i-AGE FvVr. SALADA TEA Ideal Cleaners I in xM. MI. LONDON Oct 23 -Th W AAF .j tx-com .ne a ;. ilyvrlo: j GLAEOCW Oct : f .fiurv.-the RAF a: .tome stations At an vors of the United Nations con-Amy Co-jperaarm station then? toy which recently battered its are WAA.'i from the Krther- way through to Russia were given lands B- un S.aiUi America s civic reception on behalf of Bn-and Canada tain when they arrived here National MESSENGER SERVICE Call it . . We Haul it . . We never rloxe PROMPT SKKVK K PHONE RED 392 Hitler and Hirohito have Great Plans for Canada Yes. a;i Canada s gre3t resources . . her wheat fields, her forests, her factories . . . could oe put to wonderful use by the ruth-leas bully -boy from Germany by the polite little kavages from Japan. And Canada' boundless acres would pro-ride plenty of Irvine room . . . for the Ger-rr.an1 and the Japs. But what of the Canadians' The answer imple when you think what happened and is still happening to the Poles, the Greeks, the Yugo-Slavs and all the others ... in terms of slow starvation, slave labor, xerutioriK. Every time a hard-workinp Canadian man or woman buys a Victory Bond, the plans of BMet and Hirohito receive a .set-back. The more you save and lend . . . the more certain you help make it that our enemies shall never put their greedy claws on Canada. nothing MArrens NOW 6uf- mm Watts& Nickerson it : .ti ; HT 1 VICTORY (BONDS a. m Dibb Printing Co. TOMTOM K BTATIONEBI J H Marry returned t '.his mormrur from a br.e! this mornsng fr-. Ai .H' i iV-r A Will Pay Cash For-Puri 'Stoves, Tools. Musical Instrui Write or Phone Eho Fur (Store. Prince Rupert. Mrs. J. M Irvine left lai for Vancouver where si ipend a vacation visit-in r-.a..ve- Mr and Mrs G T German last night for Victoria to wl :By Mr German has been tra erred in the service of the B A Montreal Charles Graham, inspector lines returned to the city U-lorning from a trip to the Nan istrict down the coast on offici Mrs Jens Munthe. who has beer visiting at her home near Edmonton following a trip to Eastern Canada during the summer, hai returned to the city. Mrs. Dudley Little and Miss Barbara 8herwood RN. of T--ace left yesterday afternoon on their return to the interior after a day's visit to the city. Miss Sherwood is to be married soon to tor Qsraud of Smlthers. E. T Kenney. MLA for Skee arrived in the city this morn after a trip to VicJna to atu sessions of the post-war rehab tation board of which he is member and proceeded to hrne at Terrace by the morr; ualn. irtE daily ne? LOCAL NEWS NOTES a will Mon BBBI HAIC a HAIG, LTD . EDINBURGH tuar.. who has bran on fanoouver. returned to raorninc Lrunkennea. George BUey Steve Ferris, well known Ketehi-d $25 with seven days' kan hotel proprietor, and Mrs F-rrs a- here Today er a tr p : Seattle. ten. Wtory Loan s distract, left on rain for a ferlrf Terrace. He will Lieut Col. and Mrs C 8 Von-1 Aaron, who were recently married ; here Che bride ha vine been the I former Miss Climate liclaad, returned to the city this morning following a honeymoon trip to California. . C Owens, assistant ganeral iager. western region. Cam-National Raihvaya arrived tr. city on last night's train in course of an inspection tour to roast He w.li be in the city haenbrr City Hall n 7 to 9 pjn. from y and from 3 to S y of next week to iders and liMggjP This advertisement is not published or Jixpl.ix gdj h rh Liquor Control Hoard or hv the Government (f Hritihh C'ilumhu. Classified Ads. FOR SALE Krae rieeaea. oinerwute in root: FOR SALE -Kitchen table and I chairs, linoleum doubn- Ix-d .. spring and mattress 142 Overlook Street. '247' FOR SALE- Radio In good condition Phone Red 993 '247' Apply 1357 Overlook Kt '2471 FOR SALE Piano Phone Red 98! 1248' ' FOR SALE EiKht-pienc walnut diniiiK room set 1302 Overlook 8treet. Phone Black 561. '24(1' FOR SALE -Hou.se. 5 Bllntm from Dry Dis k. Phone R-! 953. 247i ROOM AM) MOAKI) v ntf;d 248' Lundie Lyall of Winnipeg, rep-'senting the Audit Bureau of irculations of Chicago, was a of days for the purpose of auditing the circulation records of the Prince Rupert Daily News. Mr. Lyall arrived from Vancouver Wednesday and returned south last POR SALE, to settle Estate 15- WANTED Larue room or two room hotel and store doint? good small rooms, furnished or un- business. Own electric lights furnished Apply Box 305 Daily most or tne year, waicr povr. wews. ud Kas wash machine, like new: man- '.' ;; - gle; 50-ft. lots facing water WA h?T" h , cl ' r Fm' ard bm Indefeasible title. Cottar rent- ;: , , , . . . no loclKini' Oood wages for suit- E Mi:Kenzie, Queen CharlotU-. b.c. mm POR SALE Kitchen range, new -ANTEL) able party Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A F 15. (Mil Liuht housekeeping room fur two gentlemen Occupy wmmm , Nnv : B()X 378 rjaiiy News 250 WANTt:u Exjierienced woman jw vr nav a m i . ..i u ruriv OAi-a. - o-piecr I laaaiuilNIU f(,r enerJ housework set. Axminster run. 9x10 1417 small familv L"Kid waees. room and riBKOl riace rnune n.ue eis tor b:ird ,,). 879 information. , I 250 1 WANTEIi t'i rent Suite, furnished or unfurnished by quiet reliable business couple. Apply or Phone I Nelson's Barber Shop. '250 WANTED Stenographer for Commercial firm. Apply AF 14 Un-emp '.t Insurance Commls- FOR SALE 14-ft. row boat, cheap.1 wlmi (tfl WANTED Refined woman who would ranhaalgsi light household service: for room and board In M ...,i home Apply Box 379 Daily News. 850 PEH80NAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLJBH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" "' Won'! blacken Store. sell "Jet." 18 there a lady travelling east , about end of November who would accompany a nine year N'K)M und Board for man shar-' old girl to Saskatoon? Annlv Box ing. 718 Fraser otieet 19d) j 377 Dally News. (24.7) Mrs B Aen. wife of the aup-1 ertateradent of the iora: dry lock. J arrived in the esty thai morrun , Iran Vancouver to '-ate up re Maurice Irvine arrived in city this week from Victoria to susne his new dulses here as ci clrrfc u the divisional freight i paasrnrer ;: tbt CaVaaw National airways succeeding H ry Thrapp who Is transferred gggonton. Mrs Irving will be nrinc later. CARD OK TT! WK 21 Mrs Ooodsell wishes to than! her friends for looking after Mr Ooodsell last evening. finncuncemen tA all adveruaemenu to this cohwan will be charged for a full month it & i word I OOF. No 63 every Tuesday 8 pa . Oddfelloas' Hal! Sojourning members invited. Lutheran Bazaar, Oct fellows' HaiL ML Odd- Help Norway ' f I T 1 Dance Oddfellows Hall. October 30 Anglican Fall Bazaar. Nov. 5 Nurses Inviution Dance. Odd-fellows' Han November 6. Presbyterian Baaaar Nov 10 St Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov 12 Eastern Star Dance Nov 30 Lutheran Circles Baaaar Nov 2! a op Tmaa I l H lfl Kl I Jin. . Tim till. TAKZ WOTKW. Uml PtdBrw-Twk-i af.iitns C-mpurt UUS at T ilni ili B C dM iwwr. uabwsl c apply for prmi- km u puirlmw ttw Suikeaouc pTijii Cvon ttm '-wHirrmr at WUsm Cl-wH ma u TuartMri Rmr CuoUMncmg at a Bum. pauttati at a (uua aonui loaao tmm. a S W taam th aouth Baat rarmr Btlvar KMric No atuawal Ctaira Lot S! ttm Swat. haoo Waat 30 nraana Uww Hurui 2S tautia and nu.-Mtoum V) arraa man c-Oatr OwawJ Aiajuat ItfM IMl UVTVr, J. M. S. Loubser li ( B A CHIROPRACTOR Wsllare Block Phone MS NOTICE! The Wartime Pra-es and Trade Board has issued an order prohibiting the giving away of English Dlnnerware as premiums. We regret to announce that after Mar. 1st this order will become Effective. Please do not misinterpret the above order ... It applies only to dlnnerware . . . no other items on the pre- MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars H;iv More Cents" r.o Box :;:. rhone it i awUilLl bEKVICKS TO Vanceuver, Vlrtorla and Way-points, Hlewart and North, Otiern ( harlottr Islands. Pull Information Tlrkrti and Keseration PRANK J. SKINNKK Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone SM r a. HOOSOIDIHB- UttettZoaH, f Here's the Answer to Your Question Dor. I hoard . . . bwy normoSf ... w or mohng PMSf nVt to uepty M incrod demond. and yov f'ocr will do hn bit to fall yow ndk 1 fM M. vr lea ant tortoise lives as long The w. If you toonof get Crown Rrond Syru from your (ovowi now ond nWi, hr it tH reoion. Recoute "Crown IrW odd-fon 0 A orKer utej i bf vrr generoly . wppWmnt rh wppty of Mtgor m Coood.on Hornet, rht Kot increoted tremendowtiy. Tlwugh Sr Kot been a Mwdi g C Crowo tvond r'p fwooWed ttw, yr Nwt incrotd twppir cannot OS wMl at tnortag f ilwi ot pound, of , 4 i i i, ineyr W: Mill s i mm Ml M I o oils ,s , , 1N, A measles epidemic In Fiji In Indirstions of rich Itr.i carried off 40.000 persons. have been found in New Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners He with to draw oUr attention to thr fart that at I'H K DP WD DKI.IVKK your vearing apparel for dryrieaninf and preaunt AS U K IKK He have been fart ana tr in adding morr rxperirnird naeriwe from thr south to oar staff aJfO A 1 1 ST! I I M IT IMi, 3 DAY SERVICE Al l. DKTCLI M, Phone 118 or 8 tl LafaMa 9 GREETING CARDS ForO verseas SPECIAL CARDS for Father - Husband - Brother n n .1 on Sweetheart m Patriotic Cards Greetings from Canada Coutt's Canadian ChrintmaM Card.-. Come m an see our display. It will interest you. .. noooooooooooo BJ art tl 1 1 P. i Vtxr fluiiL isiif unrl I Uaaafaavd lata TAXI SI'"',V 5 a Wl X MiVllf . WIIU 'I'MII'ltd'"' PHONE 235 OAV AND Mi;ilT nttooooa ooooooooooo oooooooooooodooooooooooooooo if yw Ion ;mvt inm', advertise tor ttrttttti iaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaasioaaaaaaaaooo"