FA32 rOUS TO WiiV THIS WAR IS OUR FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS fxt .jit- 5 f THE ROYAL 3ANK OF CAN AD Col. E. J. Ryan arrived in ihe city on the Prince Rupert this! morning from Vancouver on busi-; ness in connection with his local' building projects. i Mrs. Norman Green, wife of the' Anglican Church missionary at j Kincolith, arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday from the1 Naas River village. j . Lieut. Jack McRae tardvedtini the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from his naval duties at Victoria for a visit here with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mc-' Rae, Fourth Avenue East. 1 I 1 I Canada at War 25 Years Ago Feb. 25, 1917 British made further advances on the River Ancre s id occupied Serre, Miraumont, W.;rlenrourt and other places. Margate and Broadstalrs on Kent coast bombarded by German destroyers. Cunard liner Laconia sunk by German submarine. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. PHONS 98. ffliU ISI says Reddy Kilowatt mw 23 See Gordon & Anderson for February furniture specials. 10 down balance over 12 months. Just arrived! Another ship I ment of fresh Bolline Fowl; avcr-i ate 4'i lbs. Each OOf. Limey & Ingram. Two phones, 583 and 585. Miss Helen Walker returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. Pat Mazzel returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Gordon Fraser returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Capt. Robert Bartlett, area paymaster, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. E. P. Sidaway returned to the city on "the Prince Rupert this morning from a three weeks ttrlp to Vancouver. Mrs. Bud Daly returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Allan Carolan, Stewart theatre operator. Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north after a business trip to Van couver. Parker S. Bonney. logging superintendent for Pacific Mills, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound from Ocean Falls to Ketchikan on company business. Mr. Bonney was formerly district forester here. "Washday can be a dreaded, back-breaking job when you scrub and rub over a hot, steamy tub (I'm getting quite poetic 1) but it's so easy to take the hard work out o! washing when you use an Electric Washer. Ill run it for you at very low cost and ' you'll, jind that your clothes willldsi ldngef because oi the thorough yet gentle cleansing action of the washer.' BUY THE NEW VICTORY BONDS the daily nrwS VfiHJNEBDAV. LOCAL NEWS NOTES I ! Capt Glassford of the Canadian i Scottish returned to the city on the Prince George this morning' from a trip to Vancouver. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catla for a trip to Surf Inlet on official duties. Mike Cranley, veteran miner of Anyox and Alice Arm. arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday from the north for a brief visit here. NOTICE Meyers Studios, Canada's Jargeat photography firm. Is at the Commercial Hotel wUh Its special .advertising offer for the last time at its same popular price. For appointment phone Mr. Ryan; 676, from 7 o'clock on. Ouy Thome, who has been employed at the Big Missouri mine, was a passenger aboard the Ca tala yesterday afternoon Rolnjc through from Stewart to Vancou ver to join the Royal Canadian Air Force. He Is the son of Rev. Oli ver Thome, for many years Anglican Church missionary at Kin-eolith, who Is now retired. Tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Founders' Day will be observed on the thirty-seventh anniversary of the institution of Rotary International. There will be an Impromptu program In which a number of the members of the club will participate. A boy of Juvenile age. who had been ma kin? a nuisance of himself around Fifth Avenue East residences lately, appeared before Magistrate W. D. Vance, sittlnc " a Juvenile court Judge yesterday, and was given one year's suspended sentence. IL T. Lock, fire chief, was an interesting speaker before the Prince Rupert Oyro Club at IU weekly luncheon today on the subject of fire fighting. Quite ttlmeiy was a demonstration of handling an incendiary bomb. President George L. Rorie was in the chair and there was a Rood attendance of members with a few guests. Constable Stanley McKlm. who has been Identified with the provincial police here for some Umc, recently on the city force. U leaving the police at the end of next month to re-enllst In the First Battalion, Rocky Mountain Rangers, m which he was formerly a sergeant. J. If. Schofleld. chief architect for Canadian National Railways, Mmtreal. and W. IL Kllby. supervisor of fire protectant for the company, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver In the course of a western tour. Mr. Schofleld Is making the round trip on the steamer while Mr. Kllby will pro ceed east on this evening's train. Funeral Notice Members of the Canadian Le gion, BE3L., are requested to at tend the funeral of our late comrade, Antony Brahan. from the D C. Undertakers Chapel, Thursday 5 pm. -LestfAV'e Forget" WARM ENOUGH The surface temperature on the sun Is about? J 0300 degrees F. thhcuHcetnentJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Vardens" Play, Feb. 27. Welsh Tea, Mrs. Armstrong 5th East. Feb. 28. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel lows' Hall, March 2. r Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance, Mar. 7. Admission 50c. Anglican Jumble Sale. March 12. S.ON. Dance March 13. St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall. March 17. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakle's; March 19. Little Norway Tea, Mr. Munthe'a. March 19. 's.O.N. Dance March 27. L.O.BA Spring Sale, April 8. St Peter's Spring Sale April 23 A.R.P. HAS PRACTICE Splendid Showing Made In Realistic Rehearsal Last Night At Seal Cote ii. -- V-U I.., I tecuon practice was inu jw cu-nlng by the various units in the district with headquarters at the Seal Cove School House. While there were some minor weaknesses that will be remedied at once the whole affair reflected the greatest credit on the officiate and the personnel. The team work under District Warden J. MeGlashan was very noticeable. In the practice were Included Casualties that were given first aid in the field and were then taken to the headquarters at the school. Here each was diagnosed and given further treatment. Am bulances were used for two of the cases and arrangements made to have them transferred to the hospital. There were eight types of casualties, including simple and compound fractures, wounds with serious hemorrhages, head wounds and burns. The conduct of the first aid personnel was of the highest character and Teflected credit upon the Instructor. Angus MacDonaki. as well as to his com petent and willing helpers. Nurses under Mfas E. D. Priestly R.N. gave fine services In their special field. Stretcher crews performed efficiently. Police wardens acted as "casu alties.' Sea Cadets acted as run ners. In one case a blocked road was reported. In another case a runner took a message to the court house and brought back the reply Inside twenty minutes. Much of the equipment, such as benches. ' first aid tables and bandage wind- ing appliances was the work of ' the members of the district. There 1a still need for more first j aid helpers and a serious shortage of police wardens. It is hoped that there will be a big ratty of residents to the support of this fine organization. Present at the demonstration were J. J. Little, chief protection officer. J. S. Wilson, chief warden. Inspector Ernest O amnion and Arnold Flaten in charge of health organization. On their behalf Mr Little extended to the workers congratulations on a display that he said would be difficult to excel. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for a concrete foun dation For further particulars apply C. Poulsen, 436 Bowser St. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Hupert Sgt W. Beaton and Sgt. F Reich, city; D. Drummond, Remo: T. A. Nelson. C. C. Mllburn. Vancouver. N. C. Cars ton. Edmonton; L E Orteb and H. D. Grieb. Ketchikan BACKACHE? Sluggikh kidney often csuk Uro but. Gin P2-ht ptd reliable kidney remedy -w2l belp this condition. Sold c a money back bagf. R.IwtM' tin. II PHIi Larit tU; M tint Ii U IS. uk for cbw riRO Specializing In February ffjfg fgff LENTEN SUGGESTIONS KRAFT DIN N Kit ea h, srAiiiiKrn LiMiy's, ir oz. . cacL, SARDLNKS-C.Iacicr cach;f K,x tr4trvi IM.1...V. i- .... ,uai.niku.u i ami) a j.j u. carK t Pineapple Delicto Choice quality Face Tissue Sovereign : 400 xhetU Chili S Clark -v 10 or auce Mustard Libb-. 9 or 13c 25c : 22c 12c Rinso Relish B. a or !.u Oyster Soup HHi:ir in i it a . Fresh Dales Drink Juices or Health! ORAXfiE and CRAPEFRl'IT 20 oz. (.RAFEFRl'IT-Tcxsun, 20 oz. . API'LK Stm-Rypo, 20 oz. ... ORANGE Adams, 20 oz. GRAPB Welch's. 12 oz. PHONE 235 DAY AND NIfillT M 27, 12c St two ni:i.ivi:uii:s n.tn.v at io jo am, ami ' tin Mussallem's Economy Stoii ft rI I rur U nils A I rsm trtt WW W V St WIIMI W I'llI m Vlllf P. (). IHIX 575 rilOMS II W! a iXAlXSASASSAAS.SiAaMXA.AlS 14AlAAaSA4lAli A A i Ml. WW' w - ' " " ' - - : J. H. BULGER : I Ai i- i AND TK SF" VjpiUIIlCll IbL X I f.a to t tf I Htffl iTAt CKHJOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCc a O o o o For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SFK! Doooooa oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooasesceiel Special Offer In . . . MEN'S SUITS Our i'.ttra I'air of I'anU I'rre continue until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Itoi 37S Thone (Jr. HO Fresh Local Kit a Pasteurized MS VALENTIN lUffi PHONE U! Wanted Raw Furs iiir.iirsi MARRtt PltlCM B Rcnrescntine IirnSON'S HAY COMPAQ Ship to J. K. OU.MIIi:iM, Cow Hay. Prince Kuprrt nC ""V.V.W.V.V. V.V.'.V. v.v. , Start the Year ltlht Ity Saint Our COUPONS for I'teful Household Hems. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Hav More Centt" P.O. Box 57S Phones 18, 19 NEW ROYAl HOTEL -A HOME AWAT rS HOME' i.t. lie 50 Rooms Hc:!lV Prince R:'3L ihi.ii. fll rU If you lose anything, advertise for ft- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS ?miV0tri0Trha.u1, TV"0-.1'11' CUlcU KrfHiiWinff. Hrake Relinin?, M and Rear Ax c Repairs, Steering Gear and Front Wheel Alignment, f and I-ender Repairs. Comnlefn Hum .,r n..i..v !... ..: Touch1' Rupert Motors phone m nistrihutors of Chrysler Products FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PHONE RED sll