J i bbbbbbbbbbbfb' vssajawawawawa. i i ITJ 25c Dozen paid for all empties EDITORIAL 4 1-1 A lis advertisement ; rv. r. kj j: i . t i . . 1 Usntrol Board or by the Government cf Britjsh Columbfa. THE DAILY NEWS PKI.NCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Drery Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in Clty-Per Year, $5.00; Half Year. I2J0 One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Otit-of-Town 8ubacribera by Man,' $340 a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readen, per line, per insertion 25 Casstfied Advertisement, per word, per insertion sn. MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Ppmi i mimiii ..uui . nwuni ui use ir pooaeauoB ct all news despatehes credited to itor to the Associated Press, in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also DAILY EDITION Friday, October 23, 1942 Mitchell Hepb urn . . . ?e?ra ?-an of act,on and bolcl expression, Premier Mitchell Hepburn, who has suddenly relinquished government leadership of Ontario in a typically spectacular manner, had many critics. Many disagreed with things he said and did. He was criticized for his impetuosity and inconsistencies but all admit that he was able, through the very force of his nature and compelling personality, to get things done. He may not have been one of Ontario s sagest or soundest premiers but certainly his regime was not an unconstructive one. Despite his critics and his PTIPmiPff anrl Via Vinci in powerful places, there is no denying thatrHepburrrharlf nu uiwuijf sun ims a strong noici on tne people not only of his own province but elsewhere in the Dominion He had among his severest critics also some of his strongest admirers. t Hepburn has resigned as Premier of Ontario but we hesitate to accept any suggestion that he has retired permanently to the sidelines of public life. Hepburn, we should say, will be heard from a good deal yet. Luxurious Manpower Waste . . . t British Columbia's principal war industries are suffering from a severe shortage of manpower, observes the Vancouver Province, The shipyards, by reason of relatively high scale of wages, are adequately manned, but lumbering in all its phases, the vitally important base metal mines, and many minor war industries are gravely handicapped by shortage of labor. t The recent desperate effort to find loggers for the airplane spruce operations on the Queen Charlotte Islands is one illustration of this condition. So is the action of the government in taking over the Britannia and Granby base metal mines to get greater production. Production has been lagging because men have been lacking. There are approximately 4,000 Japanese males in the interior settlements. The Vancouver Daily Province has said over and over agajrrthntit would be better from every standpoint to have them working rather than sitting idlebetter for the men themselves, better for the security of the province, bettdr for our production of war materials. It should not be beyond the capacity of the authorities to find means of getting them to work in some essential industry. i Four thousand pairs of idle hands is a luxury we cannot afford at present. If we have any doubt as to the wisdom of putting these Japs to work, let us ask ourselves what Germany would do with thein in similar circumstances. And Ger- mnnv knows snmnf lu'ticr nlimif wnv timn nff'ninnn.r ! Smithers Victory Nurse Bride- EIGHT SONS I Loan Rally Held' Elect Honored A R FIN WAR I M A Wtory the Sco Theatre a : 6air.'lan Monday evening VSBwsl fse ptctare show, ere mi by mtiit speakers w4e -fed the hearers to bay aoows te -he uUnof of their fmawrial abtV The pier are shown were two ar subjects entitled The Bead -.o Tofcvo ' and "ftod. the Wipw .'. Conquest " These pietares gave graphic tmpreadow of the ,'. war as carried on in the em ftyle The speakers daring the val between the two reels L. H. Kenney. J. 'A. Tarner. Bishop Rix of Prince Rspert and Prank Docfcrin of TeBrwa. Soy W CaMer wood vas chairman of the meet The Wise-birds Cry: wBwBwK i TBr ian St Jp3 1 3-oi. 25-oi. 40-oz. 1.25 2.30 3.50 MITIIM CtXUM.UA OIITILUKT CO. LTD. nwr. nr. bottlf. cum u twit wot. as Mil. u4 Iuiui ThU drlin.j. u not publlhd or aiplyl by b Liquor Control frwrd or by Um Uovcrnxneat or BrltUb ColumM znx niMi mn uxmt art msmi mx tnin Till. m B ' course I shop at The Jj g Variety Store It's so handy! g .Variety Store JJ Where your dimes are little g dollars Dianrr and Theatre TitXf Tr Ms Mary Rye An interesChwr ratherinc of Prince Ropert enerai Hospital sasif a place last m- in ksawr of Uim Mary Byr vho la vton t be onied in awar- rtaav to Corporal Vernon Sey- -soar of Royal Canadian Air Pore. The at Id -eke t was (west of ai a dteawr heM at the Boston Cafe The tabic, appropriately decanted for the occasion. of a s)oy- awy ftwaa their duties lar -Use sMsw la white" with the seats wf honor beaa held by the howoree aad her brtwesssaW. Miss EMe Prye At the close wf the Hood presented Maw Bays with a lovely paid dreaser sat. Use jrl.'t wf her asswesate najrssa. Iwiiafrtiately sjajaii-bin thst en-joyabie affair. Use entire pather-bur. affate entfrtalpsl the hanorfd goeat at a thsatrc party at the Capitol Theatre Urn briafcnt to a close a ususswawle cstiam for aiL Amonc those wbJHwS arish Miss Boyco fntare happiness were the brideantaid. Miss Bate Prye. and the Misses Bsea Cain. Merle McLauchUn. Ida Jfelaon. Maoreen 8hirriff M0U7 Pletcher. EUeen Worth. Betty Hood. Aleta Yosnt. Theima Edwarda. Ease Maaeley. Nancy Bkxxnqaist. Marparet Robinson. Mn. Betty Oiaoa. Mrs. Mary Forbes. British Tailors Fear Extinction Withdrawal of Labor and Uncer tainty of Supply Main Difficulties CT. t-rl I t Word's oround town . . . speedy Minora Blade tops its class for shaving comfort. Coiwh'i (ottid growing cenew Uoji . m mm e ss wi a v Six Sim SKd Tww SMit-in Law f Caitary Mao Sere Oterea Or in Canada son assssaned officer in esttwa Army. Bavoy Thossi- anl the late Mrs. M-r Caipary wraaphi ap six sjij u. 1 two daaalu:a Today, four : ;a ate m osUforn aad both . i.:- av ai? u uniiorji E Mandy is etsitlnf Ms childrr: On:aat thss saO. Sit AJe t Mwady. one f 9a:ehewn Beftaent. ,. IXeppe aad wxs oae u! -rcjaien for this mil : to Cerlaad aBv aftn .h Sairation Arnr s "hcoi raperiatendent in r:-. h w awarded the Military Me . for his work at Dieppe. Brt-ader Incinas Mandy a: othe: son. is saperrlsoi of a.: Canadian aahrmtton Amy War aerTices in Enpland Major Pm.; Mandy was for sobm tame at the Sarrn -m Army's "Red Bhleld" centre at Osaip Datdaa. aad- st " n rharfe of the centre at the Hamilton 'Military Trade Sehmi. - Sid Mandy is a Red abJrld saperrisor with a Canadian oesrasas. CUffwrd Avery . tt in th Riyal tn'd4en Medleal Oorps iimnwa -id Cha'tes Onnon. hasbani of Kra Mandy. U in the Royal Caasv-dian Ordnance Corps, itataaiisj at Bdmonton. InrfdentaUy an sts sons ate or were flaieaUon Army officers or i active workers. The fifth son. Major Oeorge Mandy. is the Co-pa officer at Brentford, and the sixth. Reginald, is in Calpary. 1 FOR PRISONER RELATIVES ! LONDON, Oct It: "Prtooner jof war" dobs are being opened jusroaaraMn tmaaan wnere retatives , of men in enemy prison camps LOWDOM. Oct. : The diffi- can meet and pool information arttlee of rondprting a tailoring Mnesa daring a was) are soehf GOOD FLESH NOT FAT Just British tailors are mmvttnm , iwtvmj n.) m w. . w ' mrm t aw . w ' 1 ' SiM m ISM deieatton to the Board of Trade of the A.TB British counterpart le -eJcUoetiw 7 JS2LM CM AO has oaUeeUvely -M'pV oa a ton and a half of weight nieir t oohiea ined aerioos since Joining ap. Bat. said Gen withdrawal of labor and the n- Or Ronald Adam, adjotont-tea- rertainty of supply of non-utmtv eraL.lt isn't fat but good sound materials nh :83ls BELLE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. I5c 2 oz. 2oc OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz. 20c FRIAR'S BALSAM I oz.' 25? CASTOR OIL 4 IS 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC .r,. CASTOR OIL 'A oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 25c 1 8 oz 00c CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz! 15c 2 07 25c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE , 8 oz! 35c EPSOM SALTS, tins ftYs'.....'...1? oz! 10c 1 0 oz 2' BORACIC ACID, tins ...r.r.i.... 2 oz! 15c 4 07 " 25c SEIDLITZ POWPERS, tins 40c BUY Y0URI)R,UGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. Ztim Pioneer Dri2J?3tj THK REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundayi and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. I at QLl j EST PROCURABLE" PROCURABLE" 1,. the tame htfti guty thjf &r guttta! litKixvii Ray Scoih Z -rt jv' JuiilW'J. hUmJed and Kxtidi n ttxlj a Jiyt Hudson's ay SCOTCH WHISKV 26roz . . . SI.75 Return all empty bottle to THE SALVAGE CORPS Salracr Help Canada's War Effort This advertisement is not published or illanlajia h-. Control Board or by the Oovemateat of British Herbs Expert Woman's Work on the Wast Cu fctf J-CojunttU a tire. Mrs. Oarrau h; .drying sheds eatab 5wi, England, Woman .ppo4nteJ vrMago IB htr To Unique Pwt in BrHkh prlnf and asean'.n l Medieine in schools and v : '.Unit peapfc will ki. : Tipp HILL. sng. Oct a: - to gather. Mrs O To baud ap a exmprs be naive hetw'work w the k. industry for the prcduM on of hips for ritam medictnal drugs. Mn D. M. Oar- brre chetnu' -ret ha been appotr.t.?d to se ve rs.tU fnnd I MiaiaiBiaiaiaia.cr.aia.aaaiaf a. a. a. a a a s ' Hare Ijrcrt Stock erer to come Into Prince Rupert 5 telect from. IS FUR COATS Prices from S."O.I)0 to SI 100.00 Your Imprrtlon Invited s rss goldbloom vr,r ? -The Old Reliable" I f ''iaaiBrsfcTriaiMTsTaiBipia.iijpiiia i b i G'WflELLl" SHOES By Cr ion Lachapello Just Arrived in Swede, Crushed Kid and Jungle Calfs. OutBtan(lir.fl Sty!6t in High and Cuban Heel-. Priced from $5.85 to $6.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" iitii , , , , - -Z savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Stl FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAUELLI, PROP. "A Home A. "om Rstes 75c UP W , , M) Rooms Hot & COM Prince ltup, - Pitinn ?1