riai two AIR FORCE SHOWER IS NAMES FOR INBOWLS SUCCESSFUL WARTANKS Results of Opening; Games In Delightful Affair Held at ltidley South Africa Opens New IWencv Newly Formed Service League j Home Thursday Afternoon j Loan With Unique Features Due to the blackout on Monday The Ridley Home grocery shower GAPE TOWN, October: 3 tonight, six teams of the Men"s Five was held at the home on Thurs- Tanks on the battle fronts of the Pin League failed to complete the day afternoon. Several visitors world may soon bear the names of games scheduled for this week, j brought gifts and were shown over South African citizens or com-Tonlght Ordnance Corps will play the home. Mrs. J. B. Gibson, dlo- 'mwalUec. the remaining games with Dry cesan president of the Women's! A Defence Loan recently opened Dock and Watts & Nickerson will Auxiliary, received the guests, in the 'Union now makes it pas-meet Boom Defence at the same Groceries were handed In to Mrs. slble for each Individual to con-time. SavMor Grocery will bowl W. J. Greer and Mrs. W. Dun- tribute directly to the cost of war with Chinese Youth Association ' gate. weapons, and any who subscribe Sunday night. i The tea room was ably conduct- fufflcJesrtly may have a tank .or Results in the opening games ofed by 'Mrs. A. Dateell and Miss fleet of tanks named after them, the Royal Canadian Air Force Margaret Cunningham, Mrs. E. Authorities hope this scheme Bowling League were as follows: Administration 1 Smith 252 McLaehlan 120 Simpson 103 Ferguson 170 Jurmaln 146 Totals 791 Accounts 1 Cunningham 119 Hall 135 Prowse 210 Taylor 159 Goldensteln 158 Totals "81 Armament 1 Ricard 22S Parsons 123 Speagle HS Jones ... 83 Sumner 147 Smith Fulton Totals 726 Defence "B" 1 Morris 82 McClean 172 Sheppard 192 Edmondson 253 Settle 155 Totals No. 4 Group Solfer 'A" 854 1 125 Easson 100 Cato 182 Saunders ..... 138 Gordon 97 Totals 642 Maintenance "A" 1 Jopson 131 Wild - 167 Dougherty 136 Perclval 110 Fuller 255 Totals "99 286 278 999 2 193 225 147 145 217 113 207 142 116 795 2 77 149 194 142 132 C91 2 187 91 185 151 114 728 2 197 195 169 154 216 931 Merchants I Attention ! WITH MEAT SCARCE 3 234 186 99 252 869 3 145 818 3 165 131 204 152 180 832 During these dark evenings and dim-out times when win- dow display is virtually ruled out and even in the daytime people are too busy to wan- der around the streets searching for values, we would recommend to Prince Rupert merchants the greater importance than ever of ad- vertising In the newspapers which are so much In demand on account of the war news. The medium of the news- 1 paper is more effective than ever In drawing attention to stocks, particularly between now and Christmas. Get in touch with the Daily News now. . Gage, one of our new workers; will draw off much of the assisting, while Mrs. W. H. Smith, I 192.000,000 $679,500,000 lying the other worker, had all the idle in current accounts of corn-smaller children of our large fam- Imereial banks: interest will be 137 219 , ily in her cottage. - paid at the rate of three per 113 132 Beautiful autumn flowers, don-'cent annualy. Lists are to remain 185 209 ated by Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. A. j open indefinitely, and repayment asBjstrachan, made tne nouses look will be made at par in 1964. How-3 very bright and cheerful. lever the government reserves the 190' Gifts of groceries and donations riht to repay on or after Aug. 15 208 1 were received from Mrs. R. L. Mc-1 1957. on three months' notice. 181.lntosh, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Painter,' South Africa will gain three ad-108. Miss N. Smith, Mrs .C. Carrie, Mrs. vantages from the war. stated 152 100 w. Dungate, Mrs. R. Pp.jJiSfiJ. H. Hofmeyr, Minister of 862 787 1 Mrs A. Strachan, Mrs. Josle Fla- Finance and Education, at Jo-2 3 ten. Miss Cross. Mrs. Ed. Olsen. h.mn-hnrir riniv tt tutrf .Mrs. M. Lamb, MrswW. J. Oreer, them us industrial development, 176' Mrs. J. B Gibson, Miss E. Gibson, j closer co-operation between Af-145 Mrs. V. Holmes, Mrs. D. C. McRae, j rlkaans and English-speaking clt- vsiMrs. Buleer. Mrs. A. Dalsell. Miss irjns promniifioH in tv, M. Cunningham. Mrs. c. Jonanson. I army, and a new "African" out Mrs. L. Fitzgerald, Johnson's hook. Grocery. Mrs H. CapsticK, Mrs. Speaking of next year's election. Hill, Mrs. Doiron. Mrs. O. Pick. Mr. Hofmeyer said that the elec-Mrs. W. McKenzIe, Mrs. Durran, tton could only be postponed by Mrs. J. Johns. Mrs. R. G. Hop- decision of Darliament and on the i.J(kins, Mrs. C. Toombs, Miss Beag-1 grounds of th International sit 1281 ie., Mrs Ed oisen, Mrs. J. Wjuation. 103 Moorehouse. Mrs. A. Gomez, Mrs. i Security Outlook . ; n "ufrfK'l Prime Minister J. C. Smuts has 636 1 Mrs A. McKenzie, Mrs. W. McLean, deeJared -Alrlca that soUth is in 237kirs. Wilfred McLean. Mrs. Braun. of iQ member of ,f . , . ' , w nr Population. In a message to i. j. woxiora, fvirs. j. uay. ir . the Social KwMjritv OnmrrM. nn 166C. J. Norrington. Mrs. Hagen. i ,, , ntKo taA "Hyde Transfer. evwl thouah the Atlantic Chart FOOTSTEPS OF FATHER Rev. Randall Stringer, stringer, Son son Ol Famous Northern Bishop, On Way to Yukon Having relinquished Uie metropolitan rectorship of an import ant church in Oshawa, Ontario. er concerned Itself with Inter national action, it is no less im- 'portant that Individual nations should bring about greater social and economic security for their own citizens. In a separate statement. Hon, . H. G. Lawerence. Minister of the to follow in the missionary field land miners employed in war work, footsteps of his famous father, i stated Hon. C. F. Stallard, Mln- the late Archbishop I. O. Stringer. ister of Mines, speaking at Barb- Rev. Randall Stringer is visiting! In Prince Rupert on his way to I Fort Selkirk, Yukon Territory. There he will assume a pariah consisting of a small group, of white people around a Hudson Bay post and a nomadic band of northern Indians. Accompanying him is his bride, the daughter .of Archbishop Harding of Rupert's Land, who has been a mine with the Royal Canadian Air Force. The interesting couplcare guests while here of Bishop and Mrs. G. A. Rlx at Bishop's Lodge. They win be proceeding north at the first of next week. It Is an Interesting coincidence that Mrs. Stringer, the bride, is the daughter of the succesor of the groom's father a Archbishop oi Kupert's Land. The late. Arch Fish are most easily digested 1 w xor than most other foods. years Blshop of the Yukon- Savage SHOES Will Last You Longer 'Cause Sandy Savage Makes Them Stronger HUKLBUT, JACK & JILL a MICKY MOUSE, VALUE LEADER LOAFEKETTES ' ;i AH Carried in Stock Here WE HAVE "MOSCO" CORN CURE Family shoe store lt many Interior and Public Health mad it known that public health ex pendltures will pass the 1,000,000 ($4,470,000) mark this year for the first time. There is no logic in suggesting that gold mines be shut down V " THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, OfTuBr , ' II I III II I l I h I !! neck. Letter Box immSIMSRAELISM Editor. Dally News: I don't claim to be an authority on the teaching of the British-Israelite Society but, if 1U doctrine corresponds to the spirit which Mr. and Parker demonstrates, I am thank- KITTEN -IHXOKATEl)-LONDON. Oct. 3:' O Sooty, a black and white kitten who ac erton in the Transvaal. He ex pressed faith in the future of gold, and said the closing of the gold industry in a countiy de pendent on it would depress living standards. CHURCH HAS I fob swper'CHURCH NOTICE One Hundred Person In Attendance at Rally Gathering Ut Night About one hmdred members frtewk of FkMt Baptlas Church attended a WgWy enjoy- ful that my names does not appear able rally supper In ttie SMreh among its converts. It has been parlors test evening. H. M. Dag-men aflame with the Idea that gett was chairman and welcomed theirs is a super-race and they those present, are super-men that has brought After fupper a brief devotional most of the flow of human blood period was led by the pastor, Rev through the centuries. We forget C. A. Wright, too easily that It is the "meek who P. H. Unaey spoke briefly on shall inherit the earth" and that behalf of the dew bob 'a ami urged God can work only through that a united effort and re-eonseera- lndlvldual or that nation who wM Man in tfcwe days which offered walk humbly before Him. Jeeus such great opportunities to a pro- sald, "I am meek and lowly of greslve church, heart learn of me." Also, "who- C. H. Hknu presented a report soever shalt exalt himself shall be as ohalrnum of the ftnoftee com-abased." What we need to remem- mks and aU Uwt the ohurch First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. Maeflwecn, BA. Mlnw Mm. E. J. Smith Choir Leader v. .1....... ... k. .,a barf had abaui. tMO KeMded OH ... f limn k . m y a . Bak.- . of'thT" "M, Kingdom 1. blU being paid AiM.Ml.AiS tMUlU II, SKA, C0 not of this world." MAGNUS B. ANDERSON. iUi a small balance on hand. Mrs. J. C. Ollker spoke for the Mlasioa Circle and invited any of of the ladies present to co-operate in this worthwhile work. . Mis Kay Watson. In the absence of the president of the Bap- ti't Yovnc Young Peoples Peonies Association. AaaoeUUon. . SUMMV. 11:00 am. 12:15 poi uiirt 7 30 p.m Evm t:30 p.m Km Heur. Holy Communion. 10:00 am. 8unda grhoo! and Bible Ctais 11:00 a m Harvest Festival. 7 30 pm Tlir -ieMa! prea-her ut Uie Hsiren, FIM CarKMi W F ItttJhbrook companied me navy 10 ineppe ana t j "never turned a hair" during pie the alms and ofaJtcU of ilOnie INUrSinCf bombardment of the r'rencn hat hodv which was Dlavlna such coast, has been decorated for gal- an tmporUnt role in the lUe of antry In action a miniature Vie- the choroh. I toria Croas now hangs from he Mlsa Joy Berg reported on. the C.GJ.T. -and at tne eoncioaton immediate. ehvwh tot bu,,d,n " " mm' trMi of the Canadian Red CraMi U h ol " 7 bership and said that 86 percent Society, the Prince Rupert Henna !. IW Navy Training The South African training ship, General Botha, has returned to to active service with the Royal Navy under her former name H. M. S. Thames. She will not put to sea again for the duration but will provide overflow accommodation for ratings from the Shnonstown depot ship. H. M. S. Afrikander. Training of cadets for the merchant marine will continue In temporary quartern elsewhere. Business rent lncreqie have been restlcted by government or der. Except in specially sanctioned . " "V 'JTZLTumZZl T charged than those of April 1, 1940. The trial of Robey Lelbrandt and six others charged with treason will open In the Supreme Court at Pretoria in late October citadel tadel or early November. ICTORY is in. your pocket H "The Home of Good Shoes" inn At Classes Here UrJl ir"'' u w"rh,n gate the pledge of that organisa- 1"fU,I T"" Jjj wards llitlng Them lteumed In rrlnfr O. R s. Blackaby stressed the, K"pftl work of the Sunday School as the j most Important medium in tne of the local OCT t ' School Btmngers a,.., & Cordlai . ty. 5 Rushbrook Heigh Red Cross Brafid Very Kcceful its llfUuul Of .Mr. Kolwrt (iivtm A very surc- of church members were from the rjnjt t, wooing towards organ nv TlMrdo,f by m. Sunday Schools. mg of home nursing c lasses In Onltled Cr.. The pastor gave an iiustrtnc prince Rupert such as were eon- hu tiw mh. addresi on "The Church of God.' ducted here a couple of years at, room in RtutoU: pomtlng out that the dynamic Although this training has been The rounu power of the church was the spirit primarily designed for Btoe-Usiticd with :.u. of Ood. without which H was purpose, the Red Croas Society Murray. Arfn-rf powerleat In IU endeaeouta. has been urging those classes as a A raffle w Sergeant Cameron rendered solos wartime meaaure so that a lamn Wnathrrly w.u. which were inspiring In their mea- & UWBdn 1U at least elementary I The guesti nundnc training msght be creaieU W F Eve The eommlttee In charge con- m each community Although sevCameron : sted of Mrs. J Armstrong. Mrs.) era of these classes have bee Senriteur w J. C. OiUcer and Mrs. Don Ritchie, held in Prince Rupert In the past Martin. Mf T mwhm at me isKnea oi ine.tt u thnuaht that (Kr. mM, t. lor. Mrs K:,.,: church. ALHAMBUA OF Ol.l) more women who are Interested In After the tatWes had been clear-! receiving sttch training. enjoyed by all and the evening closed wRh the National Anthem. liLACKOirTS IN llllti: fesierday we lived lar apnrt ... the wtnVet in the mills ... the farm woman in her kitchen ... the fisherman down by the sea. Yesterday we went our several ways . . . each In his own place . . . following his own occupation . . . working for his own ends. Today there is bui one end, one lntotost, one task for all, il we are all to livo. And that end is victory. . i . , f ' ' j fou, on the farm . . . you, In the bank . . ; you, in the forest or factory . . , whatever you do now is of small account unless it hastens vidoxy. Over and above what you are doing, whero ever you are, you can help shorten the war". . . by your savings. That's the truth ... a solemn truth ... a truth you should think about when you hold back a dollar that might go into war savings. Think! ... a dollar might perhaps lesson by a minute the duration of the war. A hundred dollars might cut off an hour. A million dollars might save months. Months ol suffering for millions! . . . that Is what you may bo saving ... not simply dollars, but lives. 111 Put every dollar you can Into the now Victory Loan. That is what the life Insurance com panies are doing. The business ol life Insurance Is protection, and we know oi no better way to protect tho four million people who entrust the guardian ship of their future to us, than by investing In victory. There can be no protection for any of us, unless we win through to victory. And victory Is In our pockets. 7is mesMJe is tpomottd by Lift insurance Companies operating in Canada I DUBLIN. Oct. 3: 4The gov-ernmeMt has tatnwl n Mwrun-f ! i Mrs. Lan"!.'.i"' v COUPONS The Aihambra. the palace and order providing for blackout tests avsllsble of the Moorish kings, was. throughout Eire durfnc the win-' cah putfhe in t built In the 13th century. ter. We would spnrerUte Ukrt c new rnttomers dri but let ut.fiplil this tift p $ la tbem. MUSSALLEMo Economy Store Where Dollsrs Hm W; Cfn'J r. ll. Hoi S?l Phonfi IHi Fresh Local Kaw ui Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRi phone ijrs or s r a 1 1 ' H NATIONAL I Messenger ScrM U Call It Ne ",Bl " j a We nem tlo S Phone Red 392 I rssnmjjr?:iii- ursTiintaTwrgi'i' 11 5 MVONO SANO l"N 5 nor kee I Chop Suey House Next to Klnr T' C12 7th AVE. WEST All year patronste Open 5 p.m. to "; Orders frbm 2 P"1- " Thone Ca 'IS I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELU, PRP "A Home Away Jrowj POItoonu Hot CoM Prince Kup. ,H