Logisintiy, Libray _—_—— gays 1 to myself, 3; gays |i the News ! saye | ————— s the paper to buy Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist THE DAILY NEWS P UK NS rt. Bhs 10 a.m. p.m. 5 bm, ° ySundiy, 8 —_—— vol, i, Il, NO. 134 FINE PROSPECT FOR RUPE PRINCE Rurenr, B.C., FRIDAY, ‘Juni 7, ‘1912, D PRICE FivE CENTS T'S FIRST OF JULY ENGLISH ROSES CHALLENGE THE FAMOUS CALEDONIANS DOMINION DAY WILL. WITNESS A LIVELY FOOTBALL TUSSLE BETV/EEN TWO GOOD TEAMS. Orga now into a fully!definitely announced that = My football club, the] Frank Ellis has kindly consented } today throw down|!® act as president of the Fng- English r lish Roses team, : to their hereditary he Caledonians, to meet A cordial invitation is extended mortal combat, but} to the ladies of Prince Rupert to : tball for badges on Do-jhear Dr. Mrnest Hall's address to Day if arrangements can}women only at “St; Andrew's satisfactorily. Ohurch Hall on Saturday at 8 Fairplay Football. p. m. Subject What a 20th Century Woman Ought to Know.” With th challenge goes the i that ¢he game shall : fairly and free frem Miss Margaret MePhail teft on ghnes f the class that mafs|the Prince George for a_ visil tha Che challengers| With friends and relatives in any rough play on] Vancouver. shall be immediately detection by the re- FIVE-FOLD TRAGEDY man at fault from, j |Four Die in Vain Attempt to Referee to Be Chosen. Save One. \ ree chosen by both teams ‘inted for the chal- Cincinnati, June ¢ Three men y ind his deeision and two women were smothered ¥ al on both teams.|'o death in a well which was ondition Dominion} filled with dairy malt at Lick- D } witness a very good/rub, a suburb of this city, today, i igcle between two| When Jacob Sa his, owner of the eams The Roses line-up | dairy, slipped on a plank over the be | shed shortly. Seere-| Plt and fell in. Four others sue- y Be is got some good ones cessively rushed to the rescue and each in turn fell in. A | i practice game was} = tae tae ayed ist night, the result} Made from fresh, pure, rich gas of 3 to 2 in favor|cream—ice cream at Keeley’s ree: ( e's team. ‘It is now | Pharmacy. C.N.R. READY BY JUNE, 1914 Sir Wm. Mackenzie Makes Definite Announcement While in Van- couver the Other Day—Rapid Construction Work in Progress. AMATEURS TONIGHT Bright and Breezy Entertainment Planned for Aimusement of Patrons—New and Most At- tractive Talent. forward with You may state positively that Friday night ama the Canadia en ae will ba : connected up wii operating ol nt at the. Weat- lthrough traffic in th esummer of t House ithoug a {914 said Si William Mac- laking part are/kenzie to a press representative ed during the day injas he stood on the promenade t il yoeation they | deck of the Vieloria boat the other the short time at their} morning Construction work is dispos pul on a most eredil -| progressing beyond our most pleasing evening 8| sanguine expectations and I for all who chance toleannot conceive of anything that vhile away an hour in} wil] prevent the completion of the « ! thle little theatre in}/the line to Vancouver two years he Alb lock, Tonight a most] from now, say about July ist » mber will be a dra- - : lion by Mrs, Jack Auction Sale of Apples. unish Mrs. Chisholm is so One -carload of apples will be Md popularly Known to all] coiq absolutely to the highest sid of the city that further!) jqdep Saturday evening at 7:30 unnecessary and &@]j, «he Hart block, Sixth street. A oe is assured all those who are! cniendid opportunity for hotel ‘ortunate enough to be present. and restaurant proprietors A hew { although it will be] poyuseholders and the — trade, er be in evidence in the}mpjs, carload shipment from per f Jack Reynolds of Seal Washington to be sold by order I has kindly consented of the consignors ® appea with the amateurs, FRANK A. ELLIS, Auctioneer, Who w ihe on every occasion ——__—__—— ANY | bale nl that has been hid- Duncan Ross in Town. fe is eght under a bushel, It Duncan -Ross is down from it tle | that very shortly the Hazelton today for the purpose ( pany will produce a of meeting Mrs. Ross, who will comedy of about i5 arrive on the Prince Rupert to- ration that will be morrow morning. Mrs, Ross will ae ease and draw a big spend a month or two in the in- terior, where Mr, Ross 1s con- ET strueting a portion of the trans- a Hall's meetings,| continental road. fe ‘d Sunday, will be at wen ee ai sae ae hundreds, Don't miss Launch Alice B, W. : ude sh Phone Green 391 \f TY eens Oooo one. one. Rev, F. W. Kerr spending a pleasant moment or twe read NM’ From Make Believe to Really Real,” 8 Moglish Roses say they have thorns equal to those of the ch ‘Phistles in the Caledonian team, Wanted—Foundation for a “fake” despatch story, bnaquire “ the Evening Empire OMmee. “oustable Adams believed to be contemplating av effeetive “Pbearance in the Dominion Day parade attired as a toreader Mepely Mabe! says she may appear in the calathumplmn a disguised as a knocker. She may be recognized by MpIPe gown, beeen eres F ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED | " E oh } |MURDEF! CHARGE WITHDRAWN | | | Valdez Island Rancher Returns to| His Home. ery ie | Special to Daily News. Vancouver, June ie The | lcharge of murder against George} Armstrong, a Valdez Island} rancher, was formally withdrawn! when the case was called before | Magistrate Alexander, Armstrong} was released, going back to his| ranch, | Si Nike Sa ee Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | Phone 4. CANCEL ROYAL VISIT. (Special to Daily News.) Montreal, June 7 Owing to the illness of the Duchess of Connaugh the royal party's visit to the maritime provinces has been can- celled and it is likely that the Duke will make the trip to open the Winnipeg evbi- bition on July 9th alone. For the month of June he will remain in Montreal. | ——————— NEWSPAPER MAN DEAD Another Member of the Fourth Estate Promoted. New York, June 6,—Frank Cusic, a newspaper man, was found dead last night in a fur- nished room in the Bronx. He had been dead several reported that asphyxia- Portland, for Chicago lapparently The was days death }tion police to came had worked Portland, due Cusie from 1 Cdr and news. papers in and |New York, DOMINION DAY IN RUPERT WILL BE THE BIGGEST EVER Arrangements are Being Made + teva and Spectacular Events in the Way of a Mammoth Calathumpian Parade With Prizes for Horse: and Make-Ups---Regatta, Horse Races, Ath- letic Sports, Children’s Sports, and Grand Concert in Evening---Nearly $1900 Contributed " Far Dominion Day ¢éelebration injrace if it can be arranged for,; nothing drowsy about the com- Prince Rupert this year promises | #nd 1 grand concert in the even-|mittees to be the biggest affair of the} /8- The Athletic Events. kind ever yet planned New fea-| Funds Come Forward. There will be a ten mile race, tures besides the ordinary ath-| Acording to the report of the jumping and Mat races, as usual. letic events are being arranged} committees in joint conference |nn, eyents will take place on the for, the special attraction being last night funds haye been 1Der-ihest street. grounds available, the novel calethumpian parade] ally provided so far by contrib- probably the same place as last with decorated floats and alij utors:. Close on $1,000 is avail-| weap, Prizes for best horses in kinds of picturesque and humor-| ble at present and there may be/ing parade will be awarded, and ous characters. There will also} Something coming from the city]the horse race will likely be held be races for the ehildren and ajif, as Alderman Douglas put ity lon Third avenue. The great vegatta, these two features tak-| “the people come through with|parade will be held from about ng place early in the day, the| the bylaw vole on the 14th.” This }11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and athletic events on land for adults) is a kind of bribe, but let it pass.| will form the break in the day’s being scheduled for the after-;| Gitizens generally are supporting|features to be followed by the on. There will also be a horse| the movement well and there is|adult athletics in the afternoon rendered, with variations and spectacular was elocutionary A Bachelor's Reverie. In “A Bachelor's Reverie Rev. F. W. Kerr proved himself a capable elocutionist with a_ fine dramatic sense, He “visualized” a whole series of his former sweethearts so vividly that the audience saw them, too, and very! pretty girls they were, one and all, The last one was the bachelor’s intended bride attired The tableau streteh- in full bridal array, closed with the bachelor In the MeIntyre Hall last night/ing out weleoming hands to her. there was held a novel and very} Nothing could have been more charming musical, and feature} popular apparently than the idea entertainment entitled “An Aero-|of the young bachelor pastor’s| plane Concert,’ The enterteins| wedding in very fact, The young ment was organized by the Ladies’| ladies assisting in the clever Aid of the Presbyterian Chureh| production of — this “Reverie,” and proved a great success, the}whieh was arranged by Mrs. hall being absolutely capacity} Chisholm, were: Misses Mar- crowded, \ delightful program} garet Macdonald, Lillian Fisher, of vocal and instrumental music} Maude Haslett Jewel Garton, Agnes Grant, Ethel Staf- and Mrs. Marjorie Campbell, McKenzie, McPhail Caroline ford, Margaret Pr. MeClymont, Another Tableau. Very prettily aeted was the vocal Miss lableau with musical and descriptive work in which Agnes MeDonald farewell to Mr Evitt, Both the central their Macdonald's Mi proved bade a fond her soldier boy. figures admirably, and charms, ivitts military immensely pop- acted parts Miss ciated asso- with bearing, “ AEROPLANE” CONCERT WAS VERY POPULAR LAST NIGHT Captivating Tableau With Risdutiachry Attractions of the Highest Order—A Charming Programme of Vocal and Instrumental Music—Very Large Crowd Enjoyed the Novel Mystery The Melliar Froud quartet, excel- walists is well known, this Other much appreciated Mrs. Carpenter in Mrs. Nehr and Mrs, song and recitation, and Scott, whose viar, Davey, aod vice as Vt assisted scene, in capable and artists were piano. solos, Chisholm Mr. Miss evident in Kearney in violin Holtby, who with the appreciation of her audi- ence.