-V NOVEMBER 18; 1942 DATLTNEwTJ "The War and Your Underwebr" best to provide underwoar up '19 we txt9 doing our good ietaile" and consumers la every city, town and j-i"c-f jne in Canada we would like to remind our patrons at Qod underwear Is more pjecious than ever. This, i because the needs ol Canada'i gallant d c-!ise r , i must come FIRST. Further- J.ji jt must be remembered that our - c:i!b ol wool, cotton and practically voryt! Ing entering Into the making o ccd ur-derwear are limited by w t!-3 reason we ask STANfiELD'S distribu. retailers and con-not to buy any underwear than V; '-r-Sv ,4.-iined: and Lj." - nortimilnrlv we r - r- that they take good care ca i In order to help you do please write for our new I dcr ' How To Make Your L,:d:r.vcar Last Longer." The i- Jer c ?ers Instructions for the J-dsrwear worn by men, vi-ztz, children and infants. JTANMfltTS IIMITID V tiuio. H i. U 'tJM KT3 LsssssssVW to 1 1. 1.. a: :.ia ';! City Chimney Sweep Cibnarra Cleaned $1.00 Hue leaf Krpaln - Ilvetrouth Ifrt Green 99 -- D. Thoimon Ij. M. S. Loubser O.C, RA. CHIROPRACTOR iMtilue Rlorli fbone 8 KK VICES TO Tintonter, Victoria and Way points, Stewart and North, Qorrrt Charlotte Islands. Hill ln(n,milln Tlfkftl FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Itunrrt Aient Third Are. rhone 568 NIXIE Tllfr TOILER Til i ir i i.nr-i l V N HADM'T SPOKEMTO MAC AS VOL) wr-' ivu a PtUE FELLPiVjJ AUO VOL) HURT HIM DEEPLVvfl 'X B a BaBBBBBBa Ml llll a SB J n TVinrii It.nV'.iii ttiv': known jj Vanrjjuvfr Broker and newspaper man ar;ivco ,n in r;iy wu morning from the south and proceeded by tram to Cedarvale where he is interested in work with the B. J Ryan Contracting Co. Mr. Ham ilton will return here at the end II 1:1: sUKaVJJieaililia of the week on his way south. JkhcuhceinehtA All advertisements tn this column will be charged for s full month at 2Sc a word. I.O.O.F. No. 63 every Tuesday. 8 pjn.. Oddfel lows' Halt. Sojourning members in. vited. Eastern Star Dance, Nov. 20. Lutheran Circk Baiaar Nov. 21. Oddfellows' HaU. w a nth Qoaat Redment Danee, Nov. 26, Armories, nefresrunenu. nHHfeiinun Dance. Friday Nov. 27. By invitation from rrvemoers Orange Udtes InviUtion Dance, Oddfellows Hall, Novetnoer au. A' United naiaar, Dec. 3. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec.. Vresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! UD1ES' htre is your chance to try iiic aWst 3-CiJ fEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frame Zu Hair shapcr. Individual stylinK to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MA1I Cor. 6th and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 913 for Appointments I'LL CALL ' , HIM AT OkltE. ' III M THE ' m THU6& HA' COME OM LOCAL NEWS NOTES Twenty-Five V A A. RVprrtlU R 9 1 1 n rimfnrtfM 1 woel filling, each $7.95 and $9.95. ', Prlee Rupert. Mis Ins. TlnbArtann returned to the city Monday evening from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Canadian Lesion (B.E5i.) No. 27 Regular monthly meeting tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 18th, at S pjn. Mrs. Dsn Sleuro and daughter. Miry, left Monday nlaht for Van- j cower where they plan on talcing up future residence. Newton F. Pullen arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver to attend the funeral of his father, the late II. P. Pullen. He plans to spend the coming week nere. An evening of entertainment for men of the foraat wtu be held in the Salvation Army Hall. Thursday November 19, 8 pm. AH are welcome. 1 1 A A social evening for all members of St. Peter's Church will be held in the hall on Thursday eve ning. Nov. 19. at 8 o'clock. All new comers to the Seal Cove area will be welcome. 264 .UTTIOV mm: TlmtM-r !le VtOIKI Thrrr will bo cflenxi tar art at Auctirin. at noon an Mw Mod !"- crotirr. 1942. In the etftte ot the Oinrtct roiMr. Marin DuUdkna Vsnootmr. BC. the UoeOM X304S4. ts 'ut 9.7m) OOO f bin a( apruae. cedtr-aad hmlook on thn araM cd etrif part c Timber Uccnoe 11607P and 11SOSP and u.imuwfml Crown land aMnated at tlte north nd ot Bumaliy Uland. Queen Charlotte bSMMb Land Dtatrlet. Two i2i yemn will be Mowed tor re- "Provldad aBToae uoatite to aMecxI 'tie auction In paiaoo may aubmft ten der to b oftanad at We aaur at auc tjn ni UmM aa one U4." PUitnar parUeutaiv mar e obtained em Utm rkW KiwM ViiilcrM. B.C. or toe DUttrlr Pnreatem Frlaae BMpett or vanoouver. ts.c. "iioi-.KNur.T LHjHni .rr- NnrruTE la HZSUY GIVEN that on the lMl oar of Datember J41 net the uiHtonaened tntenoa H aopty v , h. jw nantm BaaM lar ooneenx to tranafar at B- Urenca No. S8S tm tn imii, i erf III until II betna pan ot a buUdinf. taxw aa ruu H .! nituKte on nm Maw Um luKta dewnbnl aa Lota IS and 14. of Block 2. Season 1. of Hlnoe Rtawet. Prince Runts Lnd Mctauwtton Diatrut in te totoot of BntMi Columbia, from oeonre l Rone. Trustee of e property Of ttno Hotel Company Umtted. Atltnorleed AaaUn&r. of Pruiee BuprK. BrtUeh Ool- m, vj jaaB jjnm m- taaa Kntam atm. wnpBMrer. uma Qotumbm, the tranaferr. ta , ii mm lrw nunert. BiatWt ColumMa. tost ISib day of November JOeCPH CTRUS IABEUf Apiatoant and Tranaferee. i Tin: si Piif.MK rorKT oriiitiTiMi ni l . Mill in riuimri. In the MUrr of the "Administration Ml" and In Ihe Mailer f the K'late if lnl Utnk Sins . ... TAKE NOTICE WttH by order OI nta Honour Judge Flaher. local Jude of the Supreme Ooutt of BrK4h OoJum-Ma, I aa on the SOtn dS ot OatUxr AD 142 appotnited Admlnirec of the btate of Usule Look Sing formerly of Ocean F1U BrUh OolunkbVa, De-Maad. y no died on or about ie 13th da or August 1942 All persona In, aebted to the KaW Eatrte re re-qulrad to pay the amount of their tn-drbtcdneaii to nx rorthwtth and all oenena baying datavs aaln the an4d 2Z..-.. JdnH t ru them Mn me pronrly aertlled on or before the lMh of Decenber AD. 1942 hUUng whfcn dtatnowiion n "e log ward oniT to ll?nvl o .T.. 7 i ii w.t wm notified. DATED at Prince Btiport, B.C. Ulla 30Ui day of Oatober NORMAN A. WATT OrrtrUl Admin Wrator Prince Rupert, D C savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 3 PHASER STREET PRINCE RUrERT MAC'S LEFT NO CHOICE! O1' m EL Carl Zarelll left Monday night for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow left Monday night for a- trip to Mr. and Mrs. Brio Jones and two children of Telkwa, who have been on a trin to Vancouver, arrived in the city this morning on their way bank to the interior Jack and Bill Sargent, soi.a of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sargent of Hazetton. pasted through the city this morn In enroute to their home in Hazelton after arriving from Vancouver. Jack is on a noli-, day trip home whtle Bill has enlisted in the Royal Canadian Alt Force. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joy returned thte morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. P. DeJonz arrived back in Prince Rupert today from a trip south. good condition. Phone 144, 801 Borden Street. FOR SAL& Gas boat "Copails" Terms cash. Phone Black 534. 273) FOR QUICK SALE Double bed and mattress, two chairs, DaDy erib. rocker. Morris chair, baby's high chair, two case sealers. Call 103 8th West after 6:00 pjn. (268) WOOD FOR SALE Apply-Chieken namsh Mile 5-Hicnway. lrv-,o pjTrfimill hotiite. nartlv j ow - 3 - . furnished with new stove, oea chairs tahle. etc. Five minutes' walk from Dry Dock. $850 cash if sold at once. Phone Blue 953 after 6 pjn- ,274) FOR SALE House with three lots and two roomed shack. Near Dry Dock. For particulars, phone Green 505. '268) FOR SALE Occasional chair. single cot with couch cover. 513 Herman Street. 269) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. (1951 EXPERT IN' MECHANIZATION: T-ONDQN".. Nov. 18 0 Promotion r rni (Temrjorarv Brigadier) R H. Studder,' commander Royal Ar tillery 44th (Home Counties Divi-5toh. Territorial Army and mechanisation expert, , to the acting rank of Major General, was announced in the London Gazette. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75e up M) Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Thone 281 P.O. Box 196 HEILO.TILUE.WHEKE szrii .. a i id vJUAT WOULD VOU LIKE TO vJTT i ears ago November 18. 1917 Oeo. E. Warwick arrived in town from Anyox enroute to Victoria where he wtH enter the Canadian naval service. Rev. Father McGrath was among the passengers arriving this morn lng from the south. After three weeks discussion by the citv council, a tentative pro- Dosition has been made for the filling in of Cow Bay. Many of the local merchants are alarmed ty this movement as over four nun dred fishing craft make Cow Bay their home DOrt and it is feared that, by allowing the rarlroad to I take over the property for a pro- Dosed waterfront and public doK the fUhermen would have to mov their home harbor to Ketchikan or some other place. The Area Headquarter officers have moved to their new mess on Second Avenue in the old Prince Rupert Club. SAWDUST FOR BAKERS LONDON. Nov. 18 9 Sidelight on the German menu, from a Nazi woodworkers' trade Journal: "White quality sawdust should be sold to bakeries." Classified Ads. FOK SALE FOR SALE One electric range: .r-. sn t- lT WANTED WANTED Suitcases to rent to sol diers going on furlough. Responsible soldier will buy or rent your bag on share basis. Send name, address and phone number to Box 390 Dally News. WANTED To buy shack and lot. Box 393 Dally News. 380 WANTED Chambermaid for hotel. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 21. 29) WANTED Room and board or rooms for wife and baby. Phone 792, Sergeants' Mess, F-Sgt Dewar. 269' WANTED TO RENT Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, im mediately. Box 392 Dally News. TWO Gentlemen require room in private home. Phone Black 3tf. (269) WANTED Floor maids for Gen eral Hospital, 8-hour duty, gooa salary, duties to commence Immediately. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 22. (268) WANTED Room and board for two gentlemen sharing, u. -Stewart. Phone 282. tf WANTED Room for lady. Urgent. Apply Blue 419. 27H WANTED Young employed couple badly in need of room, or room and board. Phone 175. W. c. wei- son. WANTED Small boat with engine Reasonable. Box 392 Dally New?. (263 BACHELOR would like to share in small house or comfortable cab in within 15 minutes of Dry Dock. Apply Box 391 Daily News. (271 WANTED Room in private home by young couple empioyea ay u. S. government. Phone Blue 579. Inquiries for Massey or riumo. (268) WANTED TO RENT House or ap artment. Xurnishecl or uniur-nished, for two adults, reliable tenants. Mr. Richardson, Phone 88. WANTED Student working in shipyard desires board and room. Apply Box 389 Dally news, ioo; -rut? HA.S HAVE SOU TALK TO M6J cHAM6EPVOU m JOHN BEGS IMPfiRTED w m m m . iw ulu buuiuti wninr Oft OVER 100 TEARS. DlJTllUO. MATUftO ANO 80TTIED IN SCOTLAND cal hospital yeeterday with a brok en collar-bone, ttie resuu oi an accident while on duty. Work on the new officers' mess of the Winnipeg Grenadiers is nraeressine favorably and a grand opening is planned this coming Saturday. The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An Internattonsl Daily Newspaper a Truthful Comtructive Unbid Free from Senutional' ura Editorialt Are Timelr nJ Iiutructive ami Iu Daily Feature, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Nepaper for the Home. The Chrirdan Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Botton, Massachusetts "yjg. Price flZ.00 Yearly, or fl .00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, 2.60 a Year. Introductory Offee, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Address SAMPLE COPY ON BEQUEST 4 This advertisement is not-published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Contain Lonx arrived in Prince Rupert today from Vancouver. A Quartermaster of the merch ant marine was rushed to the lo CoL Lane arrived last evening from Terrace to spend a few days in the city. The fire department was called out to answer two alarms yester daya small bush fire on Nimn Avenue, and an ignited tar barrel at the Ocean Dock. There was no damage in either Instance. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. rt - . . . vw rrrlTTf''C 6 S For Quick, Safe and ComfortaDie iaai sswiun PHONE 235 rv avn vir.nT rjrHMPOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pm.. stopping at all stations. . , . , WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ajn., stopping at principal points. TERRACE LOCAL Daily except Sunday, 4:15 pa. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 10:30 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pm. TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 ajn. Dally except Sunday. -AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN. OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full Information, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Asent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Gift Wrappings To Impart the Spirit of Christmas Fancy Gift Wrapping Paper, pkg JJ Dennison's and Coutfs Distinctive Christmas Seab. Tags and Labels, pkg 10c Seal and Tag Assortments 36 pieces and 50 pieces, pkg ; 40 pieces Dennlson Valupak Wo inn t.. nonnisnn . Wc and 15C 200 pieces Dennlson - Tissue Paper, red, white or green, Tinsel Ribbon, skein Cellophane Ribbon, red or green Tinsel String pkg. 25c 10c 10c 10c 10c and 15c Any Gift worth jlvinR is worth wrapping Attractive Wrapping Doubles the Value of Any Gift. CHRISTMAS CHEER HEADQUARTERS A