I PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE and up for babies' sizes Sole Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Impairing, Hand Enrrarlnr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China. Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant IT PAYS TO PLAY SAFE WITH CHILDRENS' SHOES GENUINE ECONOMY You can buy no finer Children's Shoes at th mn ' fine materials f "-s oak soles leather lining Wfe in all larger for muses sizes Children's feet deserve the protirtiun ui correct footwear to avoid future troubles. You'll get the proper shoes at the Cut Rate. ailU-CONOMV SHOES BY WRAGGE SHOE CO. ARE SOLD IN RUPERT BV Cut Rate Shoe Store OrEN SATUKDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled JULIA A 50C THIRD AVE. W. Across From Orme's Drug RTHUR JUST ARRIVED Beautifully styled Dress Pumps in Crushed Kids, Suedes and Pressed Leathers. Width from AAA to C. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" iniKiiiatiii Eimis tBim tai ana into intmtm zm tmzm r cm J -jJ here's a chance for you jLfUUlGS this week 25 off all Furs New shipments twice a week. Prices from $-10 to $1,100 Your Credit b Good W. G0LDBL00M TIIE OI.II I'l l iaim r iaiaiisn BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Fillets ... At Your Local Hulchers 4 NO WASTR IH'Aiw mrv tr PRINCE RUPERT HTTV VIPTniV lrkXTin Co. Lid. e HRl'MSH COLUMBIA I is friday Thirteenth Maybe Adam Started the Legend That It's an Unlucky Day Today is Friday the 13th hut folks are gettlne hard-boil on this old bugaboo. He was hern tart. before this year in February and Ai-ircn. wnat is more important, today is the 1170th day of the war. However, Friday the 13th Is a scarred veteran of a score nf mf. times and Insists on DODDin nut of the Georgian calendar from time to time, war or no war. Just to show how little modern thought in calendars is worried over Friday the 13th it might be mentioned the proposed World Calendarif and when will srive tia four Fridays the 13th every year. in January, April, July and As It Is under the present sv- tem of days and date, when the old reprobate of superstitions completes his appearance today he will enter his funkholc and stay there till August next. He makes only one appearance In IMS and one in 1944 (October). Last year too, he turned up but once in June. Whence It Comes Legends and traditions about Friday the 13th will persist. Some say the idea Is as old as Adam that Eve and her spouse were expelled from Eden on the day of ttu : week corresponding with Friday in cnristenaon probably thr most accepted version of th 1 origin of Friday the 13th Is in th. fact there were 13 at the Last , Supper, including Judas Iscano; ! who next day, traditionally Frldav betrayed Jesus Christ for cruci flxlon. ' It Pays to Advertise In The News Good Whisky- JOHNNIE 7ALKER ,OlHlM0.ITmCO.NCITOK6 4!l.- . .j,. iU(... :r. yumiahw or dUpWred bjr ui Uqnor C-mutj Board or b wi U"'nimil. of BrtiUh Coluii'blk PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AMI ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MIN1NO MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled TIIE DAILY NEWS 7 Ml FRIDAY Merchants Attention ! Dunne these dark evenings and ckni-out times when win- dow display is virtually ruled out and even in the daytime people are too busy to wan- der around the streets searching for values, we would recommend to Prince Rupert merchants the greater Importance than ever of ad- ver Using in the newspapers which are so mch in demand on account of the war news. The medium of the news- paper is more effective than efr in drawing attention to stocks, particularly between rum- and Christmas, Get In touch with the Dally New now. PLEASE SAVE THE BOTTLE? CaiU(u Need, Oiaiw Save Ail Bottk- Your Salvage Committee will Collect Tins advertisement u not nnb-Ilshed or disnlayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Oflvernment oovernment of or British British Columbia Columbia N,Z. SHORT RIVERS The largest river In New Zealand is 80 mites long. SPARKING I'LUG To the British u spark plug Ls a "sparkiiiR plug ' and a plane's landing gear l t ailed '.. under carriage gj ! f i. L L ': ' .... i yt:- J K ' H II k ' ' mm Half-a -glance and you know he's going lo score . . . Hnlf-a-tastc and you know Hudson's Bay Rye will score with you. lG-ox. 23-ox. 40-or. 51.15 13.05 $1.70 Hudson's gay RYE or tMptsfni b tfv. Uqtav inU Bturtt cx by Lb UnwrniiMni- WE CARICY Everything For the WORKING MAN It will pay you to some In and look over our tarte stuck of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue SERVICES TO Vsncouver, Victoria and Way-polnU. Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. full Information. Ticket! and Reservationi FRANK J. SKINNER Prlner Itutxrt Asent Third Ave. Phonr Mt J. M. S. Loubser ll.C B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wailat, llluck - Hn.n.. M Frcah Local Raw and PuHteurlzcd MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 057 TODAY AND SATim..... Continuous Daily i, , "MRS. MINIVER' at io a m u ATTEND THE EARLY Him, VOTED THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER u, Qiimhc yir ci)fC4Kfnc4i rittx with t 'mH t Uh Mliir in a dtamm! i rtfM itKiiuni iliriMiRh the ytmtt. f L k be a UK Ri,w JL IWioml Ibna-iUwIcM and IhiIIuw. Itaucy and tijuc at c-cry pi ice. i Kt NDAY .MIDNITC ROBT PRESTON In PARUillri; IfOtl CHOOSE YOUR dtuzliiuzi ENCAGEM(NT 7i Jonn Bulger Ltd. A. MacKenzie Furniture III A CiUOD PMCi: TO lit V 12 WAVE CKKST MATTRI;I- fuliw 0 ROSE O'DAY HOX SPUINf v lui m 12 CRIH AIATTKKSSEs. All at Uuul Prices Phone 775 , i. OOOOOOOOOOtlOOOOOOOOeaOOOOOtMKfOuvuOuu - u i For Quick, Safe and Comfortalilc TAXI SERW PHONE 235 DAT AND Nldlll Hooooa DoooottooooonooocMK)iK)(H)ii-i oooof ' oootvHtoeeMEfl RE Christmas Goods NOW IN STOCK WATflRiWN'S I'l N-untl I'ENCILS anrl Si -YARDLEY'S LAVENIM !: -ITS JASMINE, GARDENIA. Wi LiA and ADRIENNi; ! UACHEL0R SETS H'l; '!.N WRITING KH - ( f l ! ' I T SHAVING liltrsM: -CHOCOLATES, PACK a PERFUMES and Cl." CHRISTMAS CRA( 'W l TOILET SOAP IHLIK'U HAIR RRUSIIIiS We would advise an early selection as Christ mas stocks cannot he duplicated this jcr Qrmes lid. Jfui Pioneer Drufisrist THE REXALL STORE PIIONfS l Open Dally from B a.m. till l P' Sundays and Holiday from 12 - t l'" AM"2 a A. .I'" A If you have something to sell, a clasified j, iii:iit in una )U)uj will SOOIl Hit j uu liiiur in tho nltv