noi two THE DAILY NEWS rnixcc nuPEUT, British Columbia PubHohed Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue SUBSCKIITIO.N RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year. $510; Half Year, $250; One Month. 50c; One Week, 13c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3 XX) a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion 2$ Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN' PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the AsseoJated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION A Word for the A.R.P. . . . HMDOYDV MAN AC TO SUCH coov m THESE DAYS OF MTlONIKGt Thursday. November 5, 1942 EDITORIAL An unfortunate attitude of indifference appears to1, be developing as far as the A.R.P. in Prince Rupert is ' concerned. We have this despite the fact that the actu- amies oi war are closer to us today than ever and, in the view of those who are in a position to competently estimate, may come a good deal closer yet and that possibly before long. We are not asked, for the time being at least, to carry on A.R.P. work on the basis of anything more than a sideline to our normal activities. It is not a very creditable spirit for those who decline or hesitate to do even that. Here in Prince Rupert it would seem fitting that the citizens who have no other particular war work to do, would be hastening to volunteer for assignments in connection with civilian protection rather than having to be persuaded or cajoled into making themselves ready to protect their town, their homes and their families. It is quite conceivable that A.R.P. may become something much more than a part time job. We should be training ourselves to be ready for such an eventuality. We should be organized and instructed and in a position to meet the need when it comes. Certainly those who are able to and will do noth ing about it now will have no reason .to expect assistance vvnen me emergency arises. The least we can do now is to find out what to'do and be in a position to do it. When a Man Buys a Home . When a man wants a home, he saves for it. It matters little whether it is a home or a car or what comfort or luxury you have your heart set on, you expect to deny yourself other things in order to get it. Today, all Canada is saving for a home. Unless we do save, we'll lose all right to a home, as we know it. Under Hitler or Hiro-hito, conquered people have no rights. Every dollar spent needlessly today, gives the enemy a better chance to take away your right to enjoy the luxuries that a free Canada can give you tomorrow. Your dollars saved and invested in the New Victory Bonds work two ways for you: Victory Bond dollars help in the fight now for vour right to the things you want Victory Bond pilars will provide the cah for you to get what you want when the war is won. What are a few luxuries now, compared to the years of freedom that only Victory can make possible? sEm ift"?a bviy tr Afs. bk The tea that lias won more world awards for quality than any other, is the tea to use in these days of rationing. Try this masttr-blcnd which includes select "small leaf" teas grown exclusively in Lipton's own gardens in Ceylon. You'll find Lipton's so uniformly rich and full-flavoured that you'll get more satisfying cups for your tea coupons. Duyer in uie city. THAT'S EASY, USE UNO U S fUU'HAVOUW TEA- AM I CET MORE VALUE TOR MY COUPONS SSjf A'k fimr $nur ttdst Ujntn'i lull. I"; .0J.mpirt It lUft "J4 for s iut". LIPTON5 Also Packers of LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX THT SOUP StNSATION OF THE NATION" If you have something to sell, a classified in this paper will soon let you know if there is a 'Employees Of Air Lines Put Up Goodly Sum WINNIPEG. Nov. S Trans-Canada Air Lines employees in a!i parts of Canada subscribed 950 to the Victory Loan. P. W Baldwin. T. C. A auditor, stated today. The percentage of employees who contributed, many of them through payroll deductions, was C1.5. Subscribing $35,300. employees in Winnipeg went over their objective by $300. Mow than 70 percent of Ute staffs here bought bondu mando" training The birds, which , normally roost after dark, are ! being taught night flyitri and un- Idergoing batt cond:ti:i!.s by ' having planes d;v- at the:r. THE DAILY KEW3 EDMONTON H AS FIRE Fire Hundred Thousand Dollar: Conflatration in Heart of Albetta Capital City EDMONTON. Nov S.O -FVfmeo battled a WOWWa fire tor bouts in the Empire Bteefc in the bert of downtown Edmonton last night The two to' floors of the four-store)' DMiktlng were destroyed. SILK SOX FOR CAPE CAPE TOWN. Nor. t stockings are oa their wmy fMkm Braail to South Africa to Consid- HOMERS FOR COMMANDOS erably relieve the acute shorten I lAjptuwi, inov. a v several ; wnicn nas ten. so many women hundred homing psgetMM in the tare -legged. -. British Army are receiving "Coin- j ,a "mm , SWELL FISHLNG At Ccwichifl Bay. B.C.. during Ausust. l4(htport fishermen took 500 salmon wfth average weight ' !? pounds CANADIAN' PATROL SHIP COHS DOWN FlHIlTINf; FVMI.O IMlTATOItS ' r. " . , ' VOLCANIC TLRKACDS m-'v 7f:.i:'( ftinvu ji'nk anil white terra s wrr b!nn up by i VoVarvi !8Rfl JCO: - isr, Jst . - HMCS Rarcoir. arm'd p.ttr..; -;.:; .: i sumed kt will!" baV finis w"h Ax.- -nb-oa board ure bejieved lost ut sea The Riuro does had crossed her bow A search from the air empty life-boat. f-f" j ('.tiatiua Navy a rm-m ,t N i ' " At.JlltK Thirlv-rlehi ..ft.. a .um ueJd from, when she r immediately aitvrwai. dUiWd BssBSf V " '"SassllS 1 wRhsbkssskSbUHBSIiS BBB'' """SBSBSBBBSaaaBsBSSBBsBSBl5BB 'K Mr '! ' Isn't it Strange? Isn't it strange that princes and kings, And clowns that caper in sawdust rings. And common people like you and me Are builders for Eternity ? U'AKTIMC HIKTHKATt t.Ju the rr.odi:i Japarmae the Sclent: If- N ramus an4 Ui- Sa-a ri: i.f at. nle birth . fTi.''. wer f.imcd w.'.u' t to rte dur.i m m m Can any one of us look to the heavens, think of Eternity; and -not, in his soul, feel and know that nothing matters now bubVictory? Buy Victory Bonds. 1 . Ip'v u. THE HOUSE Or SEAGRAM n a: A on. m that ft nr