WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1912 5 VAW. Expert OPTICAL SERVICE RAILWAY I I Lists j : nsH H Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry X , y V Repairing, Hand Engravlnc VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for line China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, luggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant N 5 PEOPLES STORE I INVITING FALL MILLINERY ! They're here! Those intriguing new women's hats to complete your fall ensemble. Select from dozens of styles. Choose vour own 2 coior. we can tnem urowning uiones because they re really the tops in stunning millinery. J Mail Orders Promptly Filled RUPERT PEOLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVK-Next to Ileilbroner's rhone BLUE 907 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gell, Juneau and Skagway ' Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Aeent, Prince Kupert, B.C. Spring Filled Mattresses MADE BY SIMMONS DEEPSLEEP ' MATTRESSES, size 4'6". Price SLUMBER KINO MATTRESSES, sizes 4,6". 4' Slumber king pillows. Pair $35,00 $29.50 $11.50 Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert I. BUY . . . I RUPERT BRAND s So e rmets . . . ai Your. Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE KUPERT fa BRITISH COLUMBIA PASSING OF CORA HIND studied literally hundreds of acres of fields in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The agricultural world eagerly awaited her word. She loved the Canadian west as few did, but she looked upon Its farm life with an expert eye. Her position as an authority was unique because she was a woman. first of her sex to know as much i about the technical end of agriculture and catUe-ralslng and judging as any man. r THE DAILY NEWS Canadian west." Neither MLss Hind nor editors of the Free Press believed him. Miss Hind went Into the prairie .wheat fields and made an examination. She estimated production KA AAA AAA n rA KK. fWl fWl lit totalled 54.000,000 husheU. vuia ,inia, agea 01, aui 01 ',wasn-t, Sne had been painstaking Canadian newspaperwomen and,ln her sutvey Ier work led to world authority on livestock andl,l(ilWllhm(,n, nf Pomniete ftarl- agrlculture died here yesterday. jculUlral department In the Free Miss Hind became famous inter nationally through her accuracy in forecasting Canada's wheat crops. An army of correspondents sup Press with Miss Hind at Its head. Orphan at Two plied regional data, but Miss Hind Ln ftt the age of two wa, added a personal Investigation. brougM up on farm of her mw:u uuo pru.rie graiiimuoa. rnnrifn,hpr in 0rev CountV. Ont arlo. There she learned to love the farm, its streches of grain, Its livestock. She went to school ln Ontario man. So she rot a lob as typist ln ' ,i, If!-.. T T 1 1 I l ... ... . 1. Defrost according to manufacturer's instructions. Impty drip water immediately. 2. Wash inside of refrigerator with baking soda and water each time the refrigerator is defrosted. Don't forget to wash the freezer. 3. Avoid overloading the refrigerator with food it stops necessary air circulation. FIX THEM UP REvvy says: "Mlt tvery WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES dy." make; them last ORGANIZE SALVAGE Dean of Canadian Newspaper- War SerWce, I.epartjnent Hepre-women Dies in Winnipeg , " V . V i v .iL)n,. tentative to be Here Next Visited Trince Rupert Week ine of the Prince Rupert Red Cro Society In the City Hall last evr nlng President W. R. McAfee re ported that the matter of .salv-is; had been taken up with the War Services Department In Ottawa Born In Toronto, September 18.jand a representaUvc of that c!c 1861, MUs Hind was icii an w Rupert next week to go into " matter of the storage and trar portatlon of salvage materia; and scrap' iron. Mrs. W. F. Bre reported that, threw Rushbrook Heights unit wx busy and was acquiring the necc and planned to be a teacher. Out sary equipment for a work room he failed ln her examinations. In unit 1882 she came to Winnipeg to live , At the request of the executive with her foster mother, Alice Aa- committee Mrs. C. H. Elkins con na Hind, and to seek work on a jentsd to take charge of the City newspaper Free Press editors to wall workroom and trie requetcd whom she applied told her the ' the assistance of all women who newsroom was no place for a wo- tn m a portion to help in the u ,..u law office at $8 a week, uaier ,a , Mri s D. Johnston stated that Ihc. one ucuKHwru m pcM' i she became Manitoba's first puouc th nd Crm. n- WM act,ve m I hZj ,;Hr;r"c":' "ur ...tTPrr uK-"? n the fomuom . "ina luniN "P mwn. Vlctore -gmpaign The - 'I Z. w tradc and. a'm w.. the mom rwv ..w h loot was on me roaa anau.... n, ...,.,. .n.v ner nralrle travpn. nut hr hllitv ...i ir r. i . JVrf ".mm.:- "r " ."".""'a Corp Cooimandant ln Prince a by-word among her friends. 'FT Preaa in 1901 he seieeted P? ...... Unfl she was 73 years old. Miss mi A ,nd ag mflrket and aaricul- Tre"urer. 1n. f1"?.. !: jHind made Journeys Into the ni, reporter iclpU ror mon"r ol -wheat country for her newspaper.; During the next 30 year, or whW) VfL Wj"Jl ' the Winnipeg Free Press. On these her ,ame ,rew. Sne nver m from the recent ert treks she adopted masculine garb. , ceased to be a reporter, doing a Put m by th MWland Rita"11 This was the life she loved and I0r her paper( bul ctab- , she dressed tor it. It meant climb-. hersel( a, an authority on! lfNIOL v ,..,rv. JLI, . . tag through fences Into gram inm maturg. she the ua,' .St e. Helenawth Allan Uc Ule fields along the road. Often It on which ha. of any Judge ln placlng avard, at meant tramping through muddy jivcock show.. Agriculture heap-a PP"taUon Xo 01 m fields. Into barnyards. That was -r-. nonorg upon ner 'the Cora Hind the western farmer, Aj an adVOCat 0f the Hudson hlblUon associations. On May 15. to- 'Bay route for export of grain. MUs'JWS. she was paid the highest An agricultural crisis in 1904 Hind was the first woman to academic tribute, receiving the launched Miss Hind on her studies travel from Churchill to England honorary degree of doctor of Laws nrVlloVl 1 eA tn Via kAlnlv .MMniliiul - . .. . . T 1 1 4 . ..1. as an authority on estimating crop She was accorded an honorary deem was conferred on her by I production before the threshing (diploma in agriculture from Manl- her twa." , Mr. Dafoe. who wai , macmne5 were m acuon. uiack j toba Agricultural College, now part chancellor of the university. rusi a new and strange plague of University of Manitoba. She then struck the grainlands In was made an honorary member of Several years ago Miss Hind 1904. A UnttdJ3ltes expert look- th Canadian Society of Technical paid a visit to Prince Kupert to ed over the wWs and reported Agriculturalists and held honor study the grain shlpptna situation "35,000,000 fdr, the whole of the ' ary memberships ln western ex- for the Winnipeg F. i Prr 4. Dc sure the cold control h set as it should be to give you ihc proper food compartment temperature for your seasonal requirements. 5. If you have an open type mechanism in vour refrigerator, oil the front and back motor bearings every three months and clean the condemer frequently. Have a reliable service man check for necessary adjustments. Hermetically scaled units do not require oiling or adjusting. MOST mechanisms should have occasional cleaning. Consult your service man. KEEP THEM WORKINC It CAPITOL A IAMOUI IATIII THIATII C:fl' l oo, i :i At 1 25, 3 3d. i I AImj lUliar Kennedy Comedy Nrii SPY FILM PRESENTED Conrad Veldt and Ann Avars In "Nail Atent" Conrad Veldt, in Nasi Agent." ihowtng today and Thursday at the Capitol Theatre. pUys dual role or twin brother., one a kindly, gentle bookworm, the other the sinister ruler of a ring of International antes and saboteur! Through Ingenious camera technique they talk together, tight to gether, yet each to a distinctly different person. The story deals with the brothers, separated by their different manners of thinking. The saboteur leader enmeshes his brother In his plots, a quarrel results, and the gtnUo brother, after accidentally causing the death of the other, tekss on his Identity to confute and wreck the saboteurs. In doing so he makes a dramatic sacrifice to save a girl, also Involved ln the plot whom he learns to love. Veldt plays his two roles so skilfully that it Is difficult to believe Um two characters are the same man. Ann Avars, brunette discovery who played the heroine In Dr KUdare's Victory."- the girl in the ease. Principals Include Dorothy Tree, who plays the principal woman Aeeompilec of the spy ring: Martin Kosleck. who portrays the Gestapo agent; Frank Relcher. Ivan Simpson. William Tannen. Marc Lawrence and SWnej Blacjcmer COUPONS are still available with each' I" eath purchase In our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and let us espial this gift plan to them. ? MUSSALLEM Economy Store j i "Where Dollars Have More 'l 'r Cents" ; P.O. Itoi 575 rhones 18.19 WAV.'.MWAVAWVWW Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 r. rm m t m i a saTanm etm nra fvaW -r ' B Opportunity knocks more than once when you shop at the VARIETY STORE . TODAY AND .... . I BBS ri m m n IB : 2 b:: Hi Where your dimes are little rj dollars H ra nan if a mu rawa m rm Pays to Advertise in Tho News i IS !e A : L fir 13 IT SAVO HOT! Carl ZareIii.fR rhooe f I FRASER snr prime tent s Lawnmod S slum r j t.r t C - -1 J 5 riiONi; un c I H i g g til lata o i t 1 1 til ;s kwoxo stv i nor ta Chop Sk House Nul I : R H f 6P r.h AVI R 5 AH jour pilrsmV Z Open 5 pro. to? ' JJ Orders from t rhone E'i m Mimm) ' mm m m a n t I ii v i Airr n.c iu JIM" NATIOStt Call it tf. nfff drt 1)1. ..nn 1 THE SEA1 OrALlTV G 0 L D Sockeje f Fancr" Ilerriff In Torn55J as?