BITTRSDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1942 I Glassware Specials re Our Windows go to the , V 4RIETY STORE X ....t'!-,:"K"-,,vv'" IJ. H. BULGER I Optometrist lorrosiTE post office) J ANLEYW.COLTON n.c, rh.c. hiropractor; Hare Olock Pbone 610. SPECIALS' IN HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Camp Cols sizes 2-6, Mattresses, from . $12 and up Reconditioned Kit- Ichcn Ranges. IRcniincton Typewrit ers. iLarffc Mirrors, ! Chesterfield' Beds in the latest styles and patterns. C. Furniture Go. IMIONE BLACK 324 TWO COTTAGES FOIt SALE. Larjre Public Hall For Kent. 1CENTRAL HOTEL fcial Offer in . . . MEN'S SUITS p Extra, Fair of I'anlsr, Free friMiilnucs until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor D. Nox 075 Phone Gr. AGO ANNOUNCEMENT are glad to announce t we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT . our shop, with' Mr. Charlie Vatt in full charge. As prlie has many years' ex- nence ln the trade he f"ws how to rebuild your le right. Let him do it for n. ?E ALSO CARRY DRESS HOES AND WORKING HOOTS. h Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam Wliile You Walt. DRESSMAKER Mrs. Kakatnnl Ladles' and: Children's Alterations ne uik. 52!)( 522 Fuiton St. oawsiaction Guaranteed Cleaning and' Pressing in cold, chilly, I changeable weather: BOVRIL drink hot it "touches the spot" Herbert J Whlffln. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Whllfln of Taylor Street, arrived home by the Prince Rupert yesierday from the south after an absence of four years. His health Is much improved. 14. tfhHcuhcetnehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Dance. Seal Cove Hall, Feb. 13. St. Peter's Evening Branch Handkerchief Tea, Parish Hall. Feb. 12. United Church Valentine Tea. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's, Feb. 12. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. Dance. Seal Cove Hall, Feb. 12. Lutheran Valentine Tea. Feb. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. Zarelll, Feb. 17. Moose Ladies' Dange, Feb. Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell. Feb. Iff.' 18, Mrs. George Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance, Feb. 21. Admission 50c. S.O.N. Masquerade,. February 20. Vardens' Play, Feb. 27. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Feb. 27. Welsh Tea, Mrs. Armstrong 5th East. Feb. 28. Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12. L.O.B.A. Spring Sale, April 8. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. St. Peter's Spring Sale. April 23. is Tin: siti:i:mi: coikt or iiuitisii roi.t miiia iv I'lcomn: In t Ik- Mailer of I he " AclinlnMriitlmi Art" and In the .Matter o( the I'.stale nf Jiilni lliivlif I rilMT liei'ttioeil TAKE NOTICE that toy Order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made t;n the 28th tiny of Jonumy, A. D. 1942, I was ftp-I 1omted Executor or me estate oi jotin Duvld Pra-or. deceased, and all parties having elalms against the said Estaw are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me oil or ibejore the recond day ot Mrah. AX). 1942, and all parties IndoUted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted ne to nie lortnwitn. DATED at Prince Kupcrt. u.C uita 30Ui day of January. A.D. 1942. t. MELVIN mckay aim una Prince Rupert. B.C Executor, Burnaby Rosery Company ICK. No. 2, New Westminster Offer for Sale Through Their Agent, MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP IJrooksbank Hlk., Third Ave. Rose Bushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs. Smith has prices and samples. All orders Individually mossed and tagged. ORDER NOW! AJust arrived, another shipment of Boiling Fowl. Average 4 lbs. Special K7f. Linzey and Ingram. Special Meeting members of the Carpenters Union, Fraser St., 8 p.m. Friday. Report on new wage agreement. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hllder re turned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hllder re turned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. RELIEVE YOUR ASPIRIN. ..!ii!nt now use it i WARNING! Every Aspirin tablet it marked with this cross. Look for It. William Jefferson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a trip to Van couver. A charge against Ole Klldal In city police court of supplying llq uor to a minor was dismissed yes terday by Magistrate W; D. Vance Wh fflets From The Waterfront -MartHers unr advised that an obstruction has been .placed at the entrance to Prince Rupert harbor irt the vicinity of Charles Point. Incoming vessels must contact the examination vessel ln order to be identified and to be informed of the signals of the day or night which will Indicate when the gate of the boom is open for incoming traffic. Masters of vessels wishing to leave the port must contact the chief examining officer immediately before casting off from their berth and obtain the code of signals indicating that the boom gate is open to them. Previous notice two hours before leaving must be given ln order to receive any special Instructions which may be necessary. If two vessels are due at the boom gate at or nearly the same time, priority will be given to the vessel having the tide in her favor. THE DAILY NEvS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Sons of Norway Meeting tomorrow night, 8 o'clock. Basketball tonight. Savoys vs. Kincolith. Exhibition Hall, 7:30. See Gordon it And'risnn fnr TVh- ruary furniture specials. 10 down uaiance over vz months. Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, was a passenger on last evening's train lor Telkwa. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Harrison of Massett arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from the Queen charlotte Islands for a two weeks' visit here. Charles Aberg, well known Mas- sett fisherman, arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from the islands and sailed by the same vessel today on his return home. Mrs. Williams arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from the Queen Charlotte Islands to take up residence here, Joining her husband who is employed at the dry dock. J. E. Amundsen, vice-president and general manager of the E. J Ryan Construction Co., sails by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to Vancouver after a visit here in connection with the company's local building Mrs. J. A. Hanson, wife of the superintendent for the T. A. Kel- ley Logging Co. on the Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from the islands for a brief visit here and returned there on tbe same vessel today. Basketball tonight. Savoys vs. Kincolith. Exhibition Hall, 7:3!). Chopin Subject' N Of Music Club Meeting on Wednesday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. Brocklesby. On Wednesday afternoon the Prince Rupert Ladles' Music Club met at the home of Mrs. H. If, Brocklesby. The program of mu sic of Frederic Chopin was enjoy ed by those present and was as follows: Paper, "Life and Works of Fred eric Chopin," Mrs. Robert Blance. Piano solo, "Etude, Opus 25 No 27." Mrs. George Madlll. Piano solo, "Waltz, Opus 42,' Mrs. T. Dixon. Vocol solo, "When the Starry Lamps of Heaven Softly Blow," Airs. R. G. Large. Piano solo, "Nocturne in E Flat," Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr. Piano solo, "Minute Waltz, Opus G4 No. 1." Mrs. T. A. McWaters. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess. icht Coughs jc to colds . , . cased without "dosing". VICKS VA POR U 8 DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. PHONE 83. - - c , . .. aaaaaavja''aaaalaaaaaaav''B 'uN,Tr . for Free Delivery Thiradvt; is nor published or displayed by the Liquor Control j ' Board or by th$ Government of British Columbia. ji HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince liupert F. Haddock, Lieut. B. Terry, Deut: J. A. Stiles and J: E. Leiscn, Vancouver; R. G. McKenzie ar.d P. B. Turner, Queen Charlotte Islands; J. J. Morse, city; V. Rut- ter, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Powell River; H. Chase- Casgraln, T. D. Mowatt and W. G. Rlvett, Aliford Bay; Mrs. J. A. Hanson, Beattie Anchorage; Mrs. G. Overlngton, Port Clements; Sgt. and Mrs. S. P. Brune, Winnipeg: G. Kuchta. Itoyal Trior Anderson and P. Heard, Vancouver; J. Murdoch and B. Carba, Queen Charlotte Islands Tonight's train, due to arrive from the east at 11 o'clock, day light saving time, was reported this morning to be on time. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pepleis Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The baffling thing about low blood count U that you can weiich about aa much aa you evar did even look healthy and atrong, yet you can feel as if you had lead in your legs, dopey, tired and pepless. Low blood count means you haven't gnt enough red blood is their viul job to carry life-giving oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. And just as it takes oxygen to explode gasoline in your ear and make the power to turn the wheels, so you must have plenty of oxygen to ex plode the energy in your body and give you going power. Get Dr. Williams Pink Pills today. They are world-noted for the help they give in Increasing the number and strength of red corpuscles. Then with your blood count up, you'll feel like bounding up the stairs as if you were floating on air. Ask yur druvgist -sfor Dr. Williams 1'ink Pills today. r CUSSlHflr FOR SALE FOR SALE--31 ft. troller, 14 h.3. engine. Complete with Gurdics. also battery radio. Apply IOC Ambrose Ave. 30. FOR SALE Drag saw on float, $60; stump puller or boom winch on float, $300; seine boat, 44 ft. long by 122 It. beam, $2000. ' Terms cash. Apply Pearl Har bour Fishermen's Breakwater o: A. Cloutier, General Delivery Prince Rupert. (37) MODERN CLARE JEWEL COAL ; and wood range, slightly used. Apply 808 Alfred Street. 38i HOUSE FOR SALE $800 cash; $900 terms. Apply 223 Fourth Ave. East. 10 ) FOR SALE Sawmill, 40 h.p. dlesel engine. John Group, Oona River. (37) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes ln all sizes, just like new. Large lot of windows at low prices. 2-inch soil pipes and fittings. B. C. FURNITURE CO.. Phone Black 324. WANTED WANTED Jlelp wanted, man or woman, Central Hotel. '33) WANTED Capable young woman, experienced preferred, fr boarding house. Must be neat and fast worker. Apply Box 204, Dally News. WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family. Sleep :n. Good wages. Phone Red 879. WANTED Housekeeping room or rooms, Immediately. Apply Box 207, Daily News. 37) LOST LOST- $20 between Hank of Com merce and two blocks east. Finder please leave at Dally News. Reward of $5. Urgent. Trappers! Bring your furs to me. Prices have gone up 159;. Those same buyers from Cow Bay , will pay 30 more for goods If I'm there. When shipping furs we wire money on receipt of goods. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station I !l Til Til COLOURED PICTURES!! OF BRITAIN'S FIGHTING PLANES and WARSHIPS Each on an attractive 8y x 10" mount bearing a description of the plane or warship illustrated. Every Canadian home should have' a-complete set "Baaufort" Bomfcar "Flying" . "Hurrican." . "Spitflra" "Skua" Diva iombtr "Tomahawk" right. r . Hudun" Bomtxr "Liberator" Bomb.r . "Alr.cabra" Fi(httr "Harvard" Train.r H.M.S. "Rodnay" . "Klnf Gor(. V" . "Ark Royaf "Hood" "W.rtplt." "Ripultt" . H.M.D.itr.y.r' H.M. Submarine (Shark and many othart lust write your name and add rem and the name of the picture you want, on the back of a CROWN IIRAN1) SYRUP label (one complete label tor each pkturr drtirrd). Mail labeli to Dept. K.I. A., The Canada Htarck Company, Limited, l'.O. Box UJ. Vancouver, B.C. A Delicious and Nourishing Table Syrup CROWN BRAND SYRUP has been Canada's favourite table sweet for many years, famous for its delicious flavour, its purity and superior quaIity' - (U CDWAROSBUfM CRQWN BRAHD i IB.HatBBcailaaBBBBalBBBBBBBBaHVHIaHHtaiKa wm MHIaBtSBB'aHaaBiSBBBllBBBSBBSBBBHBaWHBaanM Remember FEB. 17 is SHROVE TUESDAY the day for CROWN BRAND SYRUP on PANCAKES Moth Insurance THIS TIME, don't feed the moths! Destroy them with one of tliese preparations: MOTH CRYSTALS (Paradichlorbenzine) ; SAtff?l 1 lb. tin MOTH BALLS 1 lb RED CEDAR FLAKES. Pkg 25c 1 ... Or Store Your Garments in 25c I MOTH BAGS Dust proof, moth pro? f; damp proof, air tight; ca th 60e OrmesLtd. 'Jh Pioneer Drtujjpiati THE It EXALL STORE . . PJIONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and' 7 9 p.m. 3 HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL For complete year-round satisfaction burn the one and only FOOTHILLS COAL BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP AND SLACK COMOX PEA AND NUT LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE G51 PHONE G52 When You Want a- Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable 2 PHONE 13 21-Hour Service at Rtrular Kates rr K1