S Ufeaux, Vancouver M.lA., Speaks to C.C.F. Gathering I ! out on a cam pa tan to government of British , 1 1 ri to send to Ottawa province a solid rock of ?,? A for Vancouver Cen-rl before a dinner meet-cht at the Commodore : the auspices of the lo- V fiub Upwards of one . rvitw were in attend- meeting which was In : a social gathering .: a program of music ' re bringing the eve- - .-.'dinaa to a clou. Ttu? Charles Biesteh of Many strangers recently '.he city were among mid he came not : way bat as the voice t, r- of Vancouver to the ; Prince Rupert The :. nmed that it had a and "bask" point of . wuerment of eondi-ii w lalogtral siand- .14 mll'.lons of people as thry Tf today Into each other away. any under produce Irmtniments it was time for eon- :,kins rather than for Miie'Ulnment. The wa5 the most uae- m5t tremendoualy Tht whole planet to-' b- looked upon H F -"iidale. -a and Oermany had : that uoemsrfoyinent - sary and something i :.e about It, Canada answer except tear and policemen's club. : food, clothing and many until the war had come. What a waa now I The work-vfrome a most valuable (1 were being driven and If they have. I have not wlared the speaker. . n of the C.C.F. was to Dople Ihlnklng aerlous-,!' there was a fsolutlon. Work at Victoria Che HONORED: List of .Military Award From Dieppe Only Part and Representative of General Valor And Sacrifice adian action at Dieppe does not begin to cover all those who glorified themselves throuch their hp nurniMo of ore-lvator- Glared Prime Minister Wll- ideas as to how the 1am k0" Maekearie King yester- bc run." W. W. Le- ,a ine " a 7 represents - uve or ail wne displayed such gal Prime Minister declared. DISTILLING IS BANNED Production of Liquor in Dominion To Shop It.C. Not lUfccted OTTAWA. Oct. 3 - The entire output of Canadian distilleries will after the end diverted to war eminent has ordered. The plants will be used In connection with production of synthetic rubber and chemicals tor war. The order does not effect beer and lltht wines or Ibiuor already f ... ft LOTS IN IIC. VICTORIA. Oct. J-The ban on production of liquor In Canadian distilleries will not affect British Columbia There is enough liquor on hand to last for several years. F nirmbers In the pros- administration, wouia pui m Th orhim he de-1 Pf f lclent civil service, wouw iook u making 1U mark. It'after the workers and give them od team and was working . their rights and extend social legls-W In fact they had latlon. The eventual idea would be he government members In the establishment of a social econ-inr.v vtiiniH Mm lefeaux nmv uhieh would be of real bene- to explain hovf the C.CF.Ifit to the workers and the peoplt d manimoulv and'defln- a a whole. A conUnuatlon oi uie r..ied to Join a coalition capitalistic system could only mean r.,t vMh Liberals and'a continuation of conditions such .atlvcs because "our pro-1 as Uiose from which the world had fundamentally different been and was still suffering. r T and we were not going others on rroKr-m It t2 h ,m;triinp nr hr-ld down.", k A. Evans, president 01 the C.C.F narty had. however.' local C.C.F. club, spoke briefly, ex- i tn 9uwt in its own wav rAinr nleasure at the presence in war effort. As long, how-of such a large gathering. lie i the war effort was In the hoped there would be more such of representatives of "cap!- get-togethers. ' those interested mainly In! The evening's musical program :o long would conditions as included selections by Bert Cam-, - existing at present be suf cron, Brticc Wilson and Mrs. J. S Black, violin solos by Dert Cam-plte o! seeming economic ad- eron, vocal solos by Stanley U?-nr. and high "wages at the feaux, autoharp solos by Herbert time under a condition of chlswell and community singing, which was the "acme of caplt- The orchestra consisting of Bert 1 the day when peace would Cameron, Bruce Wilson and Mrs. ! must be hoped and planned j. s. Black provided music for tw The question was: who woukl dancing. I MiNDON, Oct. 3 (CIM Koyal ' Air Force bombers kept the round-the-clock assault on Germany's war machine rolling last nitht with a strong smash at thr Khineland which started many fires only a few hours after United Stales flying fortress PTOS& JS'WunartuiasMrea. t-turnnt es, escorted by Allied fighters, j ! shot down eighteen Nail Focks- Wulf ISO's In a raid on Northern France. The I'ritish communique did of this month be not identify the exact targets of purpo the gov- Ut night's raid but said that ' strong forres took part. bombers failing to return indicated that the attacking force consisted of perhaps ISO planes. ( In make the peace? Would It be the Anfi Inflation representatives of capitalism, busl -, lIllI"lHaUUIl neas and the Industrie or would It be the workers? If It was to be the former there would be a repe-Utlon of the last. Instead of a system of a handout here and a hand-out there, a little roadbulld-Ing and much unemployment, the speaker advocated a system where workers would w ofkrro ma ha ma workers would work for the bene- o produce things withjnt of workers through elimination -troy the product of of the profit element, a system of v ,m aim in destroy I nroducint soods which would be Bill Is Now Law , j President Koosevelt Finally Given Control Orer Prices, Wages and Salaries WASHINGTON. DC. Oct 3 President Franklin D. Roosevelt! v.u snti-inrintion bill last, The HERRIOT ARRESTED Former Premier of France Is In Custody for Failing to Collaborate VICHY, Oct. 3 Edouard Her- rlot, seventy-year old iormer premier of France, who has been an active non-Axis collaboratlonUt and who has refused to undertake not to leave France, has been placed under arrest. BIXLKVlLLL'S CUT LIVERPOOL. Oct. 3: 0 Cana dian Trade Commissioner a. tu. Bryan has presented a mobile can-1 leen, gWl UI VUC .uin.fta, he Eastern Star, Belleville. On tario, to Admiral sir I'ercy cxoDie, commander-in-chief of the West ern Approaches. D. F. C FOR FRENCHMEN LONDON. Oct 3: VfA 26-year old Fighting French Spitfire pilot, described as "Captain B," who niioted a fighter tn the He de France squadrons during the Dieppe raid, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, fourth of the squadron to receive this .......... pR0UD0F Croa lltcd ! HUSBAND, All Men of Dieppe Were Entitled TWO 1 T Vlrlnrh rV Atl.H. Mr i her husband had been awarded w p ihp Vlrtnrla Hrnsc for valor at under heavy machine gun and ar tillery nre iwith dead and wounded men all around him. Twice wounded when last seen he was collecting Bren and Tommy guns to protect the retreat of his men. Col. Merritt Is row a prisoner of war. MORE PORK GOING OVER laps Still ueing iiriTen ruruici Away From Port Moresby-Two Transports Bombed at ' Rabaul MELBOURNE, Oct. 3 The Allies continue to hold the InitlaUve In the southern Paclfia war theatre. Australians are sUll driving v.. .i night following 1U passage by tne Japanese oac House of RepresentaUves and Sen-.through the Owen Stanley mount- oi t dkb th. Prmsidpnt control lain range away from Port Moresby - ... aalCB) W . V Ik v v - I . . - And where was It all available to all and in wnicn an i . salaries. An on New Guinea Island and uniiea " " .. .. ... u.j .. .- .u. r- r- r ..M ""o , . n.u-a Had capttaUsm. naa icould snare. Tnai. me o.u.r. wu. had Mr. MalUand.iuag the only solution. Hot had the Coneerva-I British Columbia. Mr. Lefeaux 1 Mr Mackensle King any .said, was fortunate In having over the vears developed a strong cialistlc movement with men and women all over the province who had good sound idea along the lines which should be pursued. If Plected. the C.C.F.. no doubt, would . M.ir wnt on to clve a'have to carry on along capitalistic ('.ividuaUy of the four-itnes but It would give an honest ;amed today. i nrruvtM tn noiNsunns Nations aircraft aircrau continue cuiivutuc .u" against the enemy. The Japanese held port of Rabaul on New Britain was bombed asaln and two enemy transports were hit squarely, bursting Into flames. Lone Bomber Over England Some Damage and a Few Casualties Caused at Southeast Coast Town LONDON. Oct. 3 The Ministries of Air and Home Security an-, nounced that a lone Nazi bomber' and a few casualties'. GETS SILVER CROSS LONDON. Oct. 3: W Joyce Fagg 17-year old voluntary hospital, worker whose prompt action saved a man wounded bv German shell SHORT WHITE PALNT LONDON. Oct. 3 a shortage oj material and labor white lines to mark danger spots will only be painted on trunk roads In future. Local Temperature Tomorrow (Standard Time) sT ides High 9:38 ajn. 163 feet 21:35 pja. 16.7 feet Maximum 57 Low 2:49 ajn. 7.8 feet 47 15:11 10.2 feet Minimum NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BIUTISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER p-m. XXXI No 230 PRINC E RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS yr ja Battle Is Looking better ur uu y r IS PLAN N0T ALL OTTAWA, Oct. 3 LONDON. Oct 3 Q hundred and seventeen Croats were reported todav bv Reu- Cecil Merritt ters to have been executed for nn.i.Evn.ix rvt 3"or murs The list of death ot a German shot x am proud of my husband as well Red Army Snatches Initiative From Nazis Around Stalingrad Both North of and Within City military decorations as announced durtn ft Pde German as an tne f,ne men who uent ,ilh C:itTinri RpIpe 'German Reinforcements Incapable of Swinging Scales, yeaterday for heroes of the Can- minority In a CroaUan village. Wm up the Caches of Dieppe and a11""11 UCIHCD Qnly Filling Up Gaps Caused By Heavy Losses ASSAULT each of whom eauallv deserved the Victoria Cross." So said Mrs. Mer ritt. the wife of Lieut. Col. Cecil Win First Game Merritt. orf '.receiving word that Defeated Lach ne 18 to 4 In Jlont. real Last Night mm ' I K M ' ' . . , SYNOD IN . SMITHERS Prince Hupert Fnable to Accomodate Delegates to Church Meeting Goes to Interior Town NEW YORK, Oct 3 St. Louis Cardinals went one up in the World Series today. They defeat to nothing In a thrilling game. The Cards have now won two games and the Yanks one. . There was heavy hitting but the Cardinals' outfield did a wonderful, job, pulling them down all over the lot One run was scored In the third and one In the ninth. In the ninth the sacks were loaded by the Cards but they got only the one run. Batteries were White and Cooper for St Louis, Chandler and Dickey for New York. Ernie White did magnificent pitching for St. Louis as the wild-running Cards squeezed out the victory behind their 26-year-old southpaw. It was the first time the Yankees had been shut-out In a World Series game since Jesse Haines, another Cardinal, whitewashed them in 1936. There was a crowd of 70,000 fans in Yankee Stadium. GREETING THAT TAID GLASGOW. Oct. 3: Sir Daniel M. Stevenson. Chancellor of Glas naa come over a auuui fb- Unlverstty. was so moved by lUh town, causing some uamaSe - ,. rW.pivpH nn his 91st ihirtviriQv hnt hp donated the equivalent of $270,000 to the unl verslty and a similar sum to tne Scottish National Academy of Music. RAIDED FOR COLOGNE fire, has been awarded the Sllveri; LONDON. Oct. 3: Furniture Cross of the Girl Guides' Assocla-' from Belgium and Holland Is be-nr. caiianirv i ns sent bv water to Cologne and klVll iUl j 1 -w i .it... si mH towns namacrpi aamagea other German during RJV.F. raids on the Rhine-land, the Independent Belgian Because of .News Agency reported. RUBBER IN THE BAG There is a pound of rubber In a hot water bag. MOSCOW, Oct. 3 Red Army resistance is ing with effectiveness in the sanguinary battlefield which now the once great industrial city of Stalingrad. No new advances by the enemy have been made despite the K H Y I Uf P'eppe M, Metntt is visiting Montreal. Oct. 3: New west- weight of his pressure. Today the Red Army gave a new lantry and seir-sacrlflce. many of here whUeftU. Merritt is overseas. m,RSt,r Salmrn Bellies defeated and brighter turn to the threat battle for the Volea basin " . -uHiruic h.iuh.c nuwui ""' uacnine is v i nerc ia nignt in jjy snatching the initiative from - of life lUelfDieppe would live In Ithlnrland and Northern France football stanAOgL Merritt showed the opening ga to? of the Dominion the Germans and bearing down on r WM 1 the pages of Canadian .history, the 'Heavily Hit by Itoyal Air Force hiah vatorilaj flshUng at a. bridge lacrosse ehamponship finals. i the Nazi flank in an advanrp Kpiflk KlIlPH and. Hying Fortresses northwest of Stalingrad while de fenders within the city were also breaking down the enemy's of- I announces that 675W0 hundred- Rurwt. It will take place at Sml- while the Germans have held Kai-Shek. 'weight of bacon and. pork products thers on October 20 and 21, Rt-lUie edge in numbers their greater. " '..-m u Kinu4 in nrrat Rrttain t?v n a Kix me Hisnon. an- i J,.li.M nllirlr nn Vor. ""ifK- " , "I rfurini, thijAcmln nar Thp nrtr nniinff 1 t thern France, the fortresses re- JM u .jrrZZ.i. h,.r ihon i 'C7'' r. tO-flreal nnlaln WimoUV ., ennnnn k..n4roH. wwm . . . . a. Ibtlr main objectives were an aircraft factory at Neaulte and an air field at St. Omer. Itoyal Canadian Air Force planes participated In both day and night forays. ALLIES UN OFFENSIVE -- . . . .1 By Kindness Ifensives. ! Russian tank and troop attacks Wendell Willkie Sees Generalissmo carried the defenders of battered Chiang Kai-Shek Following Stalingrad in the Germans' front Warm Reception in line on the north and strong coun- . Chungking ter-attacks within the city also (threatened the besiegers' positions CHUNGKING, Oct. 3 Wendell there. .Willkie of the United States said i . The battlefield anrjears now to. here that he thought he was In For the simple reason that ac- be divided roughly into three zones more danger of being killed by commodation could not be Insured ,-tth the Russians driving across Chinese kindness than by enemy rrice? Abrpad and in Canada to for delegates owing to the existing ;the Steppes outside the city and bullets. Following a great welcome" Be Ten Percent Higher congestion in the city, the annual ( along the streets inside it while at Chungking airport where he xvnod meeting of the Anglican the Germans persisted In assaults was met by ten thousand people, OTTAW f"Wt 3 linn J n rtirvars rf PalMtnnla m tn hp hflri i -..i u . PrnlHiml TJnncpvplt' rtprcnnal m ........ - w -w il VIIC l.U rv.v.. " . 1 1 .. 1 I . . 1 1 1 .. vn . . 1 . . .1 . ( . n n.lnnn t 1 , I I 1 Kf5? Peter Haldane Iifisii year uwwv L I I III II W tiveiy ana reserves wmcn amvea weiRht was shipped. I ST. SI LOUIS LlllJliJ 'recently have served only to fill Passes Away It is expected nog prices wm oe - ,gaps jeft Dy heavy losses. , ten percent higher in Canada. . 11 MOVES ryw jr n IIP Jin Dispatches which reported the vVell Known Native Resident of German offensive checked on) Metlakatla Died This l Stalingrad s northwest sector ana' Morning Shut-Out New York Two to Noth-the Russians pressing their own at- ing In Another World Series tacks Indicated definite Improve-' peter Haldane. well known na- Thriller Today ment in the Red Army's position, jtlve resident of Metlakatla, passed . . 0 , .awajr iii civjr .io uiu&uuig. tion broadcast said that "a big , tank batUe with hundreds of tanks ' engaged on both sides has flared PD A CXJUv n IAI ' ed the New York Yankees two .up on the scorched Steppes north . at ;u ! A r9 Cfo Un rrvo A Although it conceded no setback in the violent siege, a German communique admitted strong Russian pressure north and south of the :ity. giving only a brief, vague account of acUon yesterday and asserting that the day's German ob-jecUves were attained. EXPECTING BIG FIGHT Military Authorities Are Looking For Intensive Action on North African Front CAIRO. Oct. 3 Military author ities are convinced tnat, now summer heat Is almost over, intensive fighting may soon be resumed on the North African front. FACTORY SHOCK BRIGADES LONDON, Oct 3: C More than 0 "shock brleades" have been established In northwest factories to speed production. They have names such as "Dieppe Second-Liners" and "Second Front VivmuiiLiU ui AIRF0RCE Pilot Killed in Mountains Back of Vancouver VICTORIA, Oct. .3 Two crashes of Royal Canadian Air Force planes at Vancouver are announced, JThe, pilot was killed when one plane crashed in the mountains backot North Vancouver. Ther were no casualties in a crash on the Uni versity grounds. HALIBUT SALES Summit, Storage. American 19,000, 15.9c and 13c, PRACTISES HIS PREACHING NEWCASTLE. Eng, Oct. 3: CR Ken Henry, 17-year old factory worker. Is always urging his fellow workers to put more pep into their efforts. Now he holds the factory record by producing 60 feet "of metal bar in three days. , HAS SLVNY USES Graphite Is used for the manufacture of pencils, paints, grate polish and foundry facings. A. R. P. MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITS From this date all former A.R.P. permits on WHITE stickers must be removed from car windshields. They are not legal and will no, longer be recognized by Provincial or Civil authorities. The ONLY officially recognized Permit is the small YELLOW sticker Issued by the B.C. Police Motor Vehicle Department J. J. LITTLE, Controller N JD. Oct 2, 1942. Civilian Protection Committee AH.P.