PAGE FOUR wv, Expert OPTICAL SERVICE $1.45. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charre Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kepairinc, Hand Enrravlnr. VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Barxace and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant If PAYS TO PLAY SAFE WITH CHILDRENS' SHOES i GENUINE ECONOMY You can buy no finer Children's Shoes at these or ices fine materials jC oak soles leather lining IMk in all larger 25 off all Furs sijes di nr anuur l.yjandup for babies sizes for misses' sites Children's feet deserve the protection of correct footwear to avoid future troubles. You'll get the proper shoes at the Cut Rate. 9HU-CONOMY SHOES UY WKAGGL SHOE CO. AKE SOLD IN RUPERT BY Cut Rate Shoe Store OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled 506 TUIKD AVE. V. Across From Orme's Drur JULIA ARTHUR JUST ARRIVED Beautifully styled Dress Pumps in Crushed Kids, Suedes and Pressed Leathers. Widths from AAA to C. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" mmmrmmimx:.UTumxM'jmzusM.t:n amsmiMamum tm tmsmxm tm m .J heres a chance for you !T JL ClaieS this week New shipments twice a week. Prices from $10 to $1,100 Your Credit is Good W. G0LDBL00M S THE OLD KELIAI5LE g BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK BUY VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT tO. Ll(l. BKITISU COLUMBIA SMUGGLING RESPECTABLE Ancient Tastime of Erin Easier And More Profitable With the World in Conflict By ALAN RANDAL Canadian Press staff Writer) SOMEWHERE IN SOUTHERN ARMAGH, Northern Ireland, Nov. 18 0 These are strange, exciting days and nights on the Eire-Northern Ireland border where the war has virtually brought respect ability to smuggling. It is a two-way trade. There are things in neutral Eire that are short in the hard-at-war north. There are things in the north that fetch a good price in the south. It is a trade that flourished since the border was established and the war. with its rationing, has made more Important than ever. Not everybody living on this border smuggles but most of them do and they admit it The thing Is not to get caught and many a border farmer who before the war scraped a bare living from his small craggy farm in the Armagh hills is well-to-do today because he knows the paths and by-ways that go over the border through the bogs and hills. This has always been a country of legend and stories. For instance St. Patrick himself is said to have planted a yew tree near here and the things that have happened In these hills are tales without end. Today's stories of border dashes with contraband are just as legion. They are stories of runnine cattle and poultry and butter and sugar and clothes into Northern Ireland; of running tea and coal and pepper and bicycle supplies and all sorts of things into Eire. Cattle and poultry come Into the north by the thousands. You can hear cattle running through the night if you stay in a hillside border farm. They come from the south and they must hurry over the "border mile." On Market Days Within sight of SUeve Galium they fy If wa can see this hill it is going to rain; but if you cant it's raining already one of these border runners listened to the pounding hooves and said, "tomorrow they'll be at market" It would be wrong to give his real name. He said, "Just call me Jimmy." He works for himself and his wife and his pretty 10-year-old daughter Kathy, but nevertheless Is a link in a ramified trade that stretches through the north and south like a giant network. He was born on the border and ad mits to thorough enjoyment of smuggling for the excitement alone if nothing else. You could go to no better person than Jimmy to learn of the trade. Tea li to be had In Northern Ireland but not in Eire to any ex tent It is prime stuff for the smuggling trade, good for 100 per cent profit sometimes. Every day in the week coal goes from Ulster to Eire. A ton of coal bought for $18 In the north will bring better than $250 in the south where there have been no legitimate coal lm ports for a year or so, where few coal fires burn just for the pleasure of a bright sitting room blaze. A good average smuggler can clear about $45 a week, plus the fun of outwitting border constables. Also, says Jimmy, a bit of smuggling broadens a man who Is born in these hills. He has to pick up considerable knowledge of business to be a success. He explained it this way: There was a market in Eire for bicycle supplies so Jimmy ordered a'large quantity of cement for repairing tires. Then he found he had it in such large lots it was not readily marketable. "You see you've not only got to get what they want but get It in the size and quality they want It," said Jimmy. A smuggler has to watch, too. that somebody doesn't take advantage. Once Jimmy bought a bunch of razor blades in Eire and found later there were only eight instead of 12 in each package. Night and Day There was a time when most of the smuggling was done at night, so much that the police started working only at night, too. "Now," said Jimmy, "we work any time It looks good and they (the police) don't know when we're coming or where." Best places of supply are small stores In the country villages. Much of this border business is on a barter basis but such things as cattle, poultry and eggs are cash transactions. A ton and a quarter of coal from the north would fetch 200 pounds of sugar THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY I ACHEY JOINTS? Gin Fflli, for the kidneys, help remove pain-causing toxini that are often tb cause of rheumatic twinges and acbey joints. Money back if not satisfied. PILLS 8 B.fnUr Hi. 41 Pilta. Up (in, M MM (! tkc U.S. uk for "CUm WHO Mi Canada at War 25 Years Ago Nov. 18. 1917 MaJ.-Gen. Sir Stanley Maude. British comman der in Mesopotamia, died from an attack of cholera. Allied reinforcements reported arriving daily on the Italian front; Italians put up stubborn resistance on the Lower PJave River. COMMANDO GREEN LONDON. Nov 18 Men of the special services brigade - a branch of the commando,! J ox II wear berets similar to those of thl Royat Armored Corps. They will be green. LIMITING POTTERY LONDON. Nov. 18 9 Shape and range of domestic pottery, except china, will be limited and manufacture restricted after January 1. IM3. though the order might take as long as three months to fill. Few-people have 200 pounds of sugar at one time. With sugar scarce you find occasions when somebody from Eire slips into Northern Ireland and buys back sugar which already ha-been smuggled Into the north A man like Jimmy would not attempt to get a ton and a quarter of coal into Eire himself. Three miles of bog and rough count nr separate his 16 acres of not-to rich soil from the border and he'd probably be caught So a friend of his. a farmer living right smack on the. frontier, would drive It over In two or three trips. From then on it is up to the man in Eire who ordered the coal. Many a smuttier walks across the border. Others, like bit! Jlmmv. a hearty hospitable Irishman of 39 years, do a lot of their work on bicycles. If you're strong, and you know how, you can carry 390 pounds on a bike and still travel 20 miles an hour over the "border mile" half of it in Eire, half In Northern Ireland he says. PROUD OF 1 TWO SONS Alberta Hoys in K.A.P. liravc Fighters Over Europe and .Middle East G LEI CHEN, Aha.. Nov. 18 Mrs. O. II. Walker, a widow, who manages a farm seven miles north of here, is one of Canada's proudest mothers. Her two sons, Bodn.-Ldr. James Arthur Walker. 34. and Flt.-Lt. Oeorge Edward Walker. 36 members of the Royal Air Force, both have won the Distinguished Flying; Cross. Oeorge. now a prisoner of war. was pilot of a bomber which burst into flames over enemy territory. He resnained at the controls until his men based out. The plane capaised but after several attempts the younc officer managed to clear the ship and parachuted to safety. The crew of six landed without injury but were immediately taken prisoner. Sqdn.-Ldr. James Walker is at present stationed somewhere In the Middle Bast This young man has 500 fighting hours behind him and is credited with having shot down seven enemy planes. He was & Dunkerque. Mrs. Walker says that as fr a- rv ts W&K7?f7!Pl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSBSla-Sr W W tT WW tm EXTRA! TODAY and THURSDAY ON I AMI riOCIAt. Pete Smith's "A Dor's Life " World News Capitol r . . . . r i . . Feature ut 1 00 3 07. Lj if site knuA.v neither of her sons has been wounded, but tJie thinks that James may have had some sort of accident, for he now walks with slight limp. "They wouldn't tell me anything that would worry me." she said. Both boys received their early r-hooluvr at ihi town 50 mils east of Calgary, later lakinit their h Tti school grades ai Calgarv They were keenly lntcrev.'d : aeronautic and earned their private pilots lieene and commercial pilot' lirenrc They went to Eng-::ind .:i 1937 .xr.A joined '.he RAF llIBLaiBUBilisUICT " Commencing Monday, Nov. 16 s ! CHANGE IN DRUG m STORE HOURS j IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE WAR TIME PRICES AND TRADE HOARD Owinj: to lack of help, Stores will be open each week day, except Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10. p.m. Sundays and Holidays no change, 12 to 2 and 7 to 9. W. J. McCUTCHEON ORMES LUTED We respectfully ask the assistance of our customers In carrying out the new hours ts p. mi I W I B B a o B g B B i iii:iiiEsumEBi:ii;B mii tm asmxmmtmsmm NEW road i ZURICH 10 feet Paris to tiii reports It for use by .. M.W BELGIAN ctflo, dinner ut.. Beaglum. vacant "Tn.. nt Belgtaii v , BnftUhma the t:m era:e Ik den's NE CUT 7L Brand of trie BURTON RANCH Operated by P.1 Burba, twice winner of ftc Uh American ar-1 (rX .ii Calf Roping f 'a-; : ships at tf p C i Stampede, t": B. ' i Ranch in s " Alberta was r ,'r.i inlMOty F-AELrtr. Christmas Goods NOW IN STOCK GREETING CARDS WATERMAN'S PKN and PENCILS ami SI J -YARDLEY'S LAVENDER r-i-U JASMINE, GARDENIA, ("AMI 1.1 and ADRIENNE SKTs BACHELOR SETS FOR Mf WRITING KITS CUTKX -I-1 - SHAVING BRUSHES CHOCOLATES, PAGE & sliWV PERFUMES and C0LH,M CHRISTMAS CRACKERS TOILET SOAP BILLFOLDS HAIR BRUSHES We would advise an early selection as Christmas stocks cannot be duplicated this )fr Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqsist NU ,l THE It EX ALL STOKE I'HONKS Open Dally ' from 8 a.m. till 10 pJ- ........... - -..A ?.IP auiiuays ana Holidays from It t P-m. If you lose anything, advertise for iL