IEL0VED m SHOWMAN IS DEAD orit M Cohan, figure or I.nter- tilnmrnl World, Is Dead tin S. i lC Nov. 5 a Oeorge lit'-- ! Ol the most beloved American show buii-v today at the age ,:kt a lone ltlneaa. aptly described 04 : i utioner," was dan-: : .uTiaOat, producer, : ,,i.r and lyricist, md Utfkle ster In ixtemicd over more p t Aiso Dc wa some t ,utd alwaya a ba&e t. . Murray Bullet. liujo'a dictum that va. for the crowd. w ' .'urn and comedy for i nre aatd that Co-.ittre and fun-pro-. Ml anttos had helped a "men to become modern American ran the gamut : . boy prodigy violinist i i to recognition in wars ai America', nterpi rrter of con-' There aren"' ho really know the mmfiitalot wrote more than $.000 in - V 7 k he wa "the man x Broadway." To the ( a fnrtkm ago h- una the embodl-v.tnke Doodle B-" Jihnny J one" To i generally he was of the world war T'.ore.- wrote aome forty t"-d in th framing turned out more . close to 300 vaudf -and about a score Hhode Islander born In Providence, iin? of firecracker k of flag on July U. irrnta were troupera variety shows, Jerry ' Helen Oottlgan. A lane, wvs alao born - ! 'he family later be-for 1U "act" as The that stage was reach-' il blowomed out a a t billed aa "Mastet H quit IhU within a few (tme a child actor, st regular lines at J 9 In a play about Dan-' i years later he tour-!" role of "Peck's Had mrdy based upon the writing of a former W:s?onaln. and parents mean- 1 U wtth various roar! ' it the family came to IBM and for ten years k and forth across the variety theatres from in Nrw York to the v" in Pin Francisco 10 v'tnuvd on Vtvjo Fivo) 5CC T- "IOW TIII1M AWAY otv the Polynesian Isl "ually take shelter from Bulletins CALLING MOKE CANUCKS OTTAWA Between now and the end of the year 31,000 more young Canadians will be called to the rotors. CI! It HI NT. BREAD I) KM V Kit IKS OTTAWA After November 30 there will be no further deliveries by bakeries which sell leu than $173 of bread a week. PRINCETON STKIKK ENDS ritlNCETON Princeton coal miners, who have been on , a strike, are reluming to work pending the taking of a new ballot. SHIPS AT GIBRALTAR LONDON A large number of British warships are , reported concentrated near Gibraltar. Burns Lake Is Going Strong t The Interior town of Burns Lake, having gone twenty percent over quota, has no won Its second Victory Loan pennant. Subscriptions there 4 have now reached $31.'!50. exceeding the original objec- 4 Uve by $1750, 4 4 4 LOAN IS GROWING Total for Prince Rupert Is Now More Than $100,000 Over Original Objective Victory Loan subscriptions In Prince Rupert yesterday totalled $82,800 Including $500 In special name and $12300 In general canvass. The cumulative total to date Is $648,950 or more than $100,000 over the original objective of $530,000. The following further subscrip tions have been authorized lor acknowledgment: Ling Oam 100 Mrs. Jean Hlvett 100 T. O. Jones u Eric It. Love 50 Dr. O. W. J. FIddes 250 Gerard McDonald 50 A. B. Norton 100 Mrs. May Uttle 100 Mrs. Annette Woods 500 Mex Sinclair 100 Angelo Astoria so nton Iverson 2m Samuel llouric 0 Denis Oaron 100 Deep Sea Fishermcns union wu j. 4 t Big Fire In Vancouver VANCOUVER, Nov. 5 0 - A three-alarm fire early today caused damage of $100,000 In the destruction of the Gran- of Overseas 4 -vllle Island plant 4 Wood Products Limited and 4 badlv badly damaged the Tyec 4 Machinery Co, plant. COMING EVENTS 4 4 4 Thursday, li:IO CFPIt II. T. Lock. Friday, (i:15 CI'PR J. J. Little. Saturday, 6:15 CFPR W. It. McAfee. Buy Victory Bonds AXIS WANTS MORE SHIPS Oermany, Having Suffered Heavy Lowes, Expected to Increase Its Demands LONDON. Nov. 5 Having lout an estimated six million tons of shipping since the war began, the Axis Is expected to make further demands for ships from Vichy France In addition to the thirty-five former Allied merchant vessels totalling some 120,000 tons which are now being turned over. These vessels have been Interned in French jwrts since the Fall of France In 1940. RUSSIANS ARE FIRM Not Only Holding Hun Invaders Hut Driving Them Out in Some Quarters 4 4 wooooooooooooooooooooooeaoaoooaoooooooooooooooooo 3rd VICTORY LOAN MOSCOW. Nov. 51 he German-. with at least thirty thousand men and artillery and tank equipment. are continuing their assault upon Stalingrad on a reduced basis ou nave failed to gain a single yard The Russian- ate ao hoidiuj firm today in the Caucasus and on a other fronts. Heavy losses are st:'. jcin Inflicted upon the memy Along the Black Sea. the Russians are increasing the pressure upon the. enemy as., well .a north-: cast of Stalingrad Sh"d athec" jreS erday the Oermaru have with drawn from some positions in biHli ireas. In the Mozdok area the enemy te being broken up. Today's Dispatches Today's dispatches said that thf ilufslani have broken up all the latest Nazi efforts to expand th invasion salient in northern Stal ingrad and In some places have 'oiocd the Germans to abandon several basic points. While bitter attacks and counter-attacks developed about the ruined city. Red uo9M were credited with local lalns northwest of Staling i ad, on the Black Sea front and In the Mozdok sector of the central Caucasus. A successful Soviet holding action was Indicated before the Caucasian slopes and passes south- ast of Nalchik. HONOR NAVY MEN PRETORIA, Nov. 5 t Citlrens turned out In large numbers here when aovcrnor-Oeneral Sir Patrick Duncan, South Africa-born, entertained a Royal Navy contingent at Government House. the cnemJ oooooaoaooaoooaaooooooooooooooooeioaoooaooooaociao RED ARMY ff-KOVINClKl. LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. l ocal Temperature Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High u:39 am. 212 feet "f'fe if 33 31 Low 5:2$ ajn. 62 feet 18:01 p.m. 4.8 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER hTxXXI No 257 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS RILLIANT BRITISH MOPPING t UP ot in Canada Slightly Lowet Now Than Three Months Ago OTTAWA, Nov. 5 W The cost-of-living index at October 1 was 117.8, a decrease of one-tenth point from the July 1 index. As n result the cost of living bonus oaid employees In Canada will remain at the present level for the next three months. MAKESHIFT BEARDS LONDON. Nov. r O A shortage of false hair has resulted from war conditions according to Brit Ish National Films make-up ex perts. Much of the hair was lm norted and now false beards will be makeshift affairs. AFTER NAZIS EVACUATE This photograph from the Russian battlcfront was made In the village of "N" as Red Army men rushed in to mop-up remnants, of the German garrison which tried unsuccessfully to hnM thp town In face of fierce Red attack. Infantrymen with bayoneted rifles charge against At the LOWER UiUin is me two-man crew oi one oi we miwwu nu VICTORY Marshal Rommel's Axis Army In Desert Largely Destroyed; Unrelenting Advance Kept Up Proud Nazi Force Routed; Is Driven Back 70 Miles Weakened by loss of thousands of men captured, killed, wounded or isolated in their desert strong points, the once proud Axis army was in full flight today across western Egypt in the hunt for a position to avert destruction. Only a rearward moving screen of nnli-tank gu"s w tnnV- sMMr(l fltp hulk of Marshal Rommel's African Cnrps from the pressing advance, of the British Eight Army while a comparatively impotent air force sought to parrv combined blows of Allied air forces. Whi'e nine thousand prisoners by count in nine lours kI reamed n the British rear, Allied aircraft kept hitting nt tc foe and the mnin coastal lino of rfro?it u-qs described as a graveyard of smoking twisted tanks, armored enrs and trucks. vis commnnimie sulmit the withdrawing to new lines and Rome indicated the depth of the British drivfwhen it told of fierce fighting tatween El Alamcin and Fuka. Fuka is a bou'f seventy miles west of El Alamcin. CANADA IS OVERTOP "All We Can Gel" h New Objective Of Canada's Third Victory Loan OTTAWA. Nov. 5 (CP) The Third Victory Loan, by the close of business Wednesday, exceeded the minimum! objective of $750,000,000 by $2231,300. Wednesday's subscriptions of $57,-075,000 brought the cumulative total to date up to $772,281,300. Alberta was the sixth province to go over the top yesterday, others being Manitoba, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Nova Scotia. Loan headquarters said today that all provinces are now working for a new objective "all we can get." LIVING HAS GONE DOWN SECOND IN COMMAND OF ENEMY IS KILLED AND OTHER GENERALS SURRENDER ITALIAN ARMISTICE PROPOSAL REFUSED ENORMOUS CASUALTIES AND MATERIAL LOSSES. LONDON, Nov. 5 The British Army has scored brilliant victory in the North African Desert. One of the greatest Allied advances, for the Axis it has been one of the worst defeats of the Second World War. Eighty ner cent of Adolf Hitler's air strength in the area has been destroyed and more than half of his tank and gun strength has been lost. The enemy is estimated to have lad nine thousand men taken prisoner and has suffered large casualties including the second in command to Mar shal Erwin Rommel killed. At least one and probably ither German and Italian generals have been captured. Six hundred enemy planes have pen destroyed, fifty thousand tons of shipping has been sunk . i fifty thousand tons damaged. I . milTC SllfTfTacTC Two hnHr.H mt of tViotr I UUKfiVOLO tanks have been destroyed or captured and 280 pieces of field ar- UUerj. Ammunition dumps and uppiy oases nave Deen wipea out from the air. " The Italians are, reported to have asked for an armlsUce so hey may bury their .dead but the llied forces, not to be led Into ny trick, are pushing forward through the shattered Axis lines. The broken enemy army Is In full and disorderly retreat, straggling westward In rout. Ankara reports that German wounded are passing through Bul garia at the rate of two thousand oer day. HiUer Is said to be endeavoring to rush reinforcements from Rus sia through Greece to the North Africa front. A British communique indicates 'hat the offensive of the Army of the Nile has gone into high gear ilone the whole front. It declares that, in addition to the swift advance In the north on the coastal Lieut. General Bernard L. Montgomery had brought into action the greatest striking force of armored and air power yet engaged in the fight In North Africa. There seemed to be little doubt that Rommel's army was largely destroyed. Today It was indicated that the Fighth Army, continuing to push the enemy steadily westward on 'he north, was meeting a measure M resistance in the south although the entire army was moving ahead. Allied airmen, on a wide spread ffenslve, were having little opposition. Air blows In continuous bombing attacks are telling equally to the land offensive. Yesterday thirteen more Oerman planes were brought down while fourteen Allied Dlanes were missing In the Mediter ranean theatre. Enemy shipping was again heavily hit. Canadian fitnrs tn bombers, fighters and torpedo planes are out with British and American. King George sent a message yesterday to General Montgomery, acknowledging the heavy blow that the Eighth Army had dealt to the enemy and offering Con 4 turning foint 4 CONDON. Nov. 5 f Field Marshal Jan Smuts. South Af- 4 rlcan Prime Minister, declared 4 4 in London today that the de- 4 veloplng rout of Adolf Hitler's 4 4 African forces might provide 4 "the turning point In thi3 4 war." 4 4 4 f 4 MINISTERS ARE NAMED Important Diplomatic Appointments Are Announced at Ottawa OTTAWA. Nov. 5 Four Canadian diplomatic appoint ments ministers to Russia. China El Alamein sector, the British have i and chm and a hlgn commission-hurled back the Germans and the er Australia were announced Italians at the southern flank of last nlght by Prlrne Minister Wil-Ihe desert battle zone, capturing llam Lyon Mackenzie King, strong points of Delr El Angar.i L D wess, deputy minister Munasslbl and Hlmelmat Enemy In Full Retreat In London one British source declared that "the enemy seems to hp In full retreat" and It appeared or trade and commerce. Is named minister to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Lieut. General Victor W. Odium, former commander of the Second Division in Britain and more recently High Commissioner to Australia, is appointed minister to China. Warwick Chlpman. Montreal barrister. Is the minister to Chill. Mr. Justice T. C. Da via of Saskatchewan becomes Canadian High Commissioner to Australia. Miss Juanlta Falconer, R.N., of New Westminster, who has been visiting here for the pat few weeks wlth'her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Falconer, Summit Apartments, will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Fort McM,array. Alberta, to ray a visit with her brother, Selkirk Falconer, prior to joining the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps In which she has enlisted. gratulatlons on the brilliant victory. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who is visiting Britain, sent a message i of congratulations to the King. Americans Arrive Meanwhile the safe landing la Alexandria of an expeditionary force of seven thousand American soldiers, the contingent including also airmen and nurses. Is announced. A number of American troops have also been landed In Palestine, It Is now disclosed, vs:. 1. 11