J ill. 1942 IfOllMIE I i- not rnt-i bv the Lt- ; or by the ti.sh Columbia irH Victory Loan Totals lie 1073 1311 " J l'uhovers 1 2 3 VICTORY jS N OH DEFEAT; VW t i rfrdom or V , slavery. I J - iiUernatim now. J l ' Irotto Cigar Store K Hondt T I i-ri hint Tailor R A N c, E & H A R D Y rOVERWAITEA IT) 2 ' :;. for 14 THRIFT Cash and Carry Individual Scores In Mixed Bowls lures in Combined Men's and ".. Satille .Pierce Women's League r . 1 1 . ). Sav-.Mnr ' . LaEelle ...3,tS7 Alger 114 B. Btegavtg 315 " ?t'lg .148 Heaugh 183 Mh ...... 241 Handicap ! I Comidina 314 Kinslor ' Handicap ! Totals ! People Robinson rw 12 Llbby Felamlhal 158 98 Lou Pelaenihal 130 V Lee Lew . lee . . , Lee Handicap Totals ... Tol'er T Fraeer . . Kellett K. Oarland . C. Fraser C KW'-tt Handicap . Totals Twrrpv Billard Thomoton B OIen W. Olsen R. Daly A Dalv Handicap Total Mldcrtw Johnson ' vn Davidge Murmu Anderson HTiicap Totals Stone? Matne Burnett Bav N "one n ( I'-nd'-ati Tctals 1 1 2 121 1ft 144 331 134 79 SHARPENED AND " OVERIIAELED BUY VICTORY BONDS- W 1 272 119 120 Ballinter 1W 106 176 Campbell Hi TotaU (". Y. A M Lee Lamb 3 114 133 107 1003 1110 101K 1 2 3 . 340 366 . 100 131 113 114 130 193 114 123 302 158 101 101 1100 1001 1033 1 2 3 89 102 131 i . 116 147 123 j 123 Z24 IVJ m 107 79 118 191 163 114 131 204 !M n yi 782 1001 918 Lawnmowers y Elrl Class Work a rHONU RED 881 Delivering j LtajsUiiiiBiitHMiiHrBtsna If only for selfish considerations, Victory Bonds help you save for a rainy day and good pay Interest. The good citizen,, however, will buy them to help speed Victory. DEJONG'S Cash and Carry Fifth and McBrlde Titoops practise guns in A' Arm Man barrage or shells rlliUJ illll ITldll toon. II (Continued from page 1) W. O. WelU. Chlcoutiml, showed, 'Mulock; the guns of his pla-; Funeral Details of Hit 1.. Tl.U uv.w. 1 1. .Matched Artillery Oen. Crerar and the Minister Col. Mulock wound up bis tour.- with a late-afternoon visit to headquarters of a Canadian Army Tank Brigade accompanied by the SB 172 ltt lieutenant - colonel commanding ;B sz ii i 'PI the Three Rivers Tank Regiment. JW m 1T After having tea with officers of 1S7 127 127 . h, tank briaade. he motored back 196 330 140 100 103 171 101 to London reaching his hotel in Ume for dinner. OI.DKST FARMER LEISTON. Suffolk. Oct 23 0 Britain's oldest working farmer i3 Arthur Rope. 92. who farms 1.400 acres. His father was farming at 98. mini i am ii i ii mi i hi ssSZSEsHssWaijtMSa NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT . J I BUY THE , i NEW I VIGIORY j Philpott, Evitt Co. Ltd. Coal Building .Materials and Heavy Hardware Usui ii 1 1 1 1 o o s o o a a o g Laid At Rest Kiles Under Masonic Auspices For Late II. W. Hutler . .... , , lunched at headquarUjrs or a J with Tyee Lodge, A.F. & A.M.. Kun.ig ,n mc Mixea Canadian Infantry Brigade, chat- in charge of the rites, the funeral Howling League IhU week were as ted with a maior-geaeial arid At Ih laf' Herbert W. Biitler. then travelled to arlS artillery ft&meniT:e!ierarih aeent at 2 3 range on Sou Uiernjngland's Alice Arm! who died at Port 160 137 Downs. Seated on a hfliide with Simpson last week-end, took gradually away up the valley slope and George Hill, the chaplain. with scrambling along B gunners v M,imiiiniMt mwh f I ICIIUO V UCWHCU ilUUi AUIC 188 308 uruuiu it uiiui uivy weic iiiuim Arm acieu as pauoearers. i ney 1M 178 197 1ijB ... 11Q Gen. Crerar apologized for w hav m t rfturn to nls headquarters. 113S 1103 1183 were Jens Larsen, Ole 112 IIS 1M lnK wheel oi a JP' and pipe In flowers. ICC 134 201 movui, urove iiunacu noun- 180 198 132 cm' down a steep nill from the 154 130 236 ranj(e to his automobile. 168 317 164 9fil iHfl0rtraTeUed total 181 34& 3tt 236 to w the a Canadian canaoian area area u to visit visit the we A dollar bill is worth one hundred cents no more. Each dollar bill in a Victor' Bond will return jou MORE than a dollar and, mean time, will help dc feat the foe. Evindsen, J MHce Cranley, George Casey, Mor rir Peterson and Barney Turbttt. 2 3 He climbed In behind the steer- There were many beautiful JAM ON WATERWAYS LONDON, Oct 23 0 The traffic i Jam has been taken from the high - 40 40 40 camp of the Calgary Tank Regi- way oy peirw icsuicuons ouv. wi ; 1031 1017 llil ment where Ueut. Hector Mac-.11"1 of Britain's canals 1 A Garland 134 2 3 Donald of Toronto took him for iranuponauon oi muniuon 100 77 a ride in one of the tanks. The and supplies, the traffic Jam has 1S3 304 Postmaster rode up and down a'"""-" .,. 130 151 street In the wireless operator-gun wm- 112 212 loader's seat and then escorted by 87 96 MaJ. Fred Jenner of Oids. Alta., 237 278 Inspected gunnery classes and 72 72 chatted with tankmen who took n Canada at War 25'Yfears Ago Oct. 23. 1917: - French made important advance on the Aisn-front, capturing Malmalvm Fori and the villages of Allemant and ' Vaudesaon, Get man positions pen- etrafed to a depth Of more than j i wo mues ana bjwj prisoners ws- en. ! 181 268 Drig. P. C. Tees, Col. Mulock place yesterday afternoon, many NUNS AS FIRE-WATCHERS 160 308 watched the men. of an artillery friends and sympathizers turnim1 LONDON. Oct. 23 0 Nuns in 178 201 regiment move up a long slope out to pay final tributes of sym- "enclosed" convents who never 195 ISO spread out below on the heels of pathy and respect. leave them to mix with the gen- 1641 311 live shell-fire. The Masons paraded from the eral public are to be allowed to Before the start of the exercise, Temple to the Granville Court register for fire watching duties an officer explained over loud chapel of B.C. Undertakers where by post and must enrol for duties BDeakera the oblftci. was in ihnv ttw arwti onnriiiMorf hv Rp on their own nremlses. 170 m 176 tf,e unner exacUy how infantry James A. DonnelL pastor of First I p . uaJong 280 147 268 felt operating under a nroteeUre Utalted Church. Mrs. LoU Vauchan 11. SaVille H8 77 110 harras At th men wtaric tnr. ! nroaldxl ilu nmn in .,wn- J ll wtrd ,n waves, there were pany the hymns which were "Lead 387 dull explosions to the rear of the Kindly Light" and Abide With nartv nn flu hmita A umnri u " later Sheila rMllH Kp tunrH first Tvu T mtoa hoH hino nf lha . !? ?! whining overhead and then committal rites in the Masonic ,u Jj plunging Into the soft earth with plot at Fairvlew Cemetery. The ,L ... ... f"h explosions that threw the service was conducted by R. M. NOTHING MATTERS NOW kT 7 Jilt t il ter Ar I a J 2 2 DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. caiainiiaiBiiirsnaiaiBaEtJi'a'SiH-: n " " T -s. . GORDON & ANDERSON II RDWAKE AND FI'RNITE'Rr OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC aoooooooooow a o o lo i a o i o i o hverv B 'ul you buy. every dc!l u you icnc! to your rountiy. is a dagger, thrust at the enemy's throat. JONES FAMILY MARKET Iligli Class Butchers oooooootvooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Buy Victory Bonds '-Lit 'sislf HbM.. JsfJ-. A stamp's a bullet, a bond's a gun, Buv them both till the war is won. H. S. WALLACE LTD. iVOZ& SAVE -LEAD CHRIS MILL BAKERY I I I I IsVU IB iBiB IBtB I B HE .B iB Wfl KB H..M Z VB I.B 1 B IB IBIB IB IB lnlB IB I BIB I SIX i:B tt'ffinTffrxra swARTTME RESTRICTIONS REQUIRE PROMPT RETURN OF EMPTY BOTTLES. 25e PER DOZEN WILL BE ALLOWED. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. PAGE THREE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 0O0O0O0OO0l0OO H3500i0HjiHOKKHJO 000OOOOOO000OO00OO00 Victory Bonds are not a tax, not a gift, but a loan to Canada backed by all the resources of Canada. Whpn vou invest in Victory Bonds you are laying up for yourself the best of all BUDGET The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear OOHWOOOOHHO0HJOKH5OOOO Mrs. II. S. Parker. ICTORYBONDsXi ff The men who died on the beaches at 5 I Dieppe did a job we couldn't do. They j ; J I gloried in, their achievement but, when I those who lived return, let none of them fl Wfr me' a man wno refused to do his duty fj OA William F. Stone A etc An IV1 1 VVve s ,Utns fl S 1 (L 1 lVve' net de . AO c ...v VAY ... Vtvan . Aev ew l . .-.oct- ...,e . . ,esV -Ac (11 . t V BUY TIIK NEW on' 1 ad ' ,r jot. 1 VICTORY BONDS S.E. PARKER LTD. 1 i 11 y iW.I