)7Ai: tfDAY OCTOBER 29.1843 It t: THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE oca Bond Response Strong FINE ON JOB BONDS CAN AD AS in HOUSOLDIERS IHt 1.C.L0AN MOVES UP R,clifc 66 Pei'ent of Objec- 31 VUf Oct.. 29: British, Yukon reached . of objective In j V. "torv Loan campaign ulwitbtnc $40,216,-000 ,b)ectlve. leaving to be raised. The . mi. Is 63,992. V, 'ami .tT-Fraer Valley . .,i . anvas with W V in ouver City K . , i suburban 56 v aver Island. 53 per-n i'l percent; Koot- cltle New Went- viith 65 percent with . d at 57 percent a third, 54 percent. ;(; ,n Da-Aion la over IP licrcent. n Charlotte 11- IXTY-FIVE PERCENT OF LOAN IS UP ftf.iful taiine at lry Dock Am Air lU'.e I'rocrrdlnt Third Victory . reached sixty-five "Mrr up to last ' ns lor yesterday ' brlnxlnx the uneaten to date to . ' " ircUe la - - mi: of this la now lnc made Flight Lieutenant Van FRY'S COCOA leads in Quality 5::::juooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo V or . HoihIb are not n tax, ' a rift, but a loan to Canada : l by all tlio resources of f :s?M. Wlmn vou invest in Vic-' Bonds you are laying up for vourself the best of all in-vr tnt ut s. The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-lo-Wear Mrs. H. S. I'arkrr. poovsoooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooooooaooo BH Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-AUuntic Trans-Pacific KKfiULAU STKAMKU SKUV1C13 To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-Hell, Juneau and Skanway ,,ltct Connections at Vanrouvcr with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Aent, Prince Itupert, H.C. LONG KO.tfKKIl notTi: i t In faet the ex- Oordoii report one station objec- . it there will be a live of $9,500 having been exceed- tw. tooo-ml'.r run from the .ubscrtpttwi. ed at $9100 with more aubacrip- United States to Australia is the in cterte of the scrtptlons to come while Flying; world's lh" m txir.tx r lerry route. a we iJij uuen. officer Boyd reports No. 4 0rottp 1IeftfkiurU'r having put to Tuesday. at ttt &m Oove P whereas the objective jd showing U be- was $1,600. NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT . 1 BUY THE I VICTORY j iBONQBJ Philpott, Evitt Co. Ltd. Coal Huiltlinc Materials and Heavy Hardware THRIFT Cash and Carry 4. i4i 4i44444 . i Near Half Billion In Loan Drive t OTTAWA. Oct. 29 O Wed- 4 nr day's subscriptions to the 4 Victory Loan totalled $43,674,- 4 4 400 raising the cumulatlye 4 4 total to $458,353,300. The ob- 4 uctive is $750,000,000 4 4 44444444 NOTHING MATTERS NOW but. LTD. exV " Ik VICTORY HQS- J DYBHAVN & HANSON Ideal Cleaners G. Borland Speaker on Behalf Of Victory Loan I 'Tonight as I speak the total Victory Loan subscription in Prince Rupert has reached the $350,000 mark," said D. O. Borland in a I Victory Loan talk last night. i'Thls means Prince Rupert has J reached two-thirds of rts objective, i This has been accomplished in exactly one and a half weeks and is conclusive proof that the citizens are doing a magnificent Job In buying bonds to help Canada and accepting an opportunity to start a second front, and maintain the first. ; "To those of you who have yet to support and help Prirre Ruperts Victory Loan with your dollars I give this mea?e 'We're on the march! and Victory Is ahead of us If we all get In line to march and to fight! 4. 4 4 Victory Loan 4 4 4 Subscriptions E Markham iT-rrace) $ Harold Orm (Smlthers) .1 Archibald Mclnn.es. ( North Bulkley .. - - 1. Percy Cameron 1, John K. Breen . ; Ormcs Ltd. - 6. Cyril H. Orme ....- - 2 Isabelle; C. Wilson R. Cameron '. - Mr. and Mrs. H. A. DuHamel , J. 8. Morgan - R. II. -Parson " O. Meneghello Mrs. C. Doll II. B. Wallare THIS OIL IS WAX i :i 4 4 100 330 ,000 ,000 50 ,000 ,000 50 too 200 50 200 100 100 100 The commonest variety of whale oil U not an oil, but Is qlasslfled as liquid wax. Dibb Printing Co, PRINTERS & STATIONERS BUY VICTORY BONDS- If only for selfish considerations, Victory Bonds help you save for a rainy day and good pay Interest. The good citizen, however, will buy them to help speed Victory. DEJONG'S Cash and Carry Fifth and McBride I your appetite jaded during these tempestuous times do your-meals seem dull and uninteresting? Tempt your family's appetite with desserts that are delicious and nutritious Wane manges and puddings that can be made easily and at little cost, with C!nada"Corn Starch. The fine quality of Canada Corn Starch gives the best possible results -a smooth texture that males corn starch desserts delightful. FREE I Stv! for the nccBent Rtcif BndletlDm'' Writ, cnckwni w bd-toei couplet bW fcoej tny CWlt Surck product. Addme Drpt RM. Cud Surcb HctM Sentke. tO- Boi 1)7, Vincou. BX. CANADAsTARCH TW CANADA STARCH COIf ANT UmiM, Ttal N Af4 , SAVE la LEND KAIEN HARDWARE Every Bond you buy. every dollar you lend to your country, is a dagger thrust at the enemy's throat. JONES FAMILY MARKET IIi;h Class Butchers S o J 0l OO0HKHCKrHl CHKHTH3 0 0 O O 00 0 CK! V. 111 ' If you have not been asked to break home tics, to (o to a far country, to fact tht shock of battle and to risk your life, the least that job can do is to LEND your money to equip those whq d the fighting for us. AMMMMHN SMITH & ELKINS Ltd. Plumbing and Heating - cr rvrisa em km i:m n cm i km : u m km em ru i mim cm emumtm man BUY BONDS IFOR 8 y " There Is only one Issue hi this war Victory, or Defeat. If It is defeat, you lose all. Speed the Victory by backing our armed might with your dollars. Without civilian aid our troops could, " not carry on. GORDON'S HARDWARE M!l .,.,.,. MJMiMIM iMI mtm tmtm t-i ''" 111 MI MI. ' M "s 'I M ' M( MIM " J Ml MlMlMilMAMiMftl 4 -