The Daily News — —— —— ——— The “Duties of the Umpire” Was the Next Lists Pounded into Scoop’s Bean —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” —————e PT es i eas OUT-Am r-wew TF Have: | A FRIEND IN THE RIGHT FIELD BLEACHERS AND HEU HAS A POP Bot TLE — WHATS THE Pop Borrve For ?— wry ‘To BOUNCE ON HE. UMPIRES BEAN -— \ i i : TUL BEA PLavEeR, SLIDING For Home AND “ou As THE. UMP— CALL ME OUT ON THE, == HAVING EXPLAINED TO You THE DUT IEs OF THE PITCHER AND THE eee a at . CarcHere — WE wit. Now F JAKE UP THE UMPIRE:-- SUPPOSITION THAT THE OLD Boos | PRESIDING OVER THE, hepa dlls 5 oor =e AND WAS WAITING— = Home PLATE. — IMAGINARY < BLEACHERS - COAL NOTICES. AN ORIENTAL’S : a ie i < ee re 8G ee a = = rae a ————— sere: Skeena Land District—District of Queen ies Chariot ae ope ws : if | fake notice , Wilt fatson, 0 l ett es| REVENGE PLAN): “Th : | perme ce e News assifie S. {i pect for coal and petroleum on and under e the following described lands on the west { coast of Graham Island: : ; ss Mae OPERA HOUSE. east of the coutheass cores ted two mile:|Disgruntied Office Seeker in New) vee eee No. 7172, thence south 80 chains, thence Chinese Regime Tried to Shoot. pitied ; res 0 = oo . s = = — — junce cass O° chames > a phow of President Yuan Shi Kai While, —— e n or or C Se i0n== tt _ A = commencement. at Official Dinner. —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— i Amateur Take notice that I, William Watson, of with m cs Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912. . the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac- mbers of the cabinet and| phot nails Rca eee arene cao 2 Vaudeville Take a Stroll and tor, intend to apply for a license to pros-| governors of the provinces sae pect for coal and petroleum on and under, - : . the following described lands on the west| leading Chinese, Chang Ping Wanted Inspect These coast of Graham Island iisgruntied office seeker, A] . ASK UNCLE JERRY oS “ 2 & ‘\ SOT NN WILLIAM WATSON. sticks | oor Pekin, June 6——While Presi-} Skeena Land District—District of Queen | e i= | Charlotte Islands. dent Yuan Shi Kai was dining Commencing at a post planted one mile | @ aisgrun : ; ~~ €asi of the scutheast corner of Coal Lease; bribed the attaches and e I No. 71 thence west 80 chains, thence , ‘ : : W ANTE! General s unt Ar rl ay ve une Section Five. north 80° chains, thence east 30 chains,|the hall. He drew a revolver and} P. A "9 Block 22, lots 21-22, $3 $1,2 as ee Stee. Se. MAS 00: aS DeaEe ire veral shots at Tang Sho! WANT girl attending school to help mind ne es ma yg wage can 9149 ly ; a a ei Da ek weg baby from 4 to 8. State what expé Section Six. Dated this 22nd , of April, 1912. ym he blamed for his fai -| Address X 15, News Block 28, lot 34, 81, cast Section Seven . Se sere are to ‘get: the position he had| ’ i ' 1 . Pub. June 3, 191 te position he had|§urgeon’s Knife Starts Man on See a Ua i Special Attractions cane ae ae : j WILLIAM WATSUN | i | and advanced; French, Ger English Moderate charges. | I 3t / One of the old and great financiers of Skecna Land District—District of Queen|SOught. All the shots went wild.| Roaqg to Recovery After Two j —— a Charlotte Islands. fler s ammunitio was ¢ : : 3, 3 Take notice that f, William Watson, of| ies r ; , anannett . ) i: ed Renee vol Randeces aye Miscellaneous Mrs. J. Chisholm in Dra jp] 8locx £10, 9480; % ce the City of Prince Rupert, C., contrac- | hausted. ng as perpowe i ike e estored. . : E ee a - gs, ¢ tor, intend to apply for a license to pros-| , by the attaches and taken to jail.| sig : ; y : eres Did you ever say in PESRNE - > rich mat Selections Section Eight. age enced nei ps ane Ce agg greeny "| Portland, June 6 Able man’s home, ‘‘He made his money Bluck 15, lots 24-25, $400 ea the following described lands on the west) Throughout the Shite thelisrc.c a ; ' 4. | BRIG airy ro scant: breakfast if : ; cain cash, 6 and 12 months coast of Graham Island z , distinguish ' es of objects required : x: $nd Ave easy, he was here in the i und 12 month Commencing at a planted on the lp resident watched Chang closely, |*,, A itett he. Vine. ci ae of his ' 132 Mr Roi ae ld BI Block 25, ,io ts 25-26, 81 : i vent ce ner of coal ( — No. O4,)5... € o ee r : I Ae eynoids in (LACK with cabin h . it ot rise fre is seat. ‘ ‘ sian ‘ ( Castes 80) _ did'n : um 5 = V sician, D 7 Sargentich, NO more men needed at Goose Bay until EARLY DAYS 7 ‘5 r Turr Block 30, lots -21, #8 pa i chains, e no rth S0 chains, ert —_—_——— formerly a promine surgeor f notice. The Granby Consoli- ; Poe aes cash, bal. arranged east 80 chains te the place of commence- , s0FMeC! a pron ne & P Co ” 40i-tf DON’T ENVY HIM, BUT IMITATE HIM i ment. Tacoma, who performed the TILLABLE TRACTS AT TERRACE Dated this 23rd 7 of April, 1912. j . we ee cnk Kani Fas cnia WILLIAM WATSON. loperation which led to the re- I. os y take adall on. eek New Songs, Pictures, Etc. a oa ; icovery of sight after two years | fed Rowe. 7130 Kans Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. . ssh of total blindness, that his vision LAND LEASES. _ BY A MOUSE ©: become more and more clear, | William Oversby, 25 years old, a o~ the East in addressing a class of i Se ee Te ere PHONE 317 . ; young men said: ‘‘The opportunities | : Skeena Land Digases-- pipetes of Coast, railway man of_Cle Elum, Wash., l For Rent eae wit be das asker eet Prices: Entire dow-stairs a a 2ave » Good Samaritz Pe . ' ee - of ‘Pekbe Rupert. iy Augustus W. Agnew, Causes a Stampede of Five Hun-|will leave Mae ete Perera Hatt #| inthe past, fortunes will be made 25 cts.; balcony 15 ets. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT acting a3 agent for Porpoise Harbour Land dred Women at Theatre—One Hospital Saturday. | ; with greater certainty and rapidity ' Children 10¢ Sead’ to apply. tor’ per ission Yo S a Woman Was Hurt — Mouse) When he ertered the hospital TO RENT “Nicely, furnished room in Pr: | owing to modern methods, especially De. cilia Se Sekaeieadsde’ prevent following described tan Got Away. on May 1, his body was largely! at 216 Seventh ave. W 3t h titeith the wwe i hic S| provisions of Chapter 115 of the | 1 Commencing at 4 “post plantec on the| ly aralyzed: and.the medical men x , those points in the west geographic- a —~ | stat f Canada amd Amending Acts —_—— | pare ed, é 3 ICE en} g ; g » the rce | => —S e Océ alls Co., Limited, suet partes aay point se Perpoise Harbour oa ie tate ee cohL 4h aeve cahomt ete. [POR RENT —4-room house, 640 Sth ave. oe to handle the commerce . ay oo 90. Limited, Joliet, lil., June «.— Just as the ous save . sc VU eo Apply Phone . of the world,’’ } laws ( a os tiet north to a point equa-distant between Lot : | ’ the law f the Province I 446 aud Watson isiand, thence easterly| heroine ai the opera house herej|° ming totally useless. Se ome ey eee ane ere its head m and northerly following a line equa-dis- The accident which resulted in|®OR LEASE—Meintyre Hall; well heated of vancouver in the sald Prov and lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116. has a led. with the Minister of Pul Work } | tant between the high water mark of Lot};,,jayv was about to escape from| : | 6 and the high water mark of Watson Loca . about to escape f |Oversbv’s blindness and in almost minion of Canada a plan A sland to a point on low water mark be-jihe eluiches of the villain. she} : certain wn f and other works proposed t tween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake | * te : tH pee jcomplete paralysis occurred two Saree ern ns| be constructed by the company and 4 Wainright, thence east to high water/spied a mouse on the other side sno . mines eT a s own j / scription of the site chosen by tt I years ag when he was throw: pany for the sald wharf at ising Inlet ! a mark, thence westerly and southerly fol 5 pie : i ‘ j any r € i rf 3 lowing high water mark to point of com} of the stage. She became par- violently from a Northern Pa- For Sale es se Set i ts Caaf Coast District, Vancouver E sh DC : oA wi right anc a6 ne 7 : Columt br salc I 3 ~~ SRPUISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, | alyz« d with fright and wa "-leific freight train near Cle Elum, | Qe errr remeron erm om | Where the West "Meets _ ‘the “Bast | Chinese Wronged Husband's 4)« ifled atthe cites of ‘the ; LIMITED. able to move. wr Sar ch re | fet ee, eee Sane i j | Deeds at Victoria, British Colun & Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. i 7 ; . ed On May 1 Dr. Sarg DSP poe matte Macerch cous Gautty law. For Method of Enforcing Expiation) oreo ior pogistry im that be : Dated April ae 1912. . sents . wim ioved several cubic inches from rticulars phone Green 335 , 28-tf es i i i —Co-re- cate of the said plan and des Pub. April 8, 1912. ly the | see-| ,, are : oe are phone Groom G6 F Situated on the west coast of Vancou- on ne Poe pee Lin Iwill apply to ee Garand } - Over vs rai and several . ‘ pro ereo Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| j, -ause sae ; co t 1 a : 9xiu logging engines,| ver Island at the head of Alberni sponcen » ash, e ss rtp Oe pore ere. Pea e 5. i ~*, squal ehes of fis Sk a quantity of logging gear, ‘anal whe : ER . c. noth ne Mh aa 7 Take Bolice that ‘ Augusius W. Agnew, / 5! > for . the! -elieved the pressuré . Apply R. Cunningham Cena} where the great shipe of ome rhe C. P. R. liner Empress of} | ee. TUPPER & GRIFFIN a, of Prince Rupert, . C., civil engineer,| | ‘ im 1 6 ota peee cd Sree . pi : Port Essington, B. C. Pacific will bump noses with the ites a Sol na a S mr Bi) t ish Mrs. A. Blake was hurt. The} : icitors for the Said Compa MAL acting as agent f oise Harbour Land) j Japan, which arrived recently at * 912 : Company, Limited. a fictoria, B. C, in-j ,, got away : : an } Iron Horse of the great trans- ’ i Pub. June 3, 1919 F tend to apply for permcerten to lease the | vedi te Datars J Strictly fresh Eggs for sale,} sum —— ~ — continental railroads of Can- Vancouver from China and Japan, felowimex Gescribed lands Raber eeenen arene nee TE Nee 74D Fifth avenue, corner of Tay- | ‘ : brought word of ¢ ncident ’ ada. Alberni holds a com- | ?'0U l ‘ an} i Commencing at a post ee ob the | Coast aistric 2 ah the ruete of | Woit Olt Creek | lor Sinper. e ee ae manding position not eq- | which ‘occurred at Fatshan, and We Have the ‘ ira | estuary om Lake Wainright, thence west! i : ualled by any othersea-| Which aroused considerable ex- easterty folk rae oe gs aft ore! S ti Se For rT 83 oo diy aieen tae te as port on the Pacific lcitement among ‘the foreigne1 F ll : Ch easteriy following w ec tice vereby given that the Prince » e cine sth GHOSE UFrelis 5 on ven Rupert Hy ect Co., Lid Coast There can | In effect, a wife woo had been 0 owing eap L to @ point dus north of the wertnaast = j ; o Red thence south igh water waenee | Lots 9-10, Block 45, $1,100; $650) take and use 100 cubic feet p rand | 29e Dut ones untalhiul was publicly drowned, P For Westerly and southerly following high) ates quad f water t of McKnight Creek, which| ALBERNI|The parties, of course, were all roper 1es . hy ree Saeone aan ena: | eash; 6-12-18 months. flows im a northeasterly direction through ° SAH) PUBPULS 4 UD OMPANY, j Wm. Agnew application to purchase, and Chinese, The husband, tinding S ] E | | s LIMITED. | empties int Hoesall River about 1 mite | as Ta Ts : oa ; a e xc usive y i siieed oF Br ets Agnew, Agezt. | Girls in Office of Ladies’ Home, COLLART & REYNOLDS | above mouth of Browns Creek. The water a stranger with’ his wife, at- “ Apr - | jwill be di ve 1 at MeKnight’s L ake and ken oon fa: a shea rt rub. April 8, 1912. wee a _ in-| Phone 381 | willbe sed fo power purposes on the Lots are ‘selling today from $150 to| ‘@cked with . knife = me Section 6. ids 3 y= n 7d ance mon — —_$__—— jland described as m. Agnew app ication ; severe sunishment, eaving iim ots 2 « “k 99 § 50 , r keens Land ee eee ad ne Bat - G\- se to purchase $475 in ‘‘Rosslyn’’ the new addition | ¢ ‘ ; rl , aban th at aan ey Bio id "49 Age ¢ ; j 1s 2s posted on the ound | en, ond Or ucad, 16 HUsvale 16n at- cash, bal. 6 ane 2 months rat se ee ip augustus "¥_ A 3 Saeecabiea | LOCAL MARINE NOTES a the ‘Or May, 1912. The | to Alberni. These lots are sold on/tacked his spouse, cutting her s z 7 cling as agent for Porpoise Harbour Lan ; a ‘ | plicat i he ofMfce of the] nals , : , ° CoMpany, Lumited, of Victoria, Bc. in- Philadelphia, June 5. — The} Rate , rdei Prince “Rupert, B. C the easy payment plan; their future| badly about the face and arms, ection . tend wo ly for permission to lease the} , : = Bs 5 g | Objections may be filed with the said ; > ai ; ieee FEN ah an's . ralé : scpeed| Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, 3500 Mowing described lands: Curtis Publishing Company is} Prince George South. | water ecorder or with the Comptroiier}~ ‘ re and certain, and their owners} The woman's relatives decreed Se eeate coat Ge) 6 and 12 ery anc ommencing at Ee bckpoies Harbesr, without the services of sixteen The Prince George sailed for {or ent * Rights, , Partament Buildings) will be astonished at rapid advance. that her sin could only be ex- ' cekspiias 9p Patel ht ‘4 aera ee sour eat woke San leccieie young women who so far forgot the south on schedule this morn- FHE PRC E al PERT Eien BEG: peared by neath tg she was Section 8. ’ . . alk 0... L ‘ re . . > and southerly following low water the le { that corporation as|iD€ with the following first el: By A. W. Agnew, Agent. thereupon publicly drowned. Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, 3400 to @ point due west of the southwest e ruies 0 1 Pp 4 ” f aa | Pub. June 3, 1912 | J z Europeans who brought the story : , and 12 Fas corner of et 446, Range 5, /. S to indulge in the “turkey trot’ | Passengers: | —For further information address— | , fads ema ee aie aa each; 1-3 cash, bal, 6 and |- a henee eas high wa’ ma nee . t .| Owen, 8. Brownlow, G. R =— Ra saad j tO i 0 sta ler a i ige . 9 “ae > £000 ir} j ewes tse Waser mare northerly andjon the third floor of the Ladies’) calaweil, 4. McFaddn, William | s crowd turned out, apparently re- eee eeeees PO ; PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY,|Home Journal building Belosh, Mike Dolan, A. J | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | Ya js 18 enti the canola’ tatoa. i 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 " $ -° yeud, F. jroyles, Mr gar rs e ole 1g as A ‘ ¢ LL Or It ae BD The sixteen were discovered| Coleman, P. Strang, D. ¢ | Real ay Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 palr, BA Dated or Angus one Agnew, Agent. at the noon hour engaged in this Net uaa, patos Seneer ee, M.A | Skeena Land District—-District of Coast eal Estate Agent Hl 4 ted {-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 ey? e -indsay, J. Sibbit Range §& i . _ _ ul ’ n a me ‘eSs, ai ‘ ; a , oe nah scepaanenhessuinn terpsichorean specialty much toj| Sticker, P. Gee. Te eg wottce=4iks Lheet Bs Bacile, of Papen Reapers B.C. fe a . : eh coors he ; Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 cas! ‘ on 7 . Armstrong, George oran. rs r * an : ace covered ant ler hands ane , > ‘ Take notice that Samuel A. Peterson or}/the disgust of Edward Bok, the} Leech, real E. hi BH. . . 7 rt tm topureiase the eee ae “| feet bound. the guilty woman was bal. 6 and 12. r : s so) i | ‘ : - ‘ i i the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province} editor, who promptly informed ese os ay eee are, fol) d ved | , COAL NOTIC ES. damtah th tha hoe ada tha " of Brinch Columbia, has mpenened tae th abertnisnieal ol. thale- de Hennig, re. po a ‘ vantie ing at a post planted about | arri o the suburbs and then Samuel Harrison & Company i es » é e D ~ | Barry, + Me oe fi chains in a northe:!y direction from “| drowned Her companion in. sin Express, formerly belonging to J. RK. ; f : ‘a Call, J. Miller, A north end of Hermon Lake, shenoe! Ska. 2 Le atric stric aa { , npé . : a ag = ne Dae ne or srrgnriment at the company could oe, ©: me aioe A E- 8 ) chains, thence west 40 chains, | a ee oan ab Quem recovered from his wounds and Brokers and Financial Agents rince Rupert and now owns and runs snanse >» services » | Mo bye south 80 chains, thence east 40 Take nutice ‘ ‘ Jatso ) * the said business under the name of the| dispense with the services of the} Wester, mr. Stewart, Mrs aa made of comme neement, con-| the Cily of Prinee Rupert Be Oy een ofl settled matters by paying a sum|Second Ave. Prince Rupert MP. PONY EXPRESS on his own behalf, andjgirls who could so far forget)St. Marie, Mr Mote, Louis 20 3 ep or less r, intend to apply for a ‘license to pros-] Of money sufficient to buy a new { 7) ae let ee . eat esa a themselves as to engage in such ee SORE! DEME TROFF BACILE et for coal and petroleum on : under | ae —— = sole owner an proprietor of sal usi- eS Arrived by Camosun. L. Eliott, Agent ji following described lands on the west wife for the wronged husband, Bi nee. aa B.C. this 10m dances even among themselves. es ed, April 20, 2. feoast Of Graham Island , ane Peay day ‘or May se 1013. » B. C,, this 10 The following passengers ar- ub. May 23, 1943 | Commencing at a post planted 4 mile POE RET RE RNIN a 0 ee eT t pewepene: rived by the Camosun: | cast Of the southeast con er ot COs]. Lane Titanie. : By His Solivitors, Williams & Manson, BRYAN’S OPINION Haskam . t f ,’ ‘a ihe ot eens Wreel -ONpit larges ie skamp, H. W Mattches, Mrs. and Notice is hereby given that I, J. E.| West 80 chains, thence north 80’ chains, reck oO itanic, argest, { ee eee aie See eee | Stark, of Naas Harbor, occupation pros-| lence cast s0 chains io the place of/best written, best illustrated, oF SHERIFF'S SALE. Can D Mekinnon, Mr. and Leonard, ‘W | Pector, intend. sixty (60) days from Gate, | Dated this 22nd day of April, 1919 most attractive book ever offered Wen’ COMRSY Tocums. op carta ee ee ee er "Mire, and children Sproule. 5. | inistloner “SP Lands’ and Works’ at Prince| ne WILLIAM WATSON Ka for MtO0 ko T ieae tae " HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. feat Taft or Roosevelt. SrSnnen, Mr, and Herc eers Nr I Rupert, B. ¢., for permission to purchase | Pub. June 3, 1912. public for $1.00, Agents wantes : a aH MABRY SMITH & CO. AND OTHERS, plain- ——- Crossett, Mrs Lawson, -G Te sore eee € ane. Cwated 88) ss : — Bieenh cotimiasigns ever, Freight NORTHERN TERMINUS MINES, LIMITED, Lincoln, Neb., June 6.—While] Croteau, Mrs, J Macdonald, H Commencing at @ post planied alongside | AND PURG HASE NOTICES. prepaid, Outfit free. Send 100 ; \ defendant. oe s io : ha E | Matiches, F. Smith, G the northeast corner post of the River-]_0 at 2 Aan , ‘ ; T ots, Blk. see, Price, as By virtue of several warrants of exe-| President Taft apparently has @)Lebraut, Mr |}mouth mineral claim, thence south along Skeena Land District—1 cost of mailing, Rush today to ' eution, issued iy this action, and to me/majority of the Chicago dele- eee } the east boundary of the Rivermouts mnt a rane istrict of Coast,| Maritime Publishing Go., box 94,}44-42 26 8 81.500 $75! Gerendan, es igieming: Wainer slates gates, Colonel Roosevelt intends For row boats and launches | id ae ee at Donedery of IDdiab ile a zeke notice that Wiltiain Agnew of Mon-|St. John, N. B, tf 13-44 26 8 1.350 675 situate about eighteen miles east of!i,, he a candidate before the| telephone 320 green. Davis boat) serve, thence north 2.272 plus links along amis fos serine canttaels intends — to ‘ rae wea “ mn Stewart, near American Creek, Portland if ml Reka said boundary line, thence west tai pis ¥ described lands. Peeane, We (0) - ial , , ae Mining Division, District of Cassiar:| people, and, if necessary, will or-| . inks to point of commencement, contain: | *OY'86 describe ds Men are cordially invited to at. . hs , Edith M., Glenora, Gobalt FESCHON, net. eee - polting ocnvantion | cee Ma EEO MS ing about five (5 sere mary OF less. i ty ae at mn at planted on the aka” ta iia ed ain it ; cid Balance in 6 and 12 mont aot Evans, Motherloge, Ayrshire, Oneda € © ‘ e ‘ : Ss we ang OF the ocsa liver, about one} le 8 i 8 meeting ‘ and Granby; also cabins and tools as per] Fither Glark or Wilson es de.|| THE WEATHER. || Dated Alice Arm, B. C., May 11th, 1912.) Ille above Browns Falls, thence west 20] fy. men only in Me ss at 7% Interest r inventory . wither ar I ilson can j| Pub. May 27, 1043 alr north 20 chains, thence east| (0% men on n eIntyre Hall ' All of which 1 shall omer for-sale by| feat Roosevelt or Taft in Nevem-| | : p20 re or less to bank of Hoesall] Saturday night, 8:30, Subject: eee eae public auction tor cash on Monday, the |) - Tt he oiat of j ae ; four hours ending River, thence southerly following river| is). 5 SUDIOOL 17th day of June, 1912, at 2 o'clock inj ber. This is the gist of an edi- or twenty-four hours ending) ; j; bank to point of commencement, to con What a 20th Century Man Ought 5 a afternoon at the court house, Prince/torial forecast by William J,/5 a. m., June 7th: Barometer,| Post Office Inspector Fletcher)!" 49 4 reWILLIAM AGE W, Locator to Know,’ : ‘we. ni G , ocato pert. at Prince Rupert t May 1912.| Bryan in the current issue of the) 29.912; maximum temperature,| arrived by the Prince George on) — + a Uzustus W. Agnew, Agent le R. Naden Co., t @ 4 j5- 40) HunLeY, ’ > \ a5: . are - Ad Ve »sday. } Patel May 25th, 10412 é é ast ? Sheriff of the eh, of Atiin. Commoner. }65; minimum temperature, 44, ty ednesday | Pub. June 3, 1919 Best room in town at Sayoy. BROOND AVENUE % a