jffEDKESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1942. THE DAILY NEWS t t i t given away with every purchase it is Really Cryital-cltar glast Ultra-modern square-cvi detlqn Heavy tote; nof eat fo overturn of 3 regular-size packages or 2 family-size packages of KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES! SUPPLY LIMITED! Start your set now! This is an offer you don't want to miss so stock up on Canada's favourite cereal right now! You'll find real zest for breakfast when you dip your spoon' into a bowl of these crunchy, crisp corn flakes with milk and sugar! That exclusive Kellogg's flavour is going to stir your appetite! And you, too, will echo the vote of 4 out of 5 housewives from coast to coast who declare Kellogg's first for flavour! Kellogg's Corn Flakes come in two conveniently-sized packages. When eating out, ask for the individual package with the inner WAXTITE sealed bag. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. Keep in a Good Stock of TELKWA OR ALBERTA The Rest Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This Albert & McCaffery Ltd. HIONES 11C OR 117 ENTERPRISE FRUIT andsPRODUCE Co. TI1IUI) AVENUE AND FIRST STREET Specializing: in Fruit and Vegetables You are cordially welcome to inspect our store. We will demonstrate our new produce. "DELNOR" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES HIONE 313 FREE DELIVERY LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Carl Zarelli sailed pn the Cardena yesterday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Capt. Robert Bartlett returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to ANotlce Is given that Gun Practices will be carried out from Barrett and Frederick Batteries on 26lh, 27th, 22th and 20th January, 1942. Capt. Glassford of the Canadian Scottish returned on the Prince George this morning from a tr'p to Vancouver. Mrs. Fred Brooksbank sailed on the Cardena yesterday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. j Mrs. B. Roald, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Miss Margaret Sargent of Ha-zelton arrived In the city on last night's train to spend a few weeks with her aunt. Miss A. M. Barbeau. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and son, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Dr. Duncan McColl returns by the Cassiar tonight to Queen Charlotte City after spending a few days here. Mrs. McColl and two children leave on tonight's train for a visit to Ottawa. W. E. Drake, who has been here for the past few days in his capacity as general manager of Edward Lipsrtt Ltd., will sail by the Prince George Thursday night on his return to Vancouver. Kenneth Garland, coming here from the Nanaimo Free Press, arrived this morning on the Prince George from the south to Join the typographical department of Tne Dally News. Arthur Robertson, well known Massett sawmill operator, after having spent the past two weeks in the city, will sail by the Cassiar tonight on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. John Connery, who underwent a serious operation In the Prince Rupert General Hospital three weks ago, was able to return home yesterday. Mrs. John Connery, who is also a "patient In the hospital will be there for a few days longer. 6. tfithcuhcemehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea Mrs. Johns, Jan. 29. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Hall, January 30. Queen Maryt Tea January 31; Annual Masonic Ball. February Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance, Feb. 7. Admission 50c. St. Peter's Evening Branch Handkerchief Tea, Parish Hall, Feb. 12. ' United Church Valentine Tea. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's, Feb. 12. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. 14. Lutheran Valentine Tea. Feb. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. Zarelli, Feb. 17. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. George Mitchell. Feb. 19. . S.O.N. Masquerade, February 20. L.O.B.A. Spring Sale, April 7. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. STANLEY W.COLTON D.C., Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR! Wallace Block Phone 610 Mrs. H. S. Parker returned to the city on the Princess George this morning from a trip to A charge of drunkenness aeainst Jack Matthews was dismissed by Magistrate W. D. Vance In cltv police court yesterday. Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Murrav. who were married recently in Vancouver, tne bride having for merly been Miss Ann Byrne, re turned home from the south on the Prince George this morning. BROKEN REST Up time nd again because of kidney and bladder weakness? Gin Pills, the reliable, well known kidney remedy, help soothe and tone up the kidneys. Money back if not satisfied. Rtiular th, 40 Pills Large sin, 80 Pills (In Ibe I t.S. art for "Glno Pllli") soj Miss Mary J. Fraser R.N., re cently appointed" as the new lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, arrived in the city on last night's train from Winnipeg to assume her new du ties here. J. J. Little will be the speaker on Thursday of this week at the re gular luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. His subject will be in connection with Air Raid Precaution activities In this com munity. IN Tlllv SITIIRME roi itT or mutism COI.IMI'.IA III the Matter of SWiifjr James I.nke. IWtkixpiI, mid In Ihe Mallrr of t tie "Administration Art" TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor Judge Fisher, I was appointed ArlmfnloM.A.. t l .V.. 11.1.1 - 1 of the Estate bf the late Sidney James uuiir, arrnumu. lormeny or ocean Falls. British Columbia, night watchman, who died on or abmit t.h 21t rf.n. n.t November 1940. All persons having i-muiis against buki estate are required to forward them to me on or before February 28th 1942 properly verified and all persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this I7th day of January A. D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. IX TUB SI PHKMK COl'KT OF IIKITISI! COMMItlA In Probate In the Mallrr of the "Administration Art" and In the Mutter of the Ettate of John I.jp, Derrnsetl Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 12th day of January, A.D: 1942. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of John Lyp, deceased,' and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnlsJi same, properly verified, to 'me on or before the 15th day of February, A.D. 1942, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this ISJii day of January, A.D. 1942. i NORMAN A. WATT, i Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Sealed tenders will be received at the undersigned address for the sale of either or both of the following properties: (1) Lots 11 and 12, Block 22, Section 1 (known as Boston Cafe building); (2) Lots 21 and 25, Block 20, Section 1, (on Second Avenue Easterly across street from Rupert Motors and including stucco residence). Terms at least one-half cash or Victory Bonds, balance to be arranged. The "highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders will be opened 5 p.m. February 3rd, 1942. TERMINAL INVESTMENT SYNDICATE LIMITED, P. O. Box 658, Prince Rupert, B.C. Packers Crews Entertained .Mr. and Mrs.A. Wick Weie Hosts Last Night. The crews of the "Cape Canso" and the "Cape Flattery," including Capt. Thomas Dunvick, Hed-man Anderson, Capt. George Sol-berg, Byarne Kaasen, Andrew Sunde, Olai Andersen, Arthur Hessen, Sig Rodland, A. J. Wick, Mr. and Mrs. John Wick and Anton Isacson, were guests at a social gathering held by Mr. and' Mrs. A. Wick at their home at 626 Sixth Avenue East. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed and respected the old Norwegian hospitality and will do so "so long as the world lives and It Is full of fun, songs and sandwiches." HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. Beaudln, Terrace; F. Burling. Hazelton; J. S. Kennedy, Montreal; S. L. Marson, Winnipeg; Mrs. Nelson Brew and Douglas Brew, Haysport; G. Easton, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. S. Eakin, Ootsa Lake; Mrs. W. V. Tomlinson, Smlthers. Royal Paul Johansen, Vancouver Central R'. J. Burton, Kitwanga. William Leask Is Chief Councillor Elected Village Head of Metlakat-la for Year 1942. William Leask was vesterdav elected chief councillor of the neighboring native village of Met- lakatla for the year 1942. onio FOR SALE FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, February 4, 1942 for the purchase of the gasboat "Vent" size 27.7x2; powered by a 6 h.p. Easthope, hull and engine in first-class condition, All equipment on board Included in sale. Boat may be viewed on ways at Crlppen's Bay, Dlgby Island, cared for by Joseph Freestad. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Cash. Norman A. Watt, administrator of the estate of Victor Nyman, deceased. (29) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes in all sizes, just like new. Large lot of windowi at low prices. 2-lnch soil pipes and fittings. B. C. FURNITURE CO., Phone Black 324. FOR SALE 25 gallon gas tank, 1 wash basin, 1 blacksmith's forge, 1 anvil, 300 windows and a large stock of black iron pipe at very low prices. Phone Black 324. B, C. Furniture. HOUSE FOR SALE Immediate possession. Terms to right party. Phone Green 633. (24) TWO PURE-BRED Rhode Island Roosters for sale. Phone Black 508. (23) FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue 805. HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 976. HELP WANTED WANTED Man for Dairy Work. Valentin Dairy. (25) PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. When Ynu Want a Reliable, 'Comfortable, Dependable 2S PHONE 1 3 24-Hour Service at Regular Kates til Orange Marmalade Pure Seville; I -lb. tin large 47 oz. tin Soup Chicken and and rice; per tin Tomato Catsup 12 oz. bottle o 50c 21c He 17c Baking Powder Blue Ribbon; ;t-lb. tin I 63c isma- LOOK MOMMY I GAINED AMrVrUCD 9 POUNDS Mother, here's a tip for you ! Serve the whole family big steaming bowls of Quaker Oats for breakfast every morning ! Watch Quaker Oats help put weight on growing children. See, too, how it helps give new energy to adults. I tiof VITAMIN B,. Contains an oveny HS '-'Zs of 70 International UnUsptr ounce. S ORIGINAL LADY PSSYCHE SHERE, England, January 28 (Pi Kate Chard, who created Lady Pssyche In the original Savoy production of 'Princess Ida" 58 years ago, died at 80 years of age. MISSING RELIEVED DROWNED BRISTOL. January 28 O) Lt.-Col. J. S. N. Bernays, brother of Robert Bernays. Liberal National M.P. for Bristol, is reported musing believed drowned in the Middle East. WINTER (mmVoSm j MALKI.VS BEST Tea Blue Label; real tea value! Per lb. 77c If BEST J Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 Pkgs 27c One ultra-modern Square Base Tumbler FREE with every Calif. Oranges Small family size; ?Qr :i dozen 0 CLARK'S QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS Tomato Juice 3 pkgs. Ariz. Grapefruit Medium size; O for fni Arirl Hvcnoncia' .V . . . for Sour Stomach ... for Gas on Stomach ... for Flatulence ... for Heartburn Pleasant, Safe, Prompt and Effective! 1 ozs. 75c f : , I 16 ozs. 1.75 25c OLD ENGLISH LIQUID WAX Q pint tin t7' OLD ENGLISH PAINT CLEANER ftffp pint tin JUU QUICK COOKING OATS B & K; large pkg. Mur Odex Soap A Colgate product antiseptic and germicidal; Cn 1 cakes MWU Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. BOX 575 PHONES 18 AND 19 Ormes Ltd. ZZfiA Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - i p.m. a. ; ft ft 3 lit $ t'.