' i ! K1 mm PAM FOUR THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4: Expert OPTICAL SERVICE SLEEPERS f PYJAMAS !? SNOW SUITS TOP CnAS. DODIMEAD r- fJ V Optometrist in Charge ' I Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Iland Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT MAX HEILBRONER j; Yes Mom, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY PARKAS Mail Orders Promptly Filled with w vv Arm! arm! m t j In People's Store Warm Children's I Nieht Wear i slectlon of children's warm winter sleeping wear. Keep jj' them comfortable. Sleepers jlj in sizs 2 to 8 and Pyjamas in i sizes 2 to 14. As usual prices f that you'll find generally J. mean a saving. VESTS f PANTIES $ COAT3 $ ! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I 5 "In the Heart ?i Prir.tc Rupert" Tlllirfl A VP Vo, ( 4 IliillKmn..'. m lli nn - - .'. nv iu uviiuiuuti u a nunc dl.uk, JU 4 For 1942 PERFORMANCE in Your Home. Easy Kelvinator for better washing. for refrigeration. Singer RCA Victor for sewing and sav- for Radio Performing, ance. Put Your Mozscy on the Sure Winners-Guaranteed Better 'VALUE, SERVICE AND SATISFACTION AH Winners at g Here's Wishing AH Our Friends i i EISWS the Compliments: of the Season. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage K PRINCE RUPERT fa Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA S Si - : UNITED IN MARRIAGE Miss Mary Schroeder Becomes Bride of Emil Jensen. A wedding of much local interest took place Saturday evening at the Church of the Annunciation rectory chapel with Rev. Father W. F. Lantagne officiating when Miss Mary Schroeder, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schroeder of Windthorst, Sask., became the bride of Emil Jensen, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Jensen of this city. The marriage rites were quiet with only the contracting couple and attendants being present. The bridesmaid was Miss Kate Damjanac and the groomsman John Schroeder, brother of the bride. The bride's dress was of white sheer with hat and veil. She carried a, bouquet of pink rose3 and carnations. The bridesmaid wore a dress of pink taffeta witn hat to match. Her bouquet was of pink carnations. Following the ceremony a reception was held at -the Boston Cafe with about 85 Invited guests in attendance, to tender their felicitations and enjoy a. very happy evening. All sat down to dinner during which Rev. Father Lantagne proposed the toast to the bride to which the groom responded. The toast to the bridesmaid was proposed by John Schroeder, the groomsman. The bride cut a beautiful cake in a conventional manner. The evening was pleasantly spent with dancing to music by Chris Fossum's Orchestra. During the evening Miss Elsa Kraupner entertained with tap dancing. The happy, couple received con- Whifflets From The Waterfront With the completion of the voyage from Prince Rupert which ended In Vancouver yesterday, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert was withdrawn from service and will be given her annual overhaul. In about six weeks' time the Prince Rupert will return to service and the Prince George will be withdrawn. Meanwhile there will be a once-a-week service between here and Vancouver with calls north of here at Ketchikan and Stewart. The Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Van couver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening gratulations and good wishes under a wedding bell. The banquet hall was profusely decorated. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen will make their home In the city. ACHEY JOINTS? Gin Pills, for the kidneys, help remove pain-causing toxins that are often the cause of rheumatic twingei and achey joints. Money back if not satisfied. tfiriar tin, U Pills. Lar tin, SO Nb (la the U.S. tik for "Glno PUIt") M ,1 a . i i imnt DRAMA IS POWERFUL Orson Welles Picture, "Citizen Kane," Is Showing At Capitol Theatre The rise and fall of an American money-emporor is the theme of "Citizen Kane," mid-week feature offering this Wednesday and Thursday at the 'Capitol Theatre, in which. Orson Welles plays the title role as well as producing and directing the picture. The story covers a period of some fifty years, concentrating on the vivid personality and industrial achievements oi a man in building a one-man empire. Starting with the purchase of a rundown New York newspaper, h? uses an inherited foitune to expand his business holdings until he is the most powerful man in America. His drive for power, however, exacts Its toll upon his private life and there come domestic troubles, scandal and loss of friends. The story reaches a moving and ironic climax in Kane's last days when, alone In his huge half-completed castle on the Gull coast, he contemplates the wreckage of his dreams. Welles portrays the part of Kane between the ages of twenty-five and seventy-five in what is hailed as a striking feat of acting. The supporting cast includes a number of comparatively new figures on the screen. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Allan Carolan. Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sanderson, R. Knowles and A. Buchanan, Prince Rupert; Mrs. H. R. Baker, Winnipeg; W. D. Wray, Vancouver; G. Green, Wisconsin. Royal Chris Irgent. city; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wing, Port Ijissington. , .1 'XVM.H SBB BBS . ' ); W i ' IM - f n- ir .. m , . JJ Serving 0run.fy Our customers have more than a million deposit accounts, through which they use the facilities of the Bank for protecting their savings and commercial funds, paying their obligations and generally financing their businesses. Thus the Bank is serving a great army of citizens who in turn are serving Canada in a multitude of ways pertaining both to peace-time and war-time activities. The influence on the destiny of our country of this large number of responsible, substantial citizens is beyond estimation. The Bank is proud to serve them and to co-operate with them by supplying the type of banking each one needs. BANK OF MONTREAL t,.,. - ttt , VA BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Modern, Experienced banking Service ...... tlie Outcome of 124 Year.' Successful Operation ... , Prince Rupert Branch: G. K. S. BLACKA11Y, Manager ' Stewart Branch: II. V. LITTLER, Manager 16) ;Jf M a. M.- BOTH WOMEN HE MARRIED WALKED OUT ON HIM AND HIS $60,000,0001 One ruined his career! The other broke his heart! What was the fatal weakness of the world's most powerful man? viewers say: , Nttion 1 .,Tt.b..toUoplctuT. 1 ter sawi 0 FEATURING ORSON WELLES and the MERCURY PLAYERS SEE IT FROM ( l 00, 3 18, 5 30, THE START 5 7 54. 10:12. Extra Added Merry Melodie: "Rookie lieview" WORLD NEWS presents "WAR IN THE PACIFIC .Si CAPITOL Terrace Mrs. W. Watt of High River. Alberta, is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank, at Terrace. The Terrace district has been enpoylng ideal winter weather for the past couple of weeks. Deep snow came early in December and fine and frosty conditions have prevailed ever since. The coldest temperature recording up to the present was on December 29 when the thermometer went down to 3 degrees below zero. i S8L J'Aeprvper' J WHY HIllTUIJiWilrinnrlW Cominjr Fri.-Sat.: "THE .MALTESE FALCON" IT TREKS SOUTH A I 1 1 . in me earins normi) periods, say some lcr. polar seas are free of lcs .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VM Start the Year Kisht Bjl bavin? Our COUPONS for Useful .Household Items. Call in and let c this plan to y yj MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollan Uav Mr Cents P.O. Box 575 Phones II. 1! v.w.v.v.v.v.v.v.'.w.'a JANUARY STOCK TAKING SALE! COMMENCING TODAY! . Elio's Furniture Store TIIIKU AVENUE PRINCE ItUIEKT, tfl Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Kupcrt Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean falls. Powell Krm.u Vancouver. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Kcturn 5ft 3 00 Tickets on sale.' Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb 15th, Plus 7 Vr,VV Tax 1912 FinI return .llrnit March iSth- 16 Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at C:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write H. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue K""1 Phone 260 rrince Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines I COAL! COAL T sr- A7n wiaIta trnru KtlfG every ton of coal that to to us from the mines hes i proper' heat-produclrtf wca, were ow . . .ff.. ... tihv. V ine Kind of coai, wc ' , w. : ,ke ccr inai our custom"" - ,g serve you. Tm m ... . We'll be P" wvx WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt Ltd. V AU &. Co PHONE 651 pnoNB 6 j