ae THE DAILY NEWS. ——-— THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | } TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—® cents per inch. on application. Contract rates | ' APERILOUS Two German ; Atemen Plunge tol fying contract of Frank CHIVALRY OF AIR _... MURDERED FOUR “OF HER HUSBAND fulfil the| Stites, |Mungarian Woman joman Arrested Has Confessed That She Done Away with Four Husbands—No Mon- Left Hospital Out Flight. Beach, Ca hospital PROFESSION Long |Leaving a to Death When Their Monoplane | who was injured here Saturday, SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dary. 50c| Plaws Beep inte Ground in) Aviator Frank Champion saved a foe 'Ortendl .——.- or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| a remen. a comrade the $300 promised | etary Reason . Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year. strictly | Citi ites 6 ato {for the flight dnd today is the} 2 < : é- Seana Win in advance. remen, — gUNe¢ pe i ert) he re of Long Beach's colony of Vienna, June 5.—A wom HEAD OFFI | Bushsteller, one of the best; birdmen. ihas been arrested in Lippa, in : on ‘ : as i ; lknown German aviators, and his} Four. months ago Champion/Hungary, has confessed that she Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. ©. Telephone 98. | partner Lieutenant Stille, were|¥@* #* identally shot through the|murdered four cf her husbands BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES | sited ol ‘ne sf ers na| lee at Dominguez aviation field. She is now married to an inn- . 5 ; killec 1° Nn weir ' noplanel ys. , i cae ans ae Kuoas al te ens a a casawea th. New YoRK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City entaneehs- Shiela 4 Seca fe wa valescing 2 hospital! keeper named Kapruezan : SEaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co eee 0 tae ground just att there when he heard of Stites’} Owing to the revelations she : ; starting on the Northwest Avia-| dilemma: Against the advice of|has made, five other women of LonDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | tion Circuit of 425 miles. |his physicians he demanded that/|the same town have been arreste od Square. Soe monoplane dropped SOlhe be taken to the aviation field/for murdering their first hus- Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling yp Phone 98 in case of | heavi that it ee half buried and permitted to fly. He didjbands. From the admissions of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the hews carriers. jin the earth and had to be taken} j}jjant work. 'Frau Kapreuzan, it appears that a ———— |aprt before the Lodies of the two prs nnn enn ishe made a regular business of ~ tmen could be extricated. WAKE UP RUPERT! | hel I hbors to get rid > ous tt ! ping her neighbor Datty EpITION. asa FRIDAY, JUNE 7| Pe tae keds ik ordes sae WHO RUNS MAY READ. é the solemniy yesterday On Empire Daily “It transpires,” announces in a labored attempt to discredit The News. any — | Lost.— Bunch of keys with chain attached. to Daily sy AMERICAN PORT. 3° ’s22°.050°°°" INVENTS NEW French Capitalists ‘Seek Invest-| marry other men. ments in Vancouver. There appears to have been ni r the Finder please return News Office. tf erimes monetary reasons ft \ party of French capitalists,} Three different sizes of wood hoists. Alberts Block H. Gordon Munro I ALFRED CARSS, G V. “Ww. L. BARKER ARCHITECT Phone 89 i Second Ave. | W. Nicholson Lailey | MUNRO & LAILEY — Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. & STEWART AUDITORS Phone No. 280 P.O. Box 351 STUART ACCOUNTANTS -:- aw-Butler Building Prince Rupert FOR SALE BENNETT, B.A. of B.C,, Ontario, Sas- katchewan and Al- berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. of British Columbia and Manitoia bars. Office—Albert Block, Second Avenue. WM. S. HALL, L:D.8., D.D.5. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Speciaity. All dental operations skilfully treated Gas and loca} anasthetics administered for the pai nless ex- traction of teeth. Helgerson block, Prince Rupert. Offices Consultation free. {1-12 | Alex.M. Manson B.A. P20. BOX 23 PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 319 38rd Avenue newspaper the very sight of the trite old phrase used by jentoe Dot ald, is at the Vancouy +} reporters in the days of our great grandfathers would bel ¢. T. P. TERIMNUS Seer: CC of ae Foal ANAESTHETIC enough to brand the “copy” as the work of a bungling amateur} whic Thos a ae ot in-| and to warrant its consignment, unread, to the wastepaper| vestment in Western Canada,| basket. But the Empire, the paper which has neither art-nor| | Strenuous Canadian Oppostiion They have already invested;Los Angeles 5 Surgeon Injects manners, and often not even grammar, to boast of, prints the | = = idea’ of the G. ¥. P's) rather extensively in Victoria, | Through Veins and Removes ; 4 ntering Bosto nas an Eastern) .....) although they decline to dis-| Danger of Agent Coming Into whole crude attack as it has printed many a coarse, crude and| Terminus. cuss theif datWhtions concertiing| Contact with Meart. unwarranted attack before. Because the attack contains a lying} = Vanier ahi are inskiie om & assertion, the very imagining of which betrays a total ignorance Toronto, June 6.—The promise|thorough imvestization of the| Los Angeles, June 6.—Methods of the first principles of newspaper office honor, The Daily News of the late Mr. Hays to lay the] joea) field. lof producing anesthesia by venial spares space to deny the ignorant, clumsy charge. pen oe Sots a eae See jinjection, reaching the nerve (isi Pe ca og , 7 8 landers before the G. T. P. direc- | Aaniee anger oO he No “fake” despatch concerning any city’s financial affairs} tors jn England, with the object Order of Moose Approved. Pare lp eet , os oN would ever be published by any decent newspaper under oe making Boston the Atlantic fe fegelizing the operations tr the iat’ er ae bye a a British flag. Certainly The Daily News never published any fake} terminal, ts viewed-with alarm i ae or oe te aa {cord are believed today by county despatch about the sale of Prince Rupert's treasury script. The|P¥ ee oer pemireg yoo here. acoakaPhe taco pat tic uses} NO=pits il physicians here to have Daily News duly received a wire, clearly described as a special] oon nc ee ee of the Dominion Parliament at} Pr iad See Dadcen on a cable, from London, England, to. the effect that the ireasury}money to build railways from) Ottawa. By this time it has, Pt 5 hosplia conducted expt ear script had been privately disposed of at 993g, exactly as pub-|coast to coast to develop Ameri-| doubt, -been signed by the execu- alone ‘lines recently. announced lished. The original despatch is preserved in The News office|©an ports. oo Seer eed een ; eds English surgeons as failures and can be produced. A copy of it exists at the Dominion! ng woards. af irate throughout |tofore done oe 2 cs i Hiecata (HP declared that in eer cases Government telegraph office. There is no fake about it. No] canada salt ris the ype eniiai | witho ut the authorization. of er eet re i matter what the bank may see fit to tell our worthy editor-mayor} jy (his fight against the misuse|s0vernment, but this is the first ere Seb r that Rite . es to whom it has absolutely refused further funds without the| of Canadian money and railways.| Stance where an order: of NOE re a a : eae eee sanction of the citizens) The Daily News has the backing of a ————__—_——— |high standard enjoyed by the’ eres Ss Ye bona fide Da 4 ae Sete : Set Ce Take home a quart of ice cream) |Moose has received the approval | yona fide despatch for the announcement it made. Further, it) when yOu go. See Keeley: lof the government before spread- Noted Comedian Dead, may be mentioned that the same information regarding the price . ve ling ou ton a wide campaign of New York. June 6.—UCharles H.| at which this script was sold was received by Canadian Finance; Jf you want a choice “at |* wreanization.. A local lodge will) Bradshaw, aged 67 years, a come- and pubiished in that paper, as also by the Vancouver Province.| call at the Royal Cafe. if ;soon be instituted. dian, who for a number of years The Evening Empire did not publish the news. Perhaps it was Tae ee | Oe ee eee eau ea | was Lotta Crabtree’s leading aa, too cheerful an Hem for thal lugubrious sheet, |, Manted Room and doar sor biliands aad peck, Beales the, home of lates in” Moot Citizens of Prince Rupert who remember how The Daily) crate terms. Box Z., News office.| Third avenue. tf hinie: News, on a certain occasion in the past, detected the Empire , deliberately altering a press despatch so as to make it suit the ais: ae of paper’s own purpose, and those who saw the true despatch 2ePerePeerPEeteErEevTeetEPerPererreerPrPeeer |S framed beside the false remain in undisputed proof of the fact] {& (al for days in The News office window will know how to place the 2 ‘ fe Empire’s latest lying charge against its more honorable rival in es fel) the newspaper game in Prince Rupert. Merely as an example e (fe of how miserably the Empire keeps on betraying its doleful, 2) . : ce) mean little mind may be mentioned the manner in which it | 2 eC usp1clous (ce handled the news of the inspector's refusal to pass the boilers| = for the depot site contract the other day. Afler aivertising its | al srormperence by stating that “what the contractors peaposed 3 BE suspicious of that of which nobody is f do could not be ascertained,’ it went on to say: “Assistant] ie Superintendent MeNicholl remarked in conversation that he} proud. Be SUSPICIOUS of the mere low- ce expected to see a quiet summer’; and further made the sweep-| . . . ing and truly encouraging statement that “the dry dock work | price argument offered In favor of an article shut down yesterday.” | with no reputation, no backer, no guarantor. The last statement was a lie; the second last was mis-] reported; the first quoted was true regarding the Empire though | other papers ascertained the facts with ease. In striking con-| Bett cer buy the thing you know and can trast to the Empire’s doleful, knocking newspaper method is } | The Daily News’ handling ot the same theme the same day.} Who runs may read. oe i Paes ad 606 3rd Ave. Phone 379 TRY US FOR Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, |Glass- ware, Chinaware Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits SATURDAY SPECIAL Full Dinner Sets $10 Up CARRIGAN & MILLER Prices Always Right We Deliver OUR PRICES INCL'IDR ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY AND POSTAGE. B moneted ov UNIVERSAL HAIR CO Sure’ monated TRANSFORMATIONS = 42y.507%.° ot onal gh frame, te Pull of Made of the finest quaiily r, 300 Human Hair, a complete covering for the head 4 eat head nlyn Transtormation / $9.50 or $13.00 © TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR (as sketch ) to complete this effective dressing. Price according to length aod thickness required, from $5.00. delivered direct to sour home, s ovrely packed Gené tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 1310: . orviaen ie HER SYNDICATE, Entire Transformstio: 60 or $13.00. 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Toupet only, 2 2 or all ress . RDERS ROAD. S.E B4 FOXBERRY BROCKLEY, Lonnoonm ENGLAND. ReVRwwVVeee trust, than an article unbranded and un- vouched for. III eyIeeeie! The branded shoe, made by a maker with a reputation, is a safer shoe to buy than the one made in an unknown factory by an unknown maker. That in which much money has been invested to make or keep it good is worth more than that on which nothing or but little has been spent. The underwear made by a firm whose name is as familiar to you as your own, is worth more to you than underwear nameless or labelled by a maker of whom you have never heard. Peace of mind is worth something, just as quality is. Buy peace of mind. When you buy anything worth while buying, buy that of which you know— yee ea) ole felel fel fel ‘tel Tea sealed in a packet bearing the from advertisements, or from other fe! (el name of a reputable firm is to be pre- dependable acquaintance. Buy the (2) 2) ferred to tea of which the packer is not article with the “money back” guar- {e fel sufficiently proud to advertise its antee—with the pledge of a known fe a) quality. name behind it. fel 2) fe a] is ; , ce fa Put your faith in the advertisements ap- e J] . . 5 pearing in good newspapers. Beware of the . @ article that cannot stand the spot-light of pub- el * e . . P (el licity. The commodity an advertiser backs z with his own money is something worth i your buying. e Advice regarding your advertising problems is available 4 through any good advertising agency or the Secretary of the (e Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building. le Bowery involves no obligation on your part—so write, if in- 2) (2) Manageress APM | W.E. Williams,3.A.,L.L.D | WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING i 10N., ENG JOHN DYBHAYN Real and Estate — Loans Insurance Phone 384 PHONE 301 P.O. BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Kigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 THE [ROQUOIS | POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables Cor. First Ave. Hotel Central Ses hist European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : Proprietor Peter Black HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th st. Phone No, 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAND LAUNDRY Hand cleaning and pressing. Best care of silk dresses, Capt. Joseph Janders CD Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No, 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A, DOUGLAS, N, G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. —b- 6-6-6 6 — © ob oe FRED. STORK’S 4 HARDWARE i a Arrived Heavy Stock of # ; | . Wire Cable Fine Assortment of Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing Tackle, . Poultry Netting, ¥ Screen Wire SECOND - AVENUE > —@—-o-—-@-—® — ©-O-- 0-6-0 -O— NOW.... That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to sleplay our) urni-| large stock of beautiful oak ture and some of our upholstery, | curtains, drapery, eto, See our show windows at ‘the Big Furniture) Store. Linoleum’, Stoves and | Lamps on the Gth street Crockery and kitchen neede on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. F. W. HART CORNER 6TH 8ST, AND 2ND AVE. SeconD AVE. | : uote Sction 1. 2nd ave mths Section 2 » lots, Morsby av lots, Atlin ave oraham ave j Section 5 Summit ay one lot and 18 me Three lots, } One lot, Eighth ave Section 6 Two lots and three Two low rourm ave Section 7. Section 8 rwo tots Eleventh terms George Leek List Your Property With Me 618 3rd Ave. Prir POLEL ERO OP OO OS Srrcrocrcrrrrrere 1 MIGHT STATE 1 Have Some Good Buys LOW .1=0,.20-21, | 8, iith Ave., Lot 10, block “* cash, bal. terms Lots 12-13, } 6th Ave., $5000; Lots 17-18, blo Sth Ave, $15 i H. DOUGLAS 313 Fulton St. P. O. Box 606 $900 pa New Knox |BESNER & BESNER, Propxietors The New Knox Hote! is run or plan. First~ clabe aarvice. All the 1 improvements. ED | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER1 |= — == Valhalla” cf S.H. & EF. (SCANDINANIAN SOCIETY | | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tues p.m, in the hall at 319 3rd Ave WATER NOTICE FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AN! USE WATER NOTICE is hereby given t! Queen Charlotte Fishing C Limited, of 207 Carter-Cotton | Vancouver, B.C., will apply f: |cence to take and use four cub per second of water out of | Creek, which flows in a south-w« direction through unsurveyed (‘ lands and empties into Two Mounta | Bay near Tassoo Harbor. Ths | will be diverted at Third Falls ar | be used for industrial purposes ¢ land described as shown in sket Water Recorder's office, Prince Rupert and situated on the East Coast of Mountain Bay. This notice was posted on the gr on the 10th day of April, 1912 Phe application will be filed in the office the Water Recorder at Prince Ru Objections may be filed with the Water Recorder or with the Com)! ter of Water Rights, Parliament | ings, Victoria, B.C. Queen Charlotte Limited, poeteant By Samuel A Moulton, Pub. April 16. Fishing Com; COAL Best on the " } New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Black ‘For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse Fruit Lands § write or call on the | TERRACE, B. ©. |= PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy. Clover and Grain | Seeds. | | Mail Orders Promptly Attended | ; romptly 4 -: Agents International Stock Food | “ALL KINDS OF FEED—