicit understanding that it would be built upon. Already u iwmvr hnilriiiiir which stood upon It had been removed and there had been considerable expenditure on excavation in preparation for build-in. It was moved by Theo Collart and seconded by Oiler Besner that the permit be granted, tne second-, er admitting that he too might be seeking a permit for a building. It was moved In amendment; by W. v worts nnd R. M. Wlnslow that the matter be referred to a special committee to Judge the proposi tion on Its merits. The view was nkrn bv some members mat backing of an application for a permit -at this time mignt jeao. to comollcations later aa tin undoubtedly be appllca- - 0...V, Hopirinc from otner UUllo 1UI auv WUW..M.D , interests later. City Commissioner i D. J. Mathcson expressed nimseu as being fully In sympathy with this application and suggested that the Chamber should, endorse (Continued on Pago Four) forces, have sent a message to Madagascar advising troopj there to "resist the attack and defend the honor of the French flag." Dinlomalic Quarters cenerallv believed the bold stroke signalled an end to Allied attempts to win Vichy from German Influence and the United Nations' position in the Tndlan Ocean was viewed as 'greatly improved" by the landing, particularly if Axis reports that the powerful new United States battleships Washington and North Carolina are ooerat- I ing In those waters prove true gascar. A Washington statement PROVINCIAL j LIBRARY omorroWs l lues (Standard Time) High 5:05 am 192 teet 18:31 p.m. 17.7 feet Low 11:54 ain.' 3.3 feet i Tomnnrnhirn LULttl ir . r 54 V, R 43 Minimum NORTHKRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPKR PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, May 5, 1942. PRICE: FIVE CENTS I l !...1JL adaqascar Is Occupied By British r t ii'i They May Institute Alternate Plan If Russ Campaign Fails l,nNlXN, May 5: (CP) A group of Chan-,,, dolf Hitler's generals, headed by Field Mar-Walt tier von Baruchitsch, are reported today L ( told the Fuehrer bluntly that, if his 1942 aiji; in Russian fails, they will try to institute , r ijcrmany an alternative plan of their own, call-n, t r the "abolition of the Nazi system," a res-, , r.iirce renorted here. I. , - ian attacks in Kursk, Kharkov and Tagan-ri of the southern front were reported to- a t ii i : , !( umsiances wnicn suggested mat a major ; - H nsive might have started before the Ger-v t able to launch one of their own. v BULLETINS War-Wise Commandos Lead Invasion Full Approval Of United, States Axis Nations Arc Indignant French Submarine Sunk LONDON, May 5: (CP) War-wise British com- iond'w. May 5 caadian mandos led British occunational forces into France's vit- 1 Prr ' 7 t1mt4ttnPl t! al Indian Ocean stronghold of Madagascar in the face of the ... .. " , unofficial sources suggest i ., , , i y m, , in ujijiuaiwuu, il vvao uisuuotu luuaji. nic i.uiiiiii(tiiuuo ;os; li-n Of prisoners HongI ic mg camp u "somewhat im- landed at Courier Bay at 6 o'clock Pacific Daylight Time nroved andthe nrisoncrs are lnsf. nvnnirnr nnrl nnnnrpfl hparlprl for t.hn islnnrl'ss nnval rrreivir mrc food although 1 base at Dieso Surez. ten miles . ; across an tsthmvjs. The impres- n T"i i T n rrt sion here was that French resist- SrAI I llVr ance would be brief although a . J MuTXlu VVf T iu Reuter's dlsDatch from V'chv said i . that Marshal Petaln and Admiral : Darlan, chief of Vichy's armed last ROAD PLAN Chamber of Commerce Approves $20,000 Plan To .Make Traffic Artery .More Adequate Thp Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its regular monthly meeting last night, endorsed the action of Its executive council in approving of a city scheme for I the improvement of the traffic artery leading from Hays Creek Bridge to Seal Cove. There will be a sidewalk from Hays Creek to the new Rushbrook Heieht wartime housing area costing $5000 as well OI 1881 Alter a cond deal of iilscBasion The occupation, enUrely BrltUh.'as widening of the road llr. -Tle-l"""' a Japanese move against" Mada- estimated estimated exDendlture expenditure o; of riloht calr! th Ifinrffnrr M'n m-aHf I Pn... rln1n some vw-total $15,000. The opening up of Fifth Avenue around the north side of Hays In to IVi. the T Hays T n . Creek with full approval and support of Bridge approach Is also being the government of the United sought. States. j It was made clear that the occu-1 A 1 lf C1 pation was for the duration of the'lSKlIlg mOlC Ud5 war only A DNB dlsnatch from Berlin to day said that a French submarine and tender had been sunk at Mad agascar In resisting the British landing. Tokyo broadcast comment said angrily " that "Madagascar occupa- Tr r In Winter Here Chamber of Commerce Asking Federal Fuel Controller To Make Change , V . At the suggestion of W. R. Mc- ;;, l V . Afee- tne Prince Rupert Chamber Vichy and j Is bound j to result i. . In,nf of rmmprPP Commerce last night ,hl riprlrirrt decided .to fll further cooling of Vichy's rela tions with the United Nations." Building For Assay Plant II. C. .Mutch is Given Contract by Provincial Government for Renovation Work TL C. Mutch has been given the contract for the renovation of the former Northern Brokerage ware house building on Third Avenue near Market Square In which the provincial government's assay plant Is to be established. The cost of the work will be $5000. Material for the assay plant has been or dered and some Is already on hand. HALIBUT SALES American Lltuya, 20.000, 13.3c and 11c, to Booth. Atlln.' Canadian Prosperity A., 19,500, 13.4c and 11c. Storage. Skeena M., 9.Q00, 13.8c and 11c Storage. Mother III., 12,000, '13.6c, and nc TnkU o . 3.66b. 13.3c and lc Roval. Neptune II., 8,000, 13.3c and nc Pacific. John T. Kasper of Stewart, after a visit to the city, sailed by the rntnifi vrsterdav morning on his return home. ask the federal authorities to make a change in the matter of issuance of gasoline ration cou pons whereby In the case of Prince Rupert the larger allowances of gas would come here In fall and winter, when the weather is unfavorable, rather than in midsummer. The suggeslon will be conveyed to the federal fuel Better Train Service Here Being Asked In view of greatly Increased pas senger and freight traffic between Prince Rupert and Jasper Park, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is asking the Canadian National Railways to provide a more adequate passenger train service on this line. Request to this effect has already been made by the council of the Chamber, the action being endorsed at the regular monthly meeting last night. Baseball Scores American League Detroit 6, Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 8, Boston 11. Chlcago I, New Yorfc 6. St. LouU at Washington, post poned. National League New York 4, Cincinnati 15. Boston 1, Pittsburgh 2. Only games scheduled,