DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL 1 tit DAILY NEWS, PKLNCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Post War Problems . . . A o; zi f4 by Uvp Liquor Bf.:-gfa Columbia PERTH'S "Tango Pumps" in crushed &nn metal JULIE ARTHUR Hi Styles lines in latest designs PLIO PEDIC Arch Supporting Shoes with Style Plus Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" Published Erery Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. P PULL EN', PRESIDENT O. A. HUXTER. MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion CUmUU-4 AdverUrnnents, vr word, per insertion 2i M sUBSCRirno.H rates Hubripttfn Rates in City Per Year, J5.00; Half Year, $2.59; One Month, lOe; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3j9Q a Year. MONDAY. JUNE 22, lf42. We hear so much talk to the effect that we should devote ourselves exclusively to winning the war without worrying about what happens after the fighting is over mat ii in rainer sauwaexory 10 near a man oi me eminence of the president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce HtreH the importance of considering plans for the post-war period. We may not agree with everything that Mr. McKenzie said in his speech here lagt week on postwar reconstruction but we cannot but wholeheartedly agree .that it is mot important to consider what we are ping to do with the victory once it is won. " Of course, it 8 primarily important that we should win t iYc 'war. AVe should remember though that we are not fighting for the victory alone but rather for the things that victory will preserve or bring our freedom, our way of living, our many democratic rights. We must guard against the victory bringing a sequel of chaos which will most certainly result if we have not some plan for action in the time of peace. There can be no peace in chaos. If we lose the war, of course, we would have nothing to say about the peace. But what use is there in winning the war of arms if, due to our lack of planning, the conflict goes on in chaos after the arms have been laid down? Quite possibly the problems of the peace will be as umicuic as cnose ot tne war but they will be that much more difficult if we make no preparation to meet them. The organizations interested in the civic centre idea are meeting tonight to deal with the possibility of holding a civic centre carnival this year. Is this going U) be a case of three times and out? When there is so much loose change going about it seems a shame that some of it cannot be picked up for this useful cause. If the civic centre doesn't get it somebody else will and it won't be used for Victory Ilonds or War Savings Certificates either. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable. TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 24-llour Service at Rrcular RUei ..zhi aw some of the best J ftopert with his easy graceful i : .aved tat Prince BanHt(try of the Sjasa hUe hb) catch- , a. hn the Medical Corps i- J-2td by the Co-OpeiaUm w.tb Midland wbminc from Day Dock by the sate of their The first in the thin Ops. lumaw They made another ran in the fourth and one in the sixth while me Madteab aroagbt in two in the third and two in the fifth u make the score 9 to 4. In the Mela to pftcn for tta THIS 0 A! r TAQ2 TTTO TEE DRILY OAT. JOVE BASEBALL WAS GOOD; 'and fboved bis osoal form. Randy doesn't lose any of his steam s time goes on. The second game was beaottfal to watch, the Drydocks scoriae two runs in the first, one in the fourth while the MkHanrts snored one in the first, one in the fourth and one in the seventh to tie the totte, la tttt owtttiar ii uasjit tn on ran to wtn the game. Tn batteries of them two teams vf ex ceptional. Lewis aftw baa never ''pitched before, maae aa name for j hiawfltf ay lanwRf tea at bto op- Splendid Mar Niflrt fr B-j Pm-U- A" rr r Fim cro wha Aa4 nal ability. jer a style aefdoro Men in Prince r. MrMsrrts. 'lacker of proved a worth) tx.-eOent nttching. .D4o Oarrkh. vu CUff Dry Dock Heatheriafton. O SeatbertngloB. J. Lewtt, aa, mawe 'Joaxton. flbmnonno. Asenkft MTJ-'aney. Carey. Mid binds ytmfw. MeManis opaa. Mk. ItcXemaa, Bant. B-ot, WO. Mathew. Baa. Medicals Foster. MKehe! nh. Leon. Boyee, Omson. Qafctc Hnffsaaa. Omfeen. Randal. Cam-then. As Braegatiaar. Otias, Sharp. THRIFT IS VITAL to winning the war TP""- ft. v (Ti i To conquer Hitler, we must first conquer waste and extravagance .... Every dollar is urgently needed to pay the price of Victory Security Freedom .... It's patriotic to be thrifty. It's our duly to practise self-denial to forego luxuries in war time .... Thrift means War Savings and Victory Bonds. More planes, tanks and ships! More trained men for the Army, Navy and Air Force! .... Thrift means Life Insurance. More protection for Canadian homes. More premium savings to add to the mighty army of fighting dollars that is helping to win the war. LIWX It is good citizenship to own f -m iLiiie insurance ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED BY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES OPERATING limuSM Was Drowned AtEssington MtUin Unt Hb life In raM mm Wharf At Skrena River TUlaxv Dark) McLean, enfranchised Indian, was dlwned at Port Dwinf -ton about noon yesterday when he fell backward from a wharf into the watess of the- Serena' river. The body was soon recovered. An Inquiry Is betas; held si-! thoagh circumstances were trt-1 ' denUy quMe accidental. McLean COT WLNGS AT Sweden's ftrX Sylnc air chief. Oeneral B. O. NordenskioM SI years old and learned to fly at the age of 43. Prcsh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PllONE U? m l in ITS MOTH TIME AGAIN MOTH CRYSTALS (IrwKeWwfeen), 1 lift ........... ......... (May be ui fo jour Kiio.xr. m I' NOTE ri MOTH BALLS, lib. A XAPTHAUN'E PLAKBS Ilk, FLY-KIL, Deodorized Uttctnjn: F9m Moth Mejuitoes, 8-o. .M)c; ........ LARVEX SPRAY, 10 on. SPRAYERS, cm ek BLACK LEAP, 40 for your &rtei ....... Ormes Ltd. JJv Pioneer UrKjjj iiu: it:..i.i, stork riio.M.s n ami k ()pn Daily (rum I a.m. till 10 Ant. Sunday ami llulitlay mhh It 2 p.m, d 7 - m. 2 J'V i mmmm m i p, A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO Rl'V 30 CARD TABLES Special $2.95 tti TMIUII AVEM'E RECORD PLACER $105 manrnt n fed If S13.50 nfftllc PLUS $5.00 WORTH OF DECORDS OP YOI R OWM CHOICE Ettjoy Uu? Music you Want When you Wan Connect an RCA Victor Player to your Kadi These instruments are not sold with Record Complement NOW IS THE TIME- Give u an order right away for the amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to mwt your requirement! now or as supplies arrive. It Is. Important that you should lay In your coal supply this summer as It Is almost certain that the dealer w not be able to cone satisfactorily with the demand nrxt winter. IT IS NOT IIOAimiNO TO HV YOUIt COM. KAHI.V (It Is also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery) Albert & McGaffery Ltd. PIKIMPU MA MHMI7 W1ttl 1W 4 M"-M- 1