MOOTAY, JUNE 22, 1912 00 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE "I'M w Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charts Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving. VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for line China, Uinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Notelties. . MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant a A PLAYBOY" AND MY MOM GETS ALL MV CLOTHES AT The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store ROYS' SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BOYS' CAPS SHORT PANT SUITS LONG PANT SUITS SPORT JACKETS POVS' PANTS BOYS' OVERALLS Mothers, you've been patient a long time. You've asked us to secure a boys' department comparable with the large city stores. We now feel with pride that you'll find a stock in our store that is just that. Try us! I Rupert Men's & Boys' Store 1 217 SIXTH ST Across From Helger&on Real IMate THE STORE FOR DAI) AND LAD JUST ARRIVED - A shipment of Lugge: Trunks, Suit Cases of all sizes, Twin Sets, Folding Carriages, Congoleum Rugs, Bedroom Suites, Convertible Lounges, Unpainted Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Medicine Cabinets, Unpainted Dressers, Iron Boards, Tea WagonsBaby High Chairs, Baby Swings, Baby Harness. Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News, Green 916 BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rillNCE RUI'KRT (q u,UTIsn C0LUMBA I I W.V.W.V.' Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June 8th, 1912 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 p.m.. stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 7 am WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 aJn., stopping at Terrwe Pacific. Ilazelton, New Hazclton, Smithers. Burns Lake. Van-dexhoof. Prince George. Giscome and McBride only. Arrive JASPER Thursday and Saturday 12:25 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERTj TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 11 pan. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 6:30 p.m. For Full Information, Reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone ZGO Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines No. 25. RED CROSS CORPS Trince hupert Section tt J June -23. 1942 1 TRAINING Lecture 2000 his. 2950 hrs. Ail ranks will take lecture by Serjeant Andersen on Motor The Hyde Transfer WOOD Get Your Winter Supply Now HYDE TRANSFER Second Avenue Phone 580 ooooooooooo-ooooooooooooooa o 0 o a o 0 a o o o a a a a o o a o o a O o o a a o o a o a a a Announcement NOW OPEN Sunrise Beauty Salon Violet Mali Above Sunrise Store Entrance Sixth Avenue PHONE BLUE 913 Prince Rupert, B.C. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo THE-DAILY NEWS 'LOCAL GIRL IS MARRIED In the presence of relatives and .Immediate friends, on Saturday i evening the rectory on Fourth Avenue East, was the scene of a I quiet but Impressive wedding when .Miss Marjorie Theodora Silversides. 'second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Silversides. of Prince Rupert, j became the bride of James Henry .Shuman, youngest son of Mrs. A. Steele and the late P. Shuman of j Vancouver. Very Rev. J. B. Olb-,son, dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, officiated. The bride was charming In a biege ensemble with matching- accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Way attended the young couple. After the ceremony, the young people returned to the home of the bride's parents on Third Avenue West where many friends had gathered to extend their best wishes. For the present. Mr. and Mrs. Shuman will reside on Second Street, later making their home In Vancouver. The bride is exceptionally well known, having lived here all her life. There will be sincere Native Wedding Held Saturday .Mis Julia Benson Becomes Bride Of Benson Young At SL Andrew's Cathedral A quiet wedding took place In St. Andrew's Cathedral on Satur FOOTBALL FANCIES CanMt be that the dark h..: , of Um Dominioni Day Cup are the Navy? Tales are going around th.r the Sailors have been h .M.r somethln back. Well in Mutrj. and Bastman they have the -..: pair of backs In Um city ami the rest of the team can hold -hi end up well perhaps the u : sex in the interior may yci some raatlewa. I often wonder If MeMraxht t.ib. as much at home as lie doe n football ground or is tt the h. n pecked husband's safety valve an t this is the only tame be is ab t open his mosth? Rigtoy rf the Air Ptoree is one r the outstanding players in the League. Some of the other centre halts could take a few leuons from him in ball control and dts- 'rl button. Fowler of the same team 's wel:ome baek after his absence O&SBRVKR. day afternoon at 3:30 when Miss Dorothy Julia Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Benson of Kin- eolith, became the bride of Benson Young of Maasett The bride was given In marriage by her father. Jeffrey Benton. Mrs. Seltna Russ of Oreenvlhe was matron of honor and Ernest Yeltatsie was groomsman. There were seven bridesmaids and little Misses Mercy (Nelson and Mona Young were flower girls. Very Rev. James B. Gibson officiated. Friends and relatives attended a banquet which, was held later in the Commdoore Cafe and a happy dance In Dave's Hall rounded out the celebration. CANADA lis? "l NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE CONTROL OF EMPLOYMENT NO EMPLOYER HEREAFTER SHALL HIRE ANY PERSON, MALE OR FEMALE, WITHOUT THE APPROVAL Or A SELECTIVE SERVICE OITICER IN AN EMPLOYMENT OITICE or THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION Whenever a vacancy occurs, or additional stall is required, or a lay-ofl of stall is anticipated, the employer shall notily the local Employment Office. Ho may engage-only persons referred to him by, or approved by, the local Employment Office, A local Selective Service Officer may revoke at any time, on not lest than ton days notice, any approval granted by him. Appeal from a Selective Service Officer's decision may be made in writing within ten days to the Divisional Registrar of the National War Services Board, and the decision ol the board shall be finaL EXCEPTIONS fr.rmin?? "cf "l? F (!l In a?ri. &hlng, hunting or ffin t109 &SenUal. W?rk "e nd Technical Personnel) rlegulabons, 1942; lQ (3) In domestic service in a private home; (4) Of students after En5? raT0 If' "'i.W do! include employment during Summer Vaca-bons), (5) In part-time work which U not the principal means of liveUhood; (6) Casual or irregular employment for not more than three days in any calendar week for the same employer; (7) Under the Government of any province This order does not affect Re-employment: (1) Within not more than 14 con-secufave days after the last day a person worked for the same employer; (2) After sck-ne or disabUity which caused the suspension of the employment; l) On of work after a stoppage caused by an industrial dispute; (4) In accordance rumPUoa S ! coUective larur agreement .whicli provide, for preference according t ffnSh S emce or seniority; (5) On compulsory re-Inslalement after MUitary Service SelerfiyI-tn1?"06 frm lhc DiireCt0r f N.ational So Serviceora local National ThU order mpetudei pieWeni N.llon.l S.l.cll,, Unlet Order, tefpecung reittlcted sad nntetlrlded occupatlont. STANDARD Gt AGE Standard guage railroad track Is four ftet 84 Inches wide between rails. BLACKHEADS I D I HMt UtrUwU- -tllewlt tkem. CM ic ' V I l n. t HUMPHREY MITCHELL, X MlnUUr ol Labour " ! PAGE tetxk fattrl el . . on how much ta .andvrhosahMrt belongs to Glaavl I Jkvai mm . t vu bk MUM. t. i I 1 BAND "llunpw . ,.-oul ,unil tmu,u At 1 21. 3 21. 5 21. ' 21. 21 Complete sn 1. 3 5 7 a SLRVICIIS TO Vanroutrr. YktwU snd Wsr xlnls be art and N rth, (jueen Charlotte IvUnd.. Full Infirmttton. ttikett nd Keervatin HUNK J. bKI.YNLK t'rlnee lluuert Airnt Third Ae. fhnne l AMAIGAMATrli HUILDINfJ WOUKEILS Ol' CANAHA rrlnrt Rupert, rtC .Mimioron: hall M'ettnza every f"u:! a tn the month t 2 " Unit No 1: ShipwriKt Moat Itelloefs and r . Unit No. 2: Paints . haners and L- -'j Secretary: Thone niu r.o. no i n is in. Ifi Porck JSC BHffl , Mdt ttpicl.ll for oiiUM. ip? I ' I Torch P.IM drl hd lUtfrj I tMp, tucV, pttl Of Ul.tcr I IK ft.Mv icrubblnt Ovtf i l:"f 1 r, i. Sptcify "B rr lor v-"-1 Wt'itnon. On quirt COtr 130 iquitt (iL GORDON'S HARDWARE I'hone 311 Mcllrlde Street savoy HOTEL Carl Znrclli, Prop. I'hone 37 I' O- " 5,1 FKASKU STREET rRINCC RUI'ERT