page rotra ft SLEEPEKS PYJAMAS SNOW SUITS T53 THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE UNDERWEAR IIOSIEKY PARKAS Chas. Dodinicad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine Cbina, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant J YES MOM, I'm Warm! I t. ' In Peoples Store Warm Children's Night Wear Complete stock and varied selection of children's warm winter sleeping wear. Keep them comfortable. Sleepers in sizes 2 to 8 and Pyjamas in sizes 2 to 14. At usual prices that you 11 find generally mean a saving. tes VESTS PANTIES COATS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE-Next to Heilbroners Phone BLUE 90? Mail Orders Promptly Filled WWWiJ,i'.V.,.V..V,V.V.,,V fTflrHTBf.BainBiBriiiaarsaBtHEHFariu3rifaisarjLHFcni Ladi Only One Dozen $40.00 Coats Left s Regular Price $133 to 5175. ALL FOXES AND COATS 25 OFF Over One Hundred to choose from Your Credit is Good W. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pjn., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ajn., stopping at principal points. TERRACE LOCAL Dally except Sunday, 4:15 pan. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 10:30 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pm. TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 a.m. Daily except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full Information, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 2G0. Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines BUY- the NEW VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish &Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT q UMTISII COLUMBIA WMW4404V4 If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a fiiiver in the citv. A z UNITED IN MARRIAGE Miss Kitty Cameron Becomes Bride of Sam Currle Catherine Agnes, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, was united in marriage Thursday evening at a quiet home ceremony to Samuel Montgomery, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Currle. at the. home of the bride's parents, 1302 Overlook Street Rev! Alex MacSween officiated. The ceremony was performed under a white wedding bell in a flower bedecked room before a small gathering of friends. The bride entered the room on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage. She was attired in a floor length gown of turquoise blue chiffon with silver brocaded jacket. Her shoulder length veil was fashioned on Russian lines. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and white heather. Mrs. Peter Cartwright, sister of the bride, was the only attendant. She chose a floor length gown of sky blue silk marqueeette embroidered with gold sequins. Her headdress was a veil in matching blue. White carnations were her floral adornment. The groomsman's duties were performed by Leading Aircraftsman Beatty, R.OA.F. Mrs. Sam Currle. wearing a black velvet afternoon frock and corsage of red and white carnations, assisted the bride's mother in receiving the guests. Mrs. Cameron wore ) pale rose afternoon frock of ?repe with silk lace inserts. Her corsage was of yellow carnations. Following the nuptials. Rev. MacSween proposed the toast to the bride to which the groom responded. David Taylor proposed the toast to the bride's attendant to which the groomsman made wit-able response. A three-tier wedding cake was duly cut by the bride. Mrs. E. Beatty. Miss Frances Cumming and Miss Norma Currle acted as serviteurs. Mr. and Mrs. Currie are a well known and popular local couple. The bride has been Identified for the past year with the staff of the Canadian Fish it Cold Storaae Co. Ltd. The groom is a member of the staff of Gordon's Hardware. They will take up residence at Beach Place. Canadian Legion Women's Meeting Considerable Business Transacted At Last Night's Meeting Last evening the Women's Aux-tiary of the Canadlaan Legion was In session at the regular montftlv meeting. Mrs. William Roth well, presfdent, was In the chair with a rood attendance of members. Routine business was disposed of. The report of the fall bazaar was most encouraging, showing substantial financial returns to augment the general funds. A new member was welcomed and a handsome clock donated bv the men of the Legion was grate fully accepted. A letter concerning the celebr.i tlon of Remembrance Day in th-schools and elsewhere from Provincial Command was read to thr members. Volunteers were asked for to assist the Young Men's Christian Association and United Services Organization. Members were advised . of the Legion Remembrance Day church Parade to the Anglican Church on Sunday morning. Final arrangements for Poppy Day Saturday were made. Send Your Copy Early Local news contributions I should be in the Dally Newy j offlde by 10 a.m. on the day ( following the event-prefer- ably the night before, a let- terbox In the door being there to receive copy. Local news not In by 10 a.m. runs the risk of not being pub- llshed, We prefer to have 4 news contributions typewritten neatly and double spaced. If possible. However, legible writing will do. T- common cnfirnry tore throat just miviucasiH Wear a Poppy By Winifred O Brass Once more we offer you with revet ent lingers. Out of the past whose poignant memory lingers. The Flanders Poppy; Ye who pass on wtth carat s, harrying feet. Behold her. shining in the city street. The scarlet Poppy. Ye. who. exempted, trod the paths of ease. Forget not those who dfesi to bring you peace. And wear a Poppy; Those who endured war's mean ness and its splendor Unto the end. their very serves U render. For them a Poppy. Baca oe their valor Uvea through-oat the ages. Because once more the bitter struggle rages. We bring yon Pop pise; Because brave hands, now maimed and bruised and broken Fashioned anew each scarlet, flaming token. The little Poppy. Because she breathes remembrance, faith and sorrow. Because she whispers hope fair tomorrow The Flanders Poppy; Accept her blossom with a tender hand. And proudly, that the world may understand O, wear a Poppy! Whifflets From The Waterfront Scratching fttfitrt Itthfad NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT BUY THE IkBONDSj Philpott, Evitt Co. Ltd. Coal Bulling Materials and Heavy Hardware J Good progress is being mad with the reconstruction of tx. overhead crossing of the rallwa-t racks from the foot of Pacif; Place to the Canadian Nations docks and towards the end . next week the ramp is expected to be finished and open to traff: again. but Tilt, aralar. rui. w4 Jmv nlmiJf limp i kj lrrwJ4, mm (Mt, mntmrng Mi TW, UmA V II. I). PiimhiI. bnuUi. Mamlm SalW, irnftina mm4 qwrfclf MflfM mmm Hrmml. 1 trul frm rw mmmm ,Ur ktk f ir(oM iodr UmU-u.v. rBiscxirno.i. 1 I Victory Loan 1 - J Subscriptions . Donald M- Mitchell - $ 50 Mls.s Bernice Ingram 300 Percy E. Ingram Harold P. McConnell Jack W Needham ..... Stephen Chomey ........ Albert F. Aimer Aubrey A. Later George F. Goose William Bohler . Karl Holgate Cecil H. Sharps . ....' . Prince Rupert Dally Men Alexander Muheim .... Mrs. Freda Muheim William O. Calderwood ..... David Zlllr Mrs. Hasel Zille Charles F. Turnbuil . James Conley W. H 8pencer pu asi: s,wt nii: mmLE? t V 0.. l. A. '.:. Y ;: : rn.; - tee v.. (-,;. : Thi slvtrtuwruni-. U r u.i'.lhi or aufU7l t; Uu: I iiur ( '.r.iroi Board or bv Um Urivvriumnt of tUttuh no4umtM J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. H.A. CHIROPRACTOR WalUre Ulch - rhonr U "BsaaaatMssaamas9ssMesJHssw WE CARRY Everything For the WORKING MAN It will pay you to como In and look over our large stock of Woollen Oooda. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue I MERRIi; MELODY - .F0X VOV WORLD NEWS CAPITOL C-...i. ftn's loca R M W:r Of the tun! cate raff ' A 8 S yelerd dent O : A. SINDAY MIDMTL li pi; max;, in .Mexican sriTum s v,r. New Real Estate Chief For C.N.R. L. C. Groom (IWrn New Pwt With Railway Company MOOTKKAL. Hot L C Groom has been apputnted mana- .:rr of rai eittate, Chmdian Ma-Uonal Railways, according to an announcement nsflt by R. C. Vau.:tian chairman and preatotnt of tin? National system. Mr. Otoom will najre iurtodtction over com ; pan owned lands and properties, sun. ys and UUe records .and hit i of fM will toe located in Mentis! vs h' retofore. LtiQard Chester Oroom was (xrr, stnu.'tth Ontario, and after ruth y r- ni banking experience, m . arxi department of the ' .itu : i V.r'hrrn Railway at i rou: a. a wrfk in April. 1999. became chief clerk and ten later wu promoted to audi which tnrluded the audltorship vrra: subtidury companies T Don onranjtatlon of the ('an.ilu: ten M Mon'f j ,i; of Land . . W ;)..'. tor of u i parUnent b. r etrator n . j u . position present p.'- .-ro Sailing Ship Mo The Pt::' . at the rr-- '; ) wterdax .t W. T Kervi : and now ' a fine sail k WlB br m!' v land Tti. m' 12 CKIH .MATTUKSS K. AH at Usual Prices Phone 775 M 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZARELU. PROr. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up M) Rooms Hot & Cold Waier Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Boi 196 at -I 1 a Jit at as u i A. MacKenzie Furniture III A CiOOD PMCE TO Bt V 12 WAVK CKKST MATTUKSS! lull sin 0 KOSK O'DAY ItflY SPIMf.s stit sAvoy HOTEL Carl Zartlli PhonrS: w FKASKK KTKKET ruiNri: Ki riR' Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners We wish to draw your attention to the fact that PICK UP AND DKLIVKK your wearing apparel for drjcleanlne al PttmAnt AS HKFOKK Wo have been fortunate In adding more espe'icnf,d from the south to our itaff AND ARE STILL MAINTAIN0 3 DAY SERVICE ON ALL DKYCLBANInu Phone 118 or 8 l