PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE fffVv-n N--l Chas. Dodimcad H- I 4tTh I Optometrist in Charge V ) ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry J y Repairing;, Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Canada at War 25 Years Ago i By The Canadian Press) villages north of Jerusalem cap tured by British troops. Bessar abia declared itself independent with intention of joining Russian ederated republics. ' Dec. 30, 1917 Bireh and other ADVEHTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS This advertisement is not publlsaea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia YPPAH WEN RAEY Silly, isn't it? Not sign language but ILVPPY NEW YEAR spelled backwards Just to prove that no matter how you spell it, it still means the very best of wishes from us to you, honest. I1 The 3 PEOPLES STORES I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE i RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE i 5 LU1 KA fc SHI IK SI (IKK i "... C. I lEASONl GREETINGS Is Our Sincere Wish t OriMe Ltd. Ztfrn Pioneer Druqtists 3 19 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTIir GARBUTT, Hostess Still others who were heard from this Christmas and who once formed a part of our "Y" community were Airwoman I Jeannle Cameron, who Is at Lethbridge with the Women's Division of the Royals Canadian Air Force, Mrs. Lawes of the Scotties, who says her husband is now overseas, Belle and Bob Brad-burn of the Navy communications branch who are in Victoria Palmer Hoyt and Bob who are in Great Falls, Montana, Staff Sergeant Bemle Weston of the Roval Canadian Army Medical Corps, now at iioraon Head Military Hospital, Warrant Officer and Mrs. Mills who were here with a minesweeper recently and who provided me with the thrill of my life bv taking m all over the vessel, and lastly from Corporal and Mrs. Frank Neal and Jackie of the Air Force. Good friends all! Smiling Jim Corlette. our Y. M. KWON'G SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY Housi Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER ACHEY JOINTS? Gin PjHi, for the kidney, help paia-catmng toxin that are often tbo cause of rheumatic twinge and achey joints. Money back If not tatiificd. Ipillsj RtguUr ill, if Wit. Larf tin, M PM (II tlvt U.S. uk foe -Giao PEO K C. A. supervisor from Annette, Is In town on his way to his home in Vancouver for his New Year furlough. He says they had four big Christmas parties for the boys at Annette and a real bang-up time. Jim Teager, who went up there as his assistant a few weeks ago, L "happy in the service" and getting down to work with a will. There will be no meetine of the Service Wive Club this week. Tonight Js the "Y" dance at thp hut. I went up to the USO dance at the Exhibition Building for a while Monday night and they were really having fun. A square dance was in progress and those who could do it were really cutting a rug or is that only applied to Jive? I should like to thank the little girl who brought me in the beautiful box of Christmas holly yesterday. I was away at the time. Shs didn't leave her name and I could find no name on the wrapping. Thank you very much Indeed. It Is In a big bowl on the bookcase and looks very attractive. And thanks. Mrs. Wlnslow. for the hanging bookcase you sent us for the children's books. Illi -103. -lbs CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE (Affiliated with CBC) FROUKAM HIGHLIGHTS 5:30 pjn. For boys and girls. A program of light-hearted music, especially prepared for our younger listeners. This will be a weekly feature on Uils Wednesday p. al 4:00 Anytime is String-time 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Blue Shadows 5:30 For Boys and Girls 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Down Lower Basin-Street Way , 6:30 Gems of Melody 7:00 Smooth Stylings In Dance Tempo 7:30 Al Perry's Singing Surf Riders 8:00 Front-Line Family 8:15 Belle McEwen Sings 8:30 Victor Record Album 9:00 Henry King, His Piano and Orchestra 9:30 From the New World 5 Notice To Householders Who Have BUTTER ON HAND The law requires that if you have on hand more than one pound of butter for each person in your household you must now make a report of your supply on a form similar to that below. (Make out this form yourself.) You, must then send this report to your nearest Local Ration Board and accompany it with Brown Coupons (Nos. 1 to 11 Inclusive from your ration book to cover the amount of butter you have in excess of one pound per person. (Each coupon represents Vz pound of butter.) Declarant's report as at December 21, 1912, of butter on hand over 1 lb. per person Ration Book Prefix and Number .- Name of Declarant ..." Address (Street) 1. No. of persons Including myself, family, servants and boarders in household 2. Butter In our possession or control . 2. Less 1 lb. per person as above (see item 1) .'. 4. (City or Town) (Provlnct) Their Ration Book Prefixes and Nos. lbs. for which butter coupons must be surrendered (see item 5) v 5. Butter coupons for surrender (see item 4) 1 butter coupon for each one-half lb. 6. Deduct butter coupons (Nos. 1-11) surrendered herewith 7. Butter coupons owing by this household --rCoupons. -Coupons. -Coupons. I, the undersigned, hereby declare the above statements to be true and correct and I undertake to deliver to my Local Ration Board any butter coupons owing as above set out, as and when such coupons are Issued to me and the members of my household. Dated 194 Declarant's Signature Householders who do not comply with this regulation UnT liable to prosecution for hoarding - -- - tMII II M l"" J 10:00 CBC News, rebroadcast 10:05 Console Capers 10:15 ARP Program 10:30 Silent Thursday A.M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner '9:15 Novelty Parade 9:30 Alvino Rey and Four Kins Sisters 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Barnabas Von Geczy, 10:30 Carnation Bouquet 10:45 They Telr Me 11:00 Wllf Carter 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Vernon Geyer 11:30 Let's Go Modern 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies P.M. 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One o'clock Muslcale i 1:30 Modern Dance Tempo 2:00 Silent FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD m WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY WHITE HORSE DISTOUIS LTD GLASGOW This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. J. M. S. Loubser , D.O. B. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone (II vas CAPITOL '"TIM IHuSf TODAY and THURSDAY '-Complete Show at 3:06, 5:02, 7 00, 9:0 o 'It's, smart romantic Comedy! JOAN - BENNETT FRANCIIOT TONE IN "The Wife Takes A Flyer" An RAF Yankee Lands i Holland . . and now he'i in Dutch . . in Danger . lnd in Love! With ALLY.V JOSLYN At 1:39, 3:35, 5 31, 7 23. t 3 ALSO NEWS - CARTOON - SCENIC NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNITE FROLIC Starting 11:30 p.m. Special Stage and Screen Show General Admission 5C-Reserved ... . Tickets Now Sc.. .z ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NFS Starting 11:30 pjn, THURSDAY (After Regular Show) NEW YEARS SHOW SPECIAL STAGE AND SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT General Admission 50c GET TICKETS NOW Reserved 75c AT BOX OFFICE Wanted -Raw Furs 1 J HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C I New Y m THE ear Ahead! There's a little calendar By the office Desk of our Store that is near its Last Stnrrp nf Usefulness 'J a o- J And will have to give place To a Brand New one. S We kind of hate to see that Little Calendar go y Because' it has watched us Go through some real paces And helped us in keeping Track of our progress. Now 1943 is coming round v The bend and we Hope it J Will be" brimful of good Things and many rich Blessings for you and Your loved ones. VARIETY STORE