Xmas Party For Forces Delightful Affair Tuesday Night in Knights of Columbus Hut A delightful Christmas party for the f orce was held in the Knights of Columbus Hut last night, taking the, form of a highly enjoyable dance with a crowd of some two hundred young folks service men and their girl friends in attend rm PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER i fjj ' Word's around town .TTspeedy Minora Blade tops its azft class for shaving cornfqrt. (SST'Cfl Caooda't forfes-growing economy tJode. 'Jd TV ance Delicious refreshments were a popular feature of the occasion. Excellent music was furnished by an orchestra drawn from musicians nj.ig toe American forces. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balagno were in charge of the affair in their usual capable manner, being assisted by ladies and girls of the parish. SAILOR'S FIRST AID Sailors' neckerchiefs were originally designed to be used as slings or tourniquets for battle injuries. Bt ibbbbbbbbb BMBflBBBflBflBflBflBflBflBF ibbVb ThrVTSemfnt Is n0t Publshed or displayed Control by the Uaur, Board or by the Government of British ColumbS A Beauty Parade . : . In any beauty parade, well bet on our New Year Wishes for happiness and good health to win the trophy as the most beautiful of all sentiments. Violet Man SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Cor. Cth and Fulton Phone Blue 943 for Appointments RS Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific 'REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gell, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert) B.C. GAY COMEDY MARRIED AT OF WARTIME BURNS LAKE Joan Bennett and Franchot Tone Are Co-Starred in "The Wife Takes a Flyer" Joan Bennett and Franchot Tone are co-stars of an intrigue-laden. action-filled romantic comedy "The Wife Takes a Flyer." which is the I mid-week feature at the Capitol Theatre here today and tomorrow. I Comedy and romance, dominate l this story of a Yankee daredevil In I the Royal Air Force who lands in ; occupied territory of Holland and .falls in love with a little Dutch girl. In order'to escape, the Gestapo and outwit the rather dim-witted Nazi major who is also paying court to Miss Bennett. Tone pose as her soon-to-lje divorced husband. His antics make a mockery of the divorce court although ho does succeed. In staying "married" to the girl. Having established himself as an eccentric, he man ages, wun tne assistance of the girl, to learn secrets of vital mili tary Importance and to escape with both .secrets and girl, to England The. cast also includes Allan Jos-lyn, as the Nazi major who admits he gets food from every nation In Europe. Cecil Cunningham, as a shrewd, cynical old lady with a young heart, and Roger Clark, as a British agent within the Nazi lines. SPORT CHAT National League baseball records for 1937 gave Joe Medwick, St. Louis leftfielder. the circuit's most valuable player award. Medwick led league batting with a percent-tage of .374. He also won the fielding honors for outfielders with a .985 average and tied with Mel Ott. New York Giants, for most home runs, 31. Bill Tilden, who cleaned up every hrgul wint end tpirrt wtnoofi in fj world Miss Edith Louise Gair Becomes Bride of iiilbert Maxwell Anderson BURNS LAKE. Dec. 30 A wedding of great interest to the DeoDle qf Palling and Forestdale districts took place at the United, phurfih . manse here on Saturday afternoojj j wnen Edith Loulsjg, daughter; ui air. ana Airs. w. uair or Forest- dale, was united in marriage to Hil- bert Maxwell Anderson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Anderson of Palling. Rev. Adam Crisp offi ciating. Given in marriage by her father. the bride looked, charming in floor-length gown of minuet blue sheer with embroidered bpdic,g. Her. troil ftf n.U t.l..n ..... :j I with. a wreath of white orangj blossoms and she carried a bpuguqt of white roses, fern and gypso-philla, tied'with white tulie. j The bridesmaid. Jean Gair. chose a gown of floor-lensth Monterav rose silk crepe with shirred bod, ner corsage was or white gardenia The groomsman was Garnet Anderson. ' The ceremony took place under an arch of white streamers caiyi; up with silver bells and centre with a white wedding .bell oyjj which were fastened sprays of rgfll Christmas holly. ' During the signing of the. raglg; ter. Mrs. Adam Crisp played "Con Amore." Many relatives and friends attended the wedding. Following the ceremonv a wed ding supper was held in the Om- meca Hotel. Mr. ape) ilrs. Hijbqrt Anderson are to reside at Palling. tennis event in the. world during his great career, announced his retirement as an amateur 12 years ago today. His professional debut was New York, February 18, 1931. He headed the United states ranking amateur list 1Q sears. B COME OH Up i We're SEBuml W. I A. CUBfY UMITID, LONDON, ENGLAND. HI W, TOJOJtTO, ONJfllO, This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the. Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia " ARE YOU USlNGTHii 9 5 litis COCOA Xmas Concert At Burns Lak Dfli'htful Entertainment is . Offered in United Church BURNS LAKE. Dec. 30-On Tuesday evening of last week the United Church Sunday School held It Christmas concert, when a large number of people gathered V ntoy the orogram. Three short plavs were enacted by the Sunday School pupils entitled "And Thej- Called Hi Name ! Jesus." "Christmas Symbols." and j 'Growler and the Ghost." IUiw-i 'rated stories. "A Christmas Carol." ;nni -The Other Wise Man," were I given by Rev. and. Mrs, Adam Crisp. 4B amusine feature was a show ing of. "A Visit to Santa Claus." by Kenrsth Taylor on his own minia ture, rnqvtng picture machine. InOrumeritaJ selections were 'endprsd by Edra Ostberg. Evelyn Njchplls. Jpbn" Clark and Erllnsr Bprg, and Mr. M:"Njjurse who also played for carol singing durine the "Jverdrjg. Blake Nobles, superintendent of u.nday Sch'pol, actjfd aj chairman: S cqiping or santa Claus completed the program with a treat' for all. SOLOMONS' NATIVES There are approximately 15.000 natives on the Solomon Islands. SAVOY HOTEL Garl Zarelli, Prop. , Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 . FRASPK STREET PRINCE RIIPEKT SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5.00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. I Fresh Local lYl and n Pqcijrizcd, WLK VALENTIN DAIRY I g P,UQNE, C57 h uui :ku i i Mi nz win x mm i it S o 2 3 it . - .1 For Quick. Safe and Comfortable TAXI SKIlVK'Es PHONE. 235 UA AM) NIG in. SPEED To you and to the New Year, too. we wish Godspeed. May ajl your ygntuim be successful and your dfiys filial with lLailijij!$. - - Fashion Footwear xtuoi n i ! ra ibis i i tbibt is rariTaii i TRAPPERS g Don't be foolish and jive away your furs at th.e waterfront Brinr j S them up town and call all the, buyers. I'm positive 1 can pW j jjj more than anyone else. i u 1 W. GOLDBLOGM (The- Old Reliable) i! 1 13 II II USUI Mini B I B I B 3 B3 83 HI BUSH Bi B3 UZ ' 1 ooowoooeooooooioocH5ooocHoe?oHioooooow S j I A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. ; I A 0000 PLACE TO BUY s We are Indeed grateful for all the fine business association - e hafe enjoyed in the past and we look forward lo the NEW YEAR with a firm resolve to serve you better. We Wish you a Very Brighl "and Prosperous" New Year j rm 1BTBJ BI B I B I B I B'CB I D rSJTB I TM IB I B I B.LBXB .IB1B 1 11 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district, are doing the sarnt BiBlBlBrBrBCBrBtBrBBiBIBtlTBtBIBIBrBJBIBIBIB: I :1