I mi 1 wi i.,ifrvi:..iTBB -j mm I m. I fjm'Mi ! m If &JKP i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim: w.-teJT4 jm- v 4h i 1 1 B fH V '"BJ n.i t n 1 1 Will I I " i a jit ; m id ui here The refrigeration equipment is "0 entrees Fahr conditions in this room wrr than thr temoeraturc at 40.000 feet altitude. : inf. hanlral equipment, such a m.uk.v goggle, tested under severe cold. OTHER HIS DEATH SINKING ACCIDENTAL f imrr City Service T rdoed Off Allan. Mi lca t Lie ten Lost. I 0 25. Another r City Service : torpedoed and numbers of the )Uier were Uind- a port. leves Took f Chirlfs Pickrrell of Seattle . fatAnlv. rhe iurv added a rider moMliied For Duration '., it. vorrtU-t rynmmenfilnff that t j Thieve re- fnm the car of " i one nlhi and next night and : ?hrpe The ear U !or Hit- duration. I RUPERT COMING 0NI5 r Loan Total Is $530,750 With U71 Subscribers r :rn Second Victory ,u reached a total of i evening with sub- MISS TIIKIIl COI FFF. pKHOLM, Feb. 25: Oh Itc liic v. n - of fee. the national bev-fxhaustcd. Before the Tg.an coffee consump-a uta was the heaviest i id Meat, fish and dairy have practically dlsap- ONIONS AUK ONIONS P" "N. Feb, 25: Oi A basket " :.ix onions and a bou- C"ten orchids brought $25 cy Mon for a comforts fund f" if women and children. Circumstances or Fatal Fall at Local Dry Pock Investigated . bjr Coronei's Jury. "" Dagbart Lund aged 57. came to his death at the Prince Rupert General Hospital at 2 30 Sunday afterroon as a result of Injuries sustained on Saturday afternoon in a fall from a ladder while employed as a rieaer in the tnarhlne shop at the local dry dock, the circumstance of death belnx ac- ridentaL according to the finding 111 IT T AH ills 1 ireS a eoroncr' J""" yesterday afternoon sat before Coroner I A. J. Lancaster to Investieate the first aid men be on hand at alii times when men are working at j the yard. Witnesses at the inquest were Joseph Arthur Hayward, William Sankey. Kumxa Koaloff, R. O. Maeaulay. T. J. Boulter and Dr. C. 1L Hanklnson. The flrst-men-i.oned four were working nearby at the Ume when Lund fell. They told how he had been repairing the top of a hoist which was about feet above the floor, it was while descending from the nmst to obtain some Rreasc that he fell Irom a ladder. No one actually saw how Lund fell but the witness sankev testified that he saw him in the nlr tal ma about icn icei I above the ground. Deceased did uattng 1271. The ob-not lose consciousness but did not !00.000 with 1800 sub-1 sneak after the fall to those who went to pick him up. Dr. Hanklnson gave as the cause of death' serious injuries to the Chest. The Jury visited the scene of the accident at the dry dock. The Jury consisted of A. M. Bor- lnrf fnrrman: Edward L.. Grant Covcrdalc, Robert Pollock, Robert Parker and J. H. Maccy. SWANK IN MAYFAllt LONDON. Fcb7 25: O-Flrst time since .the beginning of the war a HoUco advising "evening aress only' appeared in London. It was for the opening night oi an exclusive Mayfalr' dlnc-and-dance restaurant. PANADA'S SECOND VICTORY LOAN COMING EVENTS Wedncsfln b mirsdav. (5:4f, n.m.-.Dr. .TnRonh T. Mnndv. CFPR. BUY VICTORY BONDS WKiKKATION INDUSTRIES MOIHUZEI) FOR sT ides IT 411V Tomorrow High 10:21 ajii. 17.8 ft. 23:20 p-m. 165 It. Low 4:00 a.m. 10.3 ft. 17:05 pjn. 6.1 It. 1 ?OL XXXI. NO. 47 t NORTHERN AND CENTRAL IJRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Sevent) -Three Thousand British Troons Out of Action as Result of Capture by Japs. I LONDON. Feb. 25-Prtme Minister Wlmton Churchill, in hU j address to parliament yesterday. ' taid that 73.000 British troops had been lost as a result of the fall of Singapore. I All Japs To Be Removed OTTAWA. Feb. 25 .15 1.00 2.40 .04 t ' formed sources said today it was likely the complete Jap- anese population of BritUh Columbia would be removed from cjoastal areas in the province In the near future. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oouruwy S. D. Johnston Oo.i Vancouver Orandview sMVi Bralorne 7- Hedley Mascot - -25Vi Pend Oreille .. Pioneer Premier Privateer Reno - - Sheep Creek Oils Calmont ; C. ii E. Home Royal Canadian Toronto BeatUe Central Pat. Cons. Smelters ...... Hardrock 1.4U .. 1.80 41 J5 . - .72 ... .77 ... 1.12 ...38.00 ... .43 Kerr Addison - 3.55 Little Long Lac M0 McLeod Cockshutt - 1-40 Madsen Red Lake McKenile Red Lake Moneta Pickle Crow Preston East Dome San Antonio Sherrltt Gordon tition Through Ytmcn u Passed. jo; .75 .27 2.10 2.60 1.51 .77 Rushbrook Heights Has Its First Fire Overheated Stovepipe United Par Thr. first fire In the new rcsl . . . l.i dentlal section oi uuwiuiwh. Heights occurred Monaay morning about 9 o'clock when an overhcat- stovcDlue Ignited a partition in .it nf n metal thimble of pro tection. The fire was actually put ,t hpfore the arrival of the fire department but not until some $100 damage was none. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1TM2. Unidentified Aircraft Is Seen Over Santa Monica and Anti - Aircraft Guns Fired LOS ANGELES, Feb. 25: Anti-aircraft guns went into action and searchlights played into the skies over Los Angeles and environs early today as an unidentified object came in from tfie sea to pass elowly over Santa Monica and move: on down the coast to disappear south of the rich oil fields. All southern California from Los Angeled to San Diego was blacked out from 2:55 a.m. until 7:21 a.m. Radio stations went off the air. No bombs were reported and nothing was brought !ov.n. There , e.- vcve. rcpovts of instances of damaged prop-r'f- fun ant '-aircraft shells. Army officials dp- blimp mie.r.1 have passed over the area. SINGAPORE NAZI ARMY LOSS BIG WIPED OUT Twelve Thousand Nails Slain B) Russians on Refusing to Surrender. Great Offensive Uncounted Numbers of Tanks, Guns and Armored Cars was virtually annihilated, 12.000 soldiers being killed. It was Oermany'3 Sixteenth 0! III- , ptAM Arm of A OflO mpn whirh Russian troops were credited officially today with having crushed, three divisions being shattered with the killing of the twelve thousand men. Uncounted numbers of tanks, guns and armored cars were captured. This was described as only the first stage of a smashing new offensive in the Staraya-Russa sector 140 miles below Leningrad. A Russian dispatch date-lined Staraya-Russa appeared to indicate that the town hitherto believed to have been in German hands had been recaptured in the Soviet onslaught but a communique merely said that the Germans had been defeated in the general reiiion. Smolensk is being gradually closed In upon by the Soviet Local Temperature Maximum Minimum JAPS LOSE : MORE SHIPS i.reu. ...ack Ly Allied Planes On I Enemy Vessels in Straits Of ! Macassar 35 22 The County Court case of J. L Bethurcm vs. Andrew Pete, an ac tion In which there Is a claim for $167.19 for goods sold and delivered, has been adjourned from today for one week. W. O. Fulion Is acting as counsel lor ine plaintiff and T. W. Brown for Axis Is Putting I Screws on Turks f ANKARA. Feb. 25: Ger- man and Japanese ministers have served a demarche on the Ankara gvernment an- nouncing a change In policy towards Turkey. This has ( followed the narrow escape which Ocrman minister Franz von Panen and hla wife had yesterday when a bomb was thrown near the German em- bassy. New pressure, It Is be- llevcd by observers, Is to be applied upon Turkey by the Axis. BATAVIA, Feb. 25: Three mtie Japanese transports have been sunk in Macassar Straits as a lesult of another attack by Al'iwl planes. The transports arc believed to have been head- for the Inland of Bali where three thousand Japanese troops which succeeded in Undine last , week have been cut off from re- j inforcements and supplies. Palambang, Japanese - seized a'r base on Sumatra, has been again bombed by Allied planes. NEW GUINEA IS BOMBED Captured. port Moresbr Subjected to Attack But Little Damage Done. MOSCOW. Feb. 25: Red Army , hpartmiartrr announce that PORT MORESBY. New Guinea. German karrnyhkhrefule'd1cT waytnf Japanese- accede to a demand to surrender oomoers aiiacsea us cuy day but litUe damage was done. Californians Are Urged To Be Vigilant SACRAMENTO, Feb. 25: Governor Floyd Olsen urges cltiz;ns of the California coast generally to be vigilant against possible enemy attack and to do everything they can to assist the military PROGRESS FOR LOAN Total of 5361,969,000 Has Now Been Subscribed in All Canada. ! OTTAWA. Feb. 25: O Subscriptions to the Second Victory Loan reached a total of $361,969,000 yesterday, campaign headquarters announced. The campaign has until the end of next week to go to reach the total Issue of Nurses Go On Active Service Greatest Problem Is To Find Experienced Women To Replace Them VICTORIA. Feb. 25: Ninety- seven trained nurses have resigned from the Victorian Order of Nurses to go on active service wim me Canadian forces. Mary McCualg. supervisor of the Ottawa national office of the order states In Victoria. "Our greatest problem Is to find experienced nurses to take up the Important civilian work of those who have enlisted," said Miss PAYS TO TAKE CAUE YORK, Eng.. Feb. 25: A telephone engineer, alleged to have left a "most secret" plan giving details of a gasoline dump and bomb stores In a car without locking the door, was fined the equivalent of $450 and costs. punches came as Tokyo claimed Japanese olanes had delivered a "mortal blow" to British and Dutch air forces with the destruction of sixty-eight planes based at Java yesterday. , In London an official spokesman hinted that evacuation of British subjects from the Indies to Australia may have started already. Australia- announced that a strong Japanese war fleet had been sighted off Dili, the capital of Portuguese Timor, 400, miles northwest of Australia, and Jap anese parachute troops had landed near Koepang, capital of the Netherlands half of the island. The battle crisis heightened In Burma with reinforced Invaders, pressing against Imperial lines; sixty miles Irpir Rangoon. Tntrty Japanese ngnier pianes were destroyed toaay. it was oi-ficially announced at Rangoon, but It was not said whether the planes were shot down in air or destroyed on the ground. BOASTING BY TOKYO Talk of Greut .Military Victory By Submarine Shelling California Oil Station TOKYO. Fob. 25: The Tokyo radio says that the shelling by a submarine of an American oil station near Santa Barbara, California, Monday night was a "great military success." (Actually little damage was done as a result of the shelling). REMOVAL OF JAPS Representative of District Where Shells Were Dropped Has I Something to Say. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25: The representative for the California district In which .an enemy submarine dropped shells Monday night demanded Immediate removal of Japanese from the coast and Internment. Cordell Hull Not Retiring No Changes in United, States Cabinet Are Contemplated, It Is Announced. , WASHINGTON, f-ec- 25: Official' quarters state that there is no truth to reports that Secretary of State Cordell Hull, now in Flor ida for the benefit of his health. Is to retire. No changes in tne United States cabinet are "LAST" BASKET LKEU DISS, Eng.. Feb. 25: Ofi Harry Markwell. 84. last of Diss' famous strlne oi basketmakers. died here. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Critical Indies Battle O n Japan Admits Heavy Blows On Transport Vessels and Predicts That Worse Are Yet To Come j Tokyo Claims "Mortal Blow" at British and Dutch I Forces Evacuation Commencing Burmese ! Crisis Heightened. Allied planes, blasting at Japanese sea-borne invaders, were credited officially today with sinking three big enemy transports in the critical battle for the East Indies. A Tokyo spokesman acknowledged that twenty-six Japanese transports had been sunk or damaged to date in rhe far Pacific and predicted even heavier losses. Word of the Allies new aerial counler- t Rangoon Now I Under Siege I MANDALAY, Feb. 25: The Burmese civilian government has been removed here from Rangroon which Is now un- der virtual siege. Lease-lend supplies for China, stored In large quantities at Rangoon, T are uciug uuuujtu. i uc t Japanese hordes are gradual- ly closing In. NORWEGIAN SHIPL0ST Only Six Men Survived and They Had Hectic Struggle in Shark-Infested Waters. BALTIMORE, Feb. 25: 0 Six men, only known survivors of the torpedoed Norwegian freighter Blink, told today of a 66-hour fight for life in a swamping lifeboat in rough shark-infested seas after the freighter had been torpedoed without warning off the Atlantic coast with probable loss I of twenty-four lives. FATHER OF TWO B. E. M.'S BRISTOL. Eng., Feb. 25: & John Greening, 79, believes he Is the only parent of two British Empire Medal winners Chief Pet-ty Officer R. Greening, decorated for bravery at sea, and Mrs. Dorothy Blatt. who helped dig out victims after an air raid. ONE IN 100,000,000,000 Scientists estimate there are 100 billion stars In the- galaxy which includes the earth. t May Open Up Anyox Reports received In Prince Rupert today from Anyox ! state that orders have been received to cease the work of dismantling the old Granby smelting plant there and that the property has been dlspos-. ed of by the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. to the Ventures mine interests of On- tario whose Intention it Is to resume mineral processing at the famous old camp. There Is talk of a steel mill being established. In answer to In- qulry from the Canadian Press at Trail last night, S. O. Blaylock, president and man- aeer of Consolidated Mining 4 & Smelting Co., said that Ventures Limited of Toronto had taken an option on the Anyox plant but he refused to confirm or deny reports that Ventures planned to resume mineral processing there. t .