rnAT? CiV PROGRESS dti ii 1 nnin.ii i ri. i 'i ininfinnnn n AlTlDEilV Ur V I JIVIIVIh Kl h HEARS ABLE SUMMATION OF 1941 DEVELOPMENTS A IlSmu,. ". - industries and Activities He: Jote of Warninir receiving assistance at the it time are largely in the a total of $347,848, compared b tfie 1940 figure oi $62,494. i a t ttr. -11 National Defense, transport noteworthy that 'about '$1G0,- of permits were Issued to prl- t rnnrnrn a nn iniiivn iuia Business Improved porl set a new record high at n mn i ..,141. 005 1 fl 1940 Wholesale and retafc k nP1-'. tn trip rii.v irireiv uciic- i k n g transactions. jCoastil good volume through the. year. wane me aeceiuiiii cciu . i Ann Ih ... n il . t i .... r e t a ..t.uil.l.AJ U Vxn ttn - is misleading. It does not ... J C M J were of necessity considered t.ii. 1 U i... 4ha mn. -ukers. It is estimated ihat ponulation of our city at the . .. . i nrrf From) the beginning of the year dry dock committee of tne ,i r r i r u utitk i ii in 1. 1 n u vv nno nunArt rtrv nrwir nun siuu ... x XI A' . . 1 1 extent, not primarily with a W lAi Uv'ilClll'tlliK Hit -vJ , a view to contributing our .... , . r an b ii e grave v-uicitvuujf 11 UV LI If ISI' I 11 111 N Ul bUlUIUktV tered by the Empire from ve- Ul HiC 0J1 111(9 iliVUlliVi it the government was about to . . i m h rrr 1.... a i 1 1 r.m i li iii: la i j l iu.uww kv If I- .4 v i ci mn rr vonrpiii i . i i 1 1 1 f i ul r i it nP hv lot To a nn TP I fM ram L(J n i ijom oam nrtr nir i in. c Rupert participate In the u. in m i nnT rmni. nn liih.l imujii n Uq Untl- VtorA was rr- lved with satisfaction. Shipyard Plays Tart onipDuuaing has become urii- and It Is gratifying to feel that local shipyard Is playing Its t. There has b'een criticlsni red from time to time of me- tlcism has been fair, some un work turned out In this yard The year 1941 was one vAoCOnomic progress j iuii-c iiuj,v, .u viic icjv vj, "inner Frpsiripnt V t. McAfee to the Prince Rltj iW lVpr nf nf f'nm rv. Inct nirrhr " I hie nol!r.fn . r .www ---) -ni.MVkUt III I II III I 'JU lAUmi i trtcciVilo hv tnvoo tVi!Mo r11 . . 1 1 1 I wfc-ut ikii vciiniiiiir iimna nr .1 i. 1 J" I -k ' ... O f-."""J rum n" - - " !" JtciuuniLiiin fiT True ttrno a strategic aeiense point nas , jii . 1 Is of as hitrh con .. n, nnhllr monies nn dp'pn ! " wiuiua. ra, u, ---"-" - - ..xhe UJL' " t 1 r - 'uU productive power, the lo- .1 1 1 L . 1 . ) shipounaing industry nas now payroll approximating $160,000 oniruy The insaiiaDie demands war have rrteant a stepping up, intensification of effort, in our : InrillCtHpC .ilia; 1 Bui t feel that It Is my duty to 1 iuin -1 "Thp ritv's financial nositionha nnt!rPah1v HiiHnar 1Q41 levy reached an almost un- $18,000, Incurrrd as a loan for j c 1 i-i i.M. 111 i run iii i lv i $16,597.60. In 1941 this cost tA All CT I nV.A..U I)LR"U IAJ JIU.Oll.VI. U11U lb BllUUld taken Into account that an in- II 1 - f r..i:.,A city for some years has suffered from a housing shortage and it was recognized that, unless step j were taken to alleviate this condition, no industrial expansion couia take place. In an attempt to remedy this situation, appeal was made to the government and I Wartime Housing Ltd. Following lour statement of position, Mr. . . . Parmenter. nfflrlnl nf tVi. hm,cin. r thai there is no guarantee oi ,71 .wu.s rmanency in any of theB: is to I u lLa'K11' a contract It our duty give some w icu timing uic summer lor inj construction of a commissary, two staff houses and 151 Individual dwellings. This construction is well under way but considerably behind schedule. "Somg criticism of the building program has been heard but it must be remembered that It is first .and foremost a part of the permanent improvement has been secured and at no tlmje should private rentals be adversely affected. "Many other matters received the attention of the chamber during the year, and I shall touch on some of these briefly. "Appointment of a responsible sanitary inspector was urged on the city with a view to bringing about a much-needed improvement in sanitary conditions. An appointment has been made and it is hoped that, In due course, a full-time public health unit will be established here In the Interests" of health In Northern Bilt-ish Columbia. Traf lie Conditions "The city was asked to Improve street and traffic conditions. Suggestions were made that brush be cut down; that street signs be installed; that more itop signs be put In place; that there be stricter enforcement of traffic bylaws, and that the police force be augmented. Following a conference with the Attorney-General and the Commissioner of Police, It was agreed to add to the force and to send Inspector Hood to Prince Rupert for the purpose of carrying out a survey of traffic conditions. The survey was duly completed and forms the basis of changes to be effected by means of a new bylaw now under consideration by the city. "Through the year attention has been given to the desirability of improving road conditions between the city and. Seal Cove, with particular regard to Sixth Avenue East. So far no decision has been reached. The matter Is In the hands of a special committee. "A resolution was forwarded to Ottawa recommending the sale of the Post Office site on terms satisfactory to the city. "It was drawn to the attention of the Chamber that there was an increase In rowdlness and dis order on the streets at night and instances of wilful damage to private property were cited. A committee was appointed to bring the matter to the attention of various authorities with a view to "A request from the Museum Board for support In their application for new quarters was "In view of the greatly In creased sale of tax reverted lots, the city was asked to establish a reasonable policy covering such sales. "Postal authorities were requested to Improve the wicket facilities at the Post Office In order to relieve the congestion at certain hours brought about by the increase In population. Fisheries Problems "A committee was appointed to discuss with representatives of the fishing industry problems relating to the fisheries. Full data Is now being gathered and a report will be forthcoming at an early date. "Vigorous efforts were made to secure the appointment of a permanent radio Inspector for the Continued on PAGE FOUR We i - VOL. XXXI, No. 10. WINNING!: ."More Thousands of Japanese Casualties as Battle of Chung-sha Ends. CHUNGKING, Jan. 13: The Chinese are scoring further victories over the Japanese invaders of South China. Eight thousand more of the enemy have been slain or wounded and one thousand taken prisoners eight miles north of Chungsha. In Hunan Province the Japanese have lost another two thousand men. Chinese puppet troops are deserting from the Japanese forces, going over with their arms to the Chinese. It was announced today that the Chinese had launched an offensive against four more 1m- "r "IUIL 15 r" Z iporUnt South China cities. owmc revcuues mcn it migiit uui baWie there no want wa ssaved. The fife was not caus risrfpaeker" Skedans, three" sur1 ed by "eTiemy action; If lS'declaredT vivors of which were landed here ' Sunday morning by the steamer Princess Nor ah which rescued them from a rocky islet in Christie Pass, Just south of Queen Charlotte Sound, had been found dead on the beach of Balaclava Island. A Canadian Press dispatch received by The Daily News today from Alert Bay said that provincial police last night had recovered the body of Captain Graham, which has been taken to Alert Bay. He had been drowned, the dispatch said, while attempting to swim to nearby Scarlet Point lighthouse from the rocky pinnacle In Queen Charlotte Strait to which he and the three survivors of the crew clung after the craft foundered. The survivors Marcean Danser-eau, Charles Soinl and Arvid Makl are doing well at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. RULE OUT JAPANESE Will Not Re Allowed to Fish in Canadian Waters or. Serve on Canadian Fish Boats. OTTAWA, Jan. 13: 0, Persons of Japanese origin are prohibited from fishing in Canadian waters or serving on Canadian fishing boats under an order-in-council made public today by Hon. J. E. Michaud, minister of fisheries. The order also forbids the issuance of fishing licences to persons of Japanese origin. Fin-ther details of the government's policy for dealing with the Japanese are expected shortly. Twenty-three of Oslo's 31 schools are still being occupied as barracks by the Germans. As late as October last only four schools were available for educational purposes. WAR NEWS TYPHUS SERIOUS STOCKHOLM Typhus, spread by lice because the Germans have been unable to wash the heavy clothing they have been wearing in the hasty retreat in Russia, is said to be ravaging the Reich troops in eastern Poland, the Baltic States and occupied Russia. An army of doctors and nurses is being dispatched fitom Germany to fight the disease. INVASION BY BRITISH STOCKHOLM German troop movements towards western Europe and Norway in particular are regarded as significant. It is believed the Reich anticipates an invasion attempt on the continent by the British. If such an invasion should occur, there is no doubt the Norwegians would rise with all power possible to assist the British. AXIS SHIPPING HIT LONDON The Admiralty announced today that a 5,222-ton Italian supply ship had been torpedoed, another Axis supply ship of medium size set afire by gunfire and an Italian minesweeper sunk by British submarines in the Meriteri-anean. ATTACK ON MALTA LONDON Concentrations of German forces in southern Italy indicate to British military observers that an air-borne invasion of Malta may be planned. It may come within ten days or three weeks. There is an increase in the number of air raids on Malta. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAYrJANUAKY lnrlplT The situation of Borneo and Celebes Islands of the Netherlands East Indies, where the Japanese have made four invasion landings, is obscure although the Dutch de-fendes are reported to be offering- stubborn' resistance; Thcijil Island of Tarakan has been completely over-run by an overwhelming force of 20,000 Japanese, It being doubtful if even remnants of the defence garrison escaped. On the Philippines, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forces on Bantan Peninsula and in Corregidor fortress are still taking heavy SALUM IS CAPTURED Axis Forces Being Cleared Out of That Area 8,000 Enemy Isolated. CAIRO, Jan. 13: tf) Capture of Salunt, thus tightening Britain's encirclement of . hold - out Axis troops in the Halfaya sector, was announced today as Imperial vanguards, more than three hundred miles to the west, pressed upon the retreating enemy's heels. Between seven and eight thousand Axis troops were believed isolated in the area near the Egyptian-Libyan frontier. With the holdout Axis garrison at Salum now disposed of, the British can concentrate on Halfaya Pass. A sandstorm is still delaying British operations against the enemy between Agedabia and El Aghella but the Royal Air Force Is pounding away between the Gulf of Cirte and Tripoli as well as on the outDosts near the Egyptian fron tier. Is Opposed to Daylight Saving The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its meeting last night, refused to endorse a prq-posal coming from the Vancouver Board of Trade that, In view of the possibility of blackouts, it would- be advisable to adopt daylight saving. . : One of the city merchants pointed out that daylight saving would be a distinct advantage in case blackouts were ordered for five o'clock. Other members of the Chamber did not think that advantages were commensurate with the dis TO FLOAT ! NEW LOAN Vancouver Men Arrive Here to Make Arrangements for Conducting of Campaign. TO RAISE $600,000,000 OTTAWA, Jan. 13: The amount of Canada's second Victory Loan, to be placed before the Canadian public next month, will be $600,000,000, it is announced today by Hon. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance. Organization of Northern British Columbia for the Second Victory Loan campaign is being comi-menced by Geoffrey Wootten, divisional organizer; Lome Aggett, unit organizer, and C. R. Bowen, assistant unit organizer, who have arrived in Prince Rupert from Vancouver, to take up their headquarters for the next couple of months. Prince Rupert division will be divided Into three units one with headquarters at Prince Rupert, one at Prince George and the thtrd in the Cariboo. The division extends from Prince Rupert on the west to the Alberta border and as far north as the Yukon border. Queen Charlotte Islands and Ocean Falls, will be taken care of by a mobile marine division on this occasion. WAR RISK INSURANCE Chamber of Commerce to Ask Ot tawa What fs Being Done in Case of War Losses. The question of war risk Insur ance was discussed by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at its annual meeting last night and it was deiided to write to Ottawa asking If anything had been done to provide for suitable coverage. The matter was introduced by Theo Collart who suggested that most of the insurance companies had refused war risks. T. W, Brown thought it very important that something should be done at once. Alfred Rlvett thought the matter was in hand and that steps were being taken by the government in collaboration with the Insurance companies. S. E. Parker said that for ma- advantages and the proposal was rlne Insurance a rate voted down. . hundred had been set, Tomorrow sT ides High ..- 11:05 ajn. 22.1 ft. Low 4:51 a.m. 7.9 ft. 17:51 pjn. 2.6 ft of $1 per PRICE: FIVE CENTS Enemy Close To Canada CHINESE the over, the Chinese declare, with utter smashing of an army of 100,000 Japanese. HIS BODY IS FOUND Remains of Captain of Sunken Fish Packer Recovered From Shore of Balacjava Island James L. Lee, manager of the Atlin Fisheries here, received a wire last night advising him that Hector Graham, captain of the sunken Canadian Fishing Co.'s Along the coast of Norway there Is very little enthusiasm for carrying on with fishing because the fishermen know the Germans will take the most of the fish, If not all. ;;V:!FAREAST new ineaire Project Here 1 4- According to current re- ports, definite confiimation of which may be expected soon, a new theatre is to be . erected in Prince Rupert on the northeast corner of Sec- ond Avenue and Fifth Street . next to the old Prince Rupert ; Club building now used as an officers mess. The new house 1 will have a capacity of 450 or 500 persons. Allan Carolan, j Stewart theatre man, will build and operate he house. BULLETINS DIED HERE TODAY W. C. B. Wood, a native of Scotland, who had been employed at the dry dock forthe' past year and a half, died at the Prince Rupert General Hospital thls morning. He was unmarried and is leported to have been a brother of the city engineer of Calgary. ALASKA SHIP WASHINGTON BURNS SITUATION Further Ground Lost in Malay-Singapore Heavily Bombed East Indies Invasion. WASHINGTON HOPEFUL W A S II I N G T O N, Jan. 13: Washington is still hopeful that the enemy will be successfully held by the Allied forces in the southern Paciiic before a withdrawal to Austialia would be necessary which would be the case in the event of Singapore and the Philippines bein; lost. SINGAPORE, Jan. 13: It was officially announced by British Far East headquarters here last night that Kuaia Lumpur, important rubber centre, capital of the teaerated Malay States and second largest city of Malay, had been given up after everything of use to the enemy had been destroyed. There was an orderly withdrawal over the main road. Japanese bomber formations, lathing ahead of enemy troops about 150 miles to the north, literally shook Singapore again today with bursting borrJbs, but preliminary surveys showed little damage done. Bomb explosions and intense anti-aircraft barrage shook buildings in several parts of The United ! the city rattled windows, States government announces the loss by fire in Alaskan waters of the transport vessel Cleveden, a V,000-ton ship. The vessel and cargo are a total loss but the crew Large Steamship Is Torpedoed 150 Miles East of Nova Scotia Ninety Persons Believed to Have Perished and Some Eighty Rescued After Harrowing Experience in Lifeboats. AT AN EAST COAST CANADIAN PORT, Jan. 13: (CP) An undetermined number of persons, estimated at about ninety, lost their lives when an enemy submarine torpedoed a large steamship without warning 160 miles off the Nova Scotia coast. More than eighty sur vivors, wno enaurea a twenty-nour spell in lifeboats in near zero temperature oeiore De- ing picked up, were brought Here by another vessel. The doctor attending the ship's captain said that 181 crew members and passengers wre aboard the vessel but the exact number of rescued Is unknown. An actual check of the casualty list is difficult because many of the survivors were Chinese and unable to speak English. This torpedoing is the closest approach to the shores of Canada since the war began. OFFENSIVE EXTENDING IN RUSSIA Russians Commence Drive Against Enemy in Far North Nazi Position Serious in Centre. LONDON, Jan. 13: 0 Waves of crack Russian troops, paced bv tanks and motorized infantry vanguards, were reported storming Orel today as the Red Army press- led against sagging, Jazi Jlnes-on three main Soviet fronts. Russian sources said that the important city of Orel, 200 miles southwest of Moscow and one of the key outposts of .the capital's defences, was already by -passed and flanked while the British Broadcasting Corporation said it understood officially that Orel had already been taken. An Exchange Telegraph Agency dispatch carried a declaration from Switzerland that Chancellor Adolf Hitler had moved his field headquarters from Smolensk to an unidentified city in South Russia. I Having smashed their way through the intended winter line of the Nazis between Vyasma and Bryansk, 130 miles west of Mos cow, the Russians are now driving with accelerated pace towards Smolensk on the central front. Smolensk is some 200 miles west of Moscow. The entire German position west of Moscow Is now seriously threatened. The British Broadcasting Corporation reported today that the important city of Orel, 200 miles southwest of Moscow, had been recaptured. Meanwhile the great Russian counter-offensive may now be truly said to extend from one end of the great Russo-German front to the other from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea. The Soviet forces are now driylng in the far north, 250 miles above the Arctic Circle, towards the Finnish port of Petsamo which has been used as an entry for supplies by the Germans. There Is heavy fighting In the Crimea where the Reds are also pushing the Nazis back. Chain Letter Is Protesting VICTORIA, January 13: A chain letter of protest against the continued freedom of Japanese in British Columbia is being circulated throughout the province. The petition Is directed to Ottawa, and asks the Internment of all Japanese for the duration, and their deportation to Japan after the war. Butter rations in Itorway have been reduced to 30 grams per person per day, t