3 oh VICTORY c BONDS .Our Soldiers in Canada and Overseas nootl many useful thingi. Sco us for those items FRASER & PAYNE It's the Order of the day . . . to have a chic hair-do SU2 Helen's & Milady Beauty Salon Whether he is in Canada or Overseas remember him by sending parcels regularly Mussallem's Economy Store "Where dollars have more cents" P.O. a 55 Phones 18 and ID lilll Chris' Mill Bakery Greetings to . . Men of the Army from MODERN Beauty Shoppe Salute Canada's Fighting Men FASHION FOOTWEAR We'll Help You Make up a Real n I f-- lt..l rarcei lur uiu V-y Lad in the Army Suitable Gifts of all Descriptions at THE Variety Store McNAl'CUTQX SENDS ARMY WEEK MESSAGE Give . ,; :.. Armv overseas vc ta :h o soldiers ia Canada in m Am - Week message from Lt -d r. A. O L Mi-Naught.. n. C.B.. c MO D.S.O. M.Sc LLD . D.C1 . romm .rder of the 1st Canadian Army, j The Largest and Most Selective Stock In Prince Rupert IN LADIES' COATS, DRESSES, UNDERWEAR, FOUNDATION GARMENTS and HOSIERY - ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR 530 3rd AVENUE WEST Rctncmhcr Annette's Lead Others Follow ARMY WEEK JUNE 29 JULY 5 We are elad to pay tribute to our gallant men in khaki KAIEN HARDWARE ifil ml 'II if ENTERPRISE Fruit M arket Fresh Fruits and Vegetables "Delnor" Frozen Fruits Phone 313 Free Delivery JONES' raB& News Co-operate with your Country Co-operate with your Army Co-operate with your Store Help Save Gas and Tires. Shop at Bill wish the boys of all the services the very best Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Op. Store Ranee & Hardy QUALITY GROCERS WE MAIL Parcels to the Old " Country for Soldiers and Civilians. EXPERT Packing assured. So why worry? Give us a trial At Your ! Service . . . Men of the Army Savoy Hotel For Gift Suggestions for our Men in the Army see Cameron's Jewelry Store Best Wishes to our Men in the Army from VANCE'S Home Arts "TANKS A MILLION" To our Fighting Men GORDON & . ANDERSON