1 r PAGE SIX ix if It-I! 1 1 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Introducing it Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charts Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, ft Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant S ADAM HATS ARE PLEASED TO i ANNOUNCE THEIR NEWEST HAT ADAMROYAL J ( 5600 liflfflffl Yovrt for smart distinction ... toft, Igivrioui ftlt . . masterpieces ef styling -e rew shades. ARISTOCRAT OF FINE FUR FELTS $ f?DAMR0VALi SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY AT Rupert Mens & Boys' Store THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD 217 SIXTH ST S Across From Helgerson Real Estate JjyyVtV1ViVAViVAViViVWAVV,AVWWA,JVi,W HR Canadian Pacific ill Ml I Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific KHfiULAK STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way I Wis; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gcll, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. FLOOR BUY- COVERING Axminster, Inlaid, Printed Linoleum and Congoleum Lare Selection to choose from Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert the NEW VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage O f 1 1? PRINCE RUPERT Lfl LlO. BKITISII COLUMBIA .v Miss Ruby Mah St. Peter's Evening Shower HonoreeJ Branch Tea Sale .Mrs. J. T. Mandy Was Charming Hostess I-ast Night ;Mi8S Ruby Mah was the hon ored guest at a shower on Wed nesday night at the home of Mrs. I J.'T. Mandy. The bride-to-be entered the room to the strains or the "Wedding mrch" from Lohengrin which was followed by a "shower" song by the assembled friends. Master Joseph Mandy, dressed in Chinese costume, transformed the words of the song into reality In his entry with a rainbow and flower-bedecked wagon filled with gifts. Miss Mah, escorted to colorful Chinese silk draped hair, opened the gifts on a lace covered table artistically decorated by Mrs. H. T. Lock with mauve and yellow streamers and were presented with corsages and her father with a boutonniere. all designed and made by Mrs Lock. A setting of Chinese prints. chop sticks and embroidered silks gave a delightful oriental note. Bouquets of Michaelmas daisies and dahlias created a festive at mosphere. A readme. . "Courtship under DmiruJuc- by Mr Mandv Jllll PLEASE SAVE THE BOTTLE! Cauada Needs O-a. Suva Aiil Bottles Your SaJv.:.;e Commi:-tee wUi Coiint This advertisement i: not published or disulayed bv the Liquor Control Board or by the Oovprnmpn of Brif.i.'-h Columbin WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come in I A and look, over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue Successful Affair Held Yester day Afternoon at East End I , Church 1 1 ( 4 A very succiMlul tea and sale i of novelties was held at the home of Mm. J. P. Allan yesterday after noon by St. Peter's Anglican! Church Evening branch of the Woman's Auxllftirjj. The guest o were received by Mrs. J. P. Allan and Mrs. William McLean, president of the W. A. who also acted as cashier. The rooms were tastefully decorated with autumn flowers and patriotic flags adorned the walls. Mrs. J. B. Gibson and Mrs. W T. at lick presided at thi u ns and the tervtteurs were Mrs. K. Taylor a lovely nosegay as a centre of V , .v..!h-w pond was in the hfantv beauty. Miss Mi Mah mov, and her mother cap- ble hands of Mrs. R. Craig and the novelty stall was efficiently attended to by Mrs. D. Hart and Mrs. E. Wardale. The kitchen was in charge of M-s. W. Birbe and Mr. Wilfrid McLean. and a competitive romance contest featured the bridal theme. Refreshments were climaxed by a pre-view of Miss Mah cutting a wedding cake, fittingly decorated with a mlnature bride and groom and a tiny- cloisonne vase filled with American Beauty rosebuds. Friends gathered to honor Miss Mah and her mother and father were Mesdames II. T. Lock. Clc- irone. Krikevsky. Santerbane, Wild ing, Barclay. Donneli, R. Cameron, Foote. Petroft. Irvine. Miss Sharp ind Dr. and Mrs. Mandy. The evening ended with a reiteration of friendship in the -singing of 'Blest Be The Tie That Binds'' and an organ rendition ot Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." llirillll.DItHinilii,!,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I THE PACIFIC CAFE t Third Avenue and Sixth Street Wishes to Announce that It will be OPEN FOR HUSINKSS after being closed for renovation, on THURSDAY. OCTOnEIt 1. BSBBgaFTL 7vBBBk gm faaHHP gaeaaaauBBBauJPBBBBBB'' BaBaarJSBSrsSaBnfl DoThis fe IfChild Has a Cold Rtliece Misery Improved VicJb Way Mothers, you will welcome the relief from misery that romes with a "VspoRub Manage." With this more thorough treatment, the poultlce-and-vapar action of vlck VapoRub mora effectively rt KUMiii irritated air passages with soothing medicinal vapors... STIMUUHS cheat and back like a wanning poultice or plaster... SUMS Miuvmo misery right away I Remit delight even old friends of VapoRub. TO GET a -VapoRub Massage" with all Its benefits - nuuaago VapoRub lor 3 minute on IMPORTANT RIB-AREA OP BACK 4 well a throat and cheat -spread a thick layer on cheat, cover with a wanned cloth. BE SURE to use genuine. time-tested V1CKS VATOHU& NOTICE i CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT VOTERS' LIST 19 U I The Voters' List la now in course 'of preparation. I Householders most file a Declaration certifying that they are Brl-jtlah subjects and have resided in jail taxes not chargeable on land due by such person for the current year to an amount not less I than Five Dollars or in the case of a woman two Dollars. Licence Holders haw also to file a Declaration. Declarations must be riled at the office of the City Clerk by October 31st. Dated at Prince Rupert. DC. this 19th day of October. AD 142 AUDREY A. WRATH ALL City Clerk. THIiliVIHiUliT 3a TI v A. IWacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A flOOIl PLACE TO BUY 50 STRONO STURDY CARD TABLES, assorted models and colors. Cash price from 2.UZ Jjt:i.T." - 1.1!." 327 3rd Avenue. ,,,. , BUY THIRD VICTORY LOAN BONDS X I BBB m m ' m t a p.m. wun a nrst class Chlnase Coot -Specialty Chinese Dishes J The Manaicement Invites the Public to try their Special CHOP SUEY. 2 IBIllllBHIBH.BllJlJlHtatnrB r 1B S O- 1UIIIIIIliU11UnxilliUlaiT;l';gxatB.;g;g,lrl NOTHING ttHllU NOW BUT VICTORY! m 3 " m W PI " m Mussallem's Economy Store ! w Women of the Moose Chapter 311. 11 NEW IRVING BERUN SDKS! ' Mon tlx tvw U(ort!J BING CROSBY SIHBS 'EH! (BrtMlM tr Mvt!) FRED ASTA1RE DANCES 'EK! WORI.I) NEWS POPEYE CARTOON FVd' urc. 1 23, 3 28, 5 29, .- j C'lmpic'c Show. 1 00 3 03, 0 S3. CAP! SINDAY MIDNITE LEI! BOWMAN In PACIFIC Rr.MltZVt aMi ""inili Moose Women CUk-Mo:. i MUUM !. Hold Meeting . In hoi:'.: Moose hear I Hay to be Celebrated 1 By luteal Chapter INJl ltll S li; held tnelr regular meeting Wed- London neaday evening in the Oddfellows' tion Hall. In the absence of the Senior lead Regent. Mrs M Tolln. the meeting eases was presided over by acting 8e- arlir . jnlor Regent Mrs. A. Kasper. New Au:h : : candidates were Initiated. a .- : Business followed, the main di - f: - n 5BUY I BONDS I FOR ! VICTORY III There la only one kwur In this war V rt is defeat, you kmc alL Speed the VlcUr 1 m m might fttUi your doUars. sWnwt clvin.. . 1? not carry on. GORDON'S HARDWARE 5 kauijiaiiiniB3iiB:iiiiiaKB'M b i h"" I .1 R-S tne Victory Loan Many are paying the cost of victory m blood, .sweat, toll and tears." If you are not privileged to be a combatant your Job Is to Work and LEND for Victory ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR We Lead . . . Others Follow A f t MSutn- ini 1 t ........i.tiittH If JOU linw t break li r 1 UP a far cnunr t3 M s'l u I ': shock or tatt "' lW hf your life It&M ,nnf in caul? the fUhtinj for es. ....HM"! SMITH & ELKINS Ltd. Plumbing and Heatin,? fcSpjRr WORK SB L6ND ' IS A ir r rr i nn WARP I HilLM tlAKUfYW