3 1 w PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE FRANK MORGAN' Popular screen and radio ttar Chas. DodimeatI Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry X , Repairing, Hand Knsralnc VISIT OUK IIASHMKNT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Itarxase and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant HiAl FIANX M0I6AH M.C.M. $! TW N tk N I C. N,.l ADMIRE Mi ADAM HAT. selects this jaunty, rakish snap brim for Spring. Its lightweight graceful lines make it a favorite with discerning dressers. ADAM A DATE To Remember Moth ers SUNDAY, MAY 10TH t-l Sold in Prince Rupert Exclusively I5y Rupert Men's & Boys' Store 217 SIXTH ST ' Across From Nclgerson Heal Estate THE STORE FOK DAD AND LAD Day SEND HER A CARD You'll find just the one you are looking for in our Mothers' Day Card rack. BUY . . .. RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . at Your Local Hutchcrs. ; ' NO WASTE HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'lUNCE RUPERT to. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA I 1 Here Dies In Vancouver Wallace C. Orchard, vho (or years was general agent here for the Canadian National Railways, having been superannuated about ten years ago since when he has resided in Vancouver, passed away In Vancouver last Wednesday following a long illness. The funeral took place on-Saturday from the Mount Pleasant Undertaking Co. chapel in Vancouver, cremation following. Mr. Orchard, news of whose passing is being received with re gret by many old friends, is sur- vlved by a son and daughter. Mrs. ! Orchard died a few years ago. The son Is Fred 'Orchard and the daughter, Mrs. Edward Mayon, both of Vancouver. Baseball Scores SATURDAY American League New York 2, Boston 4. Cleveland 5, Chicago 4. St. Louis 2, Detroit 4. Philadelphia 7. Washington 10. National League Chicago 5, Cincinnati 4. Boston 1. New York 5. Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia 1. Pittsburgh - St. Louis postponed. SUNDAY National League Chicago 5. Cincinnati 9. Brooklyn 3-10, Philadelphia 1-2 Pittsburgh 2-4, St. Louis 0-4. Boston 3-8, New York 2-5. American League Philadelphia 6-6, Washington 1- St. Louis 5-5, Detroit 10-7. New York 7, Boston 2. Cleveland 3, Chicago 2. THE DAILY NEWS Wallace Orchard WEDDED AT Dead In South Former Central Agent For C. 1'. It. SEAL COVE! .MUk llcmite Whylc Heroines Hride of Alex Ceary A wedding of outstanding local Interest took place at 8 o'clock Saturday nlhrt summer'" Anglican Church Seal Cove, Rev. Canon W. F. Ruthbrook officiating, whn Miss Berniee Eileen Whyte, eldest daughter of the late Stanley Owen Whyte and Mrs. Whyte of this city, became the bride of Alexander son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Goary of Seal Cove Circle. The bride was charmingly gowned in a flowing style wedding dress of white silk net with veil and orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of sweeheart and talisman, roses. She entered the church upon the arm of Fred Danford by whom she was given In marriage. The bridesmaids were Mona and Alvera Whyte. twin sisters of the bride, both of whom wore mauve silk not and accessories to match with bouquets of yellow roses apd blue iris. The groomsman was Gerhard Sather. Mis May Skinner presided at he organ and played "bridal music. Following the nuptial rites, there vas largely attended reception at he east end hall where the happy xwple received tongratulatjons uid best wishes of many friends. Hie bride cut a handsome wedding ake and there were toast. The videos mother wore a corsage of vhite gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Geary will reside n Prince Rupert, the groom being m employee of the dry dock. Both bride and groom have lived ere almost all their lives and hey are well known and popular. - - -- i I VISITOIC hkri: 'ItlLI-" IIROOKSHANK W R B;iik.ba;ik nw sulfa maium-r t Edwuid Ltpsett Company Linuu-d' armed in Prince Rupert this morning n company business V e here he will visit Lipsett uny retail outlets and renew m acquaintances. A native son, Mr. Brooks-bank Is well-known' in Prince Rupert and ha many old friends here. On leaving Prince Rupert, he will go as far as River's Inlet, calling at canneries. Ocean Palis Pulp plant, etc. Accompanying Mr. Brooksbank Is O. W. (W. Mac-Kemne. British Columbia and Alberta representative for Auto Lite Spark Plugs and Sterling Cables. While here Mr. MacKen-sie will give motion picture demonstrations of these products to the trade. APENNINES IN SKY There's a celestial lunar as well as terresUal mountains, called the Apennines. A- ill ruciiicmu urinV -r , , ...... 111 j v-"Lmio i i i ncLro IVJ WIN IMt WAK j gs3gg&JggggggftigggWggCigBmvgggggggggggggggggs1 I.I BBBBKJTK)rfK7r' vBkaggagI V XM I 111111 I . What Kind of Gun is This? TT'S a spray gun - used to apply paint, vital protection J- for all metal surfaces in today's war equipment. Everything, from steel helmets to mighty ships, must have its painted shield against rust, corrosion and decay. Paint and the painter arc playing an important role in Canada's production of war machines. There must be paint for ships, shells and planes; paint for torpedoes, tanks and transports ... and master workmen to apply them; camouflage paints, signal paints and other known developments of the paint chemist. C-I-L plants at Montreal, Toronto and Kegina arc working unceasingly to prevent any interruption in the flow of protective finishes for the Navy, 'Army, Air Force, while maintaining, so far as is compatible with war needs, the supply of necessary paint products for civilian use. Pa'mti, Ucqutrt and tamhhttart only tome olht many C-l-L produdi of Induttrial Chtmiitry uhhh art aiding Canada' t war tjjtrl. . ui,.. flsfcl. .,-t -Mi- : :t .'I '!Jl,l. Mpc.H M, H't'j "ii j CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED , 1 GAY FILM DUE HERE New York Town," With Fred Mar.Murray, Maiy .Martin And Robert Preston, Due At First of Week New York . fTtownp ;i!t drama of the metftjpdlb. &Vi1bi tFn'(t MacMurray, Mary Martin iuh! Robert Preston. Is die feat- it" picture coming to the screen j. f Urn Capitol Theatre here next M.i.duy and Tuesday The ilfe of iu-ul everyday New Yorken - :i t 'he penthouse Is de- Mi Murray plays the part of a Mctcwdlk photographer. Mary Mar sidewalk photographer. Mary Muriin Is a small town girl, broke una inmates, wwm rica romantically rescues from starvation and loneliness. The run starts when Fred, convinced that his interest in Mary is governed purely by brotherly Instincts, paves the way for a romance between her and Robert . Preston, wealthy young bachelor. How he finally contrives to break up the romance and win the girl for himself brings about an hilarious climax which straightens everything out. Lynn Overman, Aklm Tamimff. Eric Wore. Cecil Kellsway and Fussy Knight complete the all star cast Sparkling dialogue and an entirely different story re said to make "New York Town" a highly entertaining Item of film Rebekah Dance ! Much Enjoyed Splendid Affair On Friday Night Drew Out Good-Slird Crowd Attractive Scene Centennial Rebekah Lodge iu ; : la very successful dance on Filt:a I night. The hall was prettily decor a ted for St George's Day with .Hag and bunttog. Balloons sua-Ipcnded from the ceiling In large : bundles farther enhanced the at-I IracUveneu of the scene. Tasty I refreshments were served at mid night and dancing kept up In full .swing until 2 am. Those responsible for the sue- I cess of Ute affair were Mrs. Frank Morrison. Mrs D. V Sml'li. Mrs Norman Moorehouse. Mn Lewis Hllder and Mrs Alex Ilarbc NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3 ZAittxLi. pnor. "A Home Away From Home Kates 75c up 50 Ttooms Hot & Cold Waier Prince Itupcrt, HC, Phone 211 P.O. tint 1W 1 lU mo ill at... aet M I0t9 vt . . U.ml KIM TAM IROFF OVERMAN ERIC BLORE 0 at 1 40. 3 4 i:xii!, i-ti itii. sni nr in "III s l.f . t m; H M.I. tu . 'artMin l (s. Cornlnr IVrdnrda? C; Jackie Co "GLAMOR r.OV t'omlnj Tliut X : Sit Hrllaln' (.reatr t rL1 "inn i.k aii.il Willi Leslie lieu J Itsjmond Mi laurenrr Ott :r IIK-Ilisr Wanted -Raw Furs ,ii It KIT s rAiu Kciircscntinjf HUDSON'S HAY (X)MI'ANV Ship to J. F. Olt.MIIKI.M. Cow Hay. Prime Ituprrt It.t NmneMSj When You Want s Reliable. Comfortable, lprndble TAXI Service PHONE Z-llour sSfrvkc at KrjcuUr lUt" Special Price rM' la Di ics' mid (.i:nts NfnY SIMtlNH CLOTHINfi ?27..r0 and up. B, LAMB, Tailor I'lw..,- iiib te- nat Third Ave. W . 111.1, c, i . Saturday and Monday Special Sale ALL-WOOL POINT , BLANKETS 4-Polnt all wool DlankcU, lalgc 72x1)0. (J0 9 Of) Weight 12 lbs. Sale Price, pair flliCfVV Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Dally News. MS