Sea lAtUn Local Temperature Maxima- Minimum V 0 "fr. "t VOL xxxr. N Edgecumbe. 1JH, 1ft fAUui tught Ujm, tf and 14e ra p Pearl. I2JN0, faee Maid It 14c. Canadian njtfL MJc and Oony. 1S.0OQ, UJc and 14c. Ibge Joe Haker. 10 ItJe Md 'afifle Naomi. Jm, UJe and UKth Mirrls H . 2JM. ISJe and Iktuth aim. lftJe and itc. i agr Ouivtc ' Ihtnth lie.' 0J0M, UJc and 14c. Cape Kaec. M00. Pacific 14c. 72 S3 ;bat losses at : sunken tonnage." T rMTrKT T..1.. o Aiti t ... . . In Mr. Churchill i opinion the war Is likely to be a long one and he said, "there is no to suppose hostaittea will when the final result The Prane Minister paid tribute to the Russians for their resistance to the Germans and ptedlet- He, Jed they would "surprise Hitter Meanwhile the German forces ate constoutrtc their advanae to- Itc ward Alexandria and the Baea jOsnal. i lie. , in the Rttaso-German war. the 'Axis claims the fall of Sevastopol. 14s.'mobov.' falllnt to oonfkm R. SWLIUSII MORAI.i; HIGH General Olof Thornell. Swedish ! defence chief, says Swedtrii armj morale U high and preparedness fills the nation. no comment to make upon a dispatch from Ottawa that the delegate there from shipyard workers has decided to give the menJVs seven -day week plan a day trial. Bascball Scores THE BATTLE OF RUSSIA ONE YEAR OLD (FW ) T-. . . I 'ijyri.ul t Alfa i ll fjt ?1 Sic a" ri a (S. 1 rV 1 -wi a i ' ( 'J-Py-aA r . a."" , . c a --vyr''. mi a. yu., JtifcSy- a 'vj V I - b.h r ff'r yiK tLJ-- fteJr J : V fcxQ IPfc) s & K feHL.( U & & R pJ These three maps show you the huge area over which the Battle of Russia has been fought almost without let-up for a full year. The Nazis began their attack oa Juno 22, 1041, and in the first phase swept over tho area shaded In the first map at LEFT. But the Russians kept their army retreating Intact and when winter bogged down tho Nazi machine, tho Red Army utruck back, retaking the portion Shaded in CENTRE map before spring. However, when the time came for Hitler to begin 30- TUUSDAY National League Roston 4. Brooklyn S. Philadelphia 3. New York 4. Chicago 4, Cincinnati 4. Pittsburgh 2, St Louis 4. American League Philadelphia -S. New York ft-4. Washington 8-1. Boston 8-5. Cleveland 3. Chicago 1. WLIlNliSDAY National league mttsburg 0, St Louis 4. Chicago ft, Cincinnati S. American League Cleveland 7. Chicago 2. Washington 2-1. Boston 3-7. St. Louis 12. Detroit 0. New York 4. Philadelphia ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRIM h It I i PERT, g.iw, u.i B.C., ., THURSDAY. 1HLKSUAY, JULY JULY 2, 2. 1942 1049. " nave a series of successful counter at- won won an an oerw overwhelmin7r helming Mnf confidence ii,, vot from f the u House ii , tacks n the Kurk aroa MpwWIp th Rnvi0 ,iw ZrtfiS! HBmmd thC A,,i0d dere C'ontinUe to with8tand the continued heavy ult 1 KS?dU .W3r f German infant and as wel1 as dive bombing I rtJn.i.w.lT" , th h?e f V,?tory J,,nned on very attacks at Sebastopol, the fall of which is claimed by V cowyerable reinforcements now in progress. The vote Berlin but not admitted hv th RnJZ wm up IAJ jb, J Tne Pamameotary rlctory on the conftdencr vote came tor Prime Minister ChorchiU at the end a aptech bjr the Premier which was Marly an hoar and a half long, in the course of the speech Mr. Churchill defended the direction 0f the war at the beat poealbie under the circtungtancea. He ketehed a dark picture of the Battle of KfyBt. amytng it had developed a "receexkw of our hopes and prospects in the Middle Bast and the Mediterranean unrivalled since the fall of France." To this he added, without elaboration, the statement 'at any moment we may receive itrwa of grave importance." His ombre portrayal was relieved only by the statement that very conmd- eraWe reinforcemenU have reach- theied or are appreaehing the battle- un field " IBat the fieri u in no danger even I Mr. Chunshlll alto touehad on toukt AieaandiMi faU lo the Aus the recent eoosoHaUons with and there are other bases beyond President ftulitn D. Tloaiftielt in Ebcii a Port Said. Haifa and Hty- r- - r- HALIBUT SALES Invent of troopa, gains Md alreraft and meacurva tt ne ttAa to eom- Hoy-, moreover. Chuii. WW. lft and lfe. 8tor- ea and replace LONDON. July 2: t Xfl- elal dries hinted that the Sues Canal might be destroy- ed as a waterway by British action, if the Oermans reach- ' ed the Red Sea. Seven-Day Week To Receive Trial Vancouver Dnioit I all tn Comment on Keport Irom Ottawa To Ihk Ltwt .Waahtngtea vshleh he aatd were VAJfOOOVMR. July 1-The ship UaaaijBMMM . JnismaWaVtsmmtsvBallmW J - - " - - - Situation In Egypt torces, having advanced seventy-five miles in two days, are now seventy miles from Alexandria. Now Axis forces have swung southward in the direction of Cairo and Euez. Alexandria has been dive-bombed for a second successive night Jap Attack On Russia? LONDON A military commentator said todav 'that JaparflSRr air and land "forced Avrlf chcerilfatli" on tne Aiancnukuo border, evidently preparing to attack Russia at the proper moment Auchinleck Predicts Victory CAIRO General Auchinleck declared in the order of the day that the "battle was not over yet and will not be until we have defeated the enemy and defeat him we will." Officials said that the Germans were within seventy miles of the Nile Delta today. Parachutists Being Poised Matted in Orrece For Possible At t a i k on Alia Minor . ATHENS. Jury 2: Thousands of German parachutists nave been ! mmiH ftvwn SU!lv tn fl TlvAif M j SF3NG IATTU5 trf""- ( i4 u. s. s. r. his new offensive he was still hi possession of the greater part of the territory taken last spring, but his blitz technique doesn't seem to get along so fast this year. At Leningrad (1) the Reds have gained a little; at Kharkov the battle swings back and to liko a pendulum (3). At Bryansk (2) the Russians still hold a position Jutting into the German line wedgellkc and at Sebastopol (4), tho Russians still cling to the great naval base, despite all out German efforts to subdue the fortress. Boys and Girls On Western Trip WINNIPEO. July 2. On their way to Jasper National Park, where they will spend three days sightseeing by bicycle, 17 members of the American youth hostels 13 and four boys-were in Win : v h. rfrtir- , t,uh. J'day on the Contlnen- and Svri. ahoolri the Aria cam-.P Ipaign in Bgypt continue success ful. tal Limited. They began their Can adian tour by cycling about Mont-,real visited Ottawa and North ;Bay. and spent a day at Minaki , Lodge. With a car to themselves, the young people do their own 'cooking as they travel. They have j their own bikes. The party is in , charge of Miss Dorothy Plalsted. : Leaving Winnipeg last evening, they will have about an hour in Saskatoon today and wUl then leave for Calgary. On Thursday, where they will remain until Mon day afternoon, July 13. when they entrain for Vancouver. They will been in residence there were saved with few effects and are ' being brought to Prince Rupert or taken to Alice Ann. There were no casu alties. Corp. OWham reported. The officer vaa dispatched north after a message had been received that the old camp was in Imminent ed some eighteen miles away by ugnuung. ine names sweeping rap idly upon the "ghost town" over fire Is believed to have been start-. dry deadfall. j Anyox. which came into being as a copper mining and smelting' centre some thirty years ago, was) for about two decades one of the most important industrial points on the northern British Columbia I coast Mine, smelter, flux mine, concentrator, coke plant and other establishments during those years maintained a payroll which sometimes was about the 1,000 -man mark. Several years ago, Granby abandoned the working and later sold the property to Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. which, In j turn, disposed or it to ventures Limited, an Ontario mining concern, j which formed Anyox Metals and : was developing a small iron plant, j The buildings involved in com-1 plete destruction of Anyox would Include such imposing structures as hotel, hospital, community hall,' churches, school houses, bank. I government buildings, general store j and possibly substantial wharf buildings as weB as numerous 1 louses, some quite large. The build-! lngs. with one or two exceptions, j i were of frame construction. During the past few years the place had been stripped of much of the machinery and fittings by the A. R. Williams Machinery Co. of Vancouver, leaving but the shells' of the buildings. Much of the machinery had been left in the old return to their homes through the smelter on the hill above the com .United States. Headquarters of the youth hos tels Is at Bast NorUifleld, Mass. LOSE OUT ! AT KURSK Maris Reported To Be Suffering Reverses At Hands of Reds In That Area MOSCOW. July 2: Whole companies and battalions of Nazi shock troops were reported knocked out by the counter attacking Russians on the Kursk front vk. lterday. The Germans suffered huge losses including 350 tanks. I TomorroW sT ides (Standard Time) High 4:38 a.m. 19.6 faet 17:37 p.m, 19.4 feet Low 11:07 ajn. 3.2 feet 23:40 pjn. 6.8 feet . mcs: S cents Anyox Is Wiped Out By Flames Confidence Voted In Churchill Despite Grave Picture of War BATTLE IN j WAR NEWS i Near East; Prospect Is GrimJoSh SEBASTOPOL Fortifications Broken Into Hut Nazi Claim of Capture Are Ignorrd By Soviet MOSCOW, July I: (CP) trvrniiirimlng (irrman form today tarried the battle into ihe city of Scbattopol itkcJf after breaking through it fortlNfa-tloru but the defender! of (he Black Sea ban- roiitinurd fight ing again! htavv oddt, Soviet dUpatfhr Mid. Twv Mireive ItuMian rommuntqufw have Ignored the German claim that f hcbattopol was captured. FLEET IN NO DANGER tvrri Hlmuld Alexandria fall. De clare Kir Andrew Cunntnf ham WASHINGTON July 2 Admir- il 8tr Andrew Cunningham, for- tner commander-in -chief of ifrltWi U iiu-iranc-an fleet. Area Red Armv has renulsed wave after wave of German artillery and infantry in the Vntn mc vu as 17.1 liolozi) nr. ii.... r if i n- ... . .V . wiwji uaim in uie Hone of Victorv Pinned m n;UM-.i, K'nmi- a ma i.-vw A,iir tjwi : . Of Considerable Reinforcements lo Mediterranean ' in men and tank equipment for his offensive. The Rusu aiann trap the German tanks and men in pockets, then encircle and annihilate them. General TirnnshenWa One Ti me Important Copper Mining Town Victim Of Bush Fi re Famous Old Camp Had Been "Ghost" Communifv Fnr Several Years Thirty-two Residents Saved Without Casualty Corp. Oldham, on his return from Anyox this afternoon, stated that, on leaving; Anyox at 4:20 a.m. today, the wharf was blazing and all that was left of the old camp was the coke plant towards which the flames were sweeping:. Everything- had been destroyed including mine and smelter buildings, power house, and a I I T PL! ; Krcaiconnagraiion was still raging over an area esti- of Mo RUol apallCC llljllllld I mated at twenty-five square miles. There were some - T mtV "mjl . CHUNGKING The .TananRSP nr nmv Wli . "no ,clt tnat Alice Arm, eighteen miles distant, might L 1 it .i i t r . . 1 . . b be hn TTl menaced on 'i na unless nnlncc i change honn.n . rni OlieZ tanai inrougn JuangM. rrovince toward Fakien on the coast which appears to be the latest objective. This will help ! to open up an overland route from Shanghai to Singapore for the enemy. Only twenty miles of the Nan-chang-Hanchow Railway remains in Chinese hands. a came soon. The survivors arc on their way by scow in tow of a local tug to Alice Arm whence some of them will come on to Prince Rupert. Corp. Oldham described the fire as the "largest I have ever seen." The old Granby smelting and mining town of Anyox, ninety miles from Prince Runert on Ohsprvn- I torv Inlet, was oomnletelv winpH nut iv n -fnroct fira CAIRO Axis forces have nagged El Daba in '.inirthe nirrht. Corn. Olrlh am fit tVio nrnvinni'il nnlino -tiTlir hgypt and are pressing on. General Envm Rommell s iwas rushed north from here bv Roval Canadian Air Force plane, reported back to headnuarters this morn ing. ininy-iwo persons who had Bulletins CONFIDENCE DEBATE LONDON Debate opened in the British House of Commons yStrjf-confldnee mo tion over the Libyan campaign. The debate will last for two days. The main body of Conservatives will not support the want of confidence motion proposed by a small group of Conservatives headed by Sir John Wardlaw Milne. HANSON SUPPOKTS BUDGET OTTAWA Hon. R. B. Hanson, Leader of the Opposition, told the Ho'jse of Commons that he was supporting the budget of Finance Minister J. L. Ilsley as being the "proper and patriortic course" to take. J. H. Blackmore, leader of the New Democracy party, moved a want of fconfid-ence vote. He urged modernized currency and credit structure to bolster up purchasing power which the budget would further drain. COMMANDOS IN PACIFIC First Offensive Raid Is Made Allies In New Guinea By MELBOURNE, July 2: tt Allied l commando troops Sunday night made their first offensive action ,ln the southwest Pacific. They swooped down out of the Jungle in a surprise raid attack on a Japanese garrison at Salamaua in New Guinea. Sixty Japanese were killed or wounded and their equip- munlty The Hidden Creek power on, t casualuestwo men be-plant. however was sUl Intact and to funded-before withdrawal had not ceased producing power. lThe Un(J George M. Lee.a former official. an attack 0Q Salamaua for the Oranby Co.. was in charge for Anyox Metals and earlier this week had been in Prince Rupert on business. Among well known pioneers of northern mining camps who were hi residence at Anyox were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Falconer, well known in the Vancouver district from which they come north many years ago and to which they were soon planning on returning. The Armour Salvage Co.'s tug- MORE SHIPS BEING SUNK Loss of Life Is Relatively HtrT i By Enemy Action in Atlantic WASHINGTON. July 2- Mine and submarine warfare has taken boat Crofton left at 1 o'clock this 'three more vessel, with sixty-nine morning for Anyox to assist ln'iive, in Atlantlo waters. One was the evacuation. a medium-sired Canadian ship Corp. Oldham Is returning to i which was sunk in the Caribbean Prince Rupert by piano and is ex-'with the loss of twenty-four of pected back this afternoon. hef crew of thirty. jlgmmBi