ft Loca1 Temoerature Tomorrow (Standard sT ides XXXI No. 246 y l By WILLIAM STEWART (Canndinn Press Staff Writer BACKS LIFE come to light. The clr Harbor December 7 last r. of radio news bulletins, iy-four year old Jimmy tie' ided it was time for him e the northland and get 'e fight. Born In the Atha- IBM Italy Now TROOPS PRACTISE GUNS : !N BARRAGE OF SHELLS : ftisUnaater-Oeneral has since returned to Ottawa.) a en Crerar asked the Poatmas-Ur-OeraU "Caa.3?uvBc la for a minute?" and led the visitor to his office. A moment later the Corps Commander and his guest who served with the Ammunition Column. C.E.F.. In Siberia in 1918, and holds the rank of Honorary Colonel In the Irish Regiment of Toronto, emerged from headquar ters, entered the generals cam- auflaged car and the tour started. Saw Several l!nlts The Commander. Col. Mulock and their small party were escort- Mrs. Roosevelt Is In Britain Obcrvcr Describes Bin Day in Cabinet Minister's Visit LONdon Oct 23 Mr To Canadian Army In Training Overseas 4 Eleanor Roosevelt has armed Ul uiKirr live iiiiiiiiuiiiiiun. iuwau;iy utr hues men In battle-dress rehearsing A 1717X1011717 DESPERATE , FIGHT FOR STALINGRAD iirr.zr Hurling Huge Force ,l!:rt Key ItuvUan City In Order to Ileal Winter . t : With th . using twenty-two they try deeper.l) before winter flnal- Hlsge of Staling rati . th day todsy. The i :.nm to retain the :h- Mstle endeavour heffiaetves In ruined s.meon Ttmoshenko's ,Mrted today to have rtant position north - .ty. wsHtf'fltKOW Mtfan (our tank division motoftaed divisions i about SMjOdO men ' to bring about the annul. Five hundred machine guns, one h mortars and TOO j have been truwn ' .tight by the Nasi. have lost from sixty v-rtve percent of the .htM with which t n on Stalingrad but up reinforcement. mmln in Oreat Britain as the guest 4 of the King and Queen "in order to gain first hand ..hi ufiipntJ IM i?KTr?l AVn n. o, tni r Knowieaae 01 unwn women s Mijli:.wniiuuiii iiuiimM, wuu m ivsi j une . war activities and to visa . f - ) .iffb-Hpot of any prominent Canadian's viait to united states force m Brit- r ,vr ;c Hritain is a tour of busy Canadian Army camp? am." it was officially an- - tra r.injr grounds. Such a visitor sees Canadian sol- nounce" tody-t i. ti .i ..in a. i r wrung inrougn usbuuii uruifi, rouie-marcnin?. Is Said to he in Indian brtakly for the second front. A UF F Illl ul Y L visit with the Canadian troops la as personally Interesting as It is IQ CT7I'7T?r an opportunity to get Mrst-hawl lij ULjILiLjLJ Informal! about 4he bays over- seas to be conveyed to the folks Tide of War Between China and back home, as wll as to official Japan Turned, Chungking quarters Suggests When postmaster-General W. . . . . . ,,t,..lv. CHUNOKING. Oct. 23: The wa. n P. Mulock i i. visited Britain he spent A . ,.', , ,. ,. with Japan is turning from the Ar, dr- a day touring the scattered Cans- ,k. a. ,a, . idkan camps In Southern England. . o-V-.i! !UwhU..LT,0nJh0t! now rolling into China from hrr ' . . allies by new roads replacing tac headquarters of First Canadian uul l,a routP corps wnere ne w-as greeted by Lt-Oen. II. D. O. Crerar. At the door of headquarters, a detach ment of the Lome Scots Regiment presented arms and the Minister Inspected the guard's neat rows alter shaking hands with Lieut. BIG NAVY UNIT OUT Charlie Ben Uncle of 8t. Catharines. Ont . who was in command. (The Powerful llritWi Battle Squadron Ocean Now I.ONUQN. oct, qr - The - t r T I t 1 1 1 L- prrsenre Ol a powrriui nnum batlle quadron In the Indian Ocean, including at least three hattlrhip and the aircraft carrier Illustrious, was disclosed authoritatively today as a sequel to General Sir Archibald Wav-ell's declaration that Burma must be retaken from the Japanese. The squadron was said to consist of the battleships Warspile, Royal Sovereign and Resolution, presumably In addition to a large Sir James Somerville, formerly commander in the western Mediterranean. QUANTITY" CUT DOWN VI1 " . . . . .... ... ,u mnnnl ro- set m i - "'" were somewhat unlque.'march past. Reglmenuu W. Mitchell oi i' oi siei is Buu.s ... v...v : of the Japanese attack, man U. handled traffic Similarly, the coal oi wsjw The bows of the tug were aged and the Csrdena's quarter was badly punctured in the coll-slon which took place Wednesday night on "the Inside channel between Vancouver Island and the ma'nland. The Cardenas crew, none of whom were hurt, remained aboard as a ooai came uut num snuic i In a quiet village to meet a newly- uniu-u stales Now Stressing Qual- and the passenger-filled life- appointed divisional commanaer. ty and strength of ianKs jats ashore. and a lleutenant-coionei irom ,nd runes i The passengers will proceea Quebec City wlw commands tne north on another ship. Chaudlere Regiment, uen. v-rerer washinoton. u... wi.. . and the Minister drove away to a ..president Franklin D. Roosevelt highway intersection by anotner disclosed today that tne aamims- Ufl IW I Ui A K village to take the salute as the VrBuon. in the light of battle ex- I JO I " 7? rl Queen's Own Regiment oi uan.ua rnce. is cu mg auwn " mIA1Tn stepped briskly by. auw m iu volume oi va" u KH A klt far as the number Is concerned to Ijljri 1 1 VilO Col Mulock. wearing a grey suit emphasise greater power and Zt X TcTo,, the President Thou.htfu, and ,..nj J-?!i.ln.w Ieliverrd Before I'rlnce nJSn. circus the Impromptu u ialllng short of the goal Rupert Rotary Club Permanent solution of the great roadS. ...... , u... ..III nnt V.n rmrh. nrnhlpms thnt will follow the War NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1942 Feels Scourge From STALINGRAD HOLDS AMID NAZI-MADE FIRES T-.s .'. : , ol S.'dL: iar, u fire. fH'-hfid this cimtstr. i. ... .-i.-'u: way It was taker, from a Nazi bomber h.str- above !. ; . . Uf.d shows bomethmg of what the stouthearted Ru.s i i i.' ,ire fating in their defence of the Volga city. It is one ol the first pictures to show Stalingrad under siege. It pic-tores the Volga at the top with much of the city hidden under a pall of smoke. - 4 " , - - ' Steamer Cardena Badly Damaged In Collision Down Coast With Tug; Gaping Hole in Port Side ; 1 n a Tnst ti A half-hour n 1 r 1 1 11 1 later, niiii. tne u pn j u. w . . . m 1 t. 1 on mus bo nn on fundamcntal - nnrtv rched reached the tne big Dig camp uu.iy uu. - r ti i rnnntrv 1,. h.n r win.li. ouebec City, over military secret. v twice before ln his life. 'broad grounds where cncn; . up hi- season's catch of .speaking troops were nara ai N071C NrrPnathPn he came out of the north ic and enlisted hi the Victory Loan campaign prlni which coincided with ''me of htf lUlstYnVnt, he in hnltle drill. M" o- Sgt. Armand Colas, Montreal, put n squad through an unarmed combat drill ln which a doen men brandishing bayonets lung - nut $2,000 in victorv nnnri'n hnntiipr dozen defending them ' ., . . . . . , . , , , 1 ... Is his second Investment. 'selves with nothing but meir u; he backs tin his nersonnl Kpr. VinnrU ,r RIOTING IN OTTAWA. Cd 23: Col. J. L. Ralston, minister of naUonal de-'enc?. announced' yesterday that toting had occurred in uie uer- yiet man war prisoners camp at Bow--nanville on October 10 as the prisoners resisted being shackled. Both guards and prisoners suffered Injuries but they were not seri ous. Troops were called In and the ; trouble was quelled. Dividends Down In Ten Months Ro-al 22nd Reglrnein wm Ma J. w P. tnc.r cs arc a clared Rev. John Wright, president first ten months of 1942 ,Q., tntn total $221, of the convention of Baptist 300.000 or a decrease 01 siuu.uuu was the sueaker yesterday at the ding period of 1941, the financial weekly luncheon of the Prince post estimates. Dividends in uc-Rupcrt iUJVl Rotary W vS J Club. Mr. Wright's M..0..w tober v w- will ..... show a slight w gain over - - . TVinmcAlVPQ AlniKT subject was "Vision Splendid." He last year. Wl the basis of prelim 1 IlCllloClYCO riiuiit, dlscussed problems that might be inary figures, the Post says. l C.,Mnn expected to arise after the .wad 4 Most. jO.fi jLhaidecllne this year SiL OUtheaSt LUrOpe and cited some outstanding lW riasakVrf1 pli?hn dividends paid men and writers and their views, by mining companies. In this group Tlie address nroved of much ln- there Is a decline of 13.9 percent. ANKAKft. vet. . . word wora 01 of the uie remiorccmcni i.m.u.v....v... The Industrials and utilities are :r for in. ,,r,, ,..im, 1,1. r.... n.. noiivrau. Quebec comes mri th- nils 5.7 --. ..... n.vi. ...s un.. vyak. uuj - n!itlnniil forces in. o. rticKcisuu wiis in me ciiau uuw. '""n - - f accepting It as the sensible City, put his Brcn gun carriers of the Na ana he strc nsemng 0 01 in the absence of President George percent. ';' 'bvlous thing to do. .through a quick exercise which Greece ( the nnaQ- .Dunng his lifetime in the north.' sent them racinir down a long the uuignnau ( . ,. u,pklv ff,. n( elal cr0UDs show a gain In divl- ''Wm, as fine n sneplmnn nf urppn tuhiin i.iont. Raymond Car- .,,,,.0 L wnr sivincrs rppirinfn rnr tiio ripnds for the first 10 months this 2 nood as to be seen ln His on, Quebec City, demonstrated the . n'h sbcen found con. Queen's Fund was Norman A. year over the same period, last g 'V services, ha, been rein-.operation of his mortars. Lieut, j Vienna. lentwi in herder as well as trapper. (Continued on him' Thnv ) WlH-'It .. 1 O AAIt ! i-i. buds. J Watt. year of 1.3 per cent Victory Loan Looks Better tory Loan subscriptions reach- cd a total of $196,682,600 dur- ing the first four days of busl- ness up to Thursday night $22,020,450 more than the same period of the Second Victory Loan last February. LIE MILL KEPTiBUSY Home" Says Idaho Crew Landed at (ibrallar-No Confirmation No Truth in Convoy Sinkings ROME. Oct. 23: Rome radio re-. Forts that the survivors of the Uni.ed States battleship Idaho, have reached Gibraltar. Axls sources reported the Idaho to have been sunk on October 6 but there has been no confirmation of this re -rt in any Allied quarters). Meanwhile it Is officially announced now that persistent Axis propaganda reports of late that - -a e t o" tr?n)rts had been torpedoed and sunk in the A.lantic were "totally unfounded." RAID ON - MORESBY Enemy Did Not Have Much Success In Attack on New Guinea Port United Nations Hit Bouganville Japanese bombln; planes raided on Maresby yesterday but the at tack was a failure, no damage or casualties bslng caused. Mean- Time) High 1:14 am. 21.1"feet 13:20 p.m. 222 feet Low 7:18 ajn. 5 J) feet 19:48 p.m. 2.4 feet PRICE- FIVE CENT8 Air :;GEN0A IS i : ATTACKED .Giant British Bombers Mate First OTTAWA. Oct. 23 CN-Vlc- Flieht Acros. Alo, Since Last I April to Strike Italian Port LONDON, October 23 Four-motored Lancaster and Sterlings, greatest bombers of the Royal Air Force, flew across the Alps last night to make their first raid since last April on the Italian port 'of Genoa Axb supply base for North Africaand site of important 'airplane' "parts and munitions works. It was the eighth time that Genoa has been raided. Brilliant moonlight favored the 1500 mile' round trip flight and not a single British plane failed to return. Such was the weight of the explosives with which Genoa was hit that even Rome conceded "great damage" after the mighty bomber aim of the Royal Force had reached across the Alps to strike the Italian homeland with its heaviest air blow of the war. In addition to Genoa, Turin, arsenal city in northern Italy, was also hit but, apparently, the chief assault fell on the harbor and industries of Genoa. The Air Ministiy mentioned a "strong force of aircraft" but did not disclose how many. An Italian communique spoke of the "notable dimensions" of the assault. Hitler's Axis partner now, apparently, has sampled the fiery devastation with which the four-motored bombers of the Royal Air Force have been scourging the Reich. LOAN STILL MOVING UP VANCOUVER. Oct 23 fCP) The Union Steamship VZ?t?T..Z:ZZ ,"7T" "TL Prince Rupert Has Exceeded Forty Co's liner Cardena limped into port today with a gaping stin pushin? the enemy out of the Percent i 0biUve ln trst hole in her DOrt Oliarter following a collision Up the Owen Stanley Mountains and have ourays coast near Port Hardy with a tug. All passengers had to tjen .another village only five hoMay y .ster ed by two soldiers on motorbikes, force of cruisers ana destroyers. removed in lifeboats DUt arrived here Unnurt anoartl In &e sofcmons ijmted Nations day slowed UP the TOrd v1"0 L.Cpl. L. W. Palte. LennoxvWc. all under command oi am.r-. anoer vesse. Que . and L.Cpl. A. M. koss, ix-ronto. Oen. Crerar's car was driven bv L.Col. Stuart Watson, Regtna V7ITPTT Wl 1 H S CT 1 Ar-L k lP k-jt After 8 qurtr-hour . m drtve- Jr7 Jones, Young Trapper and Herder ol Northland, Now In Navj Here. Puis Anolher Jl.000 In Victory Bonds I " Jones. In clvlUan life t lie Eskimo Lake coun- Northwest Territories. d or so miles north of . . . n now serving in uic ! Prince Rupert, called ' Dnrland, manager of the ' Vu iitre and one of the ' canvassers In the i t . !.ry Loan campaign, to $1,000 subscription for ' was one of the most In- bond applications that mm wi - dlerc. on a route march ln full kit and wearing respirators. AWew miles on Col. Mulock KrSW 'd6& at sr street corner another raid "n canvass bnsnau jy : planes staged on but, nevertheless, subscriptions Bouganville where enemy navy and air strength is concentrated, amounting to about $16,000 were An ineffecUve feeler attack was wen m ce uupen, onnguig . it r s 4 ir NAI l AlVSr made y th enemy on land to- the total for the first four days IirlsLil VsrlifJLl , wards Guadalcanal but it was of the campaign up to $218,900 or !nnshi bnrk about forty-one percent of the j Was Trouble at Bowmanvillc, Ontario, Recent'y When Germans Shackled i- , , objective of $530,000. German Plane With Heavy Antl-Alrcraft Fire and May Have Fallen Into Sea PFJK1VIK. Oct. 23: A German plane was again over Iceland yes terday but it met with heavy antiaircraft fire and probably was shot down. 27 YEARS AFTER rTlflo in 0 i nrnon In Hla tx'n r Churches of British Columbia, who six percent from the correspon- rHo0HoaHKHjoo f Reports from Victory Loarr headquarters are still to the effect-that I vvci Jypi nvriaiiu rplf)tin nmS heavier than In the last campaign FLIGHT OF VICHY MEN London Hears They May Take Refuge In Dakar in View of Growing Unrest LONDON, Oct. 23 There are re- YNsmvL. Wales. Oct 23 ot -.ports current here that the Vichy Mrs. Gumm. 84, of this Glamor-French government may take gansrtlre village, has just xeceivea ... .. ... Earnings on Investments Lower & fWd wrltten 27 years , growing wave of Indignation and Than for Similar Teriod in 19U ?Q inormmg ner that her son border throughout the country r!i. Frank was wounded In a base hos- against tne poncy 01 emorcea of the ed but there Is great emphasU jsea I J foe pltal In France and would re- P-ch labor for Nazi Germany tin let At Ufll i.corted by -rr- - cover hp did and today ne vice-rremicr flum,. is still at Dakar. 3rd VICTORY LOAN COMING EVENTS Friday Afternoon Midlands Band Parade. Friday, 6:15 p.m. Dr. J. T. Mandy, CFPR. Saturday, 6:15 p.m. Mrs. J. S. Black, CFPR. Sunday, 3-5 pjn Victory Program, CFPR Buy Victory Bonds