PAGE TWO Jack and Jill Shoes for Children Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per Year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. Advertising and Circulation Telephone. 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PKESS The Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights ol republication of special despatches therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION One Man's Bip; Load . WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28, 1942. Farther Yet Nearer . . . The further in the other direction southward or eastward the centre of the Far East conflict drifts these days, the nearer it may well be coming to Prince Rupert. It may sound paradoxical but reason would in dicate that the conclusion is well-based. The Japanese partner of the Axis is just now directing its attention upon southwest Asia and Australia. Should it be in any substantial measure successful there and consolidate its military and economic control in those areas, there is no doubt that the eyes of the aggressors would turn to ( an ada and the United States with a view to actual attach. We may hope with what measure of justification we cannot be sure that the enemy will be stopped in the Far East. But while so hoping, it well behooves us to continue without let-up in speeding the preparation of our defences against the day when they may be required as much here as they are in Australia now. From a straight-armed defence standpoint we have to trust that the authorities in charge are doing their part and are exerting all efforts possible to make the position secure. No doubt, they are considering such matters as guns and other fighting equipment and the placing of it where it may be needed. Here in Prince Rupert a new militia unit in the way of a reserve in which civilians, while carrying out their normal work or business, would receive military training and be subject to call for active defence service in the event of an emergency at home may well be organized as is being done in other cities. Meanwhile, there is the A.R.P. work in which there is place for many more volunteers in various lines of endeavour. What many do not appear to realize possibly some are not much interested is that the A.R.P. is a good insurance of those two most priceless possess-sions our homes and our families. Those who may permit consideration of their own pleasures or whims to interfere with their duty may live to rue the day and wish they had done differently while yet there was time. Prime Minister Winston Churchill told Britons yesterday that he was presumably responsible for the course the war is taking. He challenged parliament to a non-confidence vote and demanded that trust be maintained in him if he was to carry on. It is a great deal of responsibility for one man to be carrying. It gives rise to the thought: what would happen if anything happened to Churchill? It is to be supposed, although the matter does not appear to be clear at the moment, that such an eventuality is being guarded against. The Local War Effort . . . Possibly some of us had not realized the important function being carried out at the local .herring cannery in connection with the supplying of Britain with food. Other fishery plants and other industries in Prince Rupert are also doing their part in that connection. The war effort is coming to engage us more directly every day. TRAFFIC SHOES FOR WOMEN- increase PLIO-PEDIC AND JULIA ARTHUR I i Hartt Shoes for Men More Passengers, Mail and Express ! Cairied by Trans-Canada Air Lines. WINNIPEG. Jan. 28: Passengers carried by Trans-Canada Air Lines In 1941 totalled 85,154 more than a 50 percent increase over the total for 1940 of 53,180. according to information released yesterday by O. T. Larson, vice-president. Air mail likewise jumped from 927,037 pounds in 1940 to 1,389 314 In 1941. Air express traffic-doubled during the year, the figure being 173,192 pounds compared with 88.214 in 1940. The closing month of last year ?aw the hepviest mair load Trans-Canada Air Lines has carried during any month in its history. It was 150,261 pounds. Air express in December was 14,434 pounds and passengers numbered 6.079. both slightly down from Midway Island Holding Out United States Garrison Has Dam- aired Two Japanese War vessels in Course of Defence WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 23: United States forces on Midway Island in mid-Pacific between Wake Island and Hawaii are still holding out, it is officially announced. A Japanese cruiser and de stroyer have been damaged by the defending forces there. Greeks Having Terrible Time Two Thousand People Perish From Starvation in Single Day In Athens BERNE, January 28 Two thousand persons have died of starvation in a single day in Athens, it Is reported here. With practically no fuel, food or clothing and the weather extremely cold, the situation is desperate. THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY. JAXyART In New "Y" Post ALLAN M. HURST Allan M. Hurst, who for i time was local secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association in connection with war services work, has been appointed war services secretary for British Columbia. It Is announced. A well known British Columbia educationalist. Mo Hurst, before taking up war service for the Y.M.C.A., was hlah school principal at Revelstoke. He is exuected to visit Prince Rupert shortly. 'Whiffle? TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Grandview. .15';. Bralorne. 8.70. Cariooo Quartz. 1.65. Hedley Mascot. .31. -Pend Oreille. 1.C0. Pioneer, 1.90. Premier, .59. v.; Privateer, .38. ' Reno, .15. -Sheep Creek, .76. Oils Calmont, .16. C. & E.. 1.13. Home. 2.57. Royal Canadian, .05 Toronto Beattie, .90. Central Pat., 1.15. Cons. Smelters. 38.50. Hardrock, .48. Kerr Addison. 3.90. Llttl Long Lac, 130. Ma-Leod Cockshutt, 1.56. Madsen Red Lake. .40. McKenzie Red Lake, .93. Moneta, .27. Pickle Crow, 2.26. Preston East Dome, 3.00. San Antonio, 1.80. Sherrltt Gordon, .87. DISASTER From The Waterfront mount Harris, coi.. Jan. 8: Y . Thirty-four coal miners perlsh- led yesterday after being trapped The Armour Salvage Co. salva- ' in the tunnel of a coal mine here, ged and brought In yesterday the Only four escaped Catherine N., a small seine boat . tt the Canadian Fishing Co., which had sunk at Lowe Inlet re- j cently. i With a good-sized list of passengers and heavy freight cargo, C. N. R. steamer Prince George. Capt. Edward Mabbs. arrived in port at 11:30 this morning froru Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail this evening for Ket:hikan and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow night southbound. Bringing passengers, mall and freight. Union steamer Cassiar arrived in port at 5:30 this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return south over the same route t IN MINE Thirty-Four Men Pcrfch When I Trapped in Colorado Workings Canada at War 25 Years Ago January 28, 1917 CP British Admiralty declared enlarged areas In the North Sea dangerous to shipping on account of war operations. British raided German trenches at Neuvllle and Vermelles and Frenoh scored success In surprise attack at Les Eparges. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone, who (have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the cly , from the south on the Prince I George this morning. m mm i m ! BANK CREDIT ESSENTIAL TO DEFENCE Loans needed to further Canada's war efforts naturally have priority at the Bank at this time. However, commercial credits for customary peace-time, constructive purposes are being sup-plied as usual. The maintenance of a sound, smoothly functioning, normal-times economy is fundamental to national defence and banking service has an important part in such maintenance. No matter what line of business you may be in, you arc invited to discuss your financing problems with the manager of our nearest branch. Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. OK.MHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. Special Offer in . . . MEN'S SUITS with extra pair of Pants I'ree for every order. Januarv onir. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 900 Committees Of Gyro Club For Year Appointed President George L. Rorle haii appointed standing committees oi the Prince Rupert Gyro Club for the year as follows: Playgrounds F. J. Skinner and L. B. Lambly. Purple and Oold D. Q. Borland, Frank Dibb and F. J. Skinner. Program O. A. Hunter and Dr. Jens Munthe. Club Activities and Civic Relations Dr. R. Q. Large and W. F. Stone. Membership Arnold Flaten and W. M. Watts. Entertainment C. C. Mills, Dr. Jens Munthe and C. P. Balagnc. ! Attendance C. C. Mills and J. II. Bulger. Bulletin Dr. R. G. Large. War Activities L. B. Lambly and Dr. II. N. Brocklesby. Sports and Interclub L. M Asemissen and T. W. Brown. PLAINS WITH PLAIDS LONDON, January 28 O A woman designer has combined plaids with plain cloths. She displays one particularly smart suit with drop shoulder yoke of plain, plaid skirt and plain Ja:ket. It is youthful, iriginal and chic. !G 10 !L ID S E A L THK SEAL OF QUALITY I U sorr' "J Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater I For Your i PYREX GLASSWARE go to the ? VAKIKTY STORK ' i'tvn r it? r itbt:h ri rw Trappers: Don't be foolish enough to sell yours furs In Cow Day. Bring goods up town and the same buyers will give you 30":: more If I'm there. COLDHLOOM "The Old Reliable" J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL AH Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 MEETINGS Every fourth Sunday, ;j30 p.m., of Each Month. METROPOLE HALL Phone Red 469 P.O. Box 577 .V.V.V.VAWAVWJ Start the Year Right By Savinc Our COUPONS for Useful Household Items. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Havo More Cents" P.O. Box 575 l'hnnM lit in 1 AW.w.v.v.y.vAwv'w.w NOT flMC ntlT,..l FOR FASTER Ptii.. UP Art - F-a n n a li :k ,luj. . .. Copwltt Th flrrtii,gr,ditn,,. end cold mler foil Tk. ono rtrreintt. in third bemflfai '. Plui Oil of Cin. - wcCMifully uitd In Euroo. in .J! ' .J . ' IMM U.K.. SPECIALS IN HOl SKHoi FURNISHING 8 Camp Cots-?-;. 3-3. 75 Mattresses, from $12 2 8 Reconditioned chen Ranges. G Remington Type ers. 6 Large Mirrors. 7 riiowi i.rfw.M nj in the i:irps? and patterns. B. C. Furniture phone i:luk: ANNOUNCED (hat hp are now DEPARTMCM at our shon. with M. l.lllllllCT 1 1 X Hid II 1 1 perirnce in the w kmiu hnu- tn rfh' thn rihf I Ft hunt you. WE ALSO CARRI T T T J.H. Opt ROOTS. r ivp TJiii ftiiiU Prfxtsrd bT While You mm. nmmr (OPPOSITE POST I t w v V t v r v . -l f IL Mrs. Nakam f nHloa' .HIM AltomtiOTJ Kiitisrariion ui- Cieamnr "a Fresh Local tl i ..-l-nA 1 USll.u - r rHONE w SAV -A9 I I mmm I III Carl Zarclli Phone 37 .nlMI CTK Prince RuP" .Mr nnv mi. in ii nun ",- HOW j, zarelli PW1 "A HOME AW' HOME" 50 Rooms Phone 281 .. ... He tf . IIOt.T-