PLIO-PEDIC AND jclia arthur DAILY EDITION i3 Hartt Sfioes for Men Jack and Jill Shoes for Children T Family shoe store ltD. ! "The Home of Good Shoes" EDITORIAL Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations To Fall or Not to Fall . . . MRS. FREW 'IS REGENT The annual meeting of the Hill 68 Chapter. Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, was held Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. R, S. Grieg, McBride Street The leporU read by the secretary and the treasurer showed a very successful year's work. In response to an appeal to bay or bend warm clothing for destitute Polish people in Rossta., the chapter donated the sum of $25. During the year 105 garments l Get Into I V the I V Fight! I II BUY I VICTORY 1 1 BONDS 1 iMacey. ' l were knitted for the forces. Also twenty articles of dresses and un- r derdothing were made daring the last month for civilians in bombed out areas in B rite in. Officers elected for the coming year are a follows: Honorary Resent Mrs. O. E. Moore. Regent Mrs. J. A. Frew. .First Vice-Regent Mrs. R. J. Karen. Second Vice-Regent Mrs. J. II. 1 THURSDAY FEB. 12. 1942 Possibly by the time this is in type Singapore will be taken and possibly again it will still be holding out. If there is anything to be gained by holding out we can depend upon it the British forces will not let 0. In any event we lose the huge dry dock which was destroyed yesterday so there might be no chance of the Japs getting it. This dock was towed to Singapore all the way from England. The lesson of Singapore to Prince Rupert is that we must be prepared and, to be prepared, we must have money. Every Victory Bond purchased helps to provide another plane. Many people here have money King idle which could be working for the air force providing fighting material This is a good opportunity to put it to work. basketball Played SHOES FOR WOMEN j LOCALS WIN THREE GOOD ! HOOP GAMES I MetlakatU 57 to 35. Bo-Me-H: t 1 won oetr KinroHth latennediates ! j2 to 2 I The opettinr intermediate Sons between the nf Vinmlllh i ! and the Bo-Me-ffl ended in favor . I jof the-local lads by to . The , jbalL Their technique looked so j smooth that it sttustd to be ef-i forties. Toe referee was Sonny SUles. IndtrMual scoring was: ! Bo-Me-Hl Macdenald, 15; Gar- vieh. 9: Alexander. 2: Pustuk. 10; Lee. 7: Sant urbane. 2: Lon?. 6: Amey. 14. Total. 9L 3; Fitch. 14: Pavlikis: Simnndsen. , tedfc After Gats two gam to Toe lsmiWJ1 toitows: PushWers B. V. G. DeMng DeMnf Maan McCaffety WratMlt Wbodan Handicap Totals KineoUtb W. Lineoba. 1: H. A. R. Anderson Gurney. 2; Stevens. 2; Clayton. I H. Woodtide 2. H. Dooian. 8: D. Venn, : S. S. Davie Doolan: C. Lincoln. 8; L. Swart Total, 29. jKannlcap TOWS During the first half of second game between the Dry Dock and I Toilers the MeUakatla Panthers, both II. Croxford teams played a close same. Half- t. Fraaer -time score was 2C to 21 for the a. KeBett local lads. Alter the intermission I t. Hall the shipbuilders forged ahead to c. Fraaer .- come oat TictorVoms by a score of Cy Kefleit ... 57 to 35. This game was refereed Handicap by Art Murray. Totals The line-ups were as foOowst j Kinky Dink Dry Dock Baker; Holkeatad. 21; wkk Davis. 14; Scherk. 3; Vuckoritch. : IN LEAD Deadlock for First PUce in Misrd! Bawlln; Lraur Is Broken. j ftt m 94 154 19S 221 177 146 11 182 at 80 IT. 4 1175 1074 ID Woanjas ri Prtertetf 147 201 . WoodsMe 1 1441 213 IL Anderson 1 1 i'1 Sm 202 205 192 ISO 143 i maio oruogni iirsi mooa w aap- iouowea uy six aiviacu ucitxu Secretary Mrs. E. Tteimermefe- , ietT shot followed bv.Dominato. MacPhee and Holke- ter. Assistant Secretary- Breen. -Mrs. H. A. Treaaarer Mr. C. A. Brtnd. 1 Ecboe S"T - Mrs. Roy Annual .Meeting of Queen Mary Hardman. rrt,,-.r r,.,i. ,.i r i Educational Secretary Mrs Standard Bearer Mrs. Kidd. All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., I'nit No. 1 MEET f N G S Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each Month. METROPOLE HALL Phone Red 4C9 P.O. Box 377 SirmmjJmmmmmmm mWmWmWmWmWmriyXSf 45-DAY LIMIT FEB. 21 TO MAR. 7 From Prince Kupert and Return To Coach 'Tourist 'Standard Toronto $63.50 Ottawa 63.50 Montreal 6430 -.Quebec 67.95 TlaHfax 81.40 CO BY TRAIN for safety, speed, comfort, conditioned coaches on principal R. 1 Daring the evening Mrs. Brock ileaby presented the retiring re gent, Mrs. G. E. Moore, with a gift from the members in appreciation of her work in the chapter. Mrs. Moore suitably replied, thanking the members in return. Six new members were received during the past year. Advertise in The Dairy News. Phone 98 $77.50 $ 91.45 77.50 91.45 78.45 92.60 83.00 97.55 99.40 117.25 (Government Tax Extra ) "Good In slecpng cats on payment of regular berth fare. Slopoven ellowed. Children, 5 veers and under 1 2, Keif fare, Cortespondinqly low (ares from ell Western stations to point! In Eastern Canada (Port Arthur, , Armstrong and East). SIMILAR LOW FARES FROM EAST TO WEST Dinintf car meals t moderate cost.. Also tray lunches seryett In Day Coaches and Tourist Sleeping car. main Una trains. Full information from any A6ent W2-42F a field goal and two penalty shots ; stad. To make the final s:ore 44 by Gurney of the visitors. Taylor to 40, Lincoln and H. Haldane of chalked up two and Stiles came the visHors made one shot each, through with five followed by two Sons of KineoUth P. Stewart; from Beynon. After the quarter D. Venn; K. Venn; I. Angus: M. H. Haldane made a nice shot but Haldane, 5; A, Gurney, 18; H. Hal- Horkestad outdid that with two. .dane, 12; Lincoln, 2; J. Stewart. 3. Gurney made a penalty and the : Total. 40. Haldane brothers came through ; . Savoy Stiles, 9: Houston. 2: with two points apiece for the ; Dominate, 4; Taylor, 4; Holke- Soru of KineoUth. Holkeatad made stad, 15; MacPhee, 6; Beynon. 4. another and Gurney did likewise. Total, 44. Beynon, for the homp town, and Dom Montesano refereed the last Gurney. for the visitors, both game. Pavlikis was timekeeper and chalked up ano'her tw Hrdke- Santurbane scorekeeper G Tnrftob D. Weach N Kinalor Totals After Cats iJ Dickens Toilers, by vuuun? a two grn p ' Cin. to one vietorv over Riaky Dinks, ' last night, went into lffrrthlp of t Savoys Wn Orer KlneoBtb Dry jjjp Mixel Bowling EeMtle. Po-i;Y ! i Dock And Ba-Me-Hl Also V if tors ..w -niw. . M- 1 been tied lor fir pliee. tet to! A: the Exrub:uon Hal last night woonjax two games to one. Sav- three local baske.baii teams woe -am! rlnn sweeo three Brenner Totals Peoples Store v " o gaaMS U nil Teciory ora okkki nnnai ? ; Seniors defeated KtncoHth 44 w ciathieTS while, in the fourth fit- o. DoatfMt i ;40. Dry Ax Ioterwdlates beat u-. Fmrfa Sre a. Jon ne. i, Robcnaon . as , b. Stow iL. Btr i Handicap - I'M, Totals .... 170 j 75 j Sav-.Mor MS R. Labe IN C. DikkJ -lt E. SKfOfl P. Stesjavtg T. . B. RCMf ' Jl ..11 H. DUekOkl WMZ. HSU 1912 1M 176 181 245 134 47 183 138 232 2 120 184 219 154 JSC 131 N. Sfooe B. Stone i Handicap ! ToUls 2. Total. 57. stad, Stile, and H. Haklane all Woanjas Metlakatia Auckland, 12; B. 'came through with a basket. To Kelson, 1; Prevost. 17; H. Leigh- end the first half by a score oT ton, 4; C. Kelson: E. Leighton, 1; 25 to 18 for the Savoys Holkestad Haldane. Total. 35. j Houston "and Stewart made a free .Main Attraction : throw each. In the main attraction of the ' In the third quarter both teams evening the Savoys defeated the broke even with the score sul! Kinconth senior team by 44 to 40. seven paints in the SaVoy's favor It was a very close game. Rupert at 38 to 31. In the last stanza of got the tip-off but lost the ball, the battle Bumey of the visitors The visitors failed and then Dom- ' chalked up five points and was j 246 W 14 I ym nz i: sin m la 1M 302 IS S3S 196 136 IMS 1173 1W2 24S 25 17C 227 170 .2 18T 12 1S2 195 142- 207 1 145 13 1245 2451 1ST It U 1. lias n m: 281 m 209 . ru rk las . 1M 171 151 ... 114 140 242 .... SOS 151 1S9 182 1S8 12 . 104 104 104 1175 1118 1195 155 144) 141 2M 12 111 m ,173 192 123 154 51 17 126 148 194 IA. Alsr 1 2 213 17? 159 225 230 204 mo Handicas 56 5 55 Totals Stone's Bad Foster . 178 1197 1223j 1M 72 254J 212, 228 77 158 120 51 . M8 1059 217 121 130 14S 51 P58 The kagae standing to date: Won Lost Pk 298 Tellers - 47 I Pushovers . 1126 1320 1183 Str-Mor 12 12 167 155 Rtecy Dtaka . 185 Peopiea S4re . ; Stone' ! Alley Cats 13 5 13 12 6 12 6 12! 9 9 9 8 19 8' 7 11 71 6 12 6 5 13 5 GET BETTER FASTER FROM HEADACHES, HEAD COLDS f ratal wmwvt dtlmr ''' r. takt IvckUy't CiMiMtJ C0tvWi, NOT ONE BUT COLD-Dispelling PAIN-Relieving I INGREDIENTS PLUS Oil ol Gnnomon LUGipGER KEEP A SUPPLY OF THIS DELICIOUS REFRESHMENT ON HAND FOR STAY-AT-HOME EVENINGS This advertisement is not Dublished ordisnlaved or by the Government of British 1 T igs- JttS for free Rome 654 delivery. w W coait BstrwrniESLTO. iSSSSSSstH Mauv'k ' lc vlT,ll,,1T1"CTOatl ? 42- by the Liquor Control Board Columbia 3 to effective for heod colds, grippe, etc. 1. The flrtt Ingredient relieves poln fait. 2. The second stimulates end refreshes. 3. The third" relaxei the nerves. Combined they give the relief you wont-when yo wont it ore easier swallowed dissolve quicker oct foster. 15 doses for only 35 cents. MADE IY THE MAKERS OF BUCtClFTS MIXTURE; It I AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! Now, 31ore Than Ever Before. You Should Save! Lubrication To Stop Wear Our new High Pressure ALEMITE Lubrication Equipment really drives grease into those stubborn fittings and hard-to-get-at places where the old style equipment utterly fails. While your car is up on the hoist our experienced' mechanics will check your running gear and undercarriage and advise you of anything that might require special attention. Such service may save you serious accidents and that is our desire. Rupert Motors iki w n r rnone mm Distributors of Chrysler Products gjC ( FOR' EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PHONE RED' 811' If shaving has you down; my man, Use Blue Gillettes look spick-and-sp! They whisk througli stufible dean and fat -Give easy shaver thoiv really last! dorMtl f Sl Gillrlf FOR SALE Flawless" seel: tempered to glercs'-cutiing; hardness makes' BlUe Gillette Blades longer-lasting, easier-shaving. EASIEST SHAVES YOU EVE HAD . . OR YOUt MONEY BAOC . I A t nr Divr inr iuiiovmr nirm h mini ka k rA A L.a. 3-piece Chesterfield Suite. 2 Oil Burners. Kit ":;c V. Wood and Coal Burning Range. 3 Heaters 6 T. 3 Buf fete 2 Electric Stoves. One 'Bookcase. 2 Livi: R 2 Kitchen Tables. Library Table, Player PUT; Tt C nnones anri Rfrorrtx Tun Rwinc MirhinM Tim Ur ' " lish Prams. Three Vacuum Cleaners. Two Co.-v C BCY AND SAVE AT Elio's Furniture Store TiuKD a Venue rv - T XT i i r ! . v -m m m m m m -m mm mm mm m m m. mrm, m m uu w Steamers Leave Prince ltupert Wednesdays at 3:04 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart inursaays ai 11:15 p.m. lor Orran rails. I'oweii mm Vancouter. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Rctun QOd A A Ticketa on sale Nov. 15th, 1941 c Fell I'Iui Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cirs For full Information, reservations, etc ca!) cr r'i It. S. GKEIO. CITY PASSENGER AGENT mm Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Canadian Pacific Transcontinental ''one'. tlntif ia I Tinl aiu To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Per Sfi "PRINCESS ADELAIDE." every Fridav o r ' To Vancouver Direct i SS "PRINCESS NORAII" Feb. 12th, 23rd, March To Ketchikan, Wrahgell, Juneau and Sk.-"" Feb. 8th, 19th, March 1st. 12th, 22:.;: Tfc n. n.A ...... . nftf T)At.IIGI ........ ... r.h 11 If 1'lus Tax Final Return Limit March 15. Connect inns at Vancouver with Canadian Paca'!? n W. L. nil Information. Tickets and Reservation If"1" -f COATLS, GENERAL AGENT, PRIN'CE BCPEBf. Wanted - Raw Furs , IllCHESt KlCI'S r" liL-iirrvsi'niinp' n i i ini lrw icvy i.iiAU ' r -wMvA!fcj J. W. Rogerson Wishes to' Announce That uu Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner of Sixlli Ave. and is Now CcnnlKt'oH nnrl Cinon for Business. ()nr tiritfi am t-ll . OUT seine your Grocery problem. PHONE BLUE 285. r.