dKi NOVEMBER 3, 1843 PAGE TERES THE DAILY NEWS I PUBLICITY TATS and ' hu served satisfactorily un been in the charge of a the Capitol Theatre Sunday afternoon owr. played Saturday afternoon i in i 111 n. la . r f m til the present day. of capable nMoaaers. These "Cam? Gaieties" for shews presented by the at the military hospital, Saturday 1 civil-! LONDON", Nov. 3 0 Mrs. Jack YALCJV. before Throughout the years the BanlM have been aaset to tiM town, not "Camp Gaieties of 194Z" entertainment night at the ANK HAS has endeavoured always to further 'Which Had Busy Time ; troupe from Vancouver. ian workers, yesterday afternoon Lysaght has her $35,000 broach j only through the manner in The nroeram of the visitors was at Darrett point and last night back 'bat at this writing they don't r W-V 4 -WT the Interests of the community they have directeo one of its local know who has returned It She lost and it has indeed been a partner j i effectively augmented by Gunner j at the American camp. Leicester Two days institutions, but because of the ;t in Square. BIRIHUAI in the progress achieved by those Leave for Vancouver After Filling Johnny Basado, vocalist, accompanied later an unidentified ctilld turned who had the to settle here part they have taken in community Many Engagements Here courage by Les Furness. the broach in to authorities after MMtrd In IVince the of 30 affairs. The present manager FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A known in Brrn t during pioneer days Gaieties,' who left its loss had been made Thirty Years lot the office, O. 11. 8. Dlackaby. Capacity houses of soldiers. The "Camp ! the Baprrt years ago. NEWS WANT ADD. newspapers. their return to Van at last night on turned out Since the bank opened, It has ; was appointed In 1940. Millers and airmen ,,i and twenty-live .1 ' , Canadian! -were t ; r ifwu real 3: time ?p to iiv a I 4orwwtic . nr toy 'jartei v w ik i un--,i.uttan colortlti, v -e t'i d'CM , 'i a weird varl- h uiie. ki Aiurncsn and v .i i v rate of ex-uat U eoi-, f e.-rlr tVaya t dtfltemltjr )B ... jiulneai at ate these con- v.. ink of Montreal . .i d for tistnM mn. the bank the trader el nsiUan nil Fa I" they oauW with seme Tliis money was ! bills In shwiH i later, cooper .nown as token. : ., , banking ays riOMXK HANKER rt .cntaUon of : Taken from picture shows first cah-Mcmtreal, who to iwi. 'untry's bust a a somd and v v thai day i.,! lit of Montreal limit tntermp- rda, thrown uih booms ana . .!. panto ana ... never has .. j vithoat tt k tietnf often- v'an of srrcii nils;, (be la ii. wot Una day ... in every walk Mi..:nai omcaf uniil today wttfc 'i!tand atrong" H , iofdetKtougri ics from coast ;:rlan Wartime Roll i War was at tts H nk of Montreal "-d;h anniversary v as it pawns Its v rid War II ati i vrar. Ttireughout 'i ip bank rendered to Canada. To more ecwll tensive art t only In Oansda and the United "Ueds of oom-'i. is working with ' -v find ii 'i". credit for war as numerous 1 and financial i ting the govern-the promotion of snle al war sav-' I and n whtrh. as a na-".l institution, li "irHie the smooth nation's economy, 30 Years llrrr ' mk firat came to " 11)10 It was lo- "iM frame biillduv;' -eint office on 1 i'- first banking of shed in the town, v '! time a branch of H'-'tWh North Am imalgamnted with Montreal. - A few its establishment the "inu building, which '"ted in the previous I'lfted and occupied, A 4 Jtf Mm our 125 Anniversary Client ,WTfor humanirv hive brichtencd the years of the century and s quitter through which the Bank of Montreal has lived and served .t. r.n.Ji Sordid deeds of treachery and tyranny tyranny cannot cannot detract actraci from irom th mc record 'of 'courage, faith and chievcraent made by democratic, freedom loving'OMiOW and peoples. ns vrs of the Dank's existence, has grown from a pioneer nations in wealth, gravities colony to . state great among mod influence.. ---m r?Ar will a wilderness: with here and there a town, the BanlTof beside Canadians of all generations Montreal has marched, worked and fought llnce'18i7,'MJ"n every nera oi cnacavwu iu u r.w - B I R An otf. iOOth Birthday, in 1917, we now find Canada, together with her siSter, tan!6ns nd her allies, fighting with all her strength, but confidently, for freedom . ini"i5.tht.frec3orn hold?. ao mr mm V 1 H D A Y 1817 3rd NOVEMBER 1942 We re-dedicate on this our 125th Birthday all our accumulated experience knowledge, technical skill and financial strength to the service of Canada; and her citizens. ALWAYS SERVING CANADA Then the Bank of Montreal began busi ness on November 3, 1817, the only trans- portation in Canada was provided by horse. wagon, stagecoach, canoe and river packet. There was no means of communication, ex cepting letters delivered by courier. There was no common currency. In 1942, the picture of Canada presents a modernly equipped nation with gigantic industries, networks lines, continental airlines, Instantaneous, communications between all pans of the country and with all pans of the world, and a stable system of banking "which gives wings to commerce.. . In this picture, builded into it for twelvel and a half decades, generation after gener ation, stands the Bank of Montreal, now; with hundreds of branches, strong with. youth, experienced with age still send of railroads and motor. highwaysugreat4.steamshig ingjnadajn.thi$"Utf5t'tune of crisi BANK Or MONTREAL fcjji! :. :ft. BANK Wi'HEH-E BIM'A'L'L AXOCDEiaKCS A:RS WEttfXCmE9 . v 9 s s I x s a a. 8 ac s s a tdf Ai i j