PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMHIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULL EN, MANAGING-EDITOR VlVyYFTOlVG RATES Readers, per line, per Insertion .251 uiajpiveu Advertisements, per woia, per insertion - - .02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MONDAY. APRIL 27, 1942. EDITORIAL A.R.P. Doing Good Work . . . Although its numbers might be greater, Prince Hup- A story is told of a boy who owned a bantam hen. He put an ostrich egg in front of her nest and over it a card 1 on which j he had written, ''Look on this card and . do e your I oest. Is it not true that all of us need to have kept before us something which bids us to attempt, achieve and attain more? And this "snmprhinrr" is and ran Hp tVip ihIvpv. showing a model kitchen performs its intended object,1 namely, the implanting of desire and purpose to have a kitchen which will economize steps, labor and time, and which will be an agreeable workshop. It is the same with other things. In their sum, advertisements have an incalculable influence for good on all of us. They teach us how to live more fully how to get more agreeable experiences out of every day. They point us to products and services which in possession and use make our occupations more rewardful of everything which satisfies our natures and deepest needs. They show us how to lessen the fatiue of labor, how to have greater comfort: how to get more time for social pleasures and cultural employments; how to have better health; how to make our homes more attractive inside and out; hnw to use our money to insure presently and in our later years freedom from anxiety and the distresses of poverty. So we bid vou look at ad tMlAMrllii Tl lit I RAILWAY I USES Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS AND WAY POUTS: SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT;. April Ui, ICtri. 28th, May Bth, 19th. June 2nd. TO KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU AND 6KAO.WAY: AprJl 2nd, 12th, 23rd, May 3rd. Uth. 28th. Direct connections at Vancowver with Canadian pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from ' W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Idry DOCK MEN DEAD Murdock Mclean and William Moffatt, who Ralchcd Together For Years, Pass Away fi4O06Nll"t Murdoch MeLeai and William IMaffatt, two wU known steel I workers of the dry dock here, wfco 'have been employee; at the loaal plant for many years, died during I the night at the Prince Rupert jOeneral Hospital, one late la it night and one early this morning. They had been taken from their home on Ambrose Avenue, hist off Sixth Avenue near the Hays Creek 1 had a fine garden which had been I developed into one of the horticul- content to sit back and let the other fellow do the job. ; Vl lwa awu- wuw- The very least a person can do is to make himself acquainted with the civilian protection regulations andlfNeW p LtirS Al6 take certain simple steps to protect his own property. CiMl A 1 LI Banshees Wail xuciiuiy i-yi;s. oeyonu tneir permissible selfishness thevl,u,yal Couple inspect States to China, has been arrang ed lor May I. -Already 5500,0O0)00 has bei (loaned byj United States to Chin.'- ' ' WELSH SKIPPER WINS O.B.E. CARDIFF, April 27 f Capt, Thomas Smith of this city who saved the crew of his ship when It struck a mine and sank in six minutes, has been awarded the O. B.E. THE DAILY NEW3 MONDAY, APRH. v MARRIED QUIETLY bridge, to the hospital. They had r room's .".J,!? tht was .1 wv ivi j cs !U . . i matching turban Her oarage was of pink tarnations 11 is surprising, tnougn, to learn now many are not even, juh -iVaimUlc years and u wen known and ppu- aoing tnat. Maybe by the time the war comes a little; jiar. iue onde recently arrived Closer they Will Wake Up. Meanwhile, it is tO be hoped, for; Private Purchasers .May Still Se-' frcm thsoutb their sake, that there will be no "Pearl Harbor" here.' curc inemjn Canada .... ii " f..: :.r::: r; "r vr: r: ottawa. Apm 27-ix thou wunuer wnai, rnnce nupert migni nave Deen HKt lasiisand new cars are available for night had those been enemy planes and bombs. . private purchasers in Canada and, I In addition. 4000 are being kept in; Making Daily Life Enjoyable . . . a bank. Yorkshiremen which the groom responded. The toast to the bridesmaid was pro- tf-lT t nm )0a W James omipson anu re-I VI r IV I US sponded to by the best man. iTIJLlil iJU I , Mrs. A, Berner and Mrs. Barnes Simpson poured from the brides Moscow Claims This Has Been Toll fcce-covered table which was cen-On Xasis In Winter War tred w1h a sUver basket ot pink : Kay OffeUl. I Mr. and, Mrs. O'eill will take up residence on Fifth Avenue West. The groom has lived here for many Calgary Couple Married Here Miss Dolly Lyneh Becomes Biide of Signalman Robert Frederick (Jrren In .Naval Service Here Terrace I fur sumc wvrivs im-n noir been definite rumors that Terrace Mlvi Joan Hawkins of William ls ,0 tne slte of 11 military iiri ii...,mM nrii f ;mp. Strands with a military i.., irvoin bearing have appeared at Are Entranned wedding at 3:3d Sunday SXK. afternoon JSHs Lome Cornell . n'ivii iUi LSVliy OilCl tlUftll iilCll. Are Entombed When Earth Tre-' daugnter of Mr and Mr Francis mor Shakes Colliery lA- Lynch of Calgary, became ihe I bride of Signalman Robert Fred- LONDON. April 27 Seventeen erlck Oreen R. C. son of Mr. tisements pnlnrful!0031 miP"8 were entrPPl when and Mrs. Frederick John Green of seen in T)n nnt thP timejus u;wi in our our newsnanpvs UO not tne C010riUlan newspapers. eartn tremor sealed part of th eiCalgary. Rev. Canon W F niwh- advertisements of model kitchens plant in the heart of workings of a colliery. Eight "haw broSk2taed vvcijr vvuuuiH a uesire anu a will to nave some (lay a Deen rescuea and it is hoped to' The bride entered the Kitchen like the pictured ones? Immediacy of action may reach the nine others aoon- not De possible or contemplated, yet every advertisement St. Peter"s Anelican Church was I indeed the only woman in the In Vancouver!?;t.'l1"ch " ",d wHh Da, ' Arthur H. Cannlngton was the Fifty-Eiht Sirens Screamed Dur.roomsman. in? Rush Hour VANCOUVER, April 27 Fifty, eight air raid alarnv. screamed during the rush hour In Vancouver late Friday afternoon in a general test of newly installed si. rens. King and Queen are calculated to make daily life for all classes of nersonsl vision in oid country an enjoyable and a gainful experience. churth jupon the arm of John C. Sherlock. naval executive officer, by whom I she was given in marriage. Otherwise she was unattended, belna The couple wiJI reside In Prince - r . God's Power Is One Certainty World Stands On Brink of Uncertainty As Israel Did Many Years Age, Says Pastor Visit Canadians Llke thf plt ot i,raei f id LONDON, April 27 The King and Queen inspected the Canadian armored division yesterday. They were accompanied by Generals McNaughton, Sanson and BIG LOAN TOtfilNA Another $100,000,000 Is Made Available by United States CHUNGKING, April 27-A new loan of tlOO.OOOXX) by the United wuq naq neen lea Dy Moses to the 'banks of the Jordan, the people of Armored , th WOrlH firfnv tfonH nn th hrlrl. of the unknown, having "not passed this way before," Rev. A. F. MacSween told his hiornlng congregation In First Presbyterian Church yesterday. There had been great changes even In recent months and no one could tell what the future had In store. About uncertainty there was fascination but always there was the desire for the new, for the better. There was still one certainty, however, today a there was of old. That was the certainty of God's power and spirit. Here was the sure opportunity which, if embraced, would lead most surely to a brighter and a better day. T Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tueslay 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver-Thursday um. Card en a every Friday 10:30 Due Vancouver Monday am )uren Charlotte IMands Leavlnx April 7. 21 mldnlht midnight. Full Information. Ticket and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arent Third Ave. Phme if.t PAINTER AND INTERIOR DECORATOR Phone Blue 143 J Get Your ? MOTHERS DAY CARDS X AND GIFTS at the ? VARIBTV STORK " 44 J. H. BULGER Optometrist (Opposite Putt Office) TWO COTTAGKS FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charge. As Charlie, has many years" experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKINO BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone fl II) Suits Tressed by Steam While You Walt. A. JidacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A uuuil PLACE TO BUY 10 Chesterfield Sets All In different coverings and designs. From $125.00 PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE BURGLARY CARD Vi OF STORE odd .MrKae Bros. Premise EnWcd By times and thwe have been air Hear Window ami $io Taken .... .. . malrnli mllnir QrnnnH thriliall From Till a quiet Dm prenyl raajjig whs-. , f mlmnIaH nt the name of the' "WKing lor suiuiuie huhi mr groomS parents Saturday pveqlw.tary . purport. . .7".. Surveyors .- ' have dls Some Ume between 3:30 Satur- Ohru.t J,, children mqcp1(. friends and i... pathy, help ., ."k cent boreavemfi ip$'ter f ., Janut and uip ""U. unall, the UU !,.., rf.u nlht nr. ,4 1 e..,l... ai 8 o'clock when Rev. A F. Mac- appcorea myo me wouus wiui t "" Itoral trihll,. msWo f PW PiSE.Sr m and Instruments and ailewwn Mcltte Drus, Sw was 1 , SS. unL in marrC air In toe vtUage ha Uen broke Into aj$iq , in CMh taken ; e- - Doris, elder daughter of Mr. and , steadily burning thicker with rpm . rUt,x Mrs W. R Hawkins of William rumor, now ruwvr w vnu. - "" hmii viinru and John AUxan- On Saturday a truck blandly roar-; a window pane In the rear of U , der, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ed through the village with a huge store. The jn iu about four-W C. OVeUl of thU eJty iload of army supplies on top of teo by twenty Inches. The nUy Given in majrtage by the which soidiew were perahed. An 1 w fvtdently made by this win- father, bride Infantry centre is Demj esiao- w i nan orf line o-nnrl rPJisnn tn bo woll nleased with its A. R. P.1!: .LrV;. " L".' Miss Dorothy ONeill. the bride's night at which most of the young- orn. Under re.distic, onditions yesterday, tojfS iff KM T general renearsal througnout me Cliy, It snoweu --. abid(SJw m' " Ub'? carnations formed her comge. AW held a lea and sale of home 011 the job. If the real thing came, we believe it WOuUUe Ui zre "'tfv Bert O-NeUl was groomsman, leaking Saturday afternoon. -effective OllOUgh to accomplish much in the protection afternnon ShTr After the ceremony a reception, ilrs- Roy Pearson and daugh- and saving of life and property although there are un- wouid be an inquest. WM bId at homr th doubtedly still some matters of oranization to be per- . !J3rtt pecieu. , The enthusiasm which is being shown by a growing t number of citizens in offering their services for this very necessary defence work is to be commended. It is only to be regretted that more local people, who might well do so, are not realizing their duty and accepting some MILLION tirely benevolent activity for by engaging in it a person is ! pZ'tTlJJ? ernd whu ta "w wui'Miig to prutecu nui oruy ixie puuuc at laiye uui ma mmion men curing tne winter in Serrlteurs were the Misses Mar uwii Kin ami properly, in spue ui inai, nuwever, buuie aic - " ctiu rni jorje Kenney, Thekla Fulton. Bl- tens have opened u res'.iturant In Kalum Stn vt orrn urwnrn ana iouhq to off omr red. The Oraiwe Hall was the scene There was blood on one of the oi a "ktrt ttaa dance Friday broken windows. itie burglar left through the baek door Ladies' bolted. which was found un- Mtt (':.: MlB! Jul.: John Peter J,,!, Afne J Clarice J i THANKs TWAS a PONT A M. Ilern.mi BngUNl li; . powndc "GIANELLE" STY US CREATIONS MY CACXOX & LAniAPKIXI, Snappiest lines, styled by V Show in Vioftfr, browj), Um and 1.1 ... PutH in iruihl kid, KHUnllnu ami , Finost line in iU jiHco field in ( styloi, pHccMl $5.85 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" HI Dm adair n a cere lULAIVIIIIJ h irt Polaroid is not ordinary rolorcil kIsikk, it is Mimcthing entirely new and different in . (lie sunglass field. It will stop nil glare whether on land or sea without strain or injury to the eyes. It also allow normal vision Kco the ciKplay in our window and convince yourself. $2.00 PER PAIR rmes Ltd. ZTJia Pioneer Druggist THE REX ALL STORK PHONES M A" V Onen llallv from X a.m. 1111 10 P m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 n. anil 7 j pjn. ltd rr, -V .. . X. ... OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND . GOOD SERVICE Wft rule Vfttir rnnnrA(lnn n. .Aiin(rv rrnllC Jl gasoline. We are also advised that we shall vol w o( replace tires Xor our trucks. In order to maintain our p prompt service we ask you to place all coa ord . 1 , DAY BEI'OUi; DELIVERY S EXPECTED. M do ' ,. j will enable us to route our deliveries in the roo:t c manner, (hereby conserving both gasoline and t'ff j Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 110 OR 117 ..j