I r&aa ttto THE DAILt ilgTrS ' TOUHSDAT, JULY 2, IR "Rice Krispies" is a registered trade mark of Kellogg Company of Canada Limited, for its brand of oven-popped rice. Get some today. "BIRMINGHAM" Finest range in Men's Dress Shoes at their price on the market If you have not had the pleasure of wearing "Birmingham" Shoes you are missing one of the best bets possible. Solid leather throughout. Finest fitting lasts and styled to the minute. Priced $6.50 to $8.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" l .. . - 1 I Going To Camp? BETTER TAKE ALONG THE FOLLOWING CAMP NEEDS SUN GLASSES 25c, 35c and 50c POLAROID GLASSES ' $00 GAUZE BANDAGES, 1 inch . . . . i5c GAUZE BANDAGES, 4 inch . . ' " 35c ADHESIVE TAPE, I inch ." 15, ADHESIVE TAPE, 2 inch 50c BAND AIDS, f of minor wounds 25c " TANNIC ACID JELLY, for burns . . . 50c TINCTURE OF TOn.NF, 9 PIRE FIGHTER LOTION, for sunburn 25c ABSORBENT COTTON i J ABSORBENT COTTON, A ozs GAUZE, 1 yard GAUZE, 5 yards '. '. . FILMS ALL SIZES Ormes Ltd, 37i Pioneer Driu&ists Till: KEXALL STOUE Open Daily frtm 8 a.m. till in 15c 35c 20c 75c PHONES 81 AND 83 Sunday, and Holiday, from U . 2 . p.m. and 7 , p m SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! '"wvmnrjMi. AJl ends tapered with Frank- t i j. Baird', iMr Sh.per. Individual styUnK to suU yourTeatur Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor. Cth and Pulton - Above Sunrise Store ne Blue 943 fr Appointment, CUP STILL UNDECIDED , Thrilling Tic Game In Dominion . Day Cup Football Final i Pans who made the JwT u to Aero poll Hill tut evening had the pleasure ot seeing one of the most exjitlng gMM of faettoall played in this city for many a long day as the signals and Air Force battled to a one all driw rh the Dominion Day Cup final, necessitating a play-off on Sunday. Signals had th better of the opening exchange and, aftW five minutes piaj, dperiji the Score with a grand drive by Baker. Play ranged from end to end and in a couple of minutes Rigoy let go a 'cannon ball shot from outside the 'penalty area which had Lawford beaten ail the way. Both defences were playing airtight bail and putting an unbeatable ring aroarttl their goalkeepers. Bastings of Air ! Force played a nice game at outside left and some of his crosses only went a-begging through the 'good work of MeNaught arid Randall. Until the end of the game both sides gave all they had and kept the large crowd of spectators on their toes. Baker early m the second half was hurt in a collision but resumed shortly to the great delight of the Stgs. sup- , porters. I Full time found the s:ore tied 1 to 1 and twenty minutes overtime was played. Both teams were tiring towards the end, but the game never lost Its excitement The errd of the overthn period found the gaase stfll deadlocked so the game wiH be replayed on San-day evening. If anything the Signals had more of the game territorially but weakness around centre spoiled many chances. Rigfey was a tower of strength at centre half for Air Force for whom Cousins. Hastings and Mel-Tflle also starred. The ptek of the Signals was' their defence, with Hikler perhaps the outstanding. i If the two teams could only be I switched, with the Air Force for-' ward line and the Signals defence, with the addition of Riafcy. this team might be put up against anything in the province. It was too bad that Cliff Leslie had to take that "Old Mag" back MEN'S SUITS Ladies' and Gents' Spring Suits .Military Badges and Insignia, M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 95 Phone Gr. 960 Ntmt Addrtu Adretta. YANKS WIN BALL GAME Two Fine Baseball Shows Are Put Un Dominion IHy Two bang-af) ball games were ylayed on DosaMon Day it Acropolis Park before a reword crowd. The first game saw the Watts Se Nkckeraon nine that out the highly touted Edmonton team 5 to 0 and in the second game the Tanks edged oat the Medical squad 4 to 1 Starting off with a bang Watts & tftefcemn ganwreo three runs on three straight walks, a single, and a hard-hit double off Paisley, the Bdmontons starting pitrher. Barber ttttk ore: the Mound duties to safe repository but perhaps ta next game will decide ihe winner. Teams: 9nals - lawford; MeHaught and Randall: Johnson, Hllder arid Smith: Brock, Martinique, Aker-mati. Bofcer. and Velland. Ah- For :e Sofnmervllle : Freeee and Grounds; Smith, Risjtoy and fucker: Cousins. Baldwin. Melville, Pbwfer and Hastings. Spares, Carawell Welds and SeaWdott. Unemen Andy Borland and Charley B u.:- Referee f V : Tru.-s a Tr:-- P El rr.rtnm ati: or iMrnovi:Mr.M Ptrtim and M :mb Minn il I I.m:iis !ltBf In li AtJin M.n;a; of. . CfcmlT Dutriot i he WnB. Mdr ot i J Pta Crrk iJrra 1-3 mtl and 1-4 A i piO Worth ot lower Ptn Crrrk 'TAKE NOTICE that I. JMnca T. Un-CkrtilH. P-M C S3CS6 E. trtkn M fm fr AJrx V Ommtw. TUC 6800 C 'flwwf nt tV nou MC . and Thnmu iOmtmo. FM C S8M1 K. nfocr of the IQV Soantb MC mtmd. wtxty tey man cr m nerra M not kmituim rne jr. l- HTlJ to th Uinl:i( R-rontrt' for OrUflaAca of Improntncnta for uh pjrprhe i-d o9tatiun Crown Oranta of tte bo. ckunn And further take nottor (hat rtton unor iiecaan U at Ait "MinerJ Art." Burnt be (wnmmnrt birr th tMuaiv.V of aix OrUflmi of Iiyrtimmu Dwt1 thi ftth dm.y of April 12 JAMH8 T CNDERHIU.. Kirn Ititmlf Kumtn Ail it vndtr It ytt. At; au-tfetioua cfe It an j 1 i ttnvtKvt SUGAR SUQAR j 8UOAR SUCRE SUCRE I SUCRE j i i . i . . . i 8U0AR ' and retired tbt Je hi offer, "ft is a small word but. If the Edmon ton team had started Barber on! the mound it might have been a different story m he soni twelve ; of the oppuahlon back to the bench vta the jarttee-oot unit J Bill, on the hill for the Clothiers. , went the route, being ably assisted ' by an airtight MieJd. Watts A: rekron'i abort stop. Windle. eniM ofl a sensational catch In. the fifth inning Zftrige. the Ed- j man ton shortstop, had a perfect day at bat. hitting three for three the Tank-Medical game was a top-notcher wKh the Yanks having a flight ese. Brers, the Yank catcher, put the game on le with a smashing home run In the centre field In the second Inning with two of his mate on the sacks. Randall, the XfedVal htirt-jer. pltchad a baag-up game but 'was given little or no support by I his team slates. "A Tanks paned off a neat double play in the fourth inning to retire the skK the play being frflfen Wgro to Ban-key to Mollne. The game was called at the end of the fifth when 'three of the Medical squad Had to report ba:k for duty. Dido Otrr-rteh. the awrpWe. again state the shew with his Owning. AM In si! the falls altswisad steo sterling ball games. ;u H":men?a: Band plaved be- in f Br: .. r -V. , .or t 'Mm o : poi KI o i.i hil.Rj N. :. Hi.KlH No :t and KM N.i I. MIM XU. n.ttMo. atuunr m tn Axlin Uiuina r.T.M":: Where lontd About 7 ml Mnrt!i nt Tulwquati, BC l(ul tutor PiUr-Taku Muung Omtmuj Ixd V U c ihe hotdeCt frw ailwr rrr .riiwt aaaouL TAKt HOTlCt ttm. Jam T fnor-Ull. rate MS3SS. aa ag-tit for PUar Taaru Mtnut ooasjaunr LM. rue atSOIS. iotmda. at th aatd of Mi'.? dajra and not lawr Ulan mi rrom dap aa hmf to aapiy ta u um-ttaj ReeoMer of Orttflraaia of Im-prevctneou tor tlx purpow of obtain-1 mx Crer. gntnt of nV abov rm And further tak noltr ttklt MUon imder aacUoo S of the "Mineral Act. ' mux br iMtntneraed tWcvr the kwu-ano of aueh Oartifaratn of larovv-nienu D.1 ihu 20th dar nt June 141 m DOMINION gf, CANADA Tamporary War Ration Card Ratlonntmant da Guarra Carta Ttmporalrs Serial No. No, de lent. Vint ffuirU) r,tmiA CltrCttt Cmtf Ctmit SUQAR SUCKE 0 Good Aaj. 24 Good A119. 10 Gsod jufr 27 Good )U J Qm4 I The nhorcit fnr'imilc only und cimimt be uu d. From one quality Product In another IT IS PATRIOTIC susai Ariris its word of praise to the "GENTLEMEN IN KHAKI" ri.NDAii tiii: roirr kituikn M.tTtinou Pindar, chief lyrical poet of Farmers of southern fwrope u Oreeoe. began his rareer as writer the marigold plant for colony or mora; !. wiun to years "'.a i-nei-w and flavortrur, TO HOARD COAL Uy Illling jour bin and keeping it (nil oq lll help r arolj bolilenrtk. Voo and jonr bin rrprsrnt a tital part of the ttoragr .pare. FnhM for the duration by antklpattng oar requlrrient and krrplng jour bin ktorlng alt it ran. .n uratfes or FiHilhiflx Alln-rla Coal nrw on Imnd-also Btilkley Valley and ( omox CmU PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PIIONP. savoy HOTEL Carl ZarellL Prop. rbone J7 p.O, toi SI I I'RASER STREET PltlNCK KCPKUT SOME IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT YOUR RATION CARD 1. A Ration Card la rbqulied for each Individual peraon, regardJeu ol ag. 2. Each numbered coupon la good lor a two weekV ration of 1 lb. of ugar. 3. Coupon No. 1 la good July ht; coupon Ho. 2. Jul 13th; coupon No. 3, My 27th; coupon No. 4. Auauct 10th; coupon No. 5. Auguat 24th. 4. Coaponi cannot h uied Mot th peetfied date, but may b ated any time allerwarda. 5. Only coupon, 1, 2, 3. 4 and S can b used for sugar buying. 6. Do not uie coupon. A, B, C. D and E. Uhlew Inttnlcticma at fjuved by Th Wartime Prfce, and Trad Board. Do not detach them. 7. Cotipona mut b detached In tha preics of yottr retailer. H will noi accept teote, detached coupons. 8. If you do the buying for your hom. or for a number of peopU, you may porchaae rigor for them by tattng their ration cards with you to the itor. 9. U yon order by telephone, coupon, rmwt be detached in the pretence of, or by the delivery man. 10. Retailer, may hold automer,' ration card and detach coupon, for them in xe where cuatomer, are not ordinarily at home to take delivery; or In Ihe cae of Summer cottager, having detlvehea made by mall or express. 11. If you go visiting for a week or more, you should tale your ration card with you for your host to use. h.:lvA.f ,.,,443 .J,l,..ltl j.f.MJ.y 2. If you are a regular board? In a ba. Tou should turn your ratloe md over to your kradlady so she may mw, your sugar allowance. 13. You do net use coupon, fr the purchase of sugar for rxee-rM, een-nlng, Jam or Jelly mdkuaa. AltMbnal hHties are allowed far dape pur-Pos. for wbkh you sign a speela! Sugar PtrrchaM VwKfeer. which your grocer will give yo. 14. You do not reaarfre oovpont let sugar that you cotWnme In restaarents or pubfee eating places. The pfece die rationed and eon only serve Mmfted quantities to their custom fs. I.. Mjtie of ration tmfaM It Hks 1 and ofrtfidws art IhWe to proV. cutlon. in. Wport to the ncarett Wtrtime Prices arid Trade Board of fit (a) if you lose your card, (b) If you thins your name or addreas. 17. If additional ration cards arc needed for new babiea, or nw Oaa. flan realdenU, write to the utanst Wartime Prices and Trade nard office. I k ' slslslslslslslslBBBHBBH ljj "ix an 4 riiosr. rv2 NEW ROYAL HOTEL i ZAHOXI. PHOr. 'A Home Amur Frew Homy Italra ?Se bp SO Rrtom Hot Ac Cold Wa Prlnre It u pert, BC. Thone Sl p,(), 1H saiaajjjjBBi m iaaMM HaaaBMMdia bjmbi '""" 'mmmm'mmmmimmmmmmimmmmmmm SUGAR RATIONING by COUPON IS NOW IN EFFECT to mo. m .t DO NOT Vil THIJI COUPONS UNTIL TO10 TO DO SO