jmWESDAY. FEIHlUAKY 23. 1942 THE DAILY NEWS CANADA NEEDS more money now to continue the fight for the freedom of her people. She will borrow this money from people like yourself loyal, hard-working Canadians out of income and savings money that comes from pay envelopes like yours and mine. Your purchase of Victory Bonds makes Canada stronger, more formidable, able to play her part in crushing tyranny. Your money will be used to create the Weapons of Victory. Canada must win. On victory rests your freedom and the .freedom of those who come after you. Victory Bonds can be purchased on the instalment plan with 10$ down and the balance in easy payments if desired. Remember, that every Victory Bond sold in 1914-1918 has been repaid in full with interest. So get more of your dollars into the fight. Start buying a bond out of your next pay. HOW TO BUY Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Or you can authorize your employer to start a regular payroll savings plan for you. Bonds may be bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you every assistance in making out your order form. LOCAL VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS THIRD AVENUE tot Canada MIONE 301 M FAOS THRM . . 7 1 1W National War f Iimik Commltt, Ottawa. Canada t