Km mi i' NOVEMBER S IMZ in 7H2 DAIIY KWB PA"!!' r ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. B, is KOTIIV GAIIBUTT. Most- vaaaar k me bow the boyt l.rrf pMf. 1Wf'! wnat at tt and ' i;anw Jn on of .ts. Taul. Paul i'. i i n bringing our r:u. By the way on Upt dag v.uf him sad he . .MKk coat Hut . a ooeker anan ..- were a black .- :fe ia gotag last .ne next etk u a ng far a :ar about it If i me. . wJMM tCife a; aosUinry aaf- . , Pierre who ' was men toy the VtK r oreratas aw- m to Xataaft. a toriaf tobnil mmes to fHaaa rf tooth with her I went on far- unarming an viae of aawaor. v . n YMOA -work UfcO esrftae. I'm ' wtlb ' ' acqai : ' tu. paid bar flrat ciflrtn tat otfeer lonneoJ flw atrip so keen on tf t.ut want al ont ;p Mane manga. . the martne aat- Furc. n-rto tat ha Tug Waso t -tiny and that ha r.npes to be oat up to aae hhn 'lay bat he wi . . tuily and touted i to disturb hhn. ; FRULTS TRY A '.V ANT ADD. t a a a'varara-'a : Ml ' ' ? I hop at The Z THK HI Variety Store I'hrre ' -3r dime are Utile doltars uBanaBanBaaaw NOTHING MATTERS .NOW BUT BUY THE victory i IbondbJ 1 B'ilpott, Evitt Co. bbB F"l linihllng Materials and '"aw Hardware C 3i your 1 OPTOMETRIST CIVIL TO MILITAKY LONDON. Nov. 5 O Answering a call lor recruit the Department of Inland Revenue hac agreed to release about ljDOO youag women lor the force. Thejr had prevknafy been reserved. SHOWMAX IS DEAD 'Costinoed from page 1) They rarely failed to hare book- j ing tor S2 week ia the year. I , George started wrtttag songs and ! vauaeyiHe skettbe in that period. He once said that be wrote 153 ' the tetter while he wa between 17 and 21 years eld. Instead, hew-ever, of aeateg them outright to: the standard price of $50. be to-trodaeed the system of demanding royalties of from $10 to $25 a week on each for as kmg as the akete-i lasted. i In lgi be wrote, composed, directed and produced "The Gover HOW AM I Wi MOM nor's Son" wnlflto took the four Cohans Into legitimate theatres. Shortly thereafter be and Sam Harris formed a praanetag partnership which ia the next fUteen years put on more than SO comedies, plays and revues, with and without musk. At one tame the partnership controlled five' theatres in New York and one m Chicago. The as-sootaUen ended In June, 1920, and thereafter Cohan ceatteued fo; years "on his own." Went Into Film Cohan long resisted an blandishments to get httn into fifes plays but Vuceambed i1 V " How much 15 your child worth to you? More than words can tell! His bright sayings, his laugh, the proud way he walks these are precious treasures. And nothing in the world could take their place. It is for his happiness, security and freedom diat you save and sacrifice and plan. It is his future that is threatened. Moral degradation, hunger, fear and shame is the lot of children in conquered lands. Your dollars can protect your children. A sacrifice of luxuries, of needless extras such is the small price that you arc asked to pay For planes, ships and ammunition for all that stands between your children and slavery, your country asks you to lend now. Gin you hesitate? The purchase of the new Victory Bonds is your opportunity to do your part in winning the war. You will be laying up for yourself the best of all investments VICTORY BONDS are Backed by all the resources of the Dominion of Canada; they yield a fair rate of interest; you can borrow against them; and they are readily saleable when you need the cash. a brief contract that resulted In three silent movies and. In 1932. he made his first "talkie." "It's my last one too," he .said when he returned from Hollywood to his beloved Broadway. Cohan was married twice. His first wife was Ethel Levey, who ; became hk dancing partner with I The Four Cohans" after hts sitter Josephine married; A daugb- ter. Georgette, was bora to them The marriage was dissolved in ; 1907. The second Mrs. Cohan was Mary Helen. Helen Frances and July 4, 1908. Their children were Maary Helen, Helen Frances and George MkhaeL Jr. V FRY'S COCOA Canada's Most Popular Cocoa GIANT WAVES MOSTLY CITY FOLK Waves in the sea reach to depth", Fifty-one percent of New severa. hundred feet land's population is urban. Jl, 6 e0 it aBBBBBBHHMaaBCPaSRVlBBP M; i .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBMb JBBaBBBBaBaBaBaBaBBBBBBBBBBB (LiflBHkiiljt&i BBBBBBBmBBLaBBKMlnBBBaaLaaBSSBBHL iisSaBBBBBM VhhhhaMUBf'FvSv ' "SnauPaaanBalB' ' - .r Baaaaasa1iaaalaaaalv2KHBaanl!BBBBaBaBHBBWh&. JIh9kbbbbbh "BBBBBBBBaiBBBBlaBBniaPaBaBjB UBitu-i m KBSKBSmi'SmmW BaaaaaaaaaaaaLaaaaBMSBnifMlraaaaLaaaam BES i to HOW TO BUY Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bankj or give it to any trust company. Or sndjtto your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Or you can authorize your employer to start a regular payroll savings plan for you. Bonds may be bought in denominations of 50, 100, 500, 1000 and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be-glad to give you every assistance in making out your order form. WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DAGGER If is a symbol indicating that you have bought the new Victory Bonds.. CANADA NEEDS $750,000,000 NOW Nothing matters now but Victory BUY THE NEW VICTORY BONDS MXJAL VICTORY LOAN IIEAUQlAUTF.KS KKCKU1TING OFFICE Jhird Avenue, Phone 301, aBBBBBBB 1-21