R iip om I hWs War Summary I (By Canadian Press) tr bate ESI Smashing at mnese Armada Giant four-motored bombers; -svvhine anew at Sire as well as stranding a cru &icks i gml)s. it "as announced today. k J.oQhon . 0 linmn ttf pan's greatest naval disaster of tht 'J&A?f time Iwiiwfprl In nt lpast fliirtv.ei JrC I Japanese ships sunk or damaged in i . inE4in Tiip .lanancse nave, annarentiv. on Rffisian Armies SSging Forward SI iJapanese to the Interior, that they might want to permanent residents. Cenney. Skeena, said: "Let work on the roads and Ite men take care of the peaking in the budget de- Iterday were E. D. Braden liver Sam Guthrie ( Cow- ewcastle) and Colin CamD- Juthne. who Is a C.C.F.. coalition was "a good made out of two bad ITING OF SUGAR He Removed From Tables anada's Eating Estab lishments arume Prices and Trade "o that hotels, restaur-other catering establish- USI remnvn oil enn-nt- Urtnrla tables and "serve sugar casonable quantities when T OV thplr ollanfo" TV... - - - - w.ivitmj. lite J ' . 1. w nuo wii 1 reasonable amount. fees in Air ce Are to Be ven More Pay Jtr a "v January 2a An in. Ski t, h ' "yai Igjrned-out oil centre of Balik Papan in East - tfift in mi doinir. unwarilv sailed into a hnrn.pt s FAR EAST .e neo t nest - " - - -- Emi, . , . Umcrican sunmarines, nomners and suriacc war-iu On the Far Eastern front Junan's invnsimi irdes drove closer to Singapore as British dqfence nvccnfpfl a new withdrawal loss thnn fiftv miloc - - - -J jijll Rifrth of the stronghold amidthe heaviest fighting II1C camiiiHK"' Russia s armies, pressing their great winter Sntcr-offensive, were reported surging forward unchecked today on the threshold of a 250-mile Gcr-nn defence line west of Moscow. Soviet dispatches rMortcd the recapture of seventy-nine more towns I indicated that retreating iNazis were falling back m a double-row defence system one mile and a f in depth extending from Vclikic Luki to Was- to Bryansk. Ask Counter- LOSnsive Halts 1 For the second straight day the British said at ro today that there was no change in the Libyan iation, indicating that, at least temporarily, the counter-offensive had come to a stop. British iajjraft were reported to be administering heavy Hlini; to Axis communications. 'ANESE USCUSSED ilrrlof Members Want Some Do Not Guthrie l)s Coalition "Good Omelette." HIA Jan. 28: M. M. Uberai member for Om- in thp hurirrpt. rip- lI$ffc legislature yesterday, Wwii1 ust- of Japanese from tfee.lSt oi road bnildlntr in thp Puuam (Nelson -Cres- IH Carson (KamlooDS). C. Kaslo-Slocan) and T. A. J rand Forks Q recn wood ) some objection against SECURITY British Government Criticized But Confidence Held in Churchill LONDON. January 28 (Canadian Press) The British government was a:cused today In the House of Commons of unfulfilled promises of security in the war area but almost In the same breath Prime Minister Winston Churchill's critics assured him of the vote of onfldence he demands. The vote will probably come tomorrow. Clement It. Atlee, Labortte and Lord Privy Seal, has moved the vote of confidence. The criticism of the Prime Minister personally has been very little. On all hands the greatest of confidence is expressed In him although amendments urge that he reconstruct his government. OUTPUT OF GOLD DOWN Deputy Minister of Mines Tells Legislature Committee of Metal Situation. VICTORIA, Jan. 28: Dr. J. K Walker, deputy minister of mines, told the mining committee of the legislature that gold production in British Columbia had declined and because of scarcity of equipment might drop fifty percent as attention was turned to base met als needed in the war industries. He said that copper and man ganese was becoming scarce m this war as It had In the last. Price Fixing Law Approved Measure Ratified by United States Senate and Awaits Presidential Signature WASHINGTON D.C., January 28 The United States Senate yes terday approved a price-fixing law which will affect the retail prices of many commodities. The measure, modified from that which had been proposed by the admin Istration, awaits the signature of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Che VOL. XXXI., NO. 23. mAln CANBERRA, Jan. 28: 0 Hon. Earl Paige, special Brit- lsh minister to London, will act as Australia's representa- tlve In the British war cab- inet, it was announced today. Yesterday Prime Minister Winston Churchill had an- nounced to parliament in London that an Australian representative was to be ad- mltted to the war cabinet. 4.4.. BRITAIN IS GRATEFUL London Newspapers High in Praises of Assistance Which Is Being (liven In War LONDON, January 28 London newspapers are loua in ineir praises today of the assistance Ca nada is giving Great Britain in the war. Particular reference. Is made to the gift of one billion Four Canadians, Two Britishers, Crash Victims WINNIPEG, January 28 Four Royal Canadian Air Force men and three Royal Air Force men were victims of the crash of a big plane which occurred yesterday near McGregor, eighteen milee north of here. UNITED STATES AID WASHINGTON United States is lushing all the aid she can to the South Pacific. This was indicated yesterday by President Franklin I). Roosevelt who said good progress was being made. There were now ten American expeditionary farces scattered around the world. NORWEGIANS LANDED AT A CANADIAN ATLANTIC PORT Twenty Norwegian seamen have been landed ten days after their ship was toivedoed. Their lifeboat was located by a Royal Canadian Air Force plane and two days later they were picked up. Another lifeboat with twenty on board has. not yet been found. RECRUITING HEAVY VANCOUVER Enlistments so far in January have numbered over 900 and by the end of the month it is expected 1000 will have been reached. CHURCHILL ABSOLVED Sydney Newspaper Says Prime Minister's Aides Responsible For Blunders SIDNEY. January 28 The Sydney Mirror said yesterday that Prime Minister Winston Churchill, In spite of his acceptance of sole responsibility, was not to blame for all the blunders which had been made in the prosecution of the war. Some of his aides had been equally responsible, the newspaper declared. HEAR FROM H0NGK0NG Swiss Government Has Made Contact, and Information Regarding British and Canadian Soldiers Expected Soon. LONDON, Jan. 28: The Swiss government has made contact with Hong Kong, it is announced. Soon It Is hoped to obtain information In regard to British and Canadian soldiers who have not been heard from since Japan took over Hong Kong. All Information available will be sent to relatives as soon as possible. NOltTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1942. TWO MORE SINKINGS Crews of American Tankers Are Landed at Delaware Port. LEWES, Delaware, Jan. 28: Sinking of two more American tankers Pan Main and Francis E. Powell by Axis submarines off the Atlantic coast ,of .the. United States was revealed with the land ing of the crews here yesterday. They are the eighth and ninth vessels to.be sunk in this manner. : I Big Vessel Torpedoed; 350 Missing SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Jan. 28: KP Torpedoing of an Allied steamer was reported today by a ship captain who announced on arrival here that he had rescued seventy- one of the crew and passeng- ers but Indicated that more than 350 persons are missing. BATTLE OF AUSTRALIA Information Meagre As To What Is Going On In Islands North of Commonwealth MELBOURNE, Jan. 28 There Is little news of the situation In the string of Islands guarding the entrances to the north of Australia which have been attacked by the Japanese. It was reported today that the Australian defenders of New Britain had taken up new positions but whether this meant an advance or a retreat was not made clear. Planes of the Royal Australian Air Force have been pounding the Japanese invasion force at Rabul, the evacuated capital of New Over Brest and Boulogne, Planes Return Safely LONDON, January 28 Thtf Ro- lyal Air Force was over Brest and Boulogne with its bombers last night. All returned safely, EVEN MORE SHIPS LOST Batavia Says Eleven Warships, Seventeen Transports and 13 Planes Destroyed in Straits of Macassar. BATAVIA, Jan. 28: Eleven Jap anese warships and nineteen transports have so far been sunk or damaged and thirteen planes were destroyed since yesterday by American and Netherlands sea and air forces in the Straits of Macas sar between the islands of Celebes and Borneo. . Thousands of troops must have" been drowned in the sinking of the transports. A large Japanese battleship was sunk on the first day of the attack last Friday, it is revealed. The near destruction of the convoy Is believed to have upset Japanese invasion war plans, causing Tokyo war lords to revise their whole South Pacific scheme. RESISTANCE IN RUSSIA Germans Putting Especially Up More in Crimea. Tomorrow sT ides High Fight, MOSCOW, Jan. 28: In the Cri mea and elsewhere there appears to be Increased resistance by the Nazis against the oncoming Rus sians. They are endeavouring to consolidate their positions in a new defence line. Everywhere along the 1200-mile front, the Russians continue, however, to drive strongly. There have been new landings of Russian forces near Sebastapol In the Crimea. NEARER TO SINGAPORE Battle of Malay Peninsula Now Only Fifty Miles Away From Stronghold. SINGAPORE, Jan. 28: The battle of Malay Peninsula has now reached a point on the west coast fifty-eight miles north of the stronghold, It is learned. On the east coast the distance is eighty- five miles north of Singapore. The nearest point Is In the centre where the British have made an other withdrawal. The Japanese are receiving constant reinforcements. Royal Air Force planes have been active and successful. Japanese planes went up to fight the British and lost twelve ships as a result. BELGIUM'S MINERALS Among the minerals mined In Belgium are coal lead manganese, zinc and iron. , 11:35 a.m. 19.4 It. Low - 5:31 a.m. 95 ft. 18:21 p.m. 45 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS ion More People Now R.A.F. FLYING AMBULANCE ASSISTS WOUNDED IN LIBYA A wounded Britu soldier shown being carried .out, of a frying ambulance at a British base airfield In Libya, Latest reports from this embattled Axis stronghold indicate that Derna has fallen to the driving power of the Allies. BOARDS ON WAR NEEDS Joint Bodies to Deal With .Muni tions, .Shipping: and Haw Materials for War. LONDON Jan. 28: Three joint' war production boards have been j formed between United States and Qreat Britain one on munitions, another o'n shipping and the third 7 on raw materials, xnere win De offices in London and Washington. The boards will deal with China, Russia and the other united nations in regard to their needs. Australian In War Cabinet BULLETIN Substantial Increase In Population Shown; Membership Reduced Number of People in Dominion Is Placed at 11,119,89G, Compared With 10,376,786 Ten Years Ago. OTTAWA. Jan. 28: (CP) Canada's nnmilatinn nr. June 2, 1941, was 11,419,896 as compared with 10,376,780 in 1V6L ana redistribution on the basis of 1911 figures will reduce the House of Commons membership by seven members, Hon. J. A. McKinnon, minister of trade and commerce, announced today. Saskatchewan, which now has twenty-one seats in the House of Commons, will be reduced to seventeen and Manitoba, with 17, will be reduced to fourteen. MONSTER 0H)EEP Queer Creature, Washed Ashore On Orkney's, Has Head Like Cow and Hairy Body KIRKWALL, Orkney Islands, January 28 A sea monster about twenty-six feet long, having a head like a cow and a hairy body, has been washed ashore .on the Orkney Islands. It has been sent to the London Museum for LIBERAL OPPOSED Ross W. Gray Thinks Government Should Have Demanded Legislation Instead of Presenting Plebiscite. OTTAWA,-Jan. 28: Ross 7. Gray, former chief Liberal whip and member for West Lambton, disagreed with the Mackenzie King government yesterday on the proposal to present a plebiscite whereby the government would seek release from its commitment against the conscription of manpower for overseas service. The government should have brought in an act providing for revision of the conscription policy and asked that parliament pass it. This could still be done. Wilfrid Lacrolse, Quebec-Mont-morency, another Liberal member, was opposed to the plebiscite but on altogether different grounds to Mr. Gray. Lacrolse believed that Canada was already doing her full share and that there should be no conscription. W. Earl Rowe, Conservative, (York-South), accused Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King of lack of leadership and suggested that he should resign. DE VALERA INDIGNANT Protests Strongly Against Landing of American Forces in North Ireland. DUBLIN, Jan. 28: Premier Eamonn de Valera protested strongly yesterday at the landing of United States forces in Northern Ireland. Ireland had no feeling of hostility against United States and had no desire for conflict. ; In Belfast, Prime Minister John Andrews of North Ireland, said De Valera had no right to protest, declaring that his refusal to grant bases had cost thousands of lives In the Battle of the Atlantic. SCOTS WILVrS THIS? The Romans Introduced the bagpipe into the British Isle's. 4 f