THURSDAY VST 9, M42. 23 DTvTLY NE'TTS 4 Heolth oulhof!ti ogrto A that whole grain cereols arc on e$erttial "pro-teclive food in peace or war Nftbiico Shredded Wheat it a whole grain N Mrs. Frd Weach are, (ii.s afternoon on thePrtn-, :..'. for a uwee we va-: ; to Vancouver and Nel- IhhcuitcetnehtJ Ail idvertisements in this c ,axn will be charged for a Eonth at Mc a word. A; . an Jumble Bait. March II. FOW. D.ince March 11.. Pat: irk Tea, on 17 . '.rriiin (3. at a low prire .PHONE 775 Catholic HsdL Tea, Mft. Norway March 19. LakJe's. Tea, Mrs. Dance March XI. LOBA Fprlne Sale, April 8. TILLIE THE TOILER I.BACOM VMOULD BE THC ISPDPPrT fiFMTlEMAIJ AMO rJOT OVERHEAR DAVE'S PROPOSAL. I'LL HAVE TO GIVE HIM A REAL TEST TO SEE IF HE'S IU t-ovn VMTH cereal, 100 whoe wheat in which all the bran, wheat germ ond miner ol are retained. For general fitneti, keep well noorithed. Enjoy NobiKo Shredded Wheat with milk at breokfoit every day. tMl CANADIAN IHtf DDI D WHIAT COMPANY ITO N'.rt foil, CmmmU. Whifflets From The Waterfront Bertie Nelson. Johnnie Angus andtM. O. Kebon arrived In the city yesterday from Greenville aboard the Nelson boat. Orecnville Beauty. They are here on business and expect to be here until the end of the week. CP, steamer Princes Norah, Capt. WlUtam Palmer, is due In port at 4 o'clock this afternoon I rum Alaska and will sail an hour or so later In continuation of her voyage to Vancouver. r F r Spun Rale. Apr r. i in The Dally News. n M i ii v "hi "i 1 l When you feel cold and tired you will find it very comforting to have a cup of delicious Hot B.OVRIL s3WJ A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO IU"Y- 15 RUPERTIA SpriiiK-Fillcd MATTRESSES- Over 400 coil springs with cotton padding. $OQ 50 ventilated border; each tdv. 8 ACE Spring-Filled MATTRICSSES A good mattress ? "i 0.5(1 ' 327 TIUUD AVENUE LOCAL NEWS NOTES i Q.O.N. Meeting 7:30 whist drve ,9 pm. 35c. come. in at 12:30 midnight. tonight; All wel- Youth vCprnmlttee whist drive, jSaturday, .March 1, 8 pan. Commercial' .Hotel. (55) ,R. ,Reld, who was fined for drunkenness yesterday, is not R. Rdd pf he, Government Liquor ptbr'e, .Tonight' train, due to arrive from the east at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be one hour and a half late, bringing It Breaking of ground for a- run to be erected by &e "United States Army Transport service .started this morning at the comer of Sec The hosoltal board, at lawt i night's meeting, .decided to jee- . , , . lommend that the annual fee of HOTEL ARRIVALS CARD OF THANKS auditor be creased from $150 Prince Rupert We wish to thank all our friends V W Howe. H. Singleton. r'l th war veterans for the many 1 W C iffe. W. VL Wright, g. unanesses xnown to us during cur II J Thorburn. M. B. bereavement and also for A W. Oajttner, C. A-Ie beauUfui floral tributes. J H Chan. William Beck A. WOCKBON AND FAMILY. I Hunt. Vancouver; M.j tboat uding flower Included: Victoria; K. L. Denning, ' Mr. and Mrs. Sorenaon and Bre- Fa! Lieut. L. P. Burling. inw C. Hllland. Johnnie, Anna and r , I Flora. Arne and Han. Oscar Pct- Knyal , ' ierson, Mr. and Mrs. I. Edsvlk. Joe f city. !nd Nellie. Helmar and Hulda. i Mr. and Mrs. B. Pederien and Rolf. Mr. and Mrs. Schjeavold, Mr and Mrs. A. Bnockson and family. K. Bin. Mr. and Mrs I. Fcn-ness. Mr and Mrs Chas Johansen and Irvine. T. Torkelson. Mr. and Mrs L Halsted. Andrew Melvin, Mr and Mrs J Johansen. ' . . & j. r n iM ...ill to $250. go to the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Ocneral Hospital lAssoclaUon, the prerogative of which Is to .appoint the auditor and t the fee. The present auditor. George L. Rorle, requested the increase in fee in view of greatly increased work which required much more time than DHED FOR SALE I FOR SALEHouse and furnishings, earning good revenue. Owner's equity may be purchased for small amount of cash. Enquire Phone Blue 805. 56) FCjR 8 ALE Furniture; 8treet East. 336 Sixth (57 FOR SALE Boat "DundaV length 33 ft., fully equipped halibut gear. Snap for cash. 1141 Beach Place. M FOR SALE A few bundles of old newspapers, cheap. Apply Dally News. Ufi FOR SALE 1 Chesterfield chair iSteelflexi new; 1 General Electric radio; .1 dining room buffet; i clotlj.ejscablnet. ..Apply Annette Ladles' Wear, 530 Third Ave. W., phone ,847. Uf) FOR SALE Door with complete fittings; large stock of windows and large stock of Iron .Ppes, extra heavy steam pipe up to 4-lnch, Phone' Black 324. III. C. Furniture, Third Ayt- m I RASCdM. DAVE ANDK 1 i I i - , WANTED WANTED Local experienced truck driver knowtnU delivery route. Mussallem's-Economy Store. Uf) WANTED Housekeeper. Apply em Sixth Avenue West. Levlne Apartments. Suite 4. 130) HOUSEKEEPER for small family: room, board and good wages In ntpasanl home". . PhOlieJlCd 378j m X 1 . K YOUNQ Couple looking for house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Willing to pay. $25 $30 monthly. Steady Dry Dock worker. Apply .Box .216 Dally News. '55) HOARD AU. ItQOM ROOM AND BOARD fori men, shar ing. Phone Blue 805j v ROOM AND BOARD for twq men willing to share o room. Apply Box 218. Dally News. (tt) The residence on Fifth A v East, at present occupied b a i. Rorle, has been purchased by k P. Sldaway of the Prince Ruptii Fisheries Experimental Station staff from Mr. Mary McLeod of Prince George, the diMi bt.r.t- handled through the office of fi p. Tinker Ltd. Judgment for the plaintiff a awarded tentatively yesterday by Judge W. E. FUher in County Court Jn the case of J. L. Bethurem vs Andrew Pete, an action for goods sold and delivered arising at Bk The claim wa for $147.19. W. u Fulton acted a 1 for the plaintiff, while T. W. Brown appeared for defendant. Rev. E. 8. Fleming, United Church pastor at Ocean Falls, is in the citv for sessions of Prince ond Avenue and Fifth Streeti r,lnprt PrwthvtArv u.-hi-h arp non' alongside Howe ic tcNultys store. 'jn progress hfe. Mr. Fleming ar- rived from the paper town on the Prince Runert vesterdav mornini!. ii COLE NOW I WUh iast.f ng Millions now use it IMADMINft t VER) Every Aspirin tablet is marxea wiui mis cross. Look for it FOOTHILLS COAL Ilulklry Valley Lump and Slack Comox Pea and Nut Lumber and Building Supplies JHS.ING DOUBTS! 'CERTAiMiy, MISS 30WES..VLL BE 6Lao TO HELP VOO icaj few S iflCSk tmv W.f JUl Ml of All Kinds Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone Col I KNEA1 IT- BASCO ! OP HE WOULDN'T HAVE SAID Phone C52 AH Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Kupert, ll.C,Unlt No. 1 M E E T I N G S Crery fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each Month. METHOPOI.E HALL Thone Red 4C9 P.O. Box 577 TWO COTTAGES roi; SALE. Large Public Hall For Kent. CENTRAL HOTEL THRIFT CASH and CARRY SPECIALS THIRD AVE. PHONE 170 You Can't Go Wrong by Taking Advantage of These Worth-While Savings! LIBBY'S Choice; 2' 2 tin NECTAR Something choice; 15 oz. tin I'EARS Highway; 15 oz. tin BEANS Cut Green; 16 oz tin AIMUCOTS- 28c BERRIES new. delirious 19c 25c II for BLUEBERRIES 18 oz. tins; each TOMATOES Van Camp s. Choice 1j oz tins: II for 25e GOLDEN CORN Royal City. OfStf Choice - tins U U lie 23e TOMATO JUICE Campbell s. 4 A 16 oz tin JL DICED BEETS Royal City. i C hoice. 16 oz. tin JLUx DILL PICKLES Sun-Rype 2'2 tin UlLXs JAM Ch.vers; 16 oz. lin SHOE STRING POTATOES Wafso... U tin- 22c 23e is tiik MTnr.MK rontT or imitiMi (Oi l Mill IX I'ROIUTE In the Miliar of the AUmlnWratlon Art" And In Hie Matter of the E.tte of Jtvab sauer. Iereael TAKE NOTICE tlat by Order of Ills II.-Kiur Judg FWnr dated the 24Ui day FVbruiLry 184 J I van appointed Administrator wtth Uie WU1 nnexed of xie BAftte of the Ute Jacob Sauer. formerly of A) toe Arm. British Columbia, ntfner. who died on or about the 7Ui day or February au pen having ekkkqa agaiiMt the said estate re required to forward them to me on ,,r before March 31t 1942 properly verified and all persona indebted to the MUd rwuu are required to pay to me Uie amount of their Indebtedness forth with. DATED tt Prtaoe Rupert. D. C. this 2Sth day of February A. D. 194J. NORMAN A. WATT Offtoanl Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. l THE SI'PltEME f'Ol'RT OT IIKIT1H tlll.tMIIIA IN 1MIOIIATE In Ihe Mattrr of the "AUminWratlon Act-Ami in Ihe Matter of the Estate of Annie MorrlwNi Huff. otherwUe known a Anna lutr. Ie-eaeil. TAKE NOTICE that by Letters of AdnUaHlraUoti issued out or the Supreme Oourt of British Columbia on Uie 26th ctoy of February A. D. 1942. I was appoantea Acirran w nv vt btate of Aimle Morrison Duff, other wise known as Anna Dun. iwoeasea. the wife of the 1 wuim uvui o Prince Rtert, B.C. All persons Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me rortnwitn ana ui jxtoi uavuig cUums elitM. the Etal are required to file them wan me propeny wmra on or before the IS day of Aprtl 1942. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 27th day oX February 1942. NORMAN A WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. PII0N3 93. FUIST GRADE FKESII BUTTER Brookfield :$ lbs. Grade doz. Grade doz. EGGS "A" C SMUTS PICNIC Boneless, or half HAMS Whole 1.15 lb. 38c 29c 33c Chocolate Puffs and Sandwich Cookies Just fresh in; per lb. square-base Glass Dish. All for 25c Kellogg's CORN FLAKES il pkgs.. 8 oz.. and a loveh 27c FRUIT PUDDINC.S Shirriffs: 27c .1 Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 pm. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Afent Third Ave, - Phone 563 BY WESTOVER . ' rm i r.. vvi w . vis . s&mms mm w Am i ill mere x iswiwiofw i APPLETINE Delicious Coffee Substitute pkg. DATES Unpitted, fresh stock '1 lbs. 30c 25c JELLO and JELLO PUDDINGS All flavors: !I pkts. MIRACLE WHIP 15c Salad Dressing; Q 32 oz. lar Ttik 3IACARONI Famous Foods; Assorted - pkgs. 15c Tender Leaf TEA Fine flavor; QQo 7 oz pkg OQ, CAT FOOD Dr. Ballard's Energy; 8 oz. ; i! tins COCOA- Neilson's: per lb. PICKLES Rosedale. large 28 oz. Jar MEAT PASTE- Hedlund's; Assorted :i tins SODAS Red Arrow; $1 Box. each Polk's; 20 oz tin Y BOND !0 IL ID s ::e !a I 15c 27c 30c 28c 39c GRAPEFRUIT and ORANGE JUICE- 18c --i THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockcye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Bishop O. A. Rlx Mvas a passeng- Mrs. R. M Wlnslow is sailing to-er on last evening's train for Kit- night on the Prince Rupert for a wanga. 'trip to Vancouver. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 1 3 21-Uour Service at Regular Rates J For Full Line of. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS See Our Window VARIETY STORE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up SO Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone Z81 P.O. Box 191 ft J f. 4