JE u '.,; '4 v. : r ' 4, 1 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, i94l PAOB FOUR THE DAILY NEWS mn j Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CHAS. 1)01) LM HAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT --- VVAVAV.VAV.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.'.V.'i s ir HEADQUARTERS FOR THE WORKING MAN Overall Special Bibb type. I For One $ Week Only .... I $1.79 to m 5 ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS :I Coveralls Work Pants Suspenders i Work Coats Work Socks Rubber Goods i Overalls Work Shirts ' Work Shoes j Rupert Men's & Boys' Store J Quality You Can Afford. AV.W.VAV.V.V. SIXTH ST. Across From Uelgerson Realty VALENTINE CARDS for St. Valentine's Day, Saturday, Feb. 14th. Coutt's Canadian Cards Best in the World. 5c to 25c Children's Valentine Comics from 3 for 5c CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian-Fish & Cold Storage TRINCE RUPERT jrj BRITISH COLUMBIA CHURCH SESSION1- Annual Meeting of St, Held Reports Show Progress. people live and work today. He stressed the fact that the church has a very important place to fill today and a great service to render in building the right spiritual foundation in the hearts and minds of the people. Ingvald Feness, who was re-elected financial secretary, gave the report of the finances of the congregation, which revealed that all the current expenses for 1941 had been met and there was at the end of the year a balance in the treasury. There was also a gradual growth in the support given by the constituency to the work of the church. Reports were also given by the subsidiary organizations within the congregation, all of which showed the results of work well of these have served for a number of years. The following new members were elected: Mrs. Gust 98. SPORT CHAT In the first session of the Mlx- ed Bowling League tonight, Rinky Paul's Is Dinks will play People's Store and Alley Cats will take on Toilers. In the second sessions it will be Sav-Mor vs. Pushovers and Stone's Plnthirrs vs Woanlas. The annual business meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran Church was she turned Shortly before pro-held at the old church on Ninth i fcssional Sonja Henie won the Avenue, Tuesday evening. The pas- j European figure skatlng cnam-tor. Rev. J. H. Myrwang, who isi plonsnlp at Berlin six years ag0. also the president of the church, Tq the 24-year-old Norwegian girl his annual report of the work gave ,t wag tne culmInatlon of aimost a of last year and also an analysis skat- decade of undlsputed figure Ui CUIIUIUUHS UUUtfl WHICH U1C ing leadership. 1 Seaman Tom Watson. British i featherweight boxing champion, got up from the canvas twice to punch out a decisive 12-rouna verdict over Fidel La Barba at 1 New York nine years ago. FOOD MOST IMPORTANT This Should Be Given First Consideration, New Democracy Leader Asserts. OTTAWA, Jan. 28: CP) J. H. Blackmore, New Democracy leader in the House of Commons, yester- done during 1941. The Ladies' i day called upon the government Aid Society and the Sewing cir-! to adopt a program which would cles had at the end of the year I appreciate primarily the question very substantial balances which ! or reeding tne people. Agriculture were presented to the building fund for the new chur:h. John Dybhavn reported for the building' committee. The membership of the Church Council which include both the board of trustees, and the board of deacons, was increased from eight to ten men. The time for the annual meeting will be the first Tuesday after the first of January, each year. The following are the members of the church council: Mrs. Christ Johnsen, Bert Charstad, secretary; Anfelt Antonsen, E. Evensen, Peter Leland and John Murvold, whose term had expired, but who was relected for a new term. All should be given first consideration and the interests of the farmers should be taken fully into con sideration. Blackmore said he would support both Conservative and C.C.F. amendments to the address in reply to the speech from the throne. Classified ads. eet results. Phone Mostad, Dr. Jens Munthe, Gunnar Selvig, Jens Moen, Peter Lien. Miss Beatrice Mostad was elected superintendent of the Sunday School Mrs. Ingvald Feness is the organist of the congregation. Miss Alma Dybhavn is the pianist for the Sunday School. High School Is Winner In Hoop Match In the Intermediate Basketball League game on Tuesday night the High School team won over the hard-driving Barons by a score of 39 to 34. Both teams tried to pile up a big lead but it wa.s impossible. The score changed alternately and, up until tne last few minutes it seemed that the "Lords" were going to account for their first win over the students, but Long was going big guns and sunk two last-minute baskets to cinch the game for the school. Individual scoring: High School Arney (14), San-turbane (8), MacDonald (4), Long (11), Gurvich (2). Barons Simundsen (6), Holke-stad 23. M. Holkestad (2), Het-lerington 3. Astoria (3). Referee was Sonny Stiles; score-keeper. Alex Bill, and timekeeper. Nick Pavlikis. NO SCORE IN HOCKEY Boston Bruins and Toronto Maple Leafs Play Hectic Overtime Contest BOSTON. January 28 (Canadian Press Boston Bruins and Toronto Maple Leafs played a hectic scoreless overtime draw in the National Hockey League last night. As a result the Bruins drew back into a tie with New York Rangers for the league leadership while the Maple Leafs are in the third place five points behind. Tomorrow night's (scheduled games are as follows: Canadiens vs. Toronto; Boston vs. New York: Chicago vs. Detroit. The league standing to date is as follows: W New York.. 20 Boston 18 Toronto .. Detroit Chicago Brooklyn Montreal 17 10 15 10 8 L F 9 118 7 10 19 11 22 20 95 87 85 91 A Pts. 87 41 63 65 95 83 85 110 71 109 WITH REDW KILOWATT IN YOUR HOME you can snap your fingers at drudgery "Yes. ladies, you'll never know how much easier washing can be until you give me the job. All you have to do then is to put the dirty clothes, the water and the soap into an electric washer. I do all the hard work of washing and wringing. I do it more thoroughly and yet more gently than is possible with the old-fashioned tub and washboard method. Try mel" REDDY SAYS: liny H or Savings Stampt every week I TflE GRANDEST CAST EVER PACKED INTO ONE MAD, MUSICAL FUNFEST! . . OAK( MURPHY wllTCX '"DARNElt BRENNAN BERIE MARK HELIINGEH 5 VSEeuul SHINE tunrv-iN iinNim - DONALD MEEK RUTH DONNELLY VMOND WAUUN 0 III! -f&vf. , A. 1 'WT fBCAHfOI . V WOULD NEWS "South of the Border" "Slap Happy Hunleix" Feature at 1:30 - 3:32 - u 7:36 - 9 40 Complete Shows at i 00 - 3 02 - 5 04 - 7:06 - 9: 10 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOII PLACE TO BUY" EVERYTHING FOR THE WINDOW WINDOW BLINDS, green and cream: CURTAIN RODS, single and double, all lengths: WINDOW SWINGING CRANES, BRASS WINDOW TUBING . We make CURTAIN RODS up to 12 fef long, flat or round. PHONE 77.- 327 THIKO A YEN EE J. W. Rogcrson Wishes to Announce That the New Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave. and Ambrose, is Now Completed and Open for Business. Our prices are right, our service unequalled. Visit our store and settle jour Grocery problem. PHONE BLUE 285. Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart. Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return QQ flfi Tickets on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. 15th, ?OUUU 1942. Final return limit March 15th, 1942 Plus Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Can For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGEK AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines NATIONALLY KNOWN PILLOWS "Beautysleep" filled with the very finest of goose SQC Ail down. Size 22"x27". Pair AU)v The "Ostermoor" made with a combination of . S-f A Cfl finest and duck feathers. Pair ' XiU v "Deepsleep" filled with goose feathers. Size ' S-f J Cft 21"x27". Pair ' l'i.uU "Slumber King" filled with mixed goose filling. S-f -f Cfl Size 20"x26". Pair II. DU Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All Meals and Berth Accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT PQ A A Nus From Port Simpson $39.75 Pius Taxj)OUUU Tax (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points). (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare. Tickets on Sale from .November 19t2. 15, 1911 to February 15, Steamers S.S. CARDENA S.S. C ATA LA Oood'treturn up to March 15, 1942. iave rnnce Rnpert Ar. Vancouver Every Friday 10:30 n.m. Mnndav Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Irince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5CS .i wwu.cuchi,, nease 1'urcnase Tickets at Office If you lose anything, advertise for it.