nan twcl THE DAILY NEWS I'KINCE Kl'PERT, RIUTISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION KATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Aiunio, anc; une wees. uc. uui-oi-lown EDITORIAL United States Election . . . A fiOOI) PLACE TO BUY Year. $2.50: One Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Yaar. AnVERriSINC. KATES Loeal Riders, per line, per insertion .2J Classified AdTertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 .MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use Jot publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION m Wednesday. November 4. 1942 serious ' embarrassment , . from that ..--. v quarter. Had v 4 it V not 4IUV 50 STRONG STURDY CARD TABLES, assorted models and colors. Cash price from $2.!3 - $:."." - ljH.y." 327 3rd Avenue. Phone 775 HUY TIIIUI) VICTORY LOAN HONDS ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OAKlUriT. Hostess We would like to thaofc Command Alex Mitchell manding officer of the Sea Oasfeu. and the Sa Cftdeto Uumwlves fc 1 their very splendid response o ou plea . for mngntlnw Oeewitnyty tons of magazines poured in Thanks. Sea Cadets! There will be no dances held the "Y" until further notice. We saw a film at the "Y" last night called 'Father Takes .1 Wife" acd rn bit parts there were so many old tuners like Neil Hamilton and Grant Withers remcr. ber Loretta Youngs Onee-Upo-A-Tune? that I had to stop re cognising Uwra in setf defence Gloria Swanton was the star. Tn. years have been kind to her. It was a grand show. I would like to remind the toys The Republican party, which naturally advocated a Kno-ige is not to be taken more aggressive war effort because there was nothing awav irom an reading else upon which to base an appeal for support. at this f001"- 1 noUee volunM time, shows an upsurge of strength as a result of theiI JfL tSL Se" united states general elections wftich took place yester-1 shelves along the west wall are the day. However, it fell short of gaining congressional con-library books and may be taken trol so the Roosevelt administration should have no been for the war and the inonnrmvnhnir.v nf intprtprnio-Z Z'JZZ T" , irai .... . " J i.v..vini(, jOT MI UU ITUi, Ul . fP " ; ii'i I ' -I , ii-ifVi c k., tj..,,m., o n i j . . warns qaanaatlon of ing would probably have resulted in a "major political I system and v gratifying turnover in Congress. , f1 i?r TV? 1m TCry few ,,, , . I books. The books all are supplied T 4. 1 1 xi l Notable were the upsets in some of the state admin- by the I. o. d b. and are changed istrations such as New York, California and Nebraska I frequently. wnere Democrats or Mew Dealers lost out to the Renub-i Jock and i have invented a new 1 mi m . . . - .51 iicans. inese cnanges, ol course, will have no direct national effect. Summed up, the United States election results indicate a decided movement back towards Republicanism in the states that normally are Republican. The south remains traditionally Democratic. The Municipal Election . . . out for a week at a time. Two may be taken out at a time. There is indoor game, we played It with a. couple of wooden spoon-itke con traptions with abort handles and W mmm m & THE DAiyr NEWH w - - - W1DKE8DAV " ) iy wuvr ntuk ir; 4 1 '- THIHGS TO REMEMBER.. siys: HIIc1tivttittrl Cl Victory -buiflht bw Victory Bonda." PI SIMPSON IS WARLIKE Pacific Coast lUnpm SUje Parade to See Drmonttratiun of Small Arms and Machine (unnrry In kecjibg E7 w with the spirit of the A HAAk -fc tk. -1 . to- a otiuaro oau. we uirow uie nail mn tutt armr u.hir h. back and forth catehing it in the , struetor of - fee twelfk Coast Ran- trit V i TMwVorrow Carl n&v him on hist : 11 is quite lilting tnat the Prince Hupert Ratepayers "iueu son Rangers, capt OOrady re-Association should take steps to actively interest itself tThard 'ery "tt" ' m what happens m the forthcoming civic election, an a few hundred chans m put up , - eventiwhich we are to have acrain here in Prince Runert ana om lor three shows ao4;ttot aiierrr-foV the eoncerts and next month after a lapse of just about ten vears ione concert a wek besides mn- piwmiitf - . . nlng most of the shows and ret- Car: WViiTo Vi , ; .j v: ' wniie the war is on and things are so uncertain, it wm ue targe a matter 01 "carrying on as far as civic affairs are concerned. We can anticipate no ambitious i program of straight civic work. To plan such under present conditions would be as unseemly as it would be impossible to hope for any accomplishment. However, besides straight war activities, there are important local services to be maintained, valuable community interests tr be protected and it also will te well to be planning ahead for the day when municipal government will be of more active character than it can be at present. It is appropriate that we should be thinking of the kind of men or women we shall be electing in December and it is all to be the good that organizations having a direct interest in civic and community affairs should be getting busy. Unfortunately, there seems to be a rather marked spirit of indifference and a "Let George Do It" attitude. As for the ratepaverg, the registrations show that they will be much in the preponderance as voters which makes it all the more fitting that they should be taking a leading and organized interest in the candidates that are npminated and elected and the policies they-should follow. Ambulance Service . . . The members of the Prince Rupert Fire Department are to be commended on the spirit they have shown in taking over the operation of the ambulance of the Prince Rupert General Hospital on a voluntary basis at a time when the hospital authorities were perplexed as to what was to be done about maintaining the service. The men at the Fire Hall did not need to have taken on the job but they evidently felt that some one should feel a sense of duty in the matter so they did -it themselves. It is a very commendable gesture of public spiritedness. The act will at least have some measure of reward in the knowledge that it is one of mercy which will help to relieve suffering and, possibly indeed, save life. Such acts are becoming all too few these days. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. programs Have fun and have their own brass band. Between October 22 and 39. Capt OOrady vtaited the Naa River villages of Ktnoouth. Aty-amh. Oreenville and Canyon Ctt ia connection with the final or-xanizai.on of Pacific Coast Hange units Pinal organiaaUon of the Naaa River company of PndfL Cqa: Rangers ha now been authorised Suitable leadem have been elected and 1&0 mlutment form-nve bee oaipleted with fifty mare to atgn np tn the return or i u" nen w we tmmm t Mi -i .v- - i Capt. OOradv and Staff iter the tranqall and quiet nearby na- ; iff rUn.mde P the Uve vlltege of Port Simpson a fe Wwr bo'd De days ago presented a military as- Prtmem cruiser Xasfteena. beinv Ptt when, ander command or accompanied by Indian Agent Ueut. VMKj who has taken iames Oillett charge ol'jM unit there, nattv? . Uon of small arms and machine . ,nH " ' ' WM A .,-1 . V. Inteiestiae or takes skill vcui .. ...u -i 'world should lost see the gallery we had "aaperTiaor and orgaataer of the wanning us ana cneertng as on. nMmm. who eaikwi on hi Need I say Joek won? baeJc to Prlneehfooert after WW iHfei SM W74 B a nw Wiiwii 4BVIfWl SBBjn lUinu spoons and. if von don't think it si nr. tk- on of the most modern In th has been opened here at ttv 1Mr (by the mayor of the city. -u.NmiuiMin lahou ii.ur JOHANNE8UUHO. Nor 4 Minister of Justice Colin Steyn . a speech here declared the time has come for "drastic amendment of industrial legislation" He said Underpaid labor, generally ir.K is bac! .abor 02 Tr in . E in Tne use ot YOUR ELECTRIC REFRIGERA TOR A B For really safe preservation food must be kept between 40 and 50. Most foods should be kept in covered dishes so that vitamins and flavour will be preserved.1 Remove paper wrappings from all food except frozen food. Paper acts as insulation and prevents the cold from rcachinK the food quickly. " Uncooked meat should be' unwrapped and placed in meat compartment. If your refrigerator has no meat compartment, place meat in defrosting tray and cover loosely with waxed paper. Do not freeze fruit dull it only. Avoid even near-freczinc " FIX THEM UP - MAKE THEM LAST - KEEP THEM WORKINC 1 1 1 1Pi l.trTS OP lllliEOlrrs The Solomons chain of Islands ti the Pacific Is too miles long Eiti.v or-niiKi'i.NY Ireland as once kaown a In all the Me of destiny J. M. S. Loubser ll.C. ILA CHIROPRACTOR RIIV j mm aw n Phn i (BONDS J VICTORY BtW. ! " I 'iSf tmf - NOIHIMO MAUIII now iui Yiaorrr Ideal Cleaners NEW ROYAL HOTEL i ZAKELLl. PROP. 'A lUtnc Awsy From Home" !Ute 7J on Rooms Hot tt fM Water Prince Ho pert, ll.C. Phone Ml p.Q. Iloi 1M - ' 1 For Frre Uonir Hrliury ss.4 i -n-i- . j . . mi aavcmsemem is nor pum.sned or displayed by the L.quoc Control Board or by the Government of Br.t.-h .. PUI S CLIMATE The clini.v l unusui th- In, NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT 1 BUY THE J UlCTH mk BDNDSjE ! Philpott,EvittCi (Oil llraw lljrdtirf s a voy HOTEL Carl Zarclli Vm- Phon 17 Ml W FKASEK -STKFET PltlNCK KlTfRT Pioneer Caiiadran Dry Cleaners nothing martcrs now out VICTORY 3 DAY SERVICE ON AM, DRYCI.HAMNf- Phone 118 or 8 For Quick, Safe and Gomforlahlc TAXI SKK'L J PHONE 235 'ISA f!41If rHrOOQOa OQOaOOOOOODOOflrMHKIOOOOOnOOCKIOOW""- ( I If youjmvc something lo sell, a classified adverjg mont m this paper will soon let vou know lllc A buyer in the city.