EDVESDAV. FEBRUARY 25 mt ANGERS MOVE UP f.trr I'lttirk'a I ' r e w Inrmu MirrJn of Leadership in National Hockey League. E: TON, Feb. 25. O New York iWrated Button Bruin f 4 to 3 here last night i-jTd their margin of Na-, Hxkry League leadership T.. j Maple Leafs to four i ;:s M . oud game scheduled r ,ghi Detroit Red WIh i J to J decision over r:u ; Ame rV-an at Brooklyn. T :: v night Detroit will be Whifflets From The Waterfront Cc-'.' makinir on Un lower t nd rm northward from " to Prince Rupert and ?';:'-h it is expected she will king better- time In arriving pi.: Rupert from the south i - May evenings. The steam-V re Ls to relieve the Ca- .utar stops the Catala will nri r A. ill t.i -.u i-rincc Kupcn will I T II it ftf- . l . ft . It .1 i LS VII 111 I II 1 HI1I11I1I I V II I.I f I 1 . 4 . dc rruirnuiK 10 com wnicn nas been oil al van- W4 uuiiuat uvviiiuuii iv" i.er run vnu wock, Dfing ---v vhio UU 4 11 1( lib iiUUl CMA. steamer Prince Rupert.'' ARMY TRADE SCHOOLS 'it 1m: cum . - - -i -i. aciv Here Is hwn the wide-spread network of ami) trades-training establishments where recruit are twrned Into skilful! soldlr r-tradeuncn for the highly mechanised CaaadUu Army. 0Ui 5WJ' SMITHERS B0NSPIEL Big Curling Meet at Interior Toun Was Complete Sucre. ii Canadlens will meet cepUng for the consoUtton priw s Hawks at Chicago, ue standing, to dale: W D L F A PU 26 23 20 21 13 14 13 8MITHERS. Feb 25 -The of the Sir.it '..era Curling Club Rangers at New York came to an end Monday nht ex- and there are Uuee teams UU left In that competition whkh will not be concluded until Thursday 1 14 154 123 53 night. 3 13 125 100 49 Illlly Little of Woodcock was the 3 17 122 113 43 only outside contestant and. just S 14 123 61 47 as he has done In many other 3 23 112 123 33 years, he arrived at the finals but 1 26 113 144 Z9 for three Umc In succession he 2 26 100 149 24 has run into the McEwen rink which has alwav nosed him out in the last game. In this came, however, he had the faction of beating the bolham rink 19 to 6. all of which six potnUi were gathered In one end. ) turner Catala Is being ,by Art Smpson., rnk - i cf ome of the calls fhe lhu lroI)hj. r,ve u, Basketball Buzz The old argument based on youth over experience Is now brewing In basketball circles here a showdown due soon. It iwith seems that the Intermediate league, now playing regularly twice a week. Is forming the Idea that an all-star team, from Its ranks would take the measure of the se niors anywhere at any time. This, of course, is a matter of opinion and U not taken very seriously by man? of the older boys who are willing to wager Bob Houston's next army cheque. Things In favor of the Savoys are numerous. First of all, who will check big Angus Macphee and 8ev Dominate? Who will sift Seo Dominate? Who will sift first j guard and who has ever outclassed Its Sonny Beynon as far as percen tage basket-sniping is concerned? '.l M.ll I.T I ... "V "l ""J ' ' 1 , . .. . l.t, h n, n . - -v.. .v-u.., unirru in K,u,e ,h,, ...v nnd uie towns and uoo vucm.u. ..... wwu wuur iiuiu vuiicuu 1 1'owch River and Ocean Fails - ou viua uiiru.wu ior Kftl.t . n ... it . Northland Transportation Co.'s ..vim OCU, VHb, LiVjl . n w t . . j i . k.wm . . m ttt . ICharelntr rut, tmm vr Dr vlJSItV4l vtv uivt w ad'au National Railways, will Ml thin nlt.,M. I.. ?n of her f i ' unto The Pacini !nn and io.i luator TIIKY 1 The wood: fat can dl( Next to tl i lion Is 'tlve to An I I1IW 111 UU111IIIUU- voyage to Seattle. AI) PACIFIC j Ocean Is 9,300 miles M0 miles wide at the ECK AND PECK ecker Is the only bird holes in solid trees. Alt AND MOtf - ic jaguar, the moim-the largest cat tribe lerlca, :not yet been completed. Thi Tmrxrial OH run Pl.nv t fl r I fvl in thu contests where these sports create so much interest and good fellowship. ABOUT CLUB FEET Statistics show that more boys arc lorn with club feet than girls. ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a j SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with 'dr. Charlie W. Yatt In full chirce. As Charlie has many years' ex-nerlenre In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for yon. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WOKKINO BOOTS. LINO - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 819 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. BTLY NEWS .c " 1 Wx SPORT CHAT Thurman Randle. of Dallas. Texas, who ought to know, says here is no such thing as a born marksman. Randle has won more -Jian 400 snooting trophies. Natural athletes, writers, painters, yes but a star with a rifle Is made. Randle came up the hard way. He got his start shooting at rabbits on the farm. Years of practice are behind this steel-eyed man who Is an International figure when rifle shooting Is mentioned. At this time the Dallas man holds several national records. Is a director of the National Rifle Association and recently opened a basic training school of rifle marksmanship . to develop Instructors for home defence units. Pole vault champion Cornelius Warmerdam doesn't become elated over 15 foot leaps any more he has his sight on the 16-foot mark. "My ample clearance In vaulting over the 15 foot bar has given me confidence that maybe I can stretch it up to 16 feet,", he says. "However experts In the! mechanics of vaulting say that 15 , feet nine Inphes is my limit be-1 cause it is Impossible to vault' I higher than so many feet above On the Savoy lineup this season my mini of grin. Is 'a new-comer to these backwoudsl in the person of Gar Taylor iroml ALASKA COASTLINES lie nas piajea on uic. Ala.ka u.lth lu mam, borderlnff He has former Senior B provincial chara-1 Ulands an pgued coastline' times now. Iplorwhip tam. the "Chllllwack of 25 000 mes which Is Valleys," and certainly has proven) n ticw trophy this year, was won'a decided asset to the powerful j,'v TIIK s, .Kr.Mi; rorm or nKiristi k.. ih. Mrruiw, rin)f I team that lost such stars as Jack' roi.t miwa i ntoimi: The consolation competition haatLlndaay. Don Arney and the all-N'- i.er ofj... -Adm.nWrat.on round spori HerD Aiorgan. i ,hp Miiirr .f tir vmu of luroij ' y-v it. Mt.MiA(ln 1 0 el rla nf tfostl K nr iilln it1ii nl ltrta I V nnta n a on Saturday evening and earned! fence are found some handy andIwl it is nopea max. rnncc uisn Joe nnvU Davis, lhtk will have an ice rink before very and centres ir -rr rnii kiviiiiiii iJi iiiv. asvk throughout Uie northern Interior 'Dock squad Thp vminir men win nave me advantage or numbers and, of course, will set a torrid pace tiring their opponents thus weakening their effectiveness. Tonight the High School and Dry Dock meet In a crucial game. If High, wins they will tie Dry-Dock for first place but, by losing, Dry Dock will step away out by two games. 'in tiii: MTitr.Mi: cot ut nrimnisii tOI.V.MlUA IN IMtOlUTK i,. thi. SMIIrr of the ".tdmlnWratloii ' Art" ami I In Ilie Mallrr f the tMale of Jolm I limlil Irni-rr irrruril , TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot HU 1 ' Honor W. E- Ftaher, made on the 28th ' day of January. A. D. 193. I m a.p-pointed Executor of the route of John David rmwr, deceaned, and all pnrUea ' havuix clalnia agalnat the aald Estate art hereby required to fumlah Mime, croperly verified, to me on or before Ui cocoiid day of March. A.D, 9i2. Mid , all iwrtlea Indebted to the eatate are i required to pay the amovmt of their I i.uiiiivineM to me forthwith, I nATED at Prhwe Rupert, B.C., hl ' SOU) tiny of January. A.D. 1943. MFXVIN McKAY 8TEVENS Prince Rupert. DO Executor Eire's Imports Lower for 1941 Exports Lower Too But Tear End ed With Favorable Balance. DUBLIN, Feb. 25: V Eire's Imports declined 17,254,000 (about 177,643 ,000) in a year, trade returns for 1941 showed. Imports were valued at 29,536,000 about $132,912,000; compared with 48,- 790,000 (about $210355.0001 In 1940, while 1941 exports of 31,835,000 (about $143257300) compared with 132,973,000 (about $148,378,500), leaving a favorable balance of 2,-299.C00 (about $10,345,500). ' 50,000,000 INCREASE NEW DELHI, Feb. 25: O Final consumption for the 1941 census indicates India's population increased by 50.000.000 in the last ten years, to a total of 38300,000. CUSSJ.HE0 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Quebec heater, cheap. Phone Oreen 5$l. (47) FOR SALE Dining and bedroom suites, frlgldalre, library table1 and chairs. Phone Green 836 evenings. (47) CHICKENS FOR SALE Laying hens or roosters;- killed and cleaned, 35c per lb. Phone 3. Will deliver. (48) FOR fittings; large stock of windows and large stock of Iron pipes, extra heavy steam pipe up-.'to 4-lnch. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture, Third Ave. SNAP FOR. CASH Twin" cylinder Fairbanks Morse 20 h.p. dlesel engine complete with' compres sor engine, compressor and tank, propellor and shaft and -fuel tanks, all In good condition. $050. Apply Box 210 Dally News. 147) FOR SALE Large stock of doors In all sizes with complete fittings; 250 windows; 36, wash basins with fittings; two -Inch soil pipe and large stock of Iron pipes. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture. (tt) FOR SALE Owner must sell. Seven-room house, Ambrose Avenue; two storey, four bedrooms, fully modern. New septic tank. Two lots. In excellent shape. Small cabin Included. ArmuaJ taxes around $50. Good Income from rent. Price $2700 cash' or $2900 on terms with $1500 down, balance as rent. H. 0. Helget-son Ltd. S9) 1 1. in ui nan4Hi ana nanua n-m, rvTJ CAT V A fm himriUjc nf Mrt on almMt without ceasing until effective youngsters wno, no take notice uat by order ot ltu Monday night at 10 o'clock. doubt, have the ability to ',-BS S&&?1 The curlers then retired to the mawers very imnu - , the asui d.y a jaauarr ad. Lralon lounae roams older brotners. un uieir uutupi 1943 appointed Mmwtmntcr ot ui where the prties were presented are found ooys wno anouia uc oa.l jST w iiUd by 'A. N. Dando. president of the senior ranks had there oeen a se- fnd iUrili1 8wnon. iwwd. former-Jh and some lesser llghtsiiy the aw ot Print Rupert, -hn nnrt xMir ih. rvnln was n nkw 'c league club, and where tnc evening ... .,- M.nt n or bout a asth ay ot rnjoyably. spent. luw1" Ul yf cn,nt. oVf il4. au per tnd to A cold la snan. n', which has lasted for some polnU In their favor. ih ufnt r n-quired to py u !',,, ThP intermediate lineup will be amount of uu-ir UKWiiin to m The lntermeaiaie the week-end and la still go- over forUlwWl uut !, pernor htrinc euinw WANTED Younff man for wart- house. Apply Swift Canadian Co. ln strong, provided excellent lee chosen irom aicc ohi. duuiijt wm nlMt tbt Mid E4Ue are require to . turbane. Helge Holkestad, Tom tao ftlo ihnn ihtm with with me me properly properly verified verified on on of .hp mrat ,tls- nn oans me mem and It was one ot bfor IWh ot rf Mrch ma formerly frmAriv nf of Port Pon simnson umaion. w 7mbfor" i"h."J y JiV? ,9ia McKay, factory tournaments ever plaed mi)ag loh j, ,in bv thn club 'Twl Arney, Donald Fltcn, uob ham reKrd only to suc claim of . . . .L . i surf Alexander. Jim Shcddon t I rU ihuve been notified. DATED lit Prince Rupert, B.C. this 10th clay ol fYtoruary 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. mm ninii Win Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone S68 newspapers, cheap. News. Apply Dally tf) FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE FOR SALE OR HENT--Four rooms; seven acres ground. Write J. Malleii. South Hizelton, n.c. -MS) . v , v WANTED WANTED Stenographer. Perman ent mMtu Dhmia rju .n ' WANTED Janitor f o r business building, part time. $30 month:-ly. Apply Box 213. Dally News. REWARD REWARD of $5 for lnformtlon leading to securing small apartment or house by March 1. Box 215, Dally News. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, MALE Excellent opportunity for experienced bookkeeper for local wholesale house. Applicant must be willing worker and able to meet public, alve full particulars as to references, military status and salary expected In first let ter to Box 1157. Prince Rupert', B.C. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO OET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Domlnlon-wlde exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M, C, C. Schools, Ltd, Winnipeg, Oldest in Canada. No Apnts, 'r I Man r in the Moon -Hi j j Both Prime Minister Churchill and easy to expre s Roosevelt, fiina jr, Eeives. We have not heard much from Hon. Ernest Bevln recently. I am wondering what has happened? Bevln has survived the recent purge, at any rate. A chap was heard to remark the other day that "Wlnchell is a second Abraham Lincoln." He's f6r the peep-hole, by the peephole, and through the peep-hole.1 The school inspector was examining a class of small boys. "Now, boys," he said, "Noah was an active man, and must have found it irksome to be confined so .ong during the flood. How do you think he spent his time?" "Fishing," said one bright boy. "Yes. I should 'think he did some fishing." agreed the inspec tor. i "He wouldn't catch many fish." ! intei Jected another youngster. "What makes you think that he wouldn't catch many?" said the ' inspector. 'He had only two worms.' Grocer: "Well, little man, what can I do for you? Boy: "My mother sent me to get change for a dollar bill, and said she would give you the dollar tomorrow." The recruit was pretty hopeless. Maybe the sergeant was entitled to become infuriated. "What were you before you joined the army?" he shouted. "Very happy sergeant," the re- FOR SALE 1931 Ford coach, re- emit replied. bored, for cash. Phone Black They tell this one of another 965. '51) J recruit trying the eyesight test. rrr rrrr: wnlch, incidentally, is flooring a SALE ALE Door with with -Door completely, of .,,. HI$ ,u,ht m. very bad but he was anxious to pass. As he was waiting for his examination he dropped a pin on the floor where he could find it without trouble. "How's your eyesight?" the examiner asked. "Fine, said the applicant. "See that pin at the other end of the room?" "No. I can't see it." the examiner said. "You're all right If you can. "Ill get It for you." said the recruit, and as he went to pick it up he stumbled right over a table in his path without seeing it. Advertise In The Daily News. Cafe Reopening The U k I Cafe, Waterfront. will reopen March 1, under same management. "I AW.W.V.V.V.V.V.,.,.V.V.V All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 MEETINGS Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m, of Each Month. METROPOLE HALL rhone Red 469 P.O. Box 377 DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone. Blk. 539, 522 Fulton SL Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent, CENTRAL HOTEL J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS Best Materials,-Workmanship Second Avex two doors from Broadcasting station Household Furniture 12 FIXE MATTRESSES priced 8 at 9 UNTAINTED CHEST OF DRAWERS priced and from a up C DROP-LEAF TABLES Driced S at I CHESTERFiriJD BEDS s with OCCASIONAL CHAIR AIR priced JS ")( at at a very low orice. 6""' 's65'"' 1 ENTERPRISE OIL BURN ER HEATER just like new. B. f . Furnilure Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue Buraaby Rosery j Company HJt. No. 2. New Westminster Offer for Sale ThroughThefr Agent. MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP- Brooksbank Blk Third Ave. Rose Bushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs. Smith has prices and samples. All orders individually mossed and tagged. ORDER NOW! stimiKWJKi srat i'i B.ia'J5a.3 Trappers: Bring your furs to me. Prices on all furs have gone up 20 . Mink down 10 . Those same buyers from Cow Bay will pay 30 more it I am there and you will get a ' square deal. When shipping furs we wire money on receipt ef goods. GOLDBLOOM G 0 IL :D : S :E A : L The Old Reliable" THE SEAL OF j QUALITY 5 0m Sockeyc Salmon Fancy Rod . Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert REMINDING YOU.... . . . that a Complete and Flrst-Class AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICE is available to all at National Motor Service. The shop Is well equipped to handle all classes of work: and ls personally conducted by "Colin' Miller, who has devoted His lifetime of service to the motoring public. , National Motor Service PHONE RED .102 J V